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《Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners》

发表于 2023-8-31 09:48:12 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
簡介: Learning the Tarot is a thorough (but never overwhelming) invitation to the beginner. The book focuses in detail on:

the actual process of discovering meaning in the cards
how to consider one card by itself, how to look for card pairs
how to create the "story" of a reading

The book includes a convenient reference section that contains two pages of information for each card, including a picture from the popular Waite-Smith deck, a description, keywords, action phrases, and suggestions for cards with similar and opposite meanings.

The author first presented this course online at, which continues to attract over one hundred thousand visitors per month. “When I first created my website in 1995,” writes Joan Bunning, “I never dreamed how much interest in the tarot I would find. People from all over the world began writing to tell me about their experiences with the course and their adventures with the cards. This response was music to my ears! I knew from my own experience that the tarot is a wonderful tool for personal guidance and inner exploration.

“My goal with this book was to give you the basics you need to begin working with the tarot on your own. I try to make this inner process understandable by breaking it up into a series of steps that are simple while still doing justice to the depth and beauty of the cards. I concentrate on the everyday, showing how the tarot makes real, practical sense in the modern world. The tarot is a living system that adapts creatively to each user. Rather than rules, I offer guidelines. While reading my book, I want you to feel that you have a teacher sitting next to you who is introducing you to this special tool, but also encouraging you to go on to discover your own unique approach to the cards.”
語言: 英文
格式: pdf
作者: Joan Bunning
目錄: Preface


Section I—Lessons

Lesson 1 Introduction to the Tarot

Part 1 Elements of trie Tarot

Lesson 2 The Major Arcana

Lesson 3 The Minor Arcana

Lesson 4 The Spread

Lesson 5 The Daily Reading

Lesson 6 The Environment

Lesson 7 Writing a Question

Lesson 8 The Question Reading

Lesson 9 The Other Reading

Lesson 10 The Open Reading

Part 2 Principles of Interpretation


Lesson 11 Interpreting a Single Card

Lesson 12 Major and Minor Arcana Cards

Lesson 13 Aces

Lesson 14 Court Cards

Lesson 15 Card Pairs

Lesson 16 Position Pairs in the Celtic Cross Spread

Lesson 17 Reversed Cards

Lesson 18 Creating the Story

Lesson 19 Some Final Thoughts

Section II—Exercises

Introduction to the Exercises

1 Introduction to the Tarot

2 The Major Arcana

3 The Minor Arcana

4 The Spread

5 The Daily Reading

6 The Environment

7 Writing a Question

8 The Question Reading

9 The Other Reading

10 The Open Reading

11 Interpreting a Single Card

12 Major and Minor Arcana Cards

13 Aces

14 Court Cards

15 Card Pairs

16 Position Pairs in the Celtic Cross

17 Reversed Cards

18 Creating the Story

19 Some Final Thoughts

Section III—Suggestions for Exercises

Lesson 3

Lesson 12

Lesson 14

Lesson 15

Lesson 16

Lesson 17

Section IV—Card Descriptions

Introduction to the Card Descriptions

Part 1 Major Arcana


0 The Fool

1 The Magician

2 The High Priestess

3 The Empress

4 The Emperor

5 The Hierophant

6 The Lovers

7 The Chariot

8 Strength

9 The Hermit

10 The Wheel of Fortune

11 Justice

12 The Hanged Man

13 Death

14 Temperance

15 The Devil

16 The Tower

17 The Star

18 The Moon

19 The Sun

20 Judgement

21 The World

Part 2 Minor Arcana






Section V—The Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross

Position Descriptions

Jill\'s Readings


First Reading

Second Reading

Third Reading


Appendix A The Fool\'s Journey

Appendix B Tarot Suit Qualities

Appendix C Suit Pair Meanings

Appendix D Court Card Rank Pair Meanings

Appendix E Shuffling Methods

Appendix F The Question Reading: A Step-by-Step Procedure

Appendix G The Other Reading: A Step-by-Step Procedure

Appendix H The Open Reading: A Step-by-Step Procedure



About the Author
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