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发表于 2023-5-22 18:17:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
日期:春分(一年四季中白天和黑夜平均的日子,又称『平衡点』也是能 量最强的一天,它代表谷神、生命的开始、万物苏醒的日子) 时间:午夜十二点 方位:东方风神、西方水神、北方大地之神、南方火神 在方位上的放置:东方-银色的剑、西方-装有纯净水的玻璃杯并插上一 枝玫瑰花、北方-带著种子的稻草堆及钱币(银色为主 )、南方-由七根 蜡烛所点燃的六芒星阵(其中一枝点在正中央) 桌子-盖上黑色的桌子,位置在四个方位的交集点,并朝向西方。桌子的 左边点上太阳蜡烛(金色或黄色涂有乳香的蜡烛)右边点上月亮蜡烛(银 色或白色涂有茉莉的蜡烛)桌子中央放上你的影子书。 一个用来焚烧香料的大锅,放入香桃木、柏木、肉桂枝及橡树枝燃烧。 一支小刀及装有苹果醋或红酒的水杯,在左手食指用小刀轻轻的刺一下 (记得先消毒一下)滴入几滴血在杯中。 咒文-先面朝东方,再依咒文的方位往南、西、北方念咒
『 东方的守护者,气及创造的神明,我召唤你 南方的守护者,火及生命的神明,我召唤你 西方的守护者,水及力量的神明,我召唤你 北方的守护者,大地及重生的神明,我召唤你 』咒文重复三次 喝下装有血的苹果醋或红酒後大声念出
『 白昼之光、黑夜之神,风呀、火呀、水呀、大地呀,我的天使、我的 神灵,请出现在我的面前,听我召唤听我命令 』边念边想著你要召唤 的对象如果有他的名字更好。

如果仪式成功,你将会看到燃烧中的香材所产生的烟正在凝聚成形,那就 是你的守护神或是你请来的神祇,但是请注意,千万不要拿招唤仪式来开 玩笑,有些人的灵能力很强,能够轻易的请到他所招唤的对象,在招唤它 之前,请三思,不然後果请自行负责。 这个招唤守护神的仪式原名叫『朵尔斯之门』是用来呼唤第六世界的 神灵、精灵、鬼怪等,在国外曾有人开玩笑的请灵界的朋友出现,结果事 後恶运连连导致全家自杀的事件。 在招唤仪式之前请先在自己站的位置外1.3公尺做一个保护圈,可 以粗盐及艾草、薰衣草、月桂叶、玫瑰花瓣、朱砂、迷迭香等来做保护 圈,最好也在身上涂上麝香来保护自己的身体。 招唤仪式所需的能量非常大可以佩带些水晶来增强力量,身体不适时 请勿启用,也请保持身体的洁净,以免秽气引来恶灵。
The Invocation
~Warning!~ This is meant to be an example only! It is to show you what you would do if you were experienced in the Arts. If you attempt this... you do so at your own risk! This is strictly for educational purposes only!
Takenote that we will be conjuring this spirit on to the astral plane and not onto this physical plane. We will be able to see the spirit by gazing into the crystal ball or the black mirror which will be placed on the triangle of the art. Put on your robe and and light the incense and the candles. Sit in the chair that you place in the middle of the magic circle. Here is the sigil of the entity...
Holding the Sigil of the spirit in your hands gaze into it and repeat the name of the spirit over and over for at least 10 min. Then gaze into the black mirror (or crystal ball) and concentrate while reciting the following...
I evokeand conjure thee, O spirit \"STOLAS\" by the Supreme Majesty - the true God who is known by the names of YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh), ADONAI (ah-doe-ney), EHEIEH (eh-hey-yay), and AGLA (ah-gah-lah) to appear before me in this mirror (or crystal ball) in a fair and comely shape.
Continue to gaze into the mirror until the image of the entity becomes clear to see. When you can see

the entity then ask it \"what is thy name?\" If it gives the correct answer then ask it to sign its name in the space surrounding it. If the spirit turns out to be someone else then you can ask it to leave or ask what its purpose of coming before you. If it is the correct spirit then you must welcome itby saying...
In peace I welcome you, O spirit \"STOLAS\",and in the name of the Most High I command you to stay within this mirror until you are dismissed, to speak honestly and to answer all questions truthfully that I put before you.
Now you may ask the questions that you wish to put before him. Make sure that you are polite and not rude in any way, for you must treat these spiritual beings with the total respect. You may also command it do do certain tasks for you, but if you ask it to do things that might harm someone then you will at sometime suffer the penalties of KARMA. What goes around comes around. You don't want to have something bad come around and bite you in the ass now do you? Try to do only good tasks and things of a positive nature! Once you are done with the spirit, you must license him to depart. Takenote that you must give this dismissal even if the entity does not show itself, for it could actually be there and you not know it and then you would have a spirit hanging around you which could the end of you!
Here is the dismissal...
Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, O Spirit \"STOLAS\" by the authority of the True God, I command thee to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called upon again.
*You will also want to do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram!
*This ritual can be used to conjure Celestial, Demonic, Elemental, or Angelic entities to do your bidding.
After you are finished you will want to write down everything that happened in your experience. You need to keep a journal of all these events and what took place.You will want to memorize these conjuration's and not have to read them off a card. You will also need to make sure that you pronounce all the sacred names of God correctly in your invocations, and once again do nothing to harm anyone in your magical rites. Even if you are conjuring a demon you can still command them to do good for you. Peace be with you.
警告,这只是一个例子而已 ,如果你在这方面有过经验的话 ,它会告诉你该怎么做 。但如果你试着去做它 ,那后果得
在这个例子里 ,我们将去召唤幽灵 “Stolas”。它是一个伟大而有力量的王子 ,以巨大乌鸦的形象出现 。然后它会变成 人的形象。它会教你占星的技术和告诉你各种草药和矿石的用途。它主管着 26 团(legions 本意是罗马的军团,数量 约 3000—6000,现翻成“团”)的幽灵 ,它的封印在本篇页底,这个幽灵是从 “the Goetia”而来的。
注意!我们将把幽灵召唤到的一个五芒星平面并非物理意义上的平面 。我们将通过凝视水晶球或一个放置在花样三角

型上的黑镜而看到这幽灵。穿上你的长袍并点亮香和蜡烛,坐在你放置在魔法阵中间的椅子上,以下是幽灵的封印 ...... 用手握紧幽灵的封印,盯这它,并一再呼唤幽灵的名字,至少十分钟。然后盯住黑色的镜子或水晶球,集中精神 ,念
I evokeand conjure thee, O spirit \"STOLAS\" by the Supreme Majesty - the true God who is known by the names of YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh), ADONAI (ah-doe-ney), EHEIEH (eh-hey-yay), and AGLA (ah-gah-lah) to appear before me in this mirror (or crystal ball) in a fair and comely shape. (以 用耶和华我主、eheieh、agla 等名字为人所知的真神的名义我召唤你 ,灵魂 stolas 啊~~~~以清秀美丽的外型出现在 我面前的镜子或水晶球里吧)
持续凝视着镜子直到开始清晰可见 ,当你看见后请问它 :“你叫什么名字? ”如果回答是正确的 ,你就请它把自己的名 字写在四周的空间上。如果那幽灵是别的什么人那你就可以叫它离开或问他为什么要跟着你,如果正是那个幽灵的话 , 你 就要用以下的咒语来欢迎它:
In peace I welcome you, O spirit \"STOLAS\",and in the name of the Most High I command you to stay within this mirror until you are dismissed, to speak honestly and to answer all questions truthfully that I put before you. (在这儿我欢迎你,灵魂 stolas 啊~~~~以至高神的名义,我命令你待在这个镜子里直到我让你离 去,诚实地回答任何我问你的问题 。)
现在你可以问你想要问它的问题了,不过得保证你要彬彬有礼而不能显得粗鲁,因为你必须尊敬你召唤来的幽灵 。你 也可以要求它为你做点事,但如果你要它做的事会伤害到其它人 ,那你会遭报应的。善恶有报,你不想将来被一些你现 在做的蠢事伤害到自己吧 ,所以还是尽力去做点好的或积极的事 。如果你完成了对幽灵的召唤 ,你必须让它离开 ,记住 你必须允许它离去即使它的并没有在你眼前显现 。如果它确实还在但你又并不知道 ,那你会被一个幽灵缠身甚至送掉性 命!
Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, O Spirit \"STOLAS\" by the authority of the True God, I command thee to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called upon again. (灵 魂 staola,以唯一真神的名义 ,平静地回到你来的地方去吧 。我命令你在离开时不得伤害任何人 ,并准备好当我再次召 唤你时立刻回来 。)
*You will also want to do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram! (你也要做小五星的祛除仪式) *This ritual can be used to conjure Celestial, Demonic, Elemental, or Angelic entities to do your
bidding. (这个仪式也可以用来召唤神、魔鬼、四大元素或天使来满足你的要求)
完成后,你必须写下你经历的所有事 ,你最好拥有一份关于这些事的完整记录 。你要记住这些咒文而不必再去从卡上 读它们,也要记住你在咒文里一定要正确念出你所想召唤的神的名字 ,还要强调的是不要用你的魔法去做任何伤害他人 的事,即使你召的是个魔鬼也要要求他为你做好事,这样你才能永远平安无事。


发表于 2023-5-23 22:11:07 | 只看该作者

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