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《The Way of Tarot: The Spiritual Teacher in the Cards》

发表于 2021-12-19 12:04:49 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
簡介: Filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky’s insights into the Tarot as a spiritual path

• Works with the original Marseille Tarot to reveal the roots of Western wisdom

• Provides the key to the symbolic language of the Tarot’s “nomadic cathedral”

• Transforms a simple divination tool into a vehicle for self-realization and healing

Alejandro Jodorowsky’s profound study of the Tarot, which began in the early 1950s, reveals it to be far more than a simple divination device. The Tarot is first and foremost a powerful instrument of self-knowledge and a representation of the structure of the soul.

The Way of Tarot shows that the entire deck is structured like a temple, or a mandala, which is both an image of the world and a representation of the divine. The authors use the sacred art of the original Marseille Tarot--created during a time of religious tolerance in the 11th century--to reconnect with the roots of the Tarot’s Western esoteric wisdom. They explain that the Tarot is a “nomadic cathedral” whose parts--the 78 cards or “arcana”--should always be viewed with an awareness of the whole structure. This understanding is essential to fully grasp the Tarot’s hermetic symbolism.

The authors explore the secret associations behind the hierarchy of the cards and the correspondences between the suits and energies within human beings. Each description of the Major Arcana includes key word summaries, symbolic meanings, traditional interpretations, and a section where the card speaks for itself. Jodorowsky and Costa then take the art of reading the Tarot to a depth never before possible. Using their work with Tarology, a new psychological approach that uses the symbolism and optical language of the Tarot to create a mirror image of the personality, they offer a powerful tool for self-realization, creativity, and healing.
語言: 英文
格式: pdf
作者: Alejandro Jodorowsky / Marianne Costa
目錄: Contents
Preface by Marianne Costa vii
Introduction by Alejandro Jodorowsky 1
P a r t O n e
Structure and Numerology of the Tarot
Opening: The Tarot Is a Complete Entity 20
To Begin 28
Composition and Rules of Orientation 30
The Numerology of the Tarot 55
The Ten Stages for Constructing the Mandala 85
The Eleven-Color Scale 95
Part t w O
The Major Arcana
Opening: An Architecture of the Soul 104
To Begin 117
Le Mat/The Fool 121
I Le Bateleur/The Magician 127
II La Papesse/The High Priestess 133
III L’Impératrice/The Empress 139
IIII L’Empereur/The Emperor 145
V Le Pape/The Pope 151
VI L’Amoureux/The Lover 157
VII Le Chariot/The Chariot 163
VIII La Justice/Justice 169
VIIII L’Hermite/The Hermit 175
X La Roue de Fortune/The Wheel of Fortune 181
XI La Force/Strength 187
XII Le Pendu/The Hanged Man 193
XIII L’Arcane sans Nom/
The Nameless Arcanum 199
XIIII Tempérance/Temperance 207
XV Le Diable/The Devil 213
XVI La Maison Dieu/The Tower 221
XVII L’Étoile/The Star 227
XVIII La Lune/The Moon 235
XVIIII Le Soleil/The Sun 241
XX Le Jugement/Judgment 247
XXI Le Monde/The World 253
P a r t t h r e e
The Minor Arcana
Opening: The Humble Guardians of the Secret 260
To Begin 269
The Degrees of the Numerology 271
The Aces 271
The Twos 280
The Threes 284
The Fours 287
The Fives 290
The Sixes 293
The Sevens 296
The Eights 299
The Nines 303
The Tens 306
The Numerological Degrees by Suit 311
Swords • Cups • Wands • Pentacles 311
The Honors or Court Cards 324
The Pages 324
The Queens 328
The Kings 331
The Knights 334
A Summary of Meaning by Suit 339
Swords • Cups • Wands • Pentacles 339
P a r t F O u r
The Tarot Two by Two
Opening: Consciousness as a Joint Work 346
To Begin 351
The Duets of the Two Decimal Series 353
I The Magician—XI Strength 354
II The High Priestess—XII The Hanged Man 355
III The Empress—XIII The Nameless Arcanum 355
IIII The Emperor—XIIII Temperance 356
V The Pope—XV The Devil 357
VI The Lover—XVI The Tower 357
VII The Chariot—XVII The Star 358
VIII Justice—XVIII The Moon 358
VIIII The Hermit—XVIIII The Sun 359
X The Wheel of Fortune—XX Judgment 359
The Couples of the Tarot 361
The Fool—The World 363
The Magician—Strength 365
The High Priestess—The Pope 374
The Empress—The Emperor 382
The Chariot—The Star 387
Justice—The Hermit 392
The Moon—The Sun 396
The Pairs That Add Up to 21 398
Numerical Succession and Transfer 407
P a r t F i v e
The Reading of the Tarot
Opening: How to Become a Mirror 418
To Begin 435
First Steps to Reading the Tarot 437
With One Arcanum 438
With Two Arcana 443
With One, Two, Then Several Arcana 448
With One Partner 452
Reading Three Cards 456
Reading Four and More Cards 493
Reading Ten and More Cards 504
Conclusion: The Tarotic Philosophy 524
Notes 536

发表于 2021-12-19 21:54:34 | 只看该作者

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