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发表于 2009-3-24 11:09:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Legendary origins are generally attributed to the Masonic Order in general The Misraim Rite does not escape this rule.
In addition, it holds a special place in the great Masonic family, partly due to the fact that it contains 90 Degrees.
Marc BEDARRIDE, one of the three brothers who promoted the Rite in France, goes so far as to say in his work " The Masonic Order of Misraïm " published in 1848, that Masonry is as old as the world. Which however, thinking over our commitment, is intrinsically far from absurd.
To substantiate this claim, he refers to the Old Testament.
According to him, it is Adam himself, with his children,  who created the First lodge of humanity; Seth succeeded to his father; Noah saved it from the flood; Sham established it in Egypt, under the name of Mitzraïm, or in other words, "Egyptians". (I will return later to the etymology of Misraïm).
Thus it is from this population alone  that the secret tradition of esoterism must stem.
And again, according to Marc BEDARRIDE and his brothers, the last link in this uninterrupted chain is their own father Gad BEDARRIDE, Mason initiated in 1771 in Avignon In 1782, Gad BEDARRIDE was visited, in Cavaillon, by a mysterious Egyptian Initiator, of whom only his mystic name is known:  « The Sage ANANIAH ».
This envoy revealed Egyptian Masonry to BEDARRIDE. He conferred on him a whole series of "high degrees".
We must point out that this is not the first historical allusion to the appearance of an Unknown Superior of Egyptian Masonry. Brother VERNHES in his defense for the Misraïm Rite, published in 1822, already mentioned the appearance of the missionary ANANIAH, in the south of France, in 1782.
Let's underline that if the" BEDARRIDE " version is pure fantasy, as far as the origins of Egyptian Masonry is concerned, Egypt is an original sphere in the history of esoteric traditions, totally distinct from the Judaic as well as the Judaeo-Christian sphere. It is understandable that each Masonic author tries to associate himself with as ancient a source as possible.
It must be remembered that Egypt has been known since the time of the Crusades and that interest in the Egyptian tradition and its "Mysteries" has practically not abated since. The Platonic Academy of Florence, dealing learnedly with Egypt and the Egyptians, was founded in 1450.  

Translated for the first time from the Greek and Latin in 1471 by Marsile Ficin, the Corpus Hermeticum, a group of texts attributed to Hermes, of which the most famous is known under the title of the " Emerald Table ", purports to reveal the ancient Egyptian wisdom. These texts assured the flourishing of the so-called hermetic (from Hermes) sciences such as Magic, Alchemy and Astrology.
Then followed more and more interest in hieroglyphics.
It is now too often forgotten that as early as 1650, the Abbot Athanase KIRCHER suggested an explanation of inscriptions found on the principal obelisks recorded in Egypt. His great work is grouped in the four volumes of the Oedipus Aegyptiacus. But his translations were soon found to be inexact.
However, all of this relates to the Egypto-Greek period, barely anterior to our era. We must wait for BONAPARTE and his Egyptian campaign and thus the discovery of the Rosetta Stone which enabled CHAMPOLLION to accomplish the works that we know.
(If needed, allow me to remind you that the Rosetta Stone, named after the place where it was found by Captain Bouchard, includes a decree written in three languages : in hieroglyphs, in demotic Egyptian, that is to say a cursive way of writing, and in Greek. In comparing these three texts Champollion, linguist and expert in oriental language (more commonly known today as dead languages), deciphered and translated the meaning of the hieroglyphs, thus paving the way for the scientific study of pharaonic Egypt.)
Moreover, it must be said that Antiquity is closely linked to the speculative Freemasonry of the eighteenth century, and is one of the basic ingredients of Masonic discourse (in the same way as Chivalry or the pleasure of Friendship). No need, I believe to remind you, among others and especially, our Brother MOZART's  « Magic Flute » opera, which refers to the Egyptian Ancient Initiation Mysteries.
So, at the end of that century, we see the appearance of a new science of religions, with such authors as COURT de GIBELIN, CHARLES-FRANCOIS DUPUIS or ALEXANDRE LENOIR, who in huge encyclopædias show that the origin of all religions is to be found in Egypt. These works, written by Masons, were immensely successful at the time.
This Egyptian fashion was exacerbated at the Revolution when several attempts were made to create a new universal "secular" religion based on the Egyptian myths. It was subsequently crowned by BONAPARTE's Egyptian campaign, which established a direct physical link with the Egyptian land.
But the Egyptian campaign had another effect. The enthusiasm, general this time, for Egypt lead numerous Continental Masonic Lodges to modify the worldly way in which English Masons organized rituals and Table Lodges
Freemasonry as introduced by the British, who held their meetings not in temples but in restaurants, limited itself to reciting the Rituals by heart, opening and closing them by canticles. Afterwards Important travaux de table followed.
The Egyptian campaign favoured a movement already present on the Continent, whose ambition it was to practice effective Rituals by Initiated persons gathered together in a space resembling the ancient Temples.
The Initiate began to be considered as a living stone The Initiate began to be considered as a living stone to be hewn by the work done in an atmosphere of study and mutual affection.
Thus in Masonry, some minor Egyptian rites, at the end of the eighteenth century, existed in France. They have now disappeared.



发表于 2009-3-25 08:02:13 | 只看该作者

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