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《The Sword of Moses》

发表于 2009-3-12 10:49:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Note: Dr. Gaster omitted transcription of holy names, marking them X in the text. Text marked by [] added by J.H.Peterson.

I. The Sword of Moses. In the name of the mighty and holy God! Four angels are appointed to the “Sword” given by the Lord, the Master of mysteries, and they
are appointed to the Law, and they see with penetration the mysteries from above and below; and these are their names — SKD HUZI, MRGIOIAL, VHDRZIOLO, TOTRISI. [CQD HUZI MRGIZIAL, UHDRZIULU, TUTRISI] And over these are five others, holy and mighty, who medi-tate on the mysteries of God in the world for seven hours every day, and they are appointed to thou-sands of thousands, and to myriads of thousands of Chariots, ready to do the will of their Creator, X [AHI HI HIH], the Lord of Lords and the honoured God; these are their names — X [MHIHUGTzI PJDUThThGM, ASQRIHU, CIThINIJUM, QThGNIPRI]. And the Master of each Chariot upon which they are appointed wonders and says: “Is there any number of his armies?” And the least of these Chariots is lord and master over those (above) four. And over these are three chiefs of the hosts of the Lord, who make every day tremble and shake His eight halls, and they have the power over every creature. Under them stand a double number of Chariots, and the least of them is lord and master over all the above Chiefs (rulers); and these are their names — X [ASHHI CTRISHUIH SHUThGIAIH]. And the name of the Lord and king is X [PSQThIH], who sits, and all the heavenly hosts kneel, and prostrate themselves before Him daily before leaving X [GQTZ’’CLAH], who is the Lord over all.

And when thou conjure him he will attach himself to thee, and cause the other five Chiefs and their Chariots, and the lords that stand under them, to attach themselves to thee just as they were ordered to attach themselves to Moses, son of Amram, and to attach to him all the lords that stand under them; and they will not tarry in their obeisance, and will not withhold from giving authority to the man who utters the conjuration over this “Sword,” its mysteries and hidden powers, its glory and might, and they will not refuse to do it, as it is the command of God X [ABDUHU] saying: “Ye shall not refuse to obey a mortal who conjures you, nor should you be different to him from what you were to Moses, son of Amram, when you were commanded to do so, for he is conjuring you with My Ineffable names, and you render honour to My name and not to him. If you should refuse I will burn you, for you have not honoured Me.”



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