
楼主 |
发表于 2008-10-7 09:31:22
Dear Beloved Ascending Human,
The Earth Mother finds many humans in great confusion over their level of evolution. A part of this reason is simply the many veils of illusion that plague the human energy field in particular below 3000 strands. We have had initiates write to Mila and Oa stating “I have attained Bodhisattva level evolution”, or worse yet “I have attained Full Consciousness!”. The reality is that only a handful of 18 humans global wide are attaining full consciousness or beyond at this time, and most are indigenous and lead such reclusive lives that they are unlikely to have found our channels web site.
Furthermore, there are less than 500 global wide who are white with ancient red ancestries that have attained Bodhisattva level evolution at this time. Most of the 8000 or so in the new consensus who have attained this level of evolution are indigenous in their present life circumstance, and over half are children under the age of five. Therefore why is there all of the confusion for so many? This has to do with the many forces of the dark that pervade the energy flow in particular of those below 3000 strands that wish to trip one up. For if one believes that one has attained this or that or “arrived”, one will simply cease ascending, and this will allow such dark souls that is misguiding oneself to have a “home” for a time in one’s field and form.
Therefore we guide initiates who are hearing from guidance that they have attained Bodhisattva or Full Consciousness, to kick such entities and souls out of one’s field and anchor new souls from earth and from the nature kingdoms that better serve one’s ascent. For such souls will not work in one’s best interest in relation to the release of karma or the construction of an ascending field, for they simply have another agenda, which is to control and own oneself forever.
A part of the path to Bodhisattva requires discernment in one’s guidance. If one’s guidance is lying to oneself, then one will require learning to command one’s boundaries and kick such guidance out of the field. If one is overrun with personality entities, one must learn to move such entities out and listen only to soul. Then one must discern which souls to listen to, and only listen to those who are going to guide one to ascend. There are tests in the initiations surrounding discernment, as it is often through faulty discernment that initiates with large fields have been misused creating global harm. And therefore the tests are stiff as anything less could prevent earth’s global ascent.
We wish to take the time to expose the nature of an ascending field so that those who are clairvoyant or healers may better understand the nature of the changes in the ascent to Bodhisattva. In better understanding, one will know what they are looking at both within oneself, and within others that one may be working with as a healer. In better understanding, one will be able to gage one’s progress with greater ease.
One may also muscle test if one is not clairvoyant to discern one’s own level of ascent, or utilize a pendulum. However be aware that there are beings and dark forces that know how to override kinesthetic knowing which can cause such manners of discernment to be faulty. It is far better therefore to synthesize one’s field in meditation moving all other energy out along with all souls that are non-resonant to one’s ascent before muscle testing or utilizing a pendulum to answer your questions. One may also wish to intend to “lift all veils of illusion” and check again the first answer that one received. Then a more accurate progress report of one’s ascent may be obtained.
如果你并不能透视,你也可以使用肌肉测试(muscle test)或摆锤测试来甄别自己的提升水平。不过要知道,也有很多存在体(beings)或黑暗力量,它们懂得如何来压制肌肉水平的了解从而导致这类甄别方式弄错。因此,在肌肉测试或摆锤测试来回答你的问题之前,远为更好的做法是:在冥想中合成自身的能量场,将一切其它能量包括所有对你提升非共鸣的灵魂移除。你也可以希望来意愿“揭开一切幻相面纱”,并再次测试你最初所接受到的答案。那么,你就有可能得到一个关乎你提升的、更为精确的进程报告。 |