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发表于 2008-10-7 09:31:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The Tao and Earth Mother through Karen Danrich “Mila” November 22, 2002

道和地球母亲透过Karen Danrich “Mila”传递 日期:2002年11月22日

Translated by 流星似火 2007-2-26

[ 本帖最后由 影月 于 2009-8-2 15:21 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:31:22 | 只看该作者
Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


The Earth Mother finds many humans in great confusion over their level of evolution.  A part of this reason is simply the many veils of illusion that plague the human energy field in particular below 3000 strands.  We have had initiates write to Mila and Oa stating “I have attained Bodhisattva level evolution”, or worse yet “I have attained Full Consciousness!”.  The reality is that only a handful of 18 humans global wide are attaining full consciousness or beyond at this time, and most are indigenous and lead such reclusive lives that they are unlikely to have found our channels web site.


Furthermore, there are less than 500 global wide who are white with ancient red ancestries that have attained Bodhisattva level evolution at this time.  Most of the 8000 or so in the new consensus who have attained this level of evolution are indigenous in their present life circumstance, and over half are children under the age of five.  Therefore why is there all of the confusion for so many?  This has to do with the many forces of the dark that pervade the energy flow in particular of those below 3000 strands that wish to trip one up.  For if one believes that one has attained this or that or “arrived”, one will simply cease ascending, and this will allow such dark souls that is misguiding oneself to have a “home” for a time in one’s field and form.


Therefore we guide initiates who are hearing from guidance that they have attained Bodhisattva or Full Consciousness, to kick such entities and souls out of one’s field and anchor new souls from earth and from the nature kingdoms that better serve one’s ascent.  For such souls will not work in one’s best interest in relation to the release of karma or the construction of an ascending field, for they simply have another agenda, which is to control and own oneself forever.


A part of the path to Bodhisattva requires discernment in one’s guidance.  If one’s guidance is lying to oneself, then one will require learning to command one’s boundaries and kick such guidance out of the field.  If one is overrun with personality entities, one must learn to move such entities out and listen only to soul.  Then one must discern which souls to listen to, and only listen to those who are going to guide one to ascend.  There are tests in the initiations surrounding discernment, as it is often through faulty discernment that initiates with large fields have been misused creating global harm.  And therefore the tests are stiff as anything less could prevent earth’s global ascent.


We wish to take the time to expose the nature of an ascending field so that those who are clairvoyant or healers may better understand the nature of the changes in the ascent to Bodhisattva.  In better understanding, one will know what they are looking at both within oneself, and within others that one may be working with as a healer.  In better understanding, one will be able to gage one’s progress with greater ease.


One may also muscle test if one is not clairvoyant to discern one’s own level of ascent, or utilize a pendulum.  However be aware that there are beings and dark forces that know how to override kinesthetic knowing which can cause such manners of discernment to be faulty.  It is far better therefore to synthesize one’s field in meditation moving all other energy out along with all souls that are non-resonant to one’s ascent before muscle testing or utilizing a pendulum to answer your questions.  One may also wish to intend to “lift all veils of illusion” and check again the first answer that one received.  Then a more accurate progress report of one’s ascent may be obtained.

如果你并不能透视,你也可以使用肌肉测试(muscle test)或摆锤测试来甄别自己的提升水平。不过要知道,也有很多存在体(beings)或黑暗力量,它们懂得如何来压制肌肉水平的了解从而导致这类甄别方式弄错。因此,在肌肉测试或摆锤测试来回答你的问题之前,远为更好的做法是:在冥想中合成自身的能量场,将一切其它能量包括所有对你提升非共鸣的灵魂移除。你也可以希望来意愿“揭开一切幻相面纱”,并再次测试你最初所接受到的答案。那么,你就有可能得到一个关乎你提升的、更为精确的进程报告。

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:32:39 | 只看该作者

THE ASCENT TO 1800 提升到1800股

The ascent to 1800 causes each chakra to grow in size and shape from a spinning cone energy system to a multi-pedaled lotus shape.  As the lotus spins, the chakra appears as a single sphere.  There are three layers of spheres that develop by 1024 as viewed from the side; a top layer that is related to the conscious daily physical life, a middle layer related to the subconscious or that which is coming to conscious understanding; and a bottom layer that represents the unconscious.  By 1800, all three layers will appear as a multi-pedaled lotus when not moving; or three spheres when moving.


A global sized field of 24 larger chakras also develops by 1024, and by 1800 there is also a conscious, subconscious and unconscious layer of the global sized chakras.  The light body becomes a multifaceted mer-ka-ba with 1024 panels on top and 1024 panels on the bottom.  This light body energizes the entire form and field to stabilize the vibration at 1800 strands of DNA.


Those at 1800 will tend to have two subtle bodies that are engorged, and two that are barely present if not non-existent.  This is so as the repair of all four subtle bodies requires the ascent to 3000 accomplish.  This creates an initiate that is still polarized, but not as greatly as existence at 2 strands of DNA.  Such initiates will tend to be either mental and creative or emotional and intuitive in nature.  Such initiates will experience a greater level of joy in life and their life expression as a result of moving beyond dogmatic vibrations and thought-form inherent in the field at 2 strands of DNA.


Many initiates will stop at this level of 1800 strands.  As this time, those with Annanuki Hologram from birth or inheritance to the Annanuki (Greek and Roman Gods) can ascend no further than 1800.  Why is this so?  This is simply so because such inheritance creates a radioactive and electrical biology which has no pathway to ascend into a magnetic biology required to ascend with earth; as this is not what the biology was constructed from in the womb.  Earth estimates that about half of all adult human ascensions shall rest at 1800 allowing future generations to take the ascent to the next level.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:34:31 | 只看该作者

The etheric grid work of those either resting at 1800 or transiting 1800 will have a load of cords of attachment and machinery in place.  There is no way to remove such machinery or attachment without the ability to ascend beyond 1800.  Such machinery connects into what is known as  “Matrixes”.  Long ago, Innana and Merduk created electrical matrixes all around earth to support their life extension practices.  Such Matrixes are being removed by earth at this time as they interfere with her global ascension.  Humanity along with the slave race in particular was utilized to construct the matrixes along with nature.  Grid work was pulled outside of all form of all slaves and some red humans along with earth and used to create electrical lay lines.  Such a dance caused a fall in consciousness not only for mankind and the Annanuki slaves, but also for all of earth.

那些停留或超越1800股者的以太晶格层,都将拥有大量的连线或机械装置。如果你并没有超过1800股而提升的能力,你就无法移走这类机器或连线。这类机器连接到所知为“矩阵”(Matrixes)的事物中。很久之前,Innana和Merduk制造了包裹整个地球的电性矩阵,来支持他们延长生命的行径。这类矩阵正在此刻由地球移除,因为它们妨碍了她的全球提升。人类尤其是奴隶族,被用于和大自然一起来构建矩阵。晶格层被拉出所有奴隶及部分红族人的身体之外,并进而拉出地球之外,用于制造电性的层线(lay lines)。这样一个舞蹈不仅导致了人类及Annanuki奴隶的意识下跌,而且也致使地球万物的意识下跌。

Earth is releasing her karma at this time for this dance with the matrixes, and all of nature is pulling back the grid work that belongs inside of the form rather than outside to augment the ascent of each species along with the whole of earth.  Those resting at 1800 may not be able to separate from the matrixes, as they are inherently related to the Annanuki who created them.  However those ascending to 3000 and beyond will begin to separate, allowing the grid work to be rewoven inside of the form where it belongs, which will allow for an ascent upward in vibration and into magnetic biology.


[ 本帖最后由 爱尔兰之夜 于 2008-10-7 09:35 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:36:26 | 只看该作者
Reikii is useful to those who are ascending to 1800 or resting at 1800.  Reikii triggers certain key codes that will cause ascension amongst those who utilize it.  It is therefore a useful tool for the ascent to 1800, and useful for those who rest at 1800 to remain in balance.  After 1800, Reikii becomes less useful as one is bridging into a magnetic thought-form known as the Language of Light.  (See Language of Light section for more information.)


One may utilize however the same modality of moving energy with Reikii substituting the symbols of the Language of Light in their place in working with those pushing beyond 1800 strands.  However Reikii is not a requirement to ascend; energy moves with one’s thoughts, and therefore one may simply call the Language of Light symbols into the field allowing them to dissipate the density one is releasing without the use of such treatments.  The point of ascension is to become sovereign in one’s own ability to move the energy in one’s own field, as energy that stagnates leads to disease.  One therefore must become more and more talented at moving the energy through one’s field over time in order to build an ascending field and form.


Those resting at 1800 may continue to be comforted and resonate with the channeling and materials of the Ascended Masters.  There is no right or wrong; all truths are valid.  Those who resonate with a particular truth do so because there is a magnetic attraction within the field.  Those who do not resonate with the Ascended Master teachings are generally destined to ascend beyond 1800 to 3000 or 6000 strands, and will leave such things behind as they no longer serve or no longer feel good or supportive.  Therefore do not judge beloved; allow all others their life choices and allow yourself yours.

那些停留在1800股者,可能会对提升大师(the Ascended Masters,译注:这里是指虚假或不完全的提升大师)的通灵信息与资料继续感到共鸣与安慰。没有对或错,一切真相都是正当的。那些之所以与某个特定真相共鸣者,是因为在能量场中有磁力般的吸引。那些并不与提升大师的教义相共鸣者,通常而言,是注定要提升超过1800-3000或6000股的;而当这些教义不再有益﹑不再支持或不再感觉良好时,他们就会将其留在身后。因此,不要批判,至爱的人类;允许所有他人拥有他们的生命选择,并允许你自己属于你本人的生命选择。

The ascent to 1800 creates a global sized field.  This field creates an expansive level of thinking that is far less polarity based and dogmatic than those who remain at 2 strands of DNA and ascend not at all.  The gift of the ascent to 1800 is not to be underestimated.  Such humans will potentially take up causes of all kinds in support of earth’s global field pushing humanity to rectify the toxic mess that has been created.  This is what earth perceives ahead for those who ascend to 1800 and remain there; they will become advocates for the changes necessary to foster the birth of unity for all of mankind.


The point here is that all humans have a dance and a role to play in the coming times of cleansing and birth of the new age ahead.  All are needed in their role; each contributes a unique destiny to the path of evolution of the whole.  Each is to be embraced for the contribution to be made.  It is human nature to reject, compare and judge.  Those ascending beyond 1800 and in particular those mastering Bodhisattva must move beyond judgment entirely.  For this is how compassion in action is born; compassion is born as one perceives life from a foundation of unity rather than disunity or polarity.  As the nervous system is modified in the ascent to Bodhisattva, one perceives life from a new vantage point that is unity based, which allows for compassion to become one’s life foundation.

这里的要点是,每一个人都将在前方来临的净化时期和新时代诞生的时刻中扮演一个角色。一切角色都是必须的,每一个人都为整体的进化路径贡献独一无二的命运。每一个人都将因即将作出的贡献而被拥抱。这正是人类的天性,去拒绝、比较和批判。那些超过了1800股尤其是掌握了菩萨级别的提升者,必须完全超越批判。因为这是行动中的同情(compassion in action)得以诞生的过程,同情就是在你从统一而不是非统一或极性的根基上来看待生命的时候才得以诞生。当神经系统在提升到菩萨的过程中得以调整之时,你将会从一个基于统一的崭新有利视角来看待生命,这允许同情成为你生命的基石。

Consciousness is biological.  One cannot expect those ascending to 1800 to move beyond judgment; they will move out of dogma, yes it is true, but the judgment is a biological reality that requires another level of ascension to transcend, and this may not be possible for many adults.  Therefore do not judge the judgment of others; as they are only subject to the biological and holographic inheritance that they were born with.  Earth also asks initiates to remember that all are a part of the whole; as each does their part the whole of mankind will ascend into a new day and a new way of being.



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:37:31 | 只看该作者

THE ASCENT TO 3000 提升到3000股

The ascent to 3000 allows for the movement beyond electrical thought-form.  Electrical thought-form within a magnetic creation causes extremes in polarity in which life appears black and white in nature, or in other terms, right or wrong.  In the ascent to 3000, one begins to move beyond right and wrong and judgmental thought-form as one embodies the language of light.  The language of light causes the cellular structure to become increasingly unity based in which all cells are fed and nourished, all cells detoxified, and all considered equal in import to the whole.  In parallel manner, those ascending to 3000 will begin to embrace unity based thought-form, and begin relate in terms of equality and service to the whole rather than self-service.


The chakras that were formerly a multi-pedaled lotus in the ascent to 1800 become triple sphere in the ascent to 3000.  From the side there are three layers of triple spheres when 3000 has been mastered; one that is conscious and associated with the physical plane life dance; one that is subconscious and associated with what one is bringing to consciousness from dreamtime; and one that is unconscious and related to that which is yet unknown or parallel lives that one has yet to integrate.  The light body also changes shape from a multi-faceted mer-ka-ba to a triple sphere shape as initiation 2000 is mastered.


One will clearly see all spheres of the triple sphere chakras as they rotate.  Mila has enjoyed watching such changes in the Hawaiians living in Hawaii-Nei; often as she goes out to listen to Hawaiian performers at night where the light is dim enough that she may perceive the triple sphere chakras rotating in the form with her naked eye.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:38:34 | 只看该作者
One will clearly see all spheres of the triple sphere chakras as they rotate.  Mila has enjoyed watching such changes in the Hawaiians living in Hawaii-Nei; often as she goes out to listen to Hawaiian performers at night where the light is dim enough that she may perceive the triple sphere chakras rotating in the form with her naked eye.


The subtle bodies are repaired in the ascent to 3000 such that all shall have an energetic presence around the field.  This allows for the presence of all four; the mental, emotional, intuitive and creative bodies, which translates into an ability to experience all four capabilities concurrently; or in other terms be mental and language, be emotional and feel, be intuitive and hear or discern one’s guidance from earth and one’s soul, and be creative and express one’s creativity upon the physical plane.  More or less this allows those who attain 3000 to come to a deeper level of balance and master the ability to dream weave, becoming the dreamer and the dream.  This allows initiates mastering 3000 to intend their dreams into physicality, and living to experience a dream come true circumstance.


Many more adult initiates will rest at 3000 strands than will ever push forward to 6000 strands or Bodhisattva level evolution.  At this time, earth has determined that those born with half and half holograms (half Annanuki and half Red Race) or Red Slave Race (Red Holograms #1-#7) cannot ascend beyond 3000 at this time as all attempts to do so have created global harm.  (See pdf file "Hologram Charts" for a list of the human holograms.)  The reasons for this are complex, but let us suffice to say that map carvers attempting such a transition became confused about which lineages to draw their ascension templates from; some chose radioactive DNA ascending into greater dissonance instead harmony by embodying red magnetic DNA, and this created an abusive field rather than a gentle and rotational field above 3000 strands.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:39:41 | 只看该作者
3000 is an expansive state of being, and is not to be underestimated.  Those ascending to this level will move beyond polarity enough that one will be able to create a loving partnership if this is what one desires, along with preoccupations that one loves, and living in a region that brings one joy.  One will also be able to manifest with greater ease to meet one’s physical plane requirements.  Initiates at 3000 will perceive the world from greater unity allowing for unity-based friendships to become the foundation of one’s life experience.  One may leave behind those who cannot ascend, as it is no longer comfortable to spend time in their presence, particularly if one feels energetically battered in the dance.


There are life changes associated with ascension.  In the ascent to 3000, one will make two major life changes; one may leave the spouse, or move to a new region, or leave the spiritual teacher or guru behind; one may leave the children behind, or change jobs, or move forth into a new role or capacity in relation to one’s career choices.  In order for 3000 to be mastered in full, two major life changes are required for the ascent to come fully into the physical.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:40:38 | 只看该作者


Initiates and healers alike who are working upon ascending initiates will need to be on the lookout for schisms.  It is schisms, which involve the skipping over of a particular segment of prior initiation and the associated genetic materials that can lead to disease if not rectified.  Often initiates skip over the difficult emotional issues associated with their biological nature, and if this is done over enough of the ascent, it may cause a split in light and dark.  The darkness left unintegrated in the unconscious will cause disease in the related parts of the form, as there is a gap in the genetic materials.


Often initiates will schism over the same area of the form again and again in the ascent.  Generally this is the result of a particularly traumatic incident recorded within this area of the form that the initiate would rather not deal with or face.  This causes a particular part of the form to not be altered to crystalline as the genetic information necessary to allow for this has gone missing in the schism.  That which is not crystalline and surrounded by cells that are will decay faster than before ascension and this will lead to cancer or other ailments over time if not rectified.


All schisms will have ties or cords that extend from the etheric body, out of the field to another person, place or object that the initiate has failed to release the attachment to.  At the end of the cord will be a fractured piece of soul, a part of the unconscious, some lost ancestors and information that requires integration for the schism to be healed.  Healers and initiates alike can search for such cords and fractured pieces of soul, lost ancestors and lost unconscious, and intend to integrate it all while facing the emotional trauma associated, as anything less will lead to an early death otherwise.  Intention is everything.  When one intends to integrate a schism, so it will be.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:41:08 | 只看该作者


One may also find that one has attached to the electrical matrixes that earth is releasing at this time rather than a person, place or object in the attachment associated with schisms.  Long ago in the ascension temples, certain groups tried to ascend up the matrixes, as they were confused.  The matrixes appear as a hall of mirrors that creates seemingly endless corridors that lead somewhere or appear to lead up the dimensions; alas they lead nowhere and initiates in times past attempted to ascend through such matrixes pushing themselves up and up through such corridors.  All that occurred in the end was an extremely incomplete ascension in which the form combust and the soul shattered, with nothing going to the next dimension.  The most incomplete ascensions were created through the matrixes.

人们也可能会发现自己已附着到一个正由地球在此刻释放的电性矩阵(electrical matrixes)之中,而不是连接到与分裂有关的一个他人、地方或物体身上。很久前在提升圣殿之中,有些群体试图沿着矩阵向上提升,因为他们被迷惑了。矩阵呈现为镜子大厅的模样,制造了许多似乎无尽的走廊,看似通向某地或通向更高密度,但遗憾的是它们并没有通向任何地方。而过去时代的提升者却试图通过这类矩阵而提升,奋力推动自己沿着这些走廊不断向前﹑向前。最终发生的一切只是一个极其不完全的提升,在其中身体燃烧而灵魂粉碎,并没有任何事物进入到下一个密度之中。最不完全的提升,就是通过矩阵而制造的。

Initiates ascending to 3000 will have to become aware of the tendency to wish to plug into the matrixes rather than reweaving the grid work inside of the form.  It is tempting to plug into the matrixes as they provide electrical chi that may energize the field.  Matrix ascension may work for a time until all such energy flow is dismantled by earth within the region that one lives.  In a matrix based ascension, one is relying upon electrical based energy that comes from somewhere outside of oneself or the matrixes themselves to hold one’s vibration.  Biological ascension requires that one not plug into an outside energy source, but rather reweave the grid work and alter the physical structure to hold a higher vibration of one’s own volition.


Those with ancestry to those who ascended utilizing the matrixes are the most likely initiates to make this mistake again in the ascent to 3000.  The end result will be an electrically charged field rather than a magnetic one that will fry all biological systems leading to an early death rather than an ability to live to witness the coming times of change.  If one finds oneself ascending through the matrixes, intend to disengage and reweave the associated grid work back inside of the form.  In so doing, all of the biological changes can come forth, and one will embody the magnetic tones of creation leaving electrical thought-form, judgment and polarity behind in the ascent to 3000.


Those ascending through the matrixes became increasingly judgmental and moody in Mila and Oa’s experience.  Therefore an extreme of any kind in the persona of the ascending initiate moving to 3000 strands is a sign or symptom of electrical matrix ascension rather than a magnetic ascension.


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