
楼主 |
发表于 2008-10-7 09:23:05
The mineral kingdoms would like to speak a little about creating synthesis alters for those of you who are ascending. A synthesis alter has been created by Mila and Oa over the past four years of their ascent and teaching endeavors. Their alter is by in large only a few minerals and small enough to travel in one large duffle bag around the world. Their alter anchors a rainbow of tones generated by the mineral kingdom that now reaches over 1000 miles in radius, supporting the anchoring of space necessary to host events such as Conclave.
A part of the reason that Mila and Oa’s particular alter moves so much chi is that the minerals have ascended along with them in their own evolutionary journey. Many of their pieces hold genetic materials of 30,000 strands or higher. Yet others are still bridging to full consciousness. Ascending minerals are more potent that others that have not ascended so far at moving chi.
As an ascending being, one can also bring minerals into one’s presence, and augment one's ascent. This is done as a conscious agreement between the mineral kingdoms and one’s own soul, oversoul and source. As the agreements occur, most minerals will parallel one’s own level of evolution. Minerals will not push beyond oneself in evolution, as one is actually holding space for a more rapid pace of ascent that would not occur if no agreements were present with our kingdom, and in the density of human thought-form.
Most minerals nearing the core of earth are verging upon 25,000 strands of DNA of their own volition. The core is hotter and higher in vibration, and therefore there is ample chi to ascend so rapidly. For minerals near the surface of the earth, the ascent is moving much more slowly. Furthermore those humans who own mines often obstruct any ascension at all of the minerals they obtain due to the electrical ownership signatures that are implanted within them through the unconscious ownership patterns of the human species. Understand that as a human that collects minerals, you too may have stamped your ownership upon your pieces, again which will not allow for their ascent. (See “Transcending the Patterns of Ownership and Possession for more information.)
地核附近大多数矿石按自己的意愿正接近25,000股DNA。地核更热,振动更高,而因此那里有丰富的气来如此快速地提升。对临近地表的矿石而言,正进行着缓慢的提升。此外,那些自己有矿山的人类经常阻隔他们所拥有的全部矿石的提升,这是由于电性所有权信号通过人类物种的无意识所有权模式,被植入了它们内部。请了解,当你收集矿物,你也可能已在你的矿石上压进了你的所有权信号,再次,这将不能让它们提升。(请阅“超越所有权和占有”,以读取更多信息。译注:此篇在提升传授II部中。) |