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[學士小屋] MA 1.1 英文存档

发表于 2016-6-11 12:05:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最後由 Delilah 於 2016-6-11 14:47 編輯

Hi my name is Pau Castell,doctor in Medieval History by the University of Barcelona. And I am here today at the Martin Museum of our city, built over the Medieval dock yards.To welcome you to this course and to begin a journey that will take us into the world of medieval magic.

The belief in magic has been a part of human history since the most ancient times. As historians, we are faced with numerous examples of magical thought in our sources which attest to the beliefs and practices performed by our ancestors. The Middle Ages are a very interesting period as far as magic is concerned, because it was then that some of those beliefs and practices suffered an irreversible change, faced with new theological and philosophical approaches to the reality of visible and invisible things. Furthermore, the Medieval centuries are an incredibly rich period for scholars due to the great amount of sources at our disposal.

During the following sessions we will see and analyze some of those sources, with the aim of understanding the different realities surrounding magic, as well as the evolution of this concept during this fascinating period of our history.

Now let me tell you a little bit about the structure of the course. On this first module, we will undertake a general approach to medieval magic from Late Antiquity, up to the Renaissance. We will see the ancient precedents regarding the concept of magic, and we will continue in a chronological way through the Middle Ages, trying to underline the common attitudes toward magic in the Christianized territories of Europe.

The attitude of the Church towards magic will occupy the second unit with a special emphasis on the role played by the inquisitors. This second unit will be presented by Delfi Nieto, PhD student at the University of Barcelona, who will delve into the dialectics between popular culture and learned culture. Concepts such as "natural magic" or "demonic intervention" will be used in order to understand the mentality of both the common people and the intellectuals, that is, philosophers and theologians.

After that, I will join you again in the third unit to enter the world of maleficent magic, and its relationship with the terrible crime of witchcraft that emerged at the end of the Middle Ages. In that unit we will analyze the magical component of the witch figure, and how it was gradually established in people's minds.  With the aid of medieval documents we will attend some trials for witchcraft in order to understand the mechanics of this terrible persecution.

The fourth unit will be presented by Professor Godefroid de Callatay and Professor Sébastien Moureau from the University of Leuven. They will discuss the varieties of magic in medieval Islam, the different aspects surrounding alchemy, the science of the letters, or the magic of the occult among the arabic society, will be revealed along the different chapters of that fourth unit. After that, we will enter the realm of Arthurian literature by the hand of Dr. Gemma Pellissa, a fellow at Harvard University, who will guide you through its marvelous legends and "romans".
One of them in special, "The Knight of the Cart", will help you understand and enjoy the magical nature of Welsh literature.

And finally last but not least, the magic of objects will be addressed in our last chapter, presented by Noemi Álvarez. Together you will delve into the world of medieval relics and other artistic objects with magical connotations. As you can see various disciplines such as History, Art History, Philosophy, Literature, and even Alchemy will be displayed along the course for you to achieve a better understanding of the world of medieval magic.

Welcome to this journey through the most magical Middle Ages. We really hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-11 12:05:27 | 只看该作者

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