楼主,你知道那些魔典里经常出现的O;OCH;I,N;N.N.;I N以及I, N.N.这些都是什么意思吗?如果知道麻烦解释一下,谢谢!
例一、I, N.N;N.N和OCH
Sigillum Chori Servilium Archangelorum of the Ministering Archangel.
I, N.N., a servant of God, desire, call upon the OCH, and conjure thee through water,
fire, air and earth, and everything that lives and moves therein, and by the most holy
names of God, Agios, Tehirios, Perailtus, Alpha et Omega, Beginning and End, God
and Man-Sabaoth, Adanai, Agla, Tetragramaton, Emanuel, Abua, Ceus, Elioa, Torna,
Deus Salvator, Aramma, Messias, Clerob, Michael, Abreil, Achleof, Gachenas et
Peraim, Eei Patris et Peraim Eei filii, et Peraim Dei spiritus Teti, and the words by
which Solomon and Manasses, Cripinus and Agrippa conjured the spirits, and by whatever
else thou mayest be conquered, that you will yield obedience to me, N.N. the same as Isaac did to Abraham, and appear before me, N.N. this instant, in the beautiful,
mild, human form of a youth, and bring what I desire. (This the conjuror must
Listen, O Usiel! I, N., an unworthy servant of God, conjure, demand, conquer and call you, O Spirit Usiel! not by my power but by the might, virtue, and power of God + the Father and by the complete redemption and salvation of God + the Son and by the might and victory of God + the Holy Spirit and by the strength of these most potent words:
例三、I N
This I N. command you Usiel by all the sacred passion of Jesus Christ, and by all the pure occult mysteries of Jesus Christ, and by all the holy martyrs who gave up their bodies and lives for Christ, and by all the words from the mouth of the Creator of Heaven and of Earth pronounced against you evil spirits. These, O spirit Usiel, disturb you anew, twist and torture, as long and as often as my demands are to be carried out.
Therefore do not be disobedient, for I N. conjure you, demand from you, and compel you, O Spirit Usiel, by the judgements of the Most High, and by the sea of fire which is before the face of the Divinity, and by his majesty, and by the angelic virtues of his omnipotence, and by that fire which is before the throne of GOD, and by the domination of the sacrosanct Trinity, and by the song which is continually sung before the throne of GOD by the holy angels: "Glory in the highest!" And by the most sublime wisdom of almighty GOD: and by the terrible power which shatters Heaven and Earth, and by the holy majestic names of God:
出处:同例二。 |