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发表于 2008-8-23 09:22:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式





在决定灵体的名字后,你就准备好创造它的符咒了。为了做到这一步,你应该使用Rose Cross Lamen method (在灵体名字的第一个字母上画一个小圆圈,然后从这个圆圈里画条线通到第二个字母,第三步,在那条线的末尾再画条短线。)除非你更熟悉另一种方法。现在,你只要把符咒画在一张纸上,但在创造灵体仪式上你将必须把这符咒印在灵体的物体实体上,所以要确保这个符咒和你为灵体取的名字的拼写严格一致。   


 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-23 09:22:41 | 只看该作者
完成雕塑后,你就准备为你的灵体带来生命的仪式吧。你的祭坛有点象召唤灵魂到物质界时用的祭坛,不过有点不同。首先,把你的Triangle (应该是指放香炉的三角架)放在你的魔法阵(就是一个圆圈)的东方象限,在仪式中你将把它滑出魔法阵。把你的香炉放在Triangle 上并点燃木炭,准备好等量混合的乳香和树脂,不过别把它放进香炉除非到了在仪式需要执行的这一步。把你的灯放在魔法阵外并放在你身后这样它能朦胧地照明房间,别用滤光器。你的祭坛必须按以下式样陈设,在你的Tablet of Union上放上你做的雕塑和一张用黑墨水写着你灵体的名字和符咒的纸,这两样东西都得用一张白丝绸盖上。祭坛上还得还有一牙签,一小蜡烛,一碟盐,一碗水和一个和在你放Triangle上的一样的小香炉。除了仪式需要,别往香炉里加香。最后,把你常用的魔法道具也放在祭坛上。  


1 按上述要求布置你的神殿和祭坛,如果有的话放上你的长袍和指环。  

2 以包括第十七步的了望塔仪式来做开始仪式。  

3 揭开你放在Tablet of Union. 上的雕塑和纸,拿起雕塑并念如下咒语:O Creature of Clay, before thou canst be given life, thou must be made pure by the elements.  

4 让雕塑在小蜡烛上经过并念诵:I purify thee with Fire. 然后拿起你的火棒并在雕塑上方挥舞三次。  

5 拿开你的杖,用你的手从碟子里蘸点水洒在雕塑上,念诵:I purifyu thee with Water并拿起你的水杯在你的雕像上方挥舞三次。  

6 拿走水杯,在你的香炉里加上香,把雕塑穿过它的烟并念诵:I purify thee with Air. 在你的雕塑上方挥舞三次你的匕首。  

7 拿走匕首,从底部托着你的雕塑放到盛盐的碟子里并念诵:I purify thee with Earth.  

8 拿走你的五芒星,举起雕塑并念如下咒语:O Creature of Clay, purified by the elements and ready to receive life, I now hold you up to the Light Whose service you shall be committed to. 在你的雕塑上显现的白光会慢慢递减,然后望着天并加上这句:O Glorious One, may this creature be granted life with your permission.  

9 拿起你的牙签然后在它的背后刻下灵体的名字并念诵:I name thee, (name), and from this day until (give time) on (give date) you shall be know by this name, and shall be given life to perform the task which I willl assign to you.  

10 在灵体的名字下面用牙签刻下符咒,念:With this sigil, I shall most easily be able to contact you, (name), but when its lines are no more. So too shall your life and purpose be no more, for this is the will the One True God.  

11 拿起雕像并执行Middle Pillar 仪式。引导拥有你需要的知识的能量体进入雕塑。  

12 带着你的魔法短剑和雕塑按顺时针走到你魔法阵东边的Triangle,将雕塑立在放在Triangle上的香炉后面,往香炉里多加香。然后用你的剑使Triangle滑出魔法阵约2英尺或你的短剑能够达到的距离,如果你的剑太短的话……  

13 回到祭坛后你的位置,面向东方,放下短剑,左手拿起你画着灵体符咒的纸和你的笔记本,并用右手举起魔法杖,顺时针回到你魔法阵的东方。

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-23 09:23:08 | 只看该作者
14 尽量想象你在雕塑上的灵体的特征,用你的法杖指着Triangle并念:By the power of the Most High, and through the influence of the elements which have purified your vessel, I now call you into being, (name), Know that your purpose in existing is to serve me by performing the task of (state the task). I hereby command you to complete these duties by (give the date and time), and to reside within this vessel of clay whenever you are not actively pursuing these duties. At no time shall you cause harm to befall anyone. This I command with the authority of the One True God, Whose Path of light you math follow.  

15 盯住你手里灵体的符咒并尽量想象它在雕塑前盘旋在烟雾里。念诵:Having given thee magical  
life, I command you to appear before me within this Triangle in your newly granted form. Rise from your physical clay shell, and make your understanding of your purpose known to me. Appear, (name), for it is the Lord Whose Light has given you life Who commands you now.  

16 进入你的魔法身体(astral body 五星型身体?估计是某种魔法形态)并再次想象它的实体在雕塑前漂浮。,当你从雕塑里看见灵体时,一再地大声叫灵体的名字,它一开始象从黏土雕塑里升起的烟雾,但它逐渐开始呈现出你为它创造的形态。它成型后你能够开始轻声呼唤它的名字并睁开你的眼睛,就象任何招魂仪式一样,当你睁眼后灵体就会在你面前了。  

17 和灵体交谈并确定它明白它的任务。  

18 当你派灵体出去时,念诵:Go in peace, (name), and begin your labors. Remember to reside within this vessel of clay when idle, and be certain to never harm another. Be ready to appear quickly before me when called, and to give an accurate report of your progress.  

19 完成了望塔仪式的第18步。  

20 用了望塔仪式完成结束仪式。  

21 把雕塑连同写着名字和符咒的纸一起包起来放在一个没人能碰的地方。

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-23 09:24:28 | 只看该作者
Ritual For Egregore Destruction  

1. Place your censer on the ground within the circle. and light the charcoal. Prepare a  
mixture of gum mastic and frankincense for your censer. Set your lamp outsicde the  
circle and behind you so it dimly illuminateds the room. Your altar should be set up in  
the following fashion. On your Tablet of Union, place the sculpture you made and a  
piece of paper with your egregore's name and sigil written upon it in black ink. Both of  
these should be covered with one piece of white silk. Also have a toothpick, a lit candle,  
a dish of salt, a bowl of water, and a lit censer on your altar. Like the censer on the  
ground, do not add incense to this censer untio the time comes to do so in the ritual,  
Finally, place your regular magical implements on the altar as well.  

2. Perform the Opening By Watchtower up to and including step 17.  

3. Unwrap the sculpture and paper on your Tablet of Union. Lift the Sculpture, look to  
the heavens, and say, Many thanks, O Glorious One, for allowing this servant, (name),  
to aid me in th eworkings of the Path of Light.  

4. Lower the sculpture and sayt over it, Your duty completed, and your predestined time  
of death reached, I now return your essence an dbeing to the Universe, for the source  
tha tgrants life also takes it away. This is a Divine Mystery, and the Authority of the  
Lord cannot be disputed.  

5. Wet your fingers in the bowl of water, and smear the sigil inscribed on the back of  
the figure, while saying, As these lines are washed away by Water, so too does thine  
existence cease, (name), for this is the will of the One True God. This sigil shall no  
longer summon thee.  

6. Smear the name inscribe on the back of the figure, while saying, You are no more,  
Creature of Clay, and this name shall no longer summon thee.  

7. Try to feel energy leave the sculpture. Rest it on the Tablet of Union and pick up the  
piece of paper bearing the name and sigil of the egregore. Light this with the flame of  
the candle and drop it into the censer while saying, The energy of this magical being is  
now returned to the Source of All.  

8. Lift the sculpture and pass it over the flame of the candle while say, I clean this clay  
with Fire.  

9. Using your fingers, sprinkle some water over the sculpture and say, I cleanse this  
clay wtih Water.  

10. Add incense to the censer and pass the sculpture through the rising smoke, saying, I  
cleanse this clay with Air.  

11. Place the figure on the dish of salt and push down on it, crushing it, while saying, I  
cleanse this now-formless clay with Earth, and by doing so, return it to its elements of  

12. Perform step 18 of the Watchtower Ritual  

13. Perform the Closing by Watchtower.  

14. Dispose of the clay as described below  
The lump of clay you are left with at the close of this ritual must be properly returned  
to the Earth. To do so, find a secluded area and dig a deep hole. Lay this clay in the hole  
and sprinkle the ashes of the paper from your censer on top of it. Then fill in the hole,  
making sure to leave the area as it was when you found it. With this last step completed,  
your egregore is no more

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-23 09:25:14 | 只看该作者

1. 把你的香炉放在地上的一个圈内,点着木炭。为你的香炉准备一些树脂和乳香的混合物,把你的灯放在圈外并放在你的身后,这样它能朦胧地照亮房间。你的祭坛必须按照以下样式来造,在你的法坛(Tablet of Union不知道什么意思,硬绎成联合之碑好象不通,所以根据上下文意思翻成法坛)上放上你做的雕刻品和一张有着你自造灵名字和黑墨水写成的咒语的纸。这两件东西都必须用一张白色的丝绸覆盖着。在你的祭坛上还要有一牙签,一小蜡烛,一碟盐,一碗水,和一香炉(就象在地上的那个一样),不要在这个香炉内加香直到在仪式的特定时间里需要这么做。最后在祭坛上放上你常用的魔法道具。  

2. 用了望塔仪式(Watchtower 不知何义,根据下文推断应该是某种魔法仪式。)和第十七步来做准备仪式。

3. 展开放在你的Tablet of Union上的雕塑和纸,举起雕塑,抬头看天并念诵:Many thanks, O Glorious One, for allowing this servant, (name), to aid me in th eworkings of the Path of Light. (感谢你,唯一真神,让这个个仆人<名字>在通向光明的路途的旅程中帮助我)  

4. 放下这个雕塑并对它说:Your duty completed, and your predestined time  
of death reached, I now return your essence an dbeing to the Universe, for the source tha tgrants life also takes it away. This is a Divine Mystery, and the Authority of the Lord cannot be disputed. (你的任务完成了,同时注定你死亡的时刻也到来了。现在我送你的本体回到宇宙,这是神的旨意,神的权威是不能违抗的。)  

5. 在碗里沾湿你的手并涂掉记在人型后面的符咒并同时念诵, As these lines are washed away by Water, so too does thine existence cease, (name), for this is the will of the One True God. This sigil shall no longer summon thee.(这些咒语都被水洗掉了,所以你所有的东西都不存在了<名字>,因为这是唯一真神的旨意,这个符咒再也不会召唤你了。)  

6. 涂掉记在雕像后面的符咒并念诵:You are no more, Creature of Clay, and this name shall no longer summon thee. (你再也不会被创造出来了,这个名字也不会再召唤你)  

7。尽力去感觉能量已经离开了雕像,把它放在Tablet of Union 上并拿起那张写着自造灵名字与符咒的纸,把它在蜡烛上点燃并扔进香炉里去并念诵:The energy of this magical being is now returned to the Source of All.(这个魔法体的能量已经回到所有东西的本源处去了)  

8.举起雕像并把它从 蜡烛火焰上通过,同时念诵:I clean this clay with Fire.(我用火净化了这个黏土)

9.用你的手指撒点水在雕像上并念诵: I cleanse this clay wtih Water. (我用水净化了这个黏土)  

10.在香炉里添香并让雕像从上升的烟里穿过同时念诵:I cleanse this clay wtih Air(我用空气净化了这个黏土)

11.把这个人型埋在一盘盐里并碾碎它,同时念诵:, I cleanse this now-formless clay with Earth, and by doing so, return it to its elements of origin.  




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