
楼主 |
发表于 2014-10-8 22:07:00
and they be called realme
signes and he beginneth to make And for that she will note stande much
distinction. And he in her house
gave to their fighter that is to say to & her signe is a fish that is said Cancer
Mars that he should w hath
rest, and that he should not fight in the many feete, and signifyeth be this that he
realme of the will go much
signe of Arietis and of this vertue he is for that he is under other brethren, this
in the realme suffer alone
of the East, he gave him in the realme of And he gave to the middle brother, w is
the worlde the Lord of all
the signe of Scorpionis that he should
fight strongly [7]
and that he should never rest, and he is other, and he commandeth to all and is
in the eight more adorned for fay=
realme from the first. And afterward he rer arrayed, therfore he gave to him one
gave to realme full strong in
the fayre Noga that is to say Veneri twey heate and his signe is as the Lion, that
realmes sheweth him Lord
of w one hath the half deale of Tauri upon all beasts, so is he stronger and of
that is more Lordshippe
from the highnes of his head w his upon all his brethren. And then
horns till to the remayned twey brethren
th ty
navell. And their as the vii from the of the L of the South and theld or tooke
first that is twey realmes, one
Libra, and after while Venus is above about another for this that he should
that is in the never overcome
Northe, and otherwhile beneath that is in in the signe of the realme well
the South. meridionall or south, and
And so he hath inherited in twey parts he is one beast w one forme in his
And then he front, and the signe of
gave to the painter (w is the writer) that that other realme is a man that holdeth
is Mer= w many waters
curius twey realmes of w one hath and this brother is said the old Sabaday.
twey men embraced And then ta=
that is clipping togither himself, that keth that other brother for heritage on his
other hath a right syde
fayre virgin winged and nevermore the realme w the signe of half a man
would be divided and half a horse
or departed from wemen for those and it is said Sagittarius, and on the left
Images be such syde of Pisces.
and he displeaseth evermore to go much Knowe you heere the natures of the
from the South Signes
into the Northe. And he gave to the And Salomon said Aries is a sign fiery
Malix that is to hot &
say Lune for that he goeth evermore one dry, choleric, and so is Leo and |