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[基督教] 天使之书

发表于 2014-10-8 22:02:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
booke to put
The Book of Raziel
an ynsample that whosoever that hath it
blame it not
till he have red and heard all or
somewhat of it, and
then prayse the God maker of all things.
These be the ix precepts Incipiunt
Heere beginneth the precepts
Ne credas esse plures insi unu singulare
1. Ne trowe thou no to be moe or many
but one singular
alone upon all things w  hath none like
  him and him
th th
love w  all dread and honor w  all trust
[2] In noie Dei potentis vibi et veri et  and wth good
aeterni &c  will and stable and wth might and wth all
In the name of Almighty God living and  they cleane
very and ever-  2. heart. Ne live thou not wthout lawe,
th ch
lasting and w out all and w  is said  and thou shall
Adonay Saday  3. be loved of God thy creator and of
Ehye Asereye I begin to write this booke  folks. Ne do thou
w  is said  not to another man yf thou wouldest not
Sephar Raziel w  all his appertenances  the same. Ne
in w  be seven  4. be thou not a lyer to the Lord neither
treatises complete or fulfilled that is vii  to thy friend
bookes.  and say thou such soothes that be to thy
Dixit Salomon Gloria et laus et cu multo
profit and not
honore &c  5. harme. Ne love thou not neither
Salomon said glory and praysing w   fellowship thou more
much honor be to  wth unwise men then wth wisemen. And
God of all Creatures, he that is singular
evermore love
w  made all

things at one tyme. And he is one God  v
[2 ]
very mighty
thou many wisdoms and good sciences
he alone that is and that was and w  
and all thy will
6. and thy lyfe in them. Ne speakest thou
shall be, and w  has never an end or any
not before thou
like him
have thought, and that thou do consider
neither is he like to have. And he is
it in thine
singular w out
7. hart ere thou do it. Neither discover
end, Lord alone w out corruption, holy
thou not thy privityes
cleane meeke
to a woman, neither to a childe, neither
and great all things seeing and hearing
to a foole, neither
and wise and  e
8. to a dronk  woman. No prove thou not
in all things mighty. And I begin this
 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-8 22:02:23 | 只看该作者
a medicine neither  Iste liber est magnae virtutis et magnae
venym in thy self before thou provest it  secretiae This
in an other. Ne  booke is of great vertue and of great
9. blame thou not a booke before thou  privity, the name of the
prophesy neither a wise  prince that sent it to me was Sameton
man till thou have proved thou. And if  and of the two
thou w  holdest  wise men that brought it to me was said
these ix precepts in thee evermore thou  Kamazan and
shalt profite more  the other Zazont.
and more. Postqua sensus et scire et   
posse vo=  [3]
luntas vera &c After that witt and  The name of this booke expound  in
knowledge and  Latine is Angelus mag-
might and very will overcometh all  nus Secreti Creatoris That is to say the
things w  good witt  great Angel
and good discretion. Therfore I will  of the secret creator And in Hebrew
expound or make open  Cephar Raziel it
ch e
his booke w  is of great power and of  is the book  after Adam written in
great vertue.  language of Caldey
I, Salomon out such knowledge and such  and afterward translated in Hebrew. And
a distinction  know each man that
e e
and explanation in this book  to every  read s it that in it all Semiforax that is to
man that readeth or  say the great
e th
studyeth in it, that he may know   name complete w  all his names whole
whereof he was and  and even. and w  
from whome he came. Knowe ye that  his vertues and his sacraments And I
after I Salomon  found it in 7 bookes that
th th
had xxx yeeres w in an half in the v   is 7 treatises. And know ye that I found
day of the  the first and the
ch th e
month of Hebreys w  was the vi  ferial  last full dark  and the five middle more
day, the  plain and although
sonne being in the signe of Leonis. In  I found them dark  I opened them as
that day was sent  much as I could or
to me from Babilony of some prince that  might. And the 7 treatises of this book  
was greater  be these..
and more worshipfuller then all men of  1. The first is said Clavis for that in it is
this tyme some  determined of
ch th
booke that is said Cephar Raziel w  cont  Astronomy and of the stares for w out
vii bookes and  them we may do
vii treatises.  nothing.
Nota tempus in quo Salomon fuit p   2. The second is said Ala for that in it is
adeptus istu libre  determined of the
et quomodo et a quo venit sibi  vertues of some stones of herbes and of
Knowe thou the tyme in w  Salomon  beasts
gott the booke and  3. The third is said Tractatus
howe and of whom it came to him.  Thymiamatu  for that

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-8 22:03:05 | 只看该作者
there is determined in it of  booke is full of
suffumigations and of Alle-  great privity and that it was sent of full
gations of them and divisions  great honor
4. The iv  is said the Treatise of tymes  And that it was sent to Salomon for most
of the year of the  price and
day and of the night for that in it is  most love. And everiche treatise of these
determined when any-  vii was
thing ought to be done by this book   was written by themselves. But although
5. The v  is said the Treatise of  it be so that
Cleanesse for that there  Clarifaton said that it ought to be but one
is determined in it of Abstinence  booke alone
6. The sixt  is said Samaim for in that  by itself for none of these saith he should
treatise it nameth  suffice w out
all the heavens and her angels and the  another, wherefore he said it were
operations or  necessary that they
workings of them  were all together Whereupon Salomon
th e
7. The vii  is the book  of Vertues for  ordained that
that there is de-  all the said 7 treatises were but one
termined in it of vertues and miracles for  book  as they
there be told  ought to be and as they ought to be read
the properties of the ark of magicke and  and wrought.
of his figures  And he ordayned it much better then the
and of the ordinance of same.  phors orday-
And the I beganne to write all these  ned, and also he taught how a man ought
treatises in a  to do his
e th e
new  volume for that one treatise w out  work  by it. And he put every treatise by
another serves  itself
not to the wholeness of the work   and every chapter by itself and ordayned
Therfore I made an  all till
  the end of the book . And he putt into
[3 ]  this booke Semiforas
e e
whole book  to be made of the treatises.  that is the book  of 17 vertues how it
Therfore Salo-  ought to be written
ch e   ch
mon said to his writer Clarifaton that he  and of w  Ink ,and of w  parchment
could write  and w  what pen
ch th ch
it, w  I know well the language of Caldy  and w  what man, and in w  time and
of Indy of He-  what day and
brew and of Syne and their right  in what night and in what hour. After
explanation. Methelis  that Salomon
Salomon said that after Clarifaton had  expounded in the book  of Razeelus and
corrected it and  how it ought to
had drossed it, it should be the better and  be kept Cleanly and w  great honor
ordained it in  Dixit Salomon qui videt et non cognos t
the best maner that he might. And  &c
Clarifaton said, w   Salomon said who so soeth and knoweth
was the writer of Salomon, that this  not is as he

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-8 22:03:52 | 只看该作者
there is determined in it of  booke is full of
suffumigations and of Alle-  great privity and that it was sent of full
gations of them and divisions  great honor
4. The iv  is said the Treatise of tymes  And that it was sent to Salomon for most
of the year of the  price and
day and of the night for that in it is  most love. And everiche treatise of these
determined when any-  vii was
thing ought to be done by this book   was written by themselves. But although
5. The v  is said the Treatise of  it be so that
Cleanesse for that there  Clarifaton said that it ought to be but one
is determined in it of Abstinence  booke alone
6. The sixt  is said Samaim for in that  by itself for none of these saith he should
treatise it nameth  suffice w out
all the heavens and her angels and the  another, wherefore he said it were
operations or  necessary that they
workings of them  were all together Whereupon Salomon
th e
7. The vii  is the book  of Vertues for  ordained that
that there is de-  all the said 7 treatises were but one
termined in it of vertues and miracles for  book  as they
there be told  ought to be and as they ought to be read
the properties of the ark of magicke and  and wrought.
of his figures  And he ordayned it much better then the
and of the ordinance of same.  phors orday-
And the I beganne to write all these  ned, and also he taught how a man ought
treatises in a  to do his
e th e
new  volume for that one treatise w out  work  by it. And he put every treatise by
another serves  itself
not to the wholeness of the work   and every chapter by itself and ordayned
Therfore I made an  all till
  the end of the book . And he putt into
[3 ]  this booke Semiforas
e e
whole book  to be made of the treatises.  that is the book  of 17 vertues how it
Therfore Salo-  ought to be written
ch e   ch
mon said to his writer Clarifaton that he  and of w  Ink ,and of w  parchment
could write  and w  what pen
ch th ch
it, w  I know well the language of Caldy  and w  what man, and in w  time and
of Indy of He-  what day and
brew and of Syne and their right  in what night and in what hour. After
explanation. Methelis  that Salomon
Salomon said that after Clarifaton had  expounded in the book  of Razeelus and
corrected it and  how it ought to
had drossed it, it should be the better and  be kept Cleanly and w  great honor
ordained it in  Dixit Salomon qui videt et non cognos t
the best maner that he might. And  &c
Clarifaton said, w   Salomon said who so soeth and knoweth
was the writer of Salomon, that this  not is as he

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-8 22:04:25 | 只看该作者
e e
that is born  blind  and knoweth not  other.
e th ch
colors and who  And the Ink  w  w  thou shalt w
that heareth and understandeth not is  it of cleane
such as if he  galles and let it be made w  good
were a deaf  man. And who so  wyne & whole
th e
considereth and knoweth  and w  gum  and vitriol and mast
not the consideration is such as if it were  thyme and
of a dronkerd  croco. And the third day when it
  taken residence
r 2
[4]  and shall be clensed putt  thou the
And whom that speaketh and cannot  little of Algaba
expound the reason is  and Almea , and putt therein of g
as a dombe man. And who that readeth  muske or muske more
playne bookes  than of those three. And put thou
and understandeth them not is as it were  Amber and Bal-
he dreameth.  samu  myrryam and lignus aloes
These proverbs Salomon said in this  when the Inke
booke ffor as Salomon  shall be made, boyled w  mastick
th th
said in this booke is hit that Cephar  w  thyme and w  
Raziel the angel  lingo aloes and w  somewhat of
said to Adam w  was the first man in  Thymiamat and Mu-
this world and  culazarat and thou clense it well
ch e
after it w  Moyses said to other prophets  clean  thinne
in soothes  cloth , and the cloth be it threefol
and we troweth it so.  afterward putt
per e
Dixit angelus Salomoni vt o es tua  therein musk  and Ambram and
operations &c  Almenus & Algana
s s
The angel said to Salomon that all thy  and Balsami  and Myrrha  all wel
workhings and  grounden & then
petitions and willes be fulfilled, and it
shall be made   Above "samatyne" is written "sattin
Above "putt" is written "& strained."
in all hitt that thou shalt covet that it be  3
A marginal note offers an alternativ
in the might
Almea: Alinza.
It behoveth that when thou hast this
book  of this or of  v th
[4 ] shalt meddle all this w  the I
Another example or ensample that thou
well together
write it in
And let the inke be so still for the
Inst maner in virgin parchemt and that it
of 3 days well
be not filthy
covered in a fayre place And kno
neither of a dead beast or in vealime  th
that w  this
(vitulino) or in
1 ynke thou shalt write all the holy
parchmyn of sylke, or in samatyne , or
of God and
in cleane clothe
of his angels and of his saints, an
or in parchmyn of a lamb or of a virgin  ch
things in w  
kidde or of a  4
his holy great name is  nempned
virgin ffawne, and this is better than any
written. And all

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-8 22:04:50 | 只看该作者
things that thou willest truly to be  clean  and  solleme & serened & in a
th e
fulfilled w  thy well  clean  place. And
pleasing or w  thy service. And what ere  thou shalt first ere thou write by iii dayes
thou puttest  be bathed in
in this ynke, be it newe and bright and  clean  water, but rather thou shalt be
pure and good  clean  by 9 days
pen And the penne that thou shalt write  an house or clean  place made very
e th
the holy names  clean  w  beesoms
e e
be it of a green  reed  gathered early ere
the sunne   Above "is nempned" is written "named."
5  A marginal note here reads:
arise. And he that shall gather it be he
it might be done / in the new of / the ( whiles
clene & washen
/ the ( dothe / increase when / she applieth /
& in running water or in a quicke well  to caput dra / conis by o / or to the o of or /
and also let  [fire] of [Jupiter]
him be clothed w  cleane clothes, and  for if / they be true / & very good [ ( = the
e moon ]
the moon  being  6
th th Above "and solleme" (and in the margin) is
waxing w  Caput Draconis or w  Jove,
written "solitarie."
for that
they be true and very. And when thou  r
shalt gather it, thou
and washen watered and suffumed And
shalt behold of looke toward the East
ordeyne so that when
and thou shalt say
thou writeth, hold thou thy face toward
thus Adonai et Saday jubate me ad
s the East & write thou
complendu  volun-
s from morning till midday till that thou
tates meas eo  axundine ista. That is to
eate. And after that
say Help
th e thou hast eaten and dronken thou shalt
ye me to fulfill my willes w  this reed .
not write in it any
and when this
thing. And if thou wilt write Semiforax
is said thou shalt cutt one reede or  th
w  his strengthes
twayne or as many
th the number of the mone, be it even. And
as thou wilt w  one stroke. And as
most in the day of the
Moyses said the knife
mone or of morning or of Jovis or dius.
be it well playne sharpe and whole as
& be thou word of
thoughe we should
e th Saturne and of Sol upon all. And
cutt of an neck  w  it. And thou take the
e th Salomon said If thou
reed  w  thy
puttest into the ynke of the bloud of
cleane hands, and make thou of it a
vowter or of a furtur or
gobbeth. And when thou
of a gander (wholly or all white) the
wilt cutt the penne, cutt it ere the sunne
ynke shall be much the
arise or when
th better and the more vertue
it ariseth. With this penne and w  this
Also I say that if there were of Sapher
ynke thou shalt
powdered Sma=
write all the names of God holy and
ragdo, gaynisia & topasia the ynke shall
severall. And as
be complete or
often as thou writest the name of the  th th
fulfilled. And w  this Inke and w  this
Creator be thou
penne ought to be

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-8 22:05:31 | 只看该作者
written all the names of Semiforas and  the starres and their names and their
know  thou yt  figures and their
he that shall write this book  ought to be  natures, and when they should be good
clean  & fasting  and when they should
bathed and suffumed w  precious  be evill, And thus I say of the fixe and of
aromatickes, that is w   the 7 erraticis
spices well smelling. And it shall be  neverthelesse Consider how evermore
great profit to thee  the nature of the
and to him that maketh it or writeth it.  Circle of the xii signes that is thee
And each man yt  towards. And therfore
hath written this booke or hath holden it  it behoveth each man that hath this
in his house, ev'more  booke, that he holde it
e e th
hold  he God in his mynde and his holy  clenly and that he keep  it w  great
Angels & hit  reverence & w  
ch r
for w  he hath made it. & let him put in  great hono. And who that hath it, and
his mynde in  can reade it, let
ch th
w  tyme of the 4 tymes of the day w   him not reade it, but if he were before
his ougth or of  full cleane of body
the tymes of an hower And ev'more let  and w  great witte.
him put in  And I make every man to knowe or weel
his mynde to his 4 tymes of an hower to  that he ought
ch e
w  they ought  not to worke by this book  in vayne,
to be as juvenies in libro prophare  neither w out wytte
s th
Dixit Salomon sicut si esset castru  etc  nor w out lawe or reason. And this is
Salomon said as though there were a  when every man
castle full  doth to the contrary, or when and
strong and his highenes ful great and  Reptiles, or wood beasts
high and en=  should lett thee or do the harme. And
th e
hansed and well on each side w  walles  knowe thou though  
invironed and  thou have might and trust for to worke
the gates in one place well strong and  by this booke &
stable or fyrme  although thou might have great trust in
and w  keyes closed and locked.  this, yet thou shalt
Therfore it behoveth it  not worke, but w  great right or lawe or
who that would open the gates of that  w  much reason
close castle and  And understand thou of all the contrary,
holsomly would enter into it both w out  and if thou
travel of gyfte and  worchest otherwise by this booke then
w out bruising of his body It is  thou shouldest and
necessary to have the same  much might let thee that is to say if thou
  worchest w out
[5 ]  reason, or if thou were uncleane or evill
keyes and none other of this castle and  in thy self.
of his gates &  oClavis istius libri est cognoscere et
of his closings Thus I say this that it is  scire loca
for to knowe  The key to this booke is to knowe and

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-8 22:07:00 | 只看该作者
and they be called  realme
signes and he beginneth to make  And for that she will note stande much
distinction. And he  in her house
gave to their fighter that is to say to  & her signe is a fish that is said Cancer
Mars that he should  w  hath
rest, and that he should not fight in the  many feete, and signifyeth be this that he
realme of the  will go much
signe of Arietis and of this vertue he is  for that he is under other brethren, this
in the realme  suffer alone
of the East, he gave him in the realme of  And he gave to the middle brother, w  is
the worlde  the Lord of all
the signe of Scorpionis that he should   
fight strongly  [7]
and that he should never rest, and he is  other, and he commandeth to all and is
in the eight  more adorned for fay=
realme from the first. And afterward he  rer arrayed, therfore he gave to him one
gave to  realme full strong in
the fayre Noga that is to say Veneri twey  heate and his signe is as the Lion, that
realmes  sheweth him Lord
of w  one hath the half deale of Tauri  upon all beasts, so is he stronger and of
that is  more Lordshippe
from the highnes of his head w  his  upon all his brethren. And then
horns till to the  remayned twey brethren
th ty
navell. And their as the vii  from the  of the L  of the South and theld or tooke
first that is  twey realmes, one
Libra, and after while Venus is above  about another for this that he should
that is in the  never overcome
Northe, and otherwhile beneath that is in  in the signe of the realme well
the South.  meridionall or south, and
And so he hath inherited in twey parts  he is one beast w  one forme in his
And then he  front, and the signe of
gave to the painter (w  is the writer) that  that other realme is a man that holdeth
is Mer=  w  many waters
curius twey realmes of w  one hath  and this brother is said the old Sabaday.
twey men embraced  And then ta=
that is clipping togither himself, that  keth that other brother for heritage on his
other hath a  right syde
fayre virgin winged and nevermore  the realme w  the signe of half a man
would be divided  and half a horse
or departed from wemen for those  and it is said Sagittarius, and on the left
Images be such  syde of Pisces.
and he displeaseth evermore to go much  Knowe you heere the natures of the
from the South  Signes
into the Northe. And he gave to the  And Salomon said Aries is a sign fiery
Malix that is to  hot &
say Lune for that he goeth evermore one  dry, choleric, and so is Leo and

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