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The Study of Solomonic Magic in English
Don Karr
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to neatly circumscribe a canon of magic texts as being safely of the “Solomonic
cycle.” By arbitrary and rather unscientific means, one might do so by simply including those works
which, by tradition or artifice, bear Solomon’s name or derive from works which do. Even here, we
find at least three classes of material:
1. magical works from late antiquity through the early Middle Ages, such as The Testament of
Solomon and Sepher Razim*
2. Byzantine Greek texts of the Magical Treatise of Solomon and the Hygromanteia**
3. medieval grimoires, such as The Key of Solomon.
*      For English translations of The Testament of Solomon, see F. C. Conybeare, “The Testament of Solomon,” in Jewish
Quarterly Review, no. XI, 1899, and at > CLASSICAL GRIMOIRES; C. C. McCown, The Testament
of Solomon, Leipzig: 1922; Sayed Idries Shah, “The Catalogue of Demons” = CHAPTER 11 of The Secret Lore of Magic
(Secaucus: Citadel Press, 1972); D. C. Duling, “Testament of Solomon,” in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (= OTP),
edited by J. H. Charlesworth (Garden City: Doubleday, 1983). Duling’s introduction in OTP deals with Solomonic
attribution and legend in the older material. He mentions M. Seligsohn’s article, “Solomon—Apocryphal Works” (in
The Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 11, p. 447—online at as listing forty-nine
Solomonic “scientific and magical books” in Arabic and Hebrew literature, and C. C. McCown’s added comment
(Testament of Solomon, p. 100) that Seligsohn’s list is by no means exhaustive.  
For a critical summary of Testament of Solomon scholarship, refer to Todd E. Klutz, Rewriting the TESTAMENT OF
SOLOMON: Tradition, Conflict and Identity in a Late Antique Pseudepigraphon (London – New York: T&T Clark, 2005) and
idem, “The Archer and the Cross: Chorographic Astrology and Literary Design in the Testament of Solomon,” in Magic in
the Biblical World: From the Rod of Aaron to the Ring of Solomon, edited by Todd E. Klutz (London – New York: T&T
Clark International, 2003). For a survey of the Testament’s background and dissemination, find also Sarah Iles Johnson,
“The Testament of Solomon from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance,” in The Metamorphosis of Magic from Late Antiquity to the
Early Modern Period, edited by Jan N. Bremmer and Jan R. Veenstra (Leuven: Peeters, 2002).
Sefer ha-Razim, a third- or fourth-century text, claims in its preface to have been “more precious and more
honorable and more difficult” than any other books in the possession of Solomon. See Michael A. Morgan’s
translation, Sepher ha-Razim: The Book of the Mysteries (Chico: Society of Biblical Literature/Scholars Press, 1983).  
**   Hygromanteia is a Greek astrological/magical text also known as Solomon’s Epistle to Rehoboam. For an English
translation of the Hygromanteia, see APPENDIX  1 of Pablo A. Torijano’s Solomon the Esoteric King: From King to Magus,
Development of a Tradition [SUPPLEMENTS TO THE JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF JUDAISM] (Leiden: Brill, 2002) [=
Ph.D. dissertation, New York: New York University, 2000].
© Don Karr, 1993, 2000-5; revised 2006: updated 2007-2010
All rights reserved.
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This publication is intended for personal use only. Paper copies may be made for personal use.
With the above exception, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, without permission in writing from the author.
Reviewers may quote brief passages.2009
Attribution to Solomon already complicates several biblical texts* and apocrypha.** Solomon is the
hero of many ancient tales in the East; still his legend figures into late traditions of the Freemasons.
Rumors which suggest that the wise king left secret books of magic seem never to have died—nor to
have slumbered—since ancient times.

In order to make short work of closing the category of Solomonic magical works, we shall follow
E[liza] M[arian] Butler
and focus on the late grimoires. The limitations of her work, however, must
be acknowledged: Butler depended primarily on published works of the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries, including familiar works in English (from Francis Barrett, Montague Summers,
C. J. S. Thompson, Arthur E. Waite—even Aleister Crowley) and other modern languages (the
collections of J. C. Horst and J. Scheible in particular).
The classes and selections of the Solomonic cycle according to Butler are
1. The Clavicles (Keys)
b.  Lemegeton, or LESSER KEY OF SOLOMON
2. The Grimoires
a.  Grimorium Verum
3. Honorius
a. The Grimoire of Honorius
b.  Liber iuratus
*     Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs.
** Wisdom of Solomon, Odes of Solomon, and the Psalms of Solomon.
†   See Torijano, Solomon the Esoteric King.
††    See Butler’s Ritual Magic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949;) and its companion volumes, The Myth of the
Magus (1949) and The Fortunes of Faust (1946), all reprinted in 1979 by Cambridge University Press. Ritual Magic and The
Fortunes of Faust have again been reprinted (1998) as volumes of Pennsylvania State University’s MAGIC IN HISTORY
SERIES, along with  
•  Forbidden Rites by Richard Kieckhefer (1997)  
•  Conjuring Spirits edited by Claire Fanger (1998)  
•  The Bathhouse at Midnight: Magic in Russia by W. F. Ryan (1999)  
•  a reprint of Spiritual and Demonic Magic: From Ficino to Campanella by D. P. Walker (2000, orig. 1958)  
•  Icons of Power: Ritual Practices in Late Antiquity by Naomi Janowitz (2002)  
•  Battling Demons: Witchcraft, Heresy, and Reform in the Late Middle Ages by Michael D. Bailey (2003)
•  Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World edited by S. Noegel, J. Walker, and B. Wheeler
•  Binding Words: Textual Amulets in the Middle Ages by Don C. Skemer (2006).
•  Strange Revelations: Magic, Poison, and Sacrilege in Louis XIV’s France by Lynn Wood Mollenauer (2006)
•  Unlocked Books: Manuscripts of Learned Magic in the Medieval Libraries of Central Europe by Benedek Láng (2008)
Compare the list of Solomonic texts presented here with that appearing in The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish (New
York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1967), Appendix 1: “The Grimoires.” 2009
To the list above, we might add*
4.  Semiphoras and Shemhamphoras Salomonis Regis
5.  Liber Salomonis : Cephar Raziel, British Library Sloane MS 3826
While reference to the contents of some of these works is made, it is not the aim of this paper to
offer summaries or analyses. Instead, the reader is referred to sources in which these works are
translated into or described in English. My initial advice to anyone interested in pursuing this material
is to go to TWILIT GROTTO at where most of the items discussed below,
along with a wealth of other texts, are responsibly and tastefully presented—and can be viewed for
free. (If the omissions at the site frustrate the reader, for the cost of one typical printed grimoire, a
CD can be ordered from TWILIT  GROTTO containing “50+ complete books/30 complete
grimoires”—a forgivably mild exaggeration.)  
Notice must be given here to Aaron Leitch’s Secrets of the Magical Grimoires: The Classical Texts of Magick
Deciphered (Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2005). Leitch, a practitioner himself, has made a valiant
effort to offer a single-source epitome of the “classic grimoires” with descriptions, tables, and
excerpts clearly and logically presented through 400+ oversized pages. The book is in two parts: (1)
“history and scholarship,” and (2) “practical work,” including experiments and how-to instructions.  
In Part One [Oculta Philosophia],  CHAPTER ONE, Leitch provides an efficient if not particularly
nuanced historical background. He then offers an account of the major grimoires, describing 22
texts, including the Solomonic texts discussed below, plus  Picatrix,  The Sacred Magic of Abramelin,
Agrippa’s De occulta philosophia and the pseudo-Agrippan Fourth Book, Heptameron, John Dee’s diaries,
Barrett’s Magus, etc. Unfortunately, the preamble to these descriptions is marred by some irksome
errors. For example, on page 9, Leitch writes,
The Ethiopian Book of Enoch, the Hebrew Book of Enoch, the Pirkei Heichaloht (sic), and even such
canonical biblical texts such as Ezekiel and the Revelation of St. John are all centered upon—or
connected to—the Merkavah tradition. The Merkavah’s use of ritual drugs, its focus on talismans
and seals, the summoning forth of angelic gatekeepers, and the gaining of mystical visions are
elements that run throughout the grimoiric spells.
*     The Keys to the Gateway of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels & Demon Princes, by Stephen Skinner and David
Rankine (London: Golden Hoard Press, 2005) offers transcriptions of Janua Magica Reserata (KEYS TO THE GATEWAY OF
MAGIC), Dr Rudd’s Nine Hierarchies of Angels with their Invocations to Visible Appearance with the Nine Great Celestial Keys, or
Angelical Invocations, and The Demon Princes (from British Library Sloane MSS 3628, 3821, 3824, 3825, Harley MS 6482, and
Rawlinson D. 1363). This material bears great similarity to the items described below. A case could certainly be made for
wedging these texts into our canon. However, our additions, 4 and 5, contain specific internal reference to Solomon,
which the texts in The Keys to the Gateway of Magic do not—despite the subtitle of the book.
™ Liber Salomonis [2r
]: “Dixit Salomon Gloria et laus et cu multo honore &c / Salomon said glory and praysing wth
much honor be to God of all Creatures, he that is singular wch
made all things at one tyme.”
™ S&S [paragraph 2]: “In the name of the highest, almighty Creator, I, King Solomon, hold to the
interpretation of the name of (God) Semiphoras…”
     The Keys to the Gateway of Magic is volume 2 of the series SOURCEWORKS OF CEREMONIAL MAGIC, volume 1 being
Practical Angel Magic of Dr John Dee’s Enochian Tables : Tabularum Bonam Angelorum Invocationes, by Stephen Skinner and David
Rankine (London: Golden Hoard Publishing , 2004); Volume 3, The Goetia of Dr Rudd: Angels and Demons… (Skinner and
Rankine)—discussed below, § 1. b. Lemegeton; Volume 4, The Veritable Key of Solomon (Skinner and Rankine)—discussed
below,  §  1.  a.  THE KEY OF  SOLOMON;. Volume 5, The Grimoire of St. Cyprian: Clavis Inferni, Latin translation by Peter
Forshaw (Skinner and Rankine—2009); Volume 6, Sepher Raziel (Don Karr and Stephen Skinner—Singapore: Golden
Hoard Press, 2010).  
The first three volumes of this attractively prepared series feature the works and expansions of one Dr Rudd, “a
scholar-magician of the early seventeenth century who knew Dr. John Dee.” This Dr. Rudd is also the compiler of A
Treatise on Angel Magic (MS Harley 6482), an edition of which was published by Adam McLean (Edinburgh: MAGNUM
OPUS SOURCEWORKS [# 15], 1982, and subsequently reprinted; see the bibliography below: “McLean”). 2009
As an example of a work “centered upon…the Merkavah tradition,” the Ethiopian (more correctly,
Ethiopic) Book of Enoch is an odd choice to set next to the Hebrew Book of Enoch and Pirkei Hekhalot.
Yet, with “or connected to” interjected, Leitch allows enough slosh room for its inclusion as well as
that of the Revelation.  
More serious is Leitch’s putting drugs and merkavah together, apparently through reading—but not
thoroughly—James R. Davila’s accounts of shamanic techniques. In the article which Leitch cites
(and in Davila’s book  Descenders of the Chariot, Leiden: Brill, 2001), the use of drugs is indeed
mentioned as a shamanic technique,  and comparison is made between shamans (generic) and
merkavah mystics (specific). However, Davila states, “Nothing in the Hekhalot literature indicates that
the descenders to the chariot made use of psychoactive drugs to induce their visionary experiences”
(“The Hekhalot Literature and Shamanism” at the web page DIVINE MEDIATOR FIGURES IN THE
BIBLICAL  WORLD at —the article Leitch
cites). Leitch does go on to give a fairer account of merkavah mysticism, again based on Davila, later
in the book (CHAPTER TWO: SHAMANISM, TRIBAL TO MEDIEVAL, pages 54-5), where there is no
mention of drugs, and hekhalot is spelled more conventionally.
Leitch’s approach to the grimoires is best expressed in CHAPTER THREE, “The Art of Ecstasy: Way
of the Prophet-Shaman,” which begins,  
The altered mental state is the most essential and critical aspect of magickal practice.
A few pages before (page 71) Leitch states,  
Some of the material in the grimoires may be, in fact, outdated. However, my focus is not upon
the content or intent of the spells but on the foundational occult philosophy upon which the
magick itself is based. It is my hope that this book will outline the processes by which this kind
of magic works, and allow the practitioner to experiment with gaining conversation with various
Part Two [Oculta Practique] mixes Leitch’s prose with tables and extracts from the grimoires on all the
technical matters: times, tools, and talismans; purification and prayer; angels and spirits.
As a first or stand-alone book, Secrets… has much to recommend it. Leitch has reached beyond the
old stand-bys (Mathers, Waite, Crowley, original and later Golden Dawn material, E. M. Butler) and
utilized some recent scholarship (James R. Davila, Claire Fanger, Richard Kieckhefer, Robert
Mathiesen), though perhaps not enough (Leitch does not draw on the work of Michael D. Bailey,
Charles Burnett, Ioan Couliano, Valerie Flint, David Halperin, Deborah Harkness, Gösta Hedegård,
Naomi Janowitz, Frank Klaassen, Christopher Lehrich, Rebecca Lesses, Marvin Meyer, or Robert
Turner, to name a few who have dealt directly with the texts and topics in Secrets…; the “classic”
works of Lynn Thorndike and Joshua Trachtenberg are also neglected. See my bibliography below:
WORKS OF RELATED INTEREST). Nearly all of the texts and scholarly sources Leitch refers to are
readily available (in English), thus, the book has little new to offer, save Leitch’s synthesis and
organization, which sets the “grimoiric” material out in the form of a unified system—which it
certainly is not.  
Despite all of the times I furrowed and bristled while poring over Leitch’s book, because of its range,
readability, and spirit, I recommend Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires, especially to those who intend to
do the stuff. For the practitioner, Secrets… could serve well as a hard-copy anchor to the mass of
texts available on Internet sites such as TWILIT  GROTTO at, SACRED
TEXTS  at, and  NORTON’S  IMPERIUM > “Classics of Magick” at Academics, however, would do better to go directly to Leitch’s
sources—and well beyond. 2009
For the comments of an experienced “Solomonic magician,” refer to Carroll “Poke” Runyon’s threestar review of Leitch, “A Good Survey in Need of Some Important Corrections” at §
REVIEWS WRITTEN BY  THABION  “THABION”: ... 04-3689026-2823924.  
• Readers should note Stephen Skinner’s expansion of Crowley’s Liber 777: The Complete Magician’s
Tables (Singapore: Golden Hoard Press, 2006, and St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 2007). The
subtitle elaborates:  The most complete set of Magic, Kabbalistic, Angelic, Astrologic, Alchemic, Demonic,
Geomantic, Grimoire, Gematria, I Ching, Tarot, Pagan Pantheon, Plant, Perfume and Character Correspondence
in more than 777 tables. (The Crowley editions circulating have something fewer than 200 columns,
whereas Skinner’s volume has more than 800 columns.) § M, “Magic of the Grimoires—Angels,
Demons and Spirits,” connects with the topic at hand. § M offers tables drawn from
¾ Testament of Solomon
¾ Liber Juratus, the Sworn Book of Honorius
¾ Peter de Abano’s Heptameron
¾ Codex Latinus Monacensis
¾ Goetia (Lemegeton Book I)
¾ Theurgia Goetia (Lemegeton Book II)
¾ Ars Paulina (Lemegeton Book III)
¾ Ars Almadel (Lemegeton Book IV)
¾ Key of Solomon – Clavicula Salomonis
¾ Sacred Magic of Abramelin
¾ Franz Bardon’s Practice of Magical Evocation
¾ Grimoirium Verum
¾ Grand Grimoire
• The often cited but frustratingly scarce works on the Hebrew MS called Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh
(ca. 1700) by Hermann Gollancz have been reprinted in a single volume by Teitan Press (York
Beach: 2008):
¾ Maphteah Shelomo. Clavicula Salomonis: A Hebrew Manuscript newly discovered and now described
(London: D. Nutt / Frankfurt a.M: J. Kauffmann, 1903)
¾ Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh (Book of the Key of Solomon) An exact facsimile of an original
book of magic in Hebrew with illustrations now produced for the first time. (London – New
York: Oxford University Press, 1914—of which only 300 copies were printed)
The Teitan edition adds a seven-page foreword by Stephen Skinner, which states that “there is no
doubt that this manuscript [i.e.,  Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh] is part of the Solomonic magical
tradition,” and “in a large measure derived  from them, which is quite the reverse of the usual
assumption” (—page viii). In a section sub-headed  CONFIRMATION OF THE LATINIZED
CONTENTS, Skinner (following the lead of Claudia Rohrbacher-Sticker) presents “proof that this
text [i.e.,  Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh] is a translation from a Latin/Italian original, by a Hebrew
translator” (—page xii).  
Alas, the reprint is a limited editon of 358 copies. 2009
The best-circulated presentation of the KEY OF SOLOMON is S. L. MacGregor Mathers’
Key of Solomon the King (London: Redway, 1888; rpt. New York – York Beach: Samuel Weiser
Inc., 1974 and subsequently). Mathers compiled a text from several MSS found in the British
Library’s Sloane, Harleian, Landsdowne, and King MS collections; he attempted to weave from
these an ideal text.*  
The KEY is described in Butler’s  Ritual Magic, pp. 47-64, and in C. J. S. Thompson’s
Mysteries and Secrets of Magic, pp. 229-240 (London: J. Lane the Bodley Head, 1927; rpt. New
York: Causeway Books, 1973).
Another fair presentation of the KEY appears in Idries Shah’s  Secret Lore of Magic (New
York: Citadel Press, 1958; rpt. 1972; hereafter Secret Lore or simply “Shah”) pp. 9-60. Not quite
so good is Arthur Edward Waite’s treatment in The Book of Ceremonial Magic (London: Rider,
1911; rpt. New York: Bell Publishing, 1969; hereafter Ceremonial Magic or simply “Waite”) pp.
58-64 (Bell edition). (Ceremonial Magic is a revision of Waite’s earlier Book of Black Magic and of
Pacts, London: Redway, 1898; rpt. New York – York Beach: Samuel Weiser Inc., 1972, and
The most extensive treatment of the KEY to date is Volume IV of Stephen Skinner and
David Rankine’s SOURCEWORKS OF CEREMONIAL MAGIC, The Veritable Key of Solomon (London
– Singapore: Golden Hoard Press / Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2008), which presents
three KEY OF SOLOMON texts translated from the French by Paul Harry Barron: KEY 1. The
Keys of Rabbi Solomon (Wellcome MS 4670 [1796]), KEY 2. La Clavicule ou La Clef de Salomon
(Wellcome MS 4669 Art. 1 [1796]), and KEY 3.  Traité Universal des Clavicucles de Salomon
(Wellcome MS 4669 Art. 2),** these being “three different texts from those translated by S. L.
MacGregor Mathers.” The texts are introduced by a 60-page survey of the history and various
“text-groups” of the KEY supplemented by several appendices listing KEY MSS.

A composite of material related to the KEY is assembled in Ebenezer Sibley’s (or Sibly)
Clavis or Key to Unlock the Mysteries of Magic of Rabbi Solomon, translated from Hebrew into French and
from French rendered into English with additions (ca. 1800). Two reproduction editions have recently
been published: (1) Ebenezer Sibly,  Solomon’s Clavis, or Key to Unlock the Mysteries of Magic
(Leicestershire: Society of Esoteric Endeavor, 2008), which offers Sibly’s manuscript (c. 1800),
English translations primarily from various French magical sources, unadorned,  i.e., “no
modern introduction,” with Sibly’s preface; (2) Ebenezer Sibley, The Clavis or Key to the Magic of
Solomon…from a manuscript prepared by Frederick Hockley, with introduction, notes, and
commentary by Joseph Peterson (Lake Worth: Ibis Press, 2009).
* Mathers’ version of the KEY is included in the opportunistic no-frills “pirate” collection, The Clavicula Solomonis (sic) by
Magus Tsirk Susej—Jesus Krist backwards, for heaven’s sake—(n.p.: Embassy of Lucifer, 2005); this edition has the text
of the KEY—and the LESSER KEY; see below 1.b, page 9—with no introduction, notes, or mention of sources, MSS or
** Additional material from Wellcome MS 4669 has been published as A Collection of Magical Secrets, Taken from Peter de
Abano, Cornelius Agrippa and from other Famous Occult Philosophers & A Treatise of Mixed Cabalah, Which comprises the Angelic
Art Taken from Hebrew Sages, translated from Wellcome MS 4669 by Paul Harry Barron from the original French
manuscript date 1796, with introduction and commentary by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine. London: Avalonia,
† In “The Key of Solomon: Toward a Typology of the Manuscripts” (in  Societas Magica Newsletter, Issue 17, Spring
2007—online at, Robert Mathiesen “offer some materials for an eventual
typological study of these [Key of Solomon] texts,” starting with an account of 122 MSS written in languages using the
Latin alphabet, as opposed to those in Greek or Hebrew, then offering a provisional division of these into “Western
text groups,” e.g., “Oldest (Western) Text [OT],” “Toz Graecus Text-Group [TG],” “Invocation of Angels TextGroup [IA],” and so on. Mathiesen adds some comments on “A Hebrew Version of the Key of Solomon,” i.e., Mafteach
Shelomoh, and “An Arabic Version…” entitled  Al-Miftah al-Azam li-Sulayman al-Hakim, and offers some “Tentative
†† See Joscelyn Godwin, The Theosophical Enlightenment (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994): on Sibly, pages
107ff; on Hockley, pages 170ff.  2009
1. b. Lemegeton, or LESSER KEY OF SOLOMON:
The Lemegeton consists of five sections:
i.  Goetia
ii.  Theurgia-Goetia [§§ I and II]
iii. Pauline Art
iv.  Almadel
v. Notary Art (or Ars Nova)
Goetia is the best circulated of the sections, having been published numerous times, the
best-known version being the one transcribed by S. L. MacGregor Mathers in 1898, with an
introduction entitled “Preliminary Definition of Magic.” A few years later, Aleister Crowley
published this edition enhanced by his own introduction, preface, preliminary invocation, and
other ornaments (Foyers: S[ociety for the] P[ropagation of] R[eligious] T[ruth] Ltd, 1904). In
1916, the pirating began with an edition bearing the name L. W. de Laurence and the title The
Lesser Key of Solomon—Goetia: The Book of Evil Spirits (Chicago: de Laurence, Scott and Co.),
which is the Mathers/Crowley work unacknowledged; this edition is listed as still in print (!) A
larger version—in size, not in content—bearing Crowley’s name was published in 1970 (New
York: Ram Importer Inc.; subsequent editions from Equinox Ltd in 1976, Magickal Childe in
1989, and First Impressions in 1993) as The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King; this is, for the
most part, a dressed up version of the “SPRT/de Laurence” edition.
Goetia is described and quoted in Butler’s Ritual Magic (pp. 65-80); it is presented in both
Shah (pp. 179-211; 299-304) and Waite (pp. 64-66; 184-235). Waite’s “list of the seventy-two
spirits…along with their sigils” is reproduced in Christopher McIntosh’s  Devil’s Bookshelf
(Wellingborough: The Aquarian Press, 1985: pp. 168-189). Shah also gives Almadel in Secret
Lore (pp. 169-178).* Waite includes Pauline Art (pp. 66-72) and [The Art of] Almadel (pp. 72-
77). McIntosh includes the conjuration of Samael from a MS of the Pauline Art “copied out by
Frederick Hockley, the indefatigable nineteenth-century collector of occult documents” (The
Devil’s Bookshelf, pp. 190-1).
A full transcription of The Art of Almadel of Solomon from British Library, MS Sloane 2731
(collated with Sloane 3648 and 3825) appears as an appendix to Jan R. Veenstra’s article “The
Holy Almandal: Angels and the Intellectual Aims of Magic,” in The Metamorphosis of Magic from
Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period, edited by Jan N. Bremmer and Jan R. Veenstra
(Leuven: Peeters, 2002).**  
Some recent efforts have offered complete, or near-complete, editions of Lemegeton. All
parts but Notary Art appear in Kevin Wilby’s Lemegetton: A Medieval Manual of Solomonic Magic
[Sloane MS 3648] (Dyfed: Hermetic Research Series NUMBER 5, 1985). In his article, “The
Lemegetton Revealed,” (in The Hermetic Journal, Issue 29, ed. Adam McLean, 1985), Wilby says
that Notary Art “is fragmentary and nowhere near complete,” referring to it as the “corrupted  
*     The Almadel of the Lemegeton should not be confused with Armadel—a completely different work, available as The
Grimoire of Armadel, translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers (York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1980 and 1995)—OR the
Arbatel of Magick—a collection of forty-nine magical aphorisms, the first section of an otherwise lost nine-part tome
said to have been employed by John Dee.  
See Joseph H. Peterson’s translation, Arbatel: Concerning the Magic of the Ancients [ORIGINAL SOURCEBOOK OF ANGEL
MAGIC] (Lake Worth: Ibis Press, 2009)—also at Peterson’s TWILIT GROTTO: > Classical
Grimoires. Arbatel also appears in the collection titled The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, edited… by Stephen Skinner.
London: Askin Publishers, 1978; rpt Berwick [ME]: Ibis Press, 2005 (see listing below, page 14). On the INTERNET,
see Benjamin Rowe’s PDF at NORTON’S IMPERIUM, > Classics of Magick, AND
Sadena’s 2003 translation at
**      The Holy Almandal is a practical manual of ritual magic which “may have roots extending back into Persia and the
Far East, but its medieval versions were thoroughly Christianized” [page 192]; however, Almandal and Almadel are of
“diverse traditions.” [page 209] (cited from Veenstra’s “Holy Almadel”). 2009
fifth part.” Wilby is even harsher in his FOREWORD to The Lemegetton, referring to “the fifth
and final book” as “the only blemish I found in this masterly work,” deeming it “literary tripe.”
A so-so photocopy (with some pages missing) of British Library Sloane MS 2731 (which is
in English) and a remarkably poor typescript comprise Nelson and Anne White’s Lemegeton:
Clavicula Salomonis, The Complete Lesser Key of Solomon the King (Fremont: Technology Group,
1979; 2nd
edition, once available at—an unfortunately now-defunct
site which proved that one picture is worth a thousand words).  
The edition from the International Guild of Occult Sciences (hereafter I.G.O.S.),  King
Solomon’s The Lemegeton: Lesser Key (or  The Lemegeton: King Solomon’s Lesser Key) (Palm Springs:
I.G.O.S., 1997) contains the Whites’ photocopy slightly enlarged with a transcription which is
neat and readable. Neither the Whites’ nor the I.G.O.S. version includes Notary Art, save for a
few “sample pages,” stating that Notary Art is “quite obviously not a ‘book,’ but rather a
collection of notes and explanations which should have been presented with the first book,
The Goetia” (the Whites’ edition, p. 57); and “a scattered and undeveloped jotting down…at
best supplementary notations” (I.G.O.S. edition, p. 65).
Robin E. Cousins (in  Elizabethan Magic, edited by Robert Turner [Longmead: Element
Books, 1989], p. 140) observes that Notary Art is, in fact, omitted from Sloane 2731, the MS
used by the Nelsons and I.G.O.S. According to Cousins (Elizabethan Magic, p. 141), Wilby
based his edition on a manuscript (Sloane MS 3648) which contains the Notary Art, but—as
noted above—he saw fit to exclude it from his “complete” edition.  
Ars Notoria: The Notary Art of Solomon, translated into English in 1657 by Robert Turner of
Holshott (not to be confused with Robert Turner, the contemporary author/editor, mentioned
above) has been published in a collector’s edition (Seattle: Trident Press, 1987 and 1997) along
with some support material: “An Astrological Catechisme” and “Solomon and the Ars Notoria”
from Lynn Thorndike’s  History of Magic and Experimental Science,  and “Ars Notoria  in
Manuscript” by Adam McLean. A low-cost edition, titled variously Ars Notoria: The Magical Art
of Solomon, Showing the Cabalistical Key of Magical Operations or The Magical Art of Solomon, being the
Ars Notoria: A Grimoire  [KABBALISTIC GRIMOIRE SERIES III], without the sundry additions,
edited by Darcy Kuntz, was put out by Holmes Publishing Group [Edmonds] in 1998 and
remains available in a more recent reprint edition.  
While not really contradicting the Nelson/I.G.O.S. assessment, Benjamin Rowe offers an
alternative and more positive take on the Lemegeton’s fifth book. In the introduction to his Ars
Nova—Book Five of the Lemegeton (June 1999; on the Internet at Rowe’s site, Norton’s Imperium:
Enochian Magick Papers & Links > “Classics of Magic,” at,
Rowe says that in some manuscripts (such as the one from which he transcribed, Sloane MS.
2731—the same as the Nelsons’ and I.G.O.S.), the fifth book is an addendum containing notes
on Goetia. This book has been mistakenly called Ars Notoria instead of the correct name, Ars
Nova. Rowe suggests quite convincingly that the last couple of pages of the manuscript are out
of order, and, thus,  Ars Nova consists of two leaves rather than one. These final pages of
Lemegeton can be seen in the photocopies of the Nelson and I.G.O.S. editions. For a full
transcription, see Rowe’s site.*
Another recent edition is  Lemegeton: The Complete Lesser Key of Solomon, edited by Mitch
Henson, with revised illustrations by Jeff Wellman (Jacksonville: Metatron Books, 1999),
which also omits Notary Art. Henson says in his introduction, “Both the content and the
context of Ars Notoria show no affinity for the listings of spirits that mark the bulk of the
material contained in  The Lesser Key of Solomon.” This tidied-up (perhaps a bit too tidy),
inexpensive edition presents “a careful collation of manuscripts from the Sloane collection in
the British Library.”  
*    Ars Nova, even when it has been transcribed, has been read incorrectly as a continuous text rather than as columns.
The only printed edition of Ars Nova which is transcribed in the correct order appears in Skinner & Rankine, The
Goetia of Dr Rudd (London: Golden Hoard, 2007), Appendix 9, pages 414-421. 2009
The LESSER KEY collection with Ars Nova—not Ars Notoria—is included in The Embassy
of Lucifer’s Clavicula Solomonis—noted above in §1.a, first note
  • ; Ars Nova  is identical to
    Rowe’s version, even including the footnote numbers in the text—without the footnotes.
    The Lesser Key of Solomon  edited by Joseph H. Peterson (York Beach: Red Wheel/Weiser,
    2001) includes a complete text—all five  books—with other pertinent material, including a
    preface from one of the MS editions of the Lesser Key, addenda from two others, and Johann
    Weyer’s Pseudomonarchia dæmonum. “I have followed Sloane 3825 for this edition, except for Ars
    Notoria. For the latter, the manuscripts are clearly dependent on Robert Turner’s translation. I
    have therefore used his 1657 printed edition as my primary source” (INTRODUCTION, p. xiii).
    Intelligently prepared, nicely printed, reasonably priced: Peterson’s is by far the best edition
    Finally, there is The Goetia of Dr Rudd: The Angels & Demons of Liber Malorum Spirituum seu
    Goetia Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis / with study techniques of evocation in the context of the
    angel magic tradition of the seventeenth century / being a transcription of Dr Rudd’s ‘Liber Malorum
    Spiritum seu Goetia’ from Harley MS 6483, with other pertinent extracts from manuscripts Harley MS
    6482, Sloane MS 3824 and Wellcome MS 3203, by Stephen Skinner and David Rankine (London
    – Singapore: Golden Hoard Press, 2007). The question, “Why another edition of the
    Lemegeton?” is taken up in the introduction (I have condensed):
    1. The manuscript contains much material which no other version does. …
    2. We wanted to show how the system of magic in the Lemegeton was developed and actually
    practiced by working magicians in the seventeenth century. …
    3. The seals in this manuscript are beautiful and more carefully drawn than in any other
    manuscript …  
    4. This version explains the preparation and protection of the magician, specifically what
    precise angel he should use to compel each individual demon, and the use of the Brass
    Vessel. These key practical details are not present in any other edition of the Goetia.
    5. We wanted to trace where the Lemegeton material comes from and to demonstrate that its
    roots reach back at least to the thirteenth century, and the connections between angel
    magicians and those evoking in the grimoire tradition, which in the case of this manuscript
    proves to be identical. …
    The Goetia of Dr Rudd is Volume III of  SOURCEWORKS OF CEREMONIAL MAGIC, all by
    Skinner and Rankine. (See note on page 3 above.)  It contains Goetia, Theurgia Goetia, The Art
    Pauline,  and The Art Almadel—but not Ars Notoria because “it is not a workable system as it
    appears in these manuscripts,” without the crucial notæ illustrations.
    Further, see Michael Camille’s “Visual Art in Two Manuscripts of the Ars Notoria,” in
    Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Medieval Ritual Magic, edited by Claire Fanger (University
    Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998; hereafter Conjuring Spirits); “The Notary Art”
    MAGIC: MANUSCRIPTS OF  MAGIC  1300-1600, Ph.D. dissertation: Toronto: University of
    Toronto, 1999 (pp. 109-129); and Klaassen’s § THE ARS NOTORIA within “English Manuscripts
    of Magic, 1300-1500: A Preliminary Survey,” in Conjuring Spirits…, (ed. Fanger), pp. 14-19.
    2. a. Grimorium Verum:
    Again we can turn to Waite (pp. 96-100, 159-183, 236-240, with numerous other
    references) and Shah (pp. 64-68; 75-112).  
    An attractive edition was put out by Trident Press (Seattle: 1994):  Grimoirium Verum:
    from the Hebrew by Plangiere, Jesuite Dominicaine, in “library,” cloth, and, in this rare case,
    paper. The I.G.O.S. version offers the text in both French and English (Palm Springs: 1996). 2009
    The best edition available is, not surprisingly, that of Joseph H. Peterson (Scotts Valley:
    CreateSpace Publishing, 2007), which offers not only an English translation but complete
    French and Italian texts. Peterson’s careful work accommodates academics and practitioners
    There are conflicting descriptions of this text. Butler describes a MS containing 45
    talismans with details of their workings and “all magical characters known unto this day” from
    a Hebrew original (Ritual Magic, p. 80). Waite (p. 100) refers to it as “simply an adapted version
    of the KEY… [and] like the  Grimorium Verum, it is exceedingly confused, and is rendered
    almost unmeaning by the omission of the practical part.” Waite does, however, quote and
    paraphrase it frequently:
    •  p. 146 on abstinence
    •  pp. 147-148 on baths
    •  p. 149 on inks
    •  p. 154 on instruments
    •  p. 166 on pen and ink
    •  pp. 174-176 on parchment
    •  pp. 177-179 on cleaning
    •  pp. 300-302 for love
    •  pp. 306-307 for invisibility
    THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, also called the Red Dragon, is described and quoted by Waite (pp.
    100-103/pp. 241-264). Shah introduces it and from it offers an operation for conjuring
    Lucifuge (pp. 68-74). There is an artful limited edition (500 copies) from Trident/Ars Obscura
    (Seattle: 1996) translated by Gretchen Rudy from the 1612 Italian edition; this has been
    reprinted by Trident in a $100 “library edition” with an optional $25 slipcase (2006). I.G.O.S.
    has its typically pricey edition titled The Red Dragon—The Grand Grimoire (translated by Robert
    Blanchard, Palm Springs: 1995), which gives both the French and English. Lastly, there is an
    economy version of  The Grand Grimoire edited by Darcy Kuntz [KABBALISTIC GRIMOIRE
    SERIES IV] (Edmonds: Holmes Publishing Groups, 2001).
    3. The Grimoire &  SWORN BOOK of Honorius:
    Distinction should immediately be made between the SWORN BOOK OF HONORIUS and
    the later, derivative—and diabolical—Grimoire, also called the  Constitution of Honorius.
    Unfortunately, these titles are often interchanged (as with the I.G.O.S. edition discussed
    The Grimoire is treated in the books we have already cited: Butler: pp. 89-97, Waite: pp.
    103-110, and Shah: pp. 253-280.
    The Grimoire of Pope Honorius “from a [German] manuscript from the Infernal Library of a
    Schwabian farmer,” translated by Kineta Ch’ien, was published in a limited edition in 1999 by
    Trident Books (Seattle); both the English and German are included. The text is somewhat
    different from the one treated by Butler, Waite, and Shah, though introduced by  The
    Constitution of Pope Honorius given in French and English, the English of which is identical to
    Shah, pp. 255-6 and quite similar to Waite pp. 107-9. Included in the Trident edition is support
    material, such as a “Bibliographic Prolegomenon,” an “Examination of the Editions of the
    Grimoire,” and yet another text, Coniurationes Demonum (in English).
    A translation of the SWORN  BOOK, or  Liber sacer sive liber juratus, was done by Daniel
    Driscoll: The Sworn Book of Honorius the Magician (Gillette: Heptangle Books, 1977 & Berkeley
    Heights: Heptangle Books, 1983). Printed as a fancy collectable, this work is now difficult and
    expensive to obtain; alas, it is incomplete and considered somewhat inaccurate. I.G.O.S. 2009
    published a hardbound typescript, variously titled  Medieval Grimoire of Honorius, Grimoire of
    Honorius,  and Handbook of Honorius the Magus (translated by Robert Blanchard, Palm Springs:
    1993). Even though it is called “Grimoire,” this work is actually the iuratus or SWORN BOOK of
    Honorius mentioned by Lynn Thorndike in History of Magic and Experimental Science (New York:
    Macmillan Company, 1923-1958; rpt. Columbia University Press), volume II, chapter XLIX:
    “Solomon and the Ars Notoria.”
    There is  Liber Iuratus Honorii: A Critical Edition of the Latin Version of the Sworn Book of
    Honorius, by Gösta Hedegård [ACTA UNIVERSITATIS STOCKHOLMIENSIS:  Studia Latina
    Stockholmiensa] (Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell International, 2002). The text is in Latin; the
    46-page introduction, however, is in English. § IV of Hedegård’s reconstructed Latin text, “de
    composicione sigilli Dei vivi et veri” (pages 67-71), has been translated into English by Colin
    D. Campbell as APPENDIX B of The Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee: The Sigillum Dei Aemeth (York
    Beach: Teitan Press, 2009).
    See “A Thirteenth-Century Ritual to Attain the Beatific Vision from the  Sworn Book of
    Honorius of Thebes” by Robert Mathiesen, and “The Devil’s Contemplatives: The  Liber
    iuratus, The  Liber visionum and Christian Appropriation of Jewish Occultism” by Richard
    Kieckhefer—both in  Conjuring Spirits. Refer also to Frank Klaassen’s Ph.D. dissertation,
    1300-1600 (Toronto: University of Toronto, 1999), pages 129-135, and Klaasen’s § THE LIBER
    SACER OR SWORN BOOK OF HONORIUS within “English Manuscripts of Magic, 1300-1500: A
    Preliminary Survey,” in Conjuring Spirits…, (ed. Fanger), pp. 19-20.
    4.  Semiphoras & Shemhamphoras Salomonis Regis (hereafter S&S):
    S&S is surrounded by a mish-mash derived from Agrippa, pseudo-Agrippa, Jewish magic
    (Shimmush Tehillim), folk magic, and fragments from the Faustian school in a collection titled
    The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses (New York: Wehman Brothers, n.d. [1880]; and Carbondale:
    Egyptian Publishing Company, n.d.; Chicago: The de Laurence Company, 1919.)  
    In 1982, there appeared the profoundly disappointing New Revised Sixth and Seventh Books of
    Moses and the Magical Uses of Psalms, edited by Migene Gonzolez-Wippler (Bronx: Original
    Publications). The text and especially the introduction are rife with errors.
    In 2008, Joseph H. Peterson produced a nicely-printed edition (Lake Worth: Ibis Press)
    which offers serious treatment of this hybrid collection of translations: clear, correct texts and
    diagrams, with an informative foreword, notes, and nine supplemental appendices—surely the
    best edition.
    The texts (with seals in Hebrew and magical script) of The Sixth Book of Moses  and The
    Seventh Book of Moses are English translations from Johann Scheibel’s Das Sechste und Siebente buch
    Mosis (Stuttgart: 1849), which is volume six of Scheibel’s Bibliothek der zauber geheimnis—und
    The S&S texts also trace their origins back to German collections, namely volumes 3 and
    4 of J. C. Horst’s Zauberbiliothek (6 vols., Mainz: 1821-6); and volume 3 of Scheibel’s Das Kloster
    (12 vols., Stuttgart and Leipzig: Theodor Thomas, 1846).*  
    Interestingly, “The Seven Semiphoras of Adam” and “The Seven Semiphoras of Moses”
    within  S&S  closely match passages in the seventh book of  Liber Salomonis : Cephar Raziel,
    discussed below. For S&S, see Wehman, Egyptian, and de Laurence—pp. 116-140; GonzolezWippler—pp. 125-164. Peterson, APPENDIX 3—pp. 141-168.
    *     Other items from Das Kloster (vols. 2 and 5, respectively) are posted at the website of the Cleveland Public Library:
    Libellus Magicus: A Nineteenth-Century Manuscript of Conjurations  and  Praxis Magica Fausti, introduced, annotated, and
    transcribed by Stephen J. Zietz (1999); go to (NOT FOUND: December
    29, 2008) to bring up the contents page. Both are described by Waite (Black Magic, Weiser edition, pp. 102-4; Ceremonial
    Magic, Bell edition, pp. 110-112) and the first text is presented in both Latin and English at TWILIT  GROTTO: > Black Magic with the title Verus Jesuitarum Libellus.  2009
    5.  Liber Salomonis, British Library Sloane MS 3826:
    Liber Salomonis is not treated at length in any printed source, though it is described in
    Ceremonial Magic  (pp. 20-21) and mentioned here and there by Shah and Butler. Thorndike
    mentions this MS only once in History of Magic (volume II, p. 281).  
    The first section of Liber Salomonis refers to itself as “Cephar Raziel,” “Sephar Raziel,”
    “booke of Raziel,” and “booke of Razeelus.” Solomon is indicated as the recipient and
    redactor—not the author—of the book in the narrative which introduces the text. However,
    most instructions begin, “Salomon said….” Others begin, “Hermes said…,” “Adam said…,”
    “Nathaniel said…,” “Moyses said…,” and “Raziel said….” Narrative passages refer to Raziel
    as the source of the book and to Adam as the original recipient.
    Sepher Raziel  comprises folio pages 2r
    of British Library Sloane MS 3826; it contains
    seven treatises* (as described on its own fo. 3r
    1. Clavis…“of astronomy and of the starres” (ff 5
    2. Ala…“the vertues of some stones of herbes and of beasts” (ff 12
    3. Tractatus Thymiamatus…of suffumigations and of allegations of them and divisions” (ff 27
    4. The “Treatise of tymes of the year of the day and of the night … when anything ought to be
    done by this booke” (ff 34
    5. The “Treatise of Cleanesse…of Abstinence” (ff 46
    6. “Samaim” which “nameth all the heavens and her angels and the operations or workings of
    them” (ff 51
    7. The “booke of Vertues…and miracles…the properties of the ark of magicke and of his figures
    and of the ordinance of same” (ff 53
    The rest of Sloane MS 3826 consists of  
    1.  Incipit Canon: The rule of the book of consecration, or the manner of working (ff 57
    2. Orisons (ff 60
    3. Magical directions (ff 65
    4.  Liber Lunæ (ff 84
    ) †   
    5.  Raphael: The Invocation of Oberon Concerning Physick &c  (ff 98
    6. The Call of Bilgal, One of the 7 etc. (fo. 99
    7. An Experiment for a Fayry (fo. 100
    8.  Beleemus De imaginibus (ff 100
    *    These sections also appear in Sloane MS 3846, fols. 128r-157v. (refer to Joseph H. Peterson’s transcription at ).
      See Sepher Raziel also known as Liber Salomonis, a 1564 English Grimoire from Sloane MS 3826, edited by Don Karr and
    Stephen Skinner (Singapore: Golden Hoard Press, 2010) for a full transcription of the seven treatises of the Sloane
    3826 “Cephar Raziel,” along with a modern English version.
    **       Robert Mathiesen (in the article listed below, page 13) lists “Sloane 3826...ff. 58-83?” [Mathiesen’s question mark]
    among the manuscript versions of the SWORN  BOOK at the British Library, though he places it with those which
    “preserve the original Latin text.” Portions of 3826 are in Latin (see above), but the bulk of the text is in English.
    Gösta Hedegård refutes this identification (Liber Iuratus Honorii, pages 13-14, note 37), quoting Rachel Stockdale that
    3826 ff 58—62 contain “The rule of the  booke of Consecration or the manner of working, with some orisons.”
    Hedegård then refers to Waite (Book of Black Magic…, page 35), stating that the treatises of this part of 3826 “extract
    matter” from Honorius works; Hedegard allows that this “may possibly be right” (page 14, note 13).
       The two paragraphs on fo. 68 begin, “Dixit Thebit Pencorat…” and “Thebit said….” The reference is almost
    certainly to Thabit ben Korra, or Tabit ibn Korrah, or Qurra (c.836-c.901), member of the pagan sect, the Sabians
    (mainly of the city Harran, Thabit’s birthplace). A prolific and eclectic writer, philosopher, and translator (he rendered
    the Greek philosophers—e.g., Archimedes, Aristotle, Euclid—into Arabic or Syriac), Thabit was an authority on the
    occult, particularly on the subject of images. Indeed, he is cited in Picatrix and the works of Albertus Magnus and Peter
    de Abano. (My thanks to Lester Ness who kindly provided information regarding Thebit Pencorat = Tabit ibn Qurra.)  
    †       See Liber Lunæ – The Book of the Moon, edited and introduced by Don Karr (forthcoming). 2009
    Sloane MS 3826 is in English, except for (i) the opening lines of paragraphs in  Liber
    Salomonis  and  Incipit Canon; (ii) the Orisons; (iii) the invocation, constriction, ligation, and
    license of Raphael; and (iv) Beleemus De imaginibus (BELEMUS ON THE IMAGES [of the planets]).
    Folio pages 58r
    have been identified as material from THE SWORN BOOK of Honorius (see
    above, note ** on page 12, and below, “Printed notices of Sloane MS 3826”: Mathiesen).
    Printed notices of Sloane MS 3826:
    •  Alchemy Web Site, “organised by Adam McLean.” “Sepher Raziel Manuscripts,” on-line at; also in print as an appendix to Steve Savedow’s
    Sepher Rezial Hemelach: The Book of the Angel Rezial, York Beach: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 2000.
    •  Cresswell, Julia. The Watkins Dictionary of Angels, London: Watkins Publishing, 2006; Cresswell
    uses Sloane 3826 as her “base text” in compiling this grand list of “angels and angelic beings.”
    •  Karr, Don; and Skinner, Stephen.  Sepher Raziel also known as Liber Salomonis, a 1564 English
    Grimoire from Sloane MS 3826. [SOURCE WORKS OF CEREMONIAL MAGIC, volume 6]. Singapore:
    Golden Hoard Press, 2010.
    MANUSCRIPTS OF MAGIC 1300-1600. Ph.D. dissertation: Toronto: University of Toronto, 1999:
    p. 133 (ref. Liber sacer i.e., “Honorius material”), p. 207 (as an example of a seventeenth-century
    collection combining ritual and scholastic image magic), p. 259 (listed under “Seventeenth
    Century [MSS]”).
    •  Mathiesen, Robert. “A Thirteenth-Century Ritual to Attain the Beatific Vision from the Sworn
    Book  of Honorius of Thebes,” in Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Medieval Ritual Magic,
    edited by Claire Fanger. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998: p. 145
    (Sloane 3826 ff. 58-83 is listed as a MS of the Sworn Book of Honorius).  
    •  “M. Plessner, article on ‘Balinus’ in Encyclopedia of Islam (new edn.1959) I, p. 995.” (This entry
    appears on the British Library reference form which accompanies the microfilm version of the
    MS from which the current transcription has been done.)
    •  Shah, Idries.  Oriental Magic. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1956; rpt 1973: page 191,
    BIBLIOGRAPHY, Grimoire References, Chaldea: “The following ‘Black Books’ of the sorcerers
    have traces of Chaldean magical rituals or processes attributed to Chaldean origin: Sefer Raziel
    (The Book of Raziel). B.M. Sloane 3826.”
    •  Shah, Idries. The Secret Lore of Magic. Secaucus: Citadel Press Inc., 1958: pp. 288, 289, 290, and
    310; ref. abbreviation (SR).
    •  Thorndike, Lynn. History of Magic and Experimental Sciences, volume II: THE FIRST THIRTEEN
    CENTURIES. New York: Columbia University Press 1923: p. 281.
    •  Waite, Arthur Edward. Book of Black Magic and of Pacts. London: Redway, 1898; rpt. New York:
    Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1972: pp. 33-4 of the Weiser edition.
    •  Waite, Arthur Edward. The Book of Ceremonial Magic. London: Rider, 1911; rpt. New York: Bell
    Publishing Company, 1969: pp. 20-21 and 22 of the Bell edition. (The Book of Ceremonial Magic is a
    revised version of Book of Black Magic and of Pacts.)  2009
    Works of Related Interest:
    Abraham von Worms, AKA Abraham of Wurzburg AND Abraham the Jew.  
    The Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin [Abra-Melin] or Abramelin the Mage.  
    •  Translated and edited by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, London: Watkins, 1898; 2nd
    1900; rpt. New York: Causeway Books, 1974; New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1975.
    •  A SHORTER VERSION IN SEVEN CHAPTERS, translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, edited
    by Adrian Axworthy. [KABBALISTIC GRIMOIRE SERIES  VI] Edmunds: Holmes Publishing
    Group, 2001; 2nd
    revised edition, Sequim: Holmes Publishing Group, 2008.
    •  A NEW TRANSLATION, compiled and edited by Georg Dehn, translated by Steven Guth.
    Lake Worth: Ibis Press, 2006.
    Agrippa, [Henry] Cornelius. The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, edited, with commentary, by Stephen
    Skinner. London: Askin Publishers, 1978; rpt Berwick [ME]: Ibis Press, 2005.
    This is the translation of Robert Turner (London: 1655) and the only edition which includes all of the
    items in Turner’s collection rather than just The Fourth Book and Heptameron (see below).  
    Pictorius Villinganus
    •  OF GEOMANCY—Agrippa
    •  OF ASTRONOMICAL GEOMANCY—Gerard Cremonensis
    ______________.  The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy: The Companion to the Three Books of Occult
    Philosophy, edited and annotated by Donald Tyson. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2009.
    Again, Robert Turner’s translation of the six-book collection, following Stephen Skinner’s edition (listed
    immediately above). Tyson’s edition includes an “analysis” of each book containing both historical and
    practical support material.
    ______________. Of Occult Philosophy, Book Four, edited and translated by Robert Turner. Originally
    published, Antwerp: 1531; Turner’s translation, 1655. Gillette: Heptangle Books, 1985.
       Includes Agrippa’s Fourth Book and the Heptameron or Magical Elements of Peter de Abano; find both at  
    ______________. Three Books of Occult Philosophy, and annotated by Donald Tyson. Original English
    translation 1651; Tyson’s edition, St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1993.
       The support material which Tyson provides makes this edition a valuable reference source. Text at  
    Åkerman, Susanna. “Queen Christina’s Latin Sefer-ha-Raziel Manuscript,” in Judeo-Christian Intellectual
    Culture in the Seventeenth Century: A Celebration of the Library of Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713),
    [INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES, 163] edited by Allison P. Coudert, Sarah Hutton, Richard H. Popkin,
    and Gordon M. Weiner. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
    “The Latin copies of Sefer-ha-Raziel in particular shows (sic) a continuation of interest in Hebrew angelology
    among Christian readers well after the great blooming of such concerns among Rosicrucian authors in 1614-
    1620” (page 13). “The angelic doctrine of liber Raziel is taken up by a group of texts called Claves Salomonis,
    magical texts that in conjunction with al-Magriti’s book of Arabic magic,  Picatrix, influenced Cornelius
    Agrippa” (page 18).
    (anon.) The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman, translated from the French: La Poule Noire. New
    York: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1972; rpt. (edited by Darcy Kuntz) [KABBALISTIC GRIMOIRE SERIES II]
    Edmonds: Holmes Publishing Group, 1998.
       On The Black Pullet, see Waite, Ceremonial Magic, pp. 113-132. 2009
    (anon.) The History of Dr. John Faustus, Showing How He Sold Himself to the Devil, to Have Twenty-Four Years
    to Do Whatsoever He Pleased, edited by Darcy Kuntz [KABBALISTIC GRIMOIRE SERIES VII]. Edmonds:
    Holmes Publishing Group, 2001; 2nd
    edition revised Sequim: Holmes Publishing Group, 2008.
    Bailey, Michael D.  Battling Demons: Witchcraft, Heresy, and Reform in the Late Middle Ages  [MAGIC IN
    HISTORY SERIES]. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.
    Barrett, Francis. The Magus. A Complete System of Occult Philosophy. London: 1801; rpt. New Hyde Park:
    University Books, 1967; rpt. York Beach: Samuel Weiser Inc., 2000.
       Most of the contents were copied from Agrippa and other sources. See the defense of Barrett in Alison
    OF THE GOLDEN DAWN (M.A. thesis, St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000): CHAPTER
    TWO: “Beyond Attribution: The Importance of Barrett’s Magus.”
    Best, Michael; and Brightman, Frank H. (eds) The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus. Of the Virtues of
    Herbs, Stones, and Certain Beasts, Also of the Marvels of the World (13th
    century). Oxford: Oxford
    University Press, 1973; rpt. York Beach: Samuel Weiser Inc., 1999.
       The recent Weiser edition is preferable to the reprint from Kessinger (Kila, Montana) entitled Egyptian
    Secrets or White and Black Art for Man and Beast of Albertus Magnus (copied from the Egyptian Publishing
    Co. [Chicago] edition).
    Betz, Hans Dieter (ed). The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells, Volume One:
    Texts. 2nd
    edition Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
    Black, S. Jason; and Hyatt, Christopher S. Pacts with the Devil. A Chronicle of Sex, Blasphemy & Liberation.
    Tempe: New Falcon Publications, 1993 and 1997.
       Pacts includes versions of Grimoirum Verum, Grand Grimoire and Honorius, edited and adapted to render
    them “doable.” May I suggest “doabolic”?  
    Budge, E. A. Wallis.  Amulets and Talismans. Originally published Oxford/Cambridge: 1930, as
    AMULETS AND SUPERSTITIONS; rpt. New York: Collier Books, 1970.
       See especially chapter XXIII: “The Kabbalistic Names and Signs, and Magical Figures, and Squares of
    the Seven Astrological Stars or Planets.”
    Burnett, Charles. Magic and Divination in the Middle Ages. Texts and Techniques in the Islamic and Christian
    Worlds [COLLECTED STUDIES SERIES: CS557]. Aldershot: Variorum/Ashgate Publishing, Brookfield,
    Cauzons, Th. de.  Magic and Sorcery in France, I.  [French original:  LA MAGIE ET LA SORCERIE EN
    FRANCE, vol. 1 (of 4). Paris: Dorbon-aine, 1910-12]. Palm Springs: I.G.O.S., 1994.
    Christian, Paul. The History and Practice of Magic translated from the French by James Kirkup and Julian
    Shaw; edited and revised by Ross Nichols. (French original: 1870) New York: Citadel Press, Inc.,
       A Wicked Pack of Cards (see below under Decker) treats this 18
    -century writer in “From Ghost Writer
    to Magus: Paul Christian” (= CHAPTER 9).
    Cresswell, Julia. The Watkins Dictionary of Angels: Over 2,000 Entries on Angels & Angelic Beings. London:
    Watkins Publishing, 2006.
    Cresswell uses British Library Sloane 3826, Liber Salomonis/Cephar Raziel, as her “base text.”  
    Davidson, Gustav. A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels. New York: The Free Press [A
    Division of The Macmillan Company], 1967.
    Davies, Owen. Grimoires: A History of Magic Books. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
    Davies’ broad summary of magic books through history in the first few chapters is may be useful, but it
    is awfully rapid.  Grimoires gets most interesting—and original—in its chapters on more recent times:
    “Grimoires USA,” “Pulp Magic,” and “Lovecraft, Satan, and Shadows.” 2009
    Decker, Ronald; Depaulis, Thierry; and Dummett, Michael. A Wicked Pack of Cards: The Origins of the
    Occult Tarot. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996.
       Wicked Pack is a well-written and well-researched treatment of how Tarot came to be positioned at the
    core of the Western occult, focusing on its assumption by the French occultists J.-B. Alliette (= Etteilla),
    Eliphas Levi, Gerard Encausse (= Papus), and, important in the present context, Paul Christian.
    Dee, John. (various titles)
       See my references to Dee in Study of Christian Cabala in English, Part 1, pages 10-12, and the reference list
    de Givry, Emile Grillot. Picture Museum of Sorcery, Magic, and Alchemy, translated from the French by J.
    Courtney Locke. (French original, Paris: 1929: LE MUSEE DES SORCIERS, MAGES ET ALCHEMISTES).
    New Hyde Park: University Books, 1963.
    Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible (DDD). Editors: Karel van der Toorn, Bob Becking, and
    Pieter W. van der Horst. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995; second edition, extensively revised, 1999.
    Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism, edited by Wouter Hanegraaff in collaboration with Antoine
    Faivre, Roelof van den Broek, and Jean-Pierre Brach (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2005).
    This superb collaboration contains entries on AGRIPPA, ALBERTUS  MAGNUS, ALCHEMY, AMULETS,
    Ennomoser, Joseph. The History of Magic, 2 vols. translated from the German by William Howitt, “To
    which is added an appendix… selected by Mary Howitt.” 1854; rpt. New Hyde Park: University
    Books, 1970.
    Fanger, Claire. “Virgin Territory: Purity and Divine Knowledge in Late Medieval Catoptromantic
    Texts,” in Aries, NEW SERIES, vol. 5, no. 2. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2005.
    Flint, Valerie I. J. The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
    Frazer, Sir James G. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. One-volume abridged edition,
    New York: Macmillan, 1922; rpt. 1942, 1951.
    _________________.  The New Golden Bough. A New Abridgement, revised in the light of recent
    scholarship by Theodor H. Gaster. New York: Mentor Books, 1959; rpt. 1964.
    Gardner, F. L.; Hockley, Frederick; & Redgrove, H. S.  Hebrew Talismanic Magic, edited by Darcy
    Kuntz [KABBALISTIC GRIMOIRE SERIES V]. Edmunds: Holmes Publishing Group, 2001.
    Gollancz, Hermann (trans.) The Book of Protection: Syrian Magic and Charms, Being Codex A of a Syrian
    Magical Maniscript. Edmonds – Sequim: Holmes Publishing Group, 2001;   
    Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. The Western Esoteric Traditions: A Historical Introduction. Oxford: Oxford
    University Press, 2008.
    See in particular, CHAPTER 2, “Italian Renaissance Magic and Cabala,” CHAPTER 3, “Planetary and Angel
    Magic in the Renaissance,” and CHAPTER 10, “Ritual Magic from 1850 to the Present.”
    Greene, Thomas M. “Language, Signs and Magic,” in  Envisioning Magic: A Princeton Seminar &
    Symposium, edited by Peter Schäfer & Hans G. Kippenberg. Leiden – New York – Köln: Brill, 1997.
    Greene opens his discussion comparing the attitudes of  sixteenth-century “country gentleman Reginald
    Scot” and his contemporary “English theologian William Perkins” toward witchcraft, concluding that “the
    perception of these two authors was generally correct, that witchcraft—and more broadly magic—does
    indeed threaten a conventionalist disjunctive linguistics. Both Scot and Perkins understood that a belief in
    magic required an alternate linguistic theory which would give substance and energy to the word…” (—
    page 256). 2009
    Griffith, F. Ll.; and Thompson, Herbert.  The Leyden Papyrus. An Egyptian Magical Book.  (originally
    published 1904 as THE DEMOTIC MAGICAL PAPYRUS OF LONDON AND LEYDEN); rpt. New York:
    Dover Publications, 1974.
    Guazzo, Francesco Maria.  Compendium Maleficarum Milan: 1608. Translated by E. A. Ashwin and
    edited by Montague Summers, London: John Rodker, 1929; rpt. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.,
       “Collected in 3 Books from many Sources…showing the iniquitous and execrable operations of witches
    against the human race, and the divine remedies by which they may be frustrated” (from the 1929 title
    Harms, Daniel. “Grimoires in the Conjure Tradition,” in Journal for the Academic Study of Magic, Issue 5,
    edited by Susan Johnson Graf and Amy Hale (Oxford: Mandrake of Oxford, 2009).
    Hockley, Frederick. (Dietrich Bergman, ed.) A Complete Book of Magic Science … Transcribed from an
    Ancient Manuscript Grimoire by Frederick Hockley. York Beach: Teitan Press, 2008.
    Bergman describes A Complete Book of Magic Science as “a lengthier version of the text that had been
    published as ‘The Secret Grimoire of Turiel.’” See below under “Malchus.”  Complete Book… is also
    included in Joseph Peterson’s Clavis or Key of the Magic of Solomon (Lake Worth: Ibis Press, 2009).  
    _______________. (Silens Manus, ed.) Occult Spells: A Nineteenth Century Grimoire compiled by Frederick
    Hockley. York Beach: Teitan Press, 2009.
    _______________. (John Hamill, ed.)  The Rosicrucian Seer: Magical Writings of Frederick Hockley.
    Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1986; revised edition with a chapter on Hockley’s Manuscripts and
    a Note on Hockley as an Astrologer by R. A. Gilbert. York Beach: Teitan Press, 2009.
    On Hockley, see Joscelyn Godwin, The Theosophical Enlightenment (Albany: State University of New
    York Press, 1994), CHAPTER NINE.
    Henson, Mitch and Gail. “Magical Notebooks: A Survey of the Grimoires in the Golden Dawn,” in
    Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1995.
    Idel, Moshe. “Hermeticism and Judaism,” in Hermeticism and the Renaissance: Intellectual History and the
    Occult in the Early Modern Europe, edited by Ingrid Merkel and Allen G. Debus. Washington: Folger
    Books, 1988.
    __________. “The Magical and Neoplatonic Interpretations of the Kabbalah in the Renaissance,” in
    Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth Century, edited by Bernard Dov Cooperman. Cambridge/London:
    Harvard University Press, 1983.
    Izmirlieva, Valentina.  All the Names of the Lord: Lists, Mysticism, and Magic. Chicago – London:
    University of Chicago Press, 2008.
    In the first section of her book, Izmirlieva analyzes  The Divine Names of (pseudo-)Dionysius the
    Areopagite (1
    century); in the second section, she studies the (Slavonic) amulet known as The 72 Names of
    the Lord (13
    century). Izmirlieva “demonstrate, over a large body of textual traces, that The 72 Names of
    the Lord has its roots in the Gnostic Kabbalah and originates from a Kabbalo-Christian exchange that most
    probably took place in Provence in the twelfth century” (—page 12).
    Janowitz, Naomi.  Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians  [RELIGION IN THE FIRST
    CHRISTIAN CENTURIES] London/New York: Routledge, 2001.
    Kahane, Henry and Renee; and Pietrangeli, Angelina. “Picatrix and the Talismans,” in  Romance
    Philology 19:4 (1966), pp. 574-593.
    Kieckhefer, Richard. Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer’s Manual of the Fifteenth Century. University Park:
    Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998. 2009
    _________. Magic in the Middle Ages [CAMBRIDGE MEDIEVAL TEXTBOOKS]. Cambridge: Cambridge
    University Press, 1989; rpt. 1995.
    King, Francis.  The Rites of Modern Occult Magic  [=  RITUAL MAGIC IN ENGLAND]. New York: The
    Macmillan Company, 1970.
    Appendix B. “Mathers’ Versions of the Grimoires.”
    King, Francis, and Sutherland, Isabel. The Rebirth of Magic. London: Corgi Books, 1982.
    Chapter 3. “Grimoires and Sorcerers”
    Klaassen, Frank. “Medieval Ritual Magic in the Renaissance,” in Aries, NEW SERIES, vol. 3, no. 2.
    Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2003.
    Kramer, Heinrich; and Sprenger James. The Malleus Maleficarum. Rome: 1484. Translated by Montague
    Summers, London: John Rodker, 1928; rpt. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1971.
    Láng, Benedek. Unlocked Books: Manuscripts of Learned Magic in the Medieval Libraries of Central Europe
    [MAGIC IN HISTORY SERIES]. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008.
    Not Spain, Italy, or Greece, but rather Poland, Hungary, and Bohemia.
    Luck, Georg. Arcana Mundi. Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, A Collection of Texts.
    Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985; SECOND EDITION 2006.
    Malinowski, Bronislaw. MAGIC, SCIENCE AND RELIGION and Other Essays. Garden City: Doubleday
    [Anchor Books A23], 1948; rpt. 1954.
    Malchus, Marius. The Secret Grimoire of Turiel, Being a System of Magic of the Sixteenth Century. London:
    Aquarian Press, 1960; rpt. edition edited by Darcy Kuntz [KABBALISTIC GRIMOIRE SERIES  I]
    Edmunds: Sure Fire Press, 1994.
    See note on Hockley’s Complete Book of Magic Science, listed above.
    Man, Myth & Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural, edited by Richard Cavendish. New
    York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 1970.
       Though this over-sized set of twenty-four books looks like something one might buy a volume per week
    at the supermarket, one has to be impressed with the names which appear on the list of contributors and
    the editorial advisory board: Mircea Eliade, R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, R. C. Zaehner, to name a few. Topics
    Massello, Robert. Raising Hell: A Concise History of the Black Arts—and Those Who Dared to Practice Them.
    New York: Perigree Books, 1996.
       See especially Chapter 1. “Black Magic and Sorcery,” which includes sections on “The Great Grimoires”
    and “Conjurations from the True Grimoire.”  
    Mastrocinque, Attilio.  From Jewish Magic to Gnosticism  [STUDIEN UND TEXTE ZU ANTIKE UND
    CHRISTENTUM 24]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005.
    McIntosh, Christopher. The Devil’s Bookshelf: A History of the Written Word in Western Magic from Ancient
    Egypt to the Present Day. Wellingborough: The Aquarian Press, 1985.
       McIntosh has written two of the best “popular” books on their respective subjects: The Rosicrucians: The
    History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoterica Order (London: Aquarian Press, 1980; rpt York Beach: Samuel
    Weiser, Inc., 1997) and The Devil’s Bookshelf. These treatments are readable and reliable, being distillations
    of the long and careful research of a first-rate scholar.  2009
    McLean, Adam (ed). A Treatise on Angel Magic, Being a Complete Transcription of MS. Harley 6482 in the
    British Library  [MAGNUM OPUS HERMETIC SOURCEWORKS #15]. Edinburgh: Magnum Opus
    Sourceworks, 1982; rpt Grand Rapids: Phanes Press, 1990; rpt York Beach: Weiser Books, 2006.
    The second of six volumes collectively called “The Treatises of Dr. Rudd” (MSS Harley 6181-6486).
    Angel Magic gathers material from several sources, including Agrippa, Dee, Reginald Scott, Lemegeton, and
    Meyer, Marvin; and Mirecki, Paul (eds). Ancient Magic and Ritual Power [RELIGIONS IN THE GRÆCOROMAN WORLD, volume 129]. Leiden – New York – London: E. J. Brill, 1995.
    Meyer, Marvin; and Smith, Richard (eds).  Ancient Christian Magic. Coptic Texts of Ritual Power.  San
    Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994.
    Necronomicon. A Sumerian High Magical Grimoire, edited and introduced by Simon. New York: Avon
    Books, 1975; 1980.
       A search of NECRONOMICON on the Internet yields all kinds of entertaining and curious stuff, including
    shreds of the debate over whether the mysterious text ever actually existed. Adding to the scholarship,
    confusion, or hoax—take your pick—surrounding this work are  
    •  The Necronomicon: The Book of Dead Names, edited by George Hay, introduced by Colin Wilson.
    London: Neville Spearman Ltd, 1978; rpt. London: Skoob Books, 1992.
    •  The R’lyeh Text: Hidden Leaves from the Necronomicon, edited by George Hay, researched, transcribed
    and annotated by Robert Turner, introduced by Colin Wilson. London: Skoob Books, 1995.
    •  Tyson, Donald. Necronomicon: The Wanderings of Alhazred. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 2004.
    •  For a brief account, refer to Owen Davies’ Grimoires: A History of Magic Books (Oxford: Oxfor
    University Press, 2009), pages 262-8.
    Neusner, Jacob; Frerichs, Ernest S; and Flesher, Paul V. Mc. (eds).  Religion, Science, and Magic: In
    Concert and in Conflict. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
    Page, Sophie. Magic in Medieval Manuscripts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
    Paracelsus.  Archidoxes of Magic: Of Supreme Mysteries of Nature, or the Spirits of the Plants, of Occult
    Philosophy, etc., translated by Robert Turner, 1655, introduction by Stephen Skinner. London: Askin
    Publishers Ltd, 1975; rpt Berwick: Ibis Press, 2004. Published as  The Archidoxes of Magic, Kila:
    Kessinger Publishing, n.d.  
    Picatrix OR Ghalat al-Hakim [THE GOAL OF THE WISE – the first English edition].
    -  VOLUME  ONE, translated from the Arabic by Hashem Atallah; edited by William Kiesel (Seattle:
    Ouroboros Press, 2002)  
    -  VOLUME TWO, translated by Hashem Atallah and Geylan Holmquest; edited by William Kiesel (Seattle:
    Ouroboros Press, 2008).

    Published earlier were “Picatrix”: Das Ziel des Weisen von Pseudo-Magriti, translated into German from the
    Arabic by Helmut Ritter and Martin Plessner (The Warburg Institute/University of London, 1962)—a
    summary in English appears on pp. lix-lxxv; and Picatrix: The Latin Version of the GHAYAT AL-HAKIM,
    edited by David Pingree (The Warburg Institute, 1986). See Martin Plessner’s summary of the contents of
    Picatrix at > Classical Grimoires.
    Redgrove, H. Stanley. Magic and Mysticism: Studies in Bygone Beliefs. London: Rider, 1920; rpt. Secaucus:
    Citadel Press, 1972.
    Rollo, David.  Glamorous Sorcery. Magic and Literacy in the High Middle Ages  [MEDIEVAL CULTURES,
    Volume 25]. Minneapolis – London: University of Minnesota Press, 2000.
    Ryan, W. F. The Bathhouse at Midnight. An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia. University
    Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999.
    Savedow, Steve (ed/tr).  Sepher Rezial Hemelach. The Book of the Angel Rezial.  York Beach: Samuel
    Weiser, Inc., 2000. 2009
       An appendix to this book (pp. 280-286) gives a list of Sefer Raziel texts in manuscript compiled by Adam
    McLean. The first MS listed is British Library MS. Sloane 3826, which is discussed in the present paper
    above as Liber Salomonis. McLean’s list is posted on the Internet at the Alchemy Web Site: “Sepher Raziel
       Sepher Reziel Hamelach (= Sefer Raziel) is primarily a production of Jewish folk magic. It is discussed by
    Joshua Trachtenberg in Jewish Magic and Superstition  (New York: Behrman’s Jewish Book House, 1939;
    subsequently reprinted), a rare academic treatment of Jewish magic, considered something of a classic,
    though in sore need of updating. Savedow's work seems to attempt two things: (1) to provide a reliable
    English edition of the text, and (2) to provide practicing magicians with yet another grimoire.   
    Schäfer, Peter; and Kippenberg, Hans G. (eds). Envisioning Magic: A Princeton Seminar and Symposium
    Köln: Brill, 1997.
    Scot, Reginald. The Discovery of Witchcraft.  1584 edition published by John Rodker,  1930; rpt., New
    York: Dover Publications, Inc.
       See especially “Booke XV,” which can be viewed at  
    Scott, Sir Walter.  Demonology and Witchcraft: Letters Addressed to J. G. Lockhart, Esq. 1830; rpt. New
    York: Bell Publishing Company, 1970.
    Seligmann, Kurt. The History of Magic. New York: Pantheon Books, Inc., 1948.
    Shah, Sayed Idries. Oriental Magic. New York: Philosophical Library, 1957.
    See Chapter 2. “Jewish Magic”; Chapter 3. “Solomon: King and Magician”; and the Bibliography,
    “Grimoire References.”
    Shumacher, Wayne.  Natural Magic and Modern Science: Four Treatises,  1590-1657  [MEDIEVAL AND
    RENAISSANCE TEXTS &  STUDIES, volume 63]. State University of New York at Binghamton, 1989.
    The treatises discussed are (i) Bruno’s De Magia, Theses de magia, De magia mathematica; (ii) Martin Delrio’s
    Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex; (iii) Campanella’s  De sensu rerum et magia; (iv) Gaspar Schott’s  Magia
    ________________.  The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance. Berkeley: University of California Press,
    1972; 2nd
    printing 1973.
    Shumaker’s study gives full accounts of astrology, witchcraft, magic, alchemy, hermetic doctrine.
    Skemer, Don C. Binding Words: Textual Amulets in the Middle Ages. University Park: Pennsylvania State
    University Press, 2006.
    Sullivan, Lawrence E. (ed). Hidden Truths: Magic, Alchemy, and the Occult. [RELIGION, HISTORY AND
    CULTURE: Selections from THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, edited by Mircea Eliade]. New York:
    Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989.
    Thomas, Keith. Religions and the Decline of Magic. Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 1971;
    rpt. 1997.
    Thompson, R. Campbell. Semitic Magic: Its Origins and Development. London: Luzac & Company, 1908;
    rpt New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1971; New York: AMS Press, 1976; York Beach: Red
    Wheel/Weiser Books, 2000.
    Tomlinson, Gary.  Music in Renaissance Magic. Toward a Historiography of Others.  Chicago – London:
    University of Chicago Press, 1993.
    Tyson, Donald.  Enochian Magic for Beginners. The Original System of Angel Magic. St. Paul: Llewellyn
    Publications, 1997.
    ____________. Ritual Magic. What It Is and How to Do It. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1992. 2009
    Walker, D. P.  Spiritual and Demonic Magic. From Ficino to Campanella. London: University of Notre
    Dame Press, 1958; rpt. 1975.
    ____________. Unclean Spirits. Possession and Exorcism in France and England in the Late Sixteenth and
    Early Seventeenth Centuries. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981.
    Weyer, Johann (= Jean Wier, John Wier, Ioannes Wierus). Witches, Devils, and Doctors in the Renaissance
    (DE PRÆSTIGIIS DÆMONUM, 1583). Introduction and notes by George Mora; translation by John
    Shea; preface by John Weber [MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE TEXTS & STUDIES, volume 73].
    Binghamton: State University of New York at Binghamton, 1991; rpt. Tempe: Arizona State
    University, 1998.
       Of particular interest are two sections of Book Two: Chapter II, “A DESCRIPTION OF THE INFAMOUS
    magician and of GOETEIA and THEOURGIA”; and Chapter V, “CONCERNING CERTAIN books of magic,”
    which discusses “books passed down by Raziel and Raphael,” Book Four on Occult Philosophy attributed to
    Agrippa, but appraised by Weyer as “falsely ascribed to his hand,” and “the pestilential little book of Pietro
    d’Abano entitled Heptameron or Elements of Magic.” Chapter VI goes on to discuss Trithemius and his book
    Winters, Dana. “Hermetic/Cabalist Ritual in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus,” in Journal for the
    Academic Study of Magic, Issue 5, edited by Susan Johnson Graf and Amy Hale (Oxford: Mandrake of
    Oxford, 2009). 2009
    Addendum: Solomonic Magic on the Internet
    Some Solomonic texts seem to be everywhere on the Internet, while others are not
    represented at all. Anything touched by one of the founders of the Golden Dawn is, for
    better or worse, reproduced, pirated, and linked over and over, as, for example, W. W.
    Westcott’s ubiquitous Sefer Yezirah or S. L. MacGregor Mathers’ Key of Solomon and Lemegeton.
    What follows is our outline repeated with a selection of website addresses (followed by >
    1. The Clavicles
                a. The Key of Solomon
    •  TWILIT GROTTO: > Classical Grimoires. This ample
    site gives Mathers’ text of the KEY; two other 16th
    -century renditions of the
    KEY: “The Key of Knowledge” (Add. MS 36674), and excerpts from a MSS
    Mathers used, “The Veritable Clavicles of Solomon” (Landsdowne 1203);
    Hermann Gollancz’ description and a facsimile of Mafteah Shelomoh, a Hebrew
    version of the KEY; and Conybeare’s translation of Testament of Solomon—all well
    (Mathers’ text)
          Solomonic Manuscripts: KEY OF SOLOMON, English Versions
    •  NORTON’S IMPERIUM: > Classics of
    Magick (Mathers’ text)
    b. Lemegeton
    • > Classical Grimoires (Joseph H. Peterson’s editions
    of all five sections, plus Weyer’s Pseudo-monarchia dæmonum)
    • >
    Solomonic Manuscripts: Lemegeton and Ars Notoria
    • > Classics of Magick (Mathers/ Crowley)
    (This site includes a transcription of the alternative fifth book, Ars Nova.)
    2. The Grimoires
    a. Grimorium Verum
    • > Black Magic (two versions: French/English and
    b. True Black Magic
    •  (not found)
    c. The Grand Grimoire
    • > Black Magic (Only the contents are given on the
    website; the full text on CD can be ordered.)
    3. The SWORN BOOK and the Grimoire of Honorius (two different texts)
    •  An English version of THE SWORN BOOK from “the Royal MS 17 A xlii” (=
    Liber juratis) and the contents of three French versions of the Grimoire are at > Classical Grimoires and > Black Magic 2009
    4.  Semiphoras and Shemhamphoras Salomonis Regis
    •  The complete text of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses (which includes S&S)
    with a brief introduction “but most illustrations omitted” is at > What’s new > Jan 1, 2006 > Part 2
    •  The Sixth Book of Moses and  The Seventh Book of Moses can also be found at > Grimoires.
    •  The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, Semiphoras, and Shemhamphoras are all at The
    Realm of Shade: (This site no longer
    exists: CHECKED December 29, 2008)
         5. Liber Salomonis and other portions of Sloane MS 3826  
    •  A full transcription of British Library Sloane MS 3826 appears  
    at HERMETIC KABBALAH: Don Karr’s Solomonic Magic,  
    • >  
    Solomonic Manuscripts: Sepher Raziel,
    •  The transcription of a closely related text, Sloane MS 3846: Book of the Angel
    Raziel, also in English, can be viewed at TWILIT GROTTO:  

  • 沙发
    发表于 2019-1-1 19:29:58 | 只看该作者

    中的索洛蒙魔术研究, 可以肯定地将魔术文本的经典所限定为 "索洛蒙
    周期" 的安全。通过武断和相当不科学的手段, 人们可以简单地将那些传统或
    : 1. 从古代晚期到中世纪早期的魔法作品, 如
    《所罗门的遗嘱》和《圣经》 *
    2。《所罗门的魔法论文集》和《风行会》的拜占庭希腊文本 * *
    3。中世纪的魔法, 如所罗门的钥匙。关于《所罗门圣经》的英文译本, 见 f. c. conybeare, 《所罗门的旧约》, 载于《犹太
    季刊》, 第十一, 1899年, 经典 >

    格里马雷斯;c. c. mccon, 《所
    罗门的遗嘱》, 莱比锡: 1922年;《恶魔目录》, 《恶魔目录》 = 《魔法
    的秘密传说》第11章 (secaucus: 城堡出版社, 1972);d. c. 杜林, 《所罗门的遗嘱》, 载于《旧约》 (= otp)
    , 由 j. h. charlesworth 编辑 (花园城: 双日, 1983年)。杜林在 otp 中的介绍涉及旧材料中
    的索隆归因和传说。他提到 m. seligsohn 的文章, "所罗门-伪经作品" (在
    犹太百科全书, 第11卷, 447—online 在 列出了四十九
    solomonic "科学和神奇的书 "在阿拉伯语和希伯来文学, 和 c. c. 麦肯恩的补充评论
    (《罗门的遗嘱》, 第100页), 塞利格森的名单绝不是详尽的。
    关于所罗门圣经奖学金的重要摘要, 请参阅托德 e. klutz, 重写 solomon 的遗嘱
    : 传统, 冲突和身份在一个已故古董 pseudep写字 (伦敦-纽约: t & t t 克拉克, 2005) 和
    idem, "弓箭手与十字架: 在《所罗门的圣经》中的合唱占星术和文学设计", 在《
    圣经世界的魔法: 从亚伦的杖到所罗门之戒》中, 由托德·克卢茨编辑 (伦敦-纽约: t & t t
    克拉克国际, 2003)。为了调查《圣经》的背景和传播, 也可以在《从古代晚期到
    文艺复兴的《所罗门圣经》中找到《所罗门的圣经》, 在《从古代晚期到近代
    早期的魔法变形》中编辑: jen n. bremmer 和 jan r. veenstra (leuven:peeters, 2002)。
    第三或四世纪文本 sefer ha-razim 在序言中声称, 它比所罗门拥有的任何其他书籍都
    "更珍贵、更光荣、更困难"。见 michael a. morgan 的
    翻译, sepher ha-razim: 神秘之书 (chico: 圣经文学学会-学者出版社, 1983)。
    * * 海氏菌是希腊占星术/神奇的文本, 也被称为所罗门的书信 rehoboam。关于《风水教》的英文
    译文, 见巴勃罗·托里亚诺的《深奥之王所罗门: 从国王到马格斯》的
    附录 1, 传统的发展 [对《巨生学》学报的补充] (莱顿: brill, 2002) [=
    博士论文, 纽约: 纽约大学, 2000年]。
    ©don karr, 1993, 2000-5;修订 2006年: 更新的
    除上述例外情况外, 未经作者书面许可, 不得以任何形式或任何方式以
    电子或机械方式复制或传送本出版物的任何部分, 包括影印。
    的经文. 2009 4
    对所罗门的归因已经使几个圣经文本复杂化 * 和虚假. * * 所罗门是东方
    有传言说, 明智的国王留下了秘密的魔法书籍似乎从来没有死过-也没有
    为了完成关闭索隆魔法作品类别的简短工作, 我们将遵循
    e [liza] m [ian] butler
    并专注于后期的魔法。然而, 她的
    作品的局限性必须得到承认: 巴特勒主要依靠19世纪和二十世纪初
    的出版作品, 包括熟悉的英语作品 (来自弗朗西斯·巴雷特、蒙塔古萨默斯、
    c. j. s. thompson, arthur e. wait-aleistercwlley)
    和其他现代语言 (特别是 j. c. horst 和 j. scheible 的藏品)。
    根据巴特勒的选择的 solomonic 周期是
    1。锁骨 (钥匙)
    a. solomon
    b. lem不然的钥匙, 或 solomon
    2 的套壁键。格里莫雷斯
    a. 格里莫鲁姆支点
    b. 真正的黑色魔法
    c. 格兰德

    * * 所罗门的智慧, 所罗门的俄第, 和所罗门的诗篇。
    ·见托里亚诺, 所罗门的深奥的国王。
    ·参见巴特勒的仪式魔术 (剑桥: 剑桥大学出版社, 1949;) 和它的配套卷, 马格斯的神话
    (1949年) 和浮士德的财富 (1946年), 所有在1979年由剑桥大学出版社重印。仪式魔术和浮士
    德的财富再次被重印 (1998) 作为宾夕法尼亚州立大学的魔术在历史
    系列的容量, 与
    ·禁止仪式由理查德·基克赫弗 (1997) ·
    《塑造精神》由克莱尔·范根编辑 (1998)
    ·《午夜的浴室: 俄罗斯的魔法》 (1999)
    ·《精神与恶魔魔法: 从菲契诺到坎帕内拉》的重印 (2000年, 1958年) ·
    权力的图标: 纳奥米·雅诺维茨 (2002)
    ·战斗恶魔: 巫术、异端和中世纪晚期的改革, 迈克尔·贝利 (2003)
    ·祈祷、魔术和古代和晚期的星星由 s. noegel、j. walker 和 b.
    wheeler 编辑的古色古香的世界 (2003年)
    ·绑定词: 唐·斯凯默的《中世纪的文本护身符》 (2006年)。
    ·奇怪的启示: 魔术, 毒药, 和亵渎在路易十四的法国林恩伍德·莫勒诺 (2006)
    ·解锁的书籍: 学习魔术的手稿在中欧中世纪图书馆由贝尼代克·拉恩克 (2008)
    将这里提供的 solomonic 文本列表与 richard cavendish 在《黑色艺术》 (纽约
    : g. p. putnam 的儿子, 1967年)、附录 1 ("格里莫尔") 中出现的文本进行比较。2009
    在上面的列表中, 我们可以添加
    * 4。半兽人和香草雷戈尼斯
    5号。liber salomonis:cefar razier, 大英图书馆 sloane ms 3826
    在参考其中一些作品的内容的同时, 本文
    的目的不是提供总结或分析。相反, 读者被指的是这些作品
    的人的初步建议是, 去 twilit grotto 在那里, 下面讨论的
    大多数项目, 以及大量的其他文本, 都是负责任的, 呈现得很有品位, 可以
    免费查看。(如果网站上的遗漏让读者感到沮丧, 为了一个典型的印刷网格里莫的费用, 可以
    从 twilit grotto 订购一张 cd
    , 其中包含 "50多个完整的书"--一种可原谅的温和夸张.)必须在这里通知阿伦·莱奇的魔幻格里米雷斯的秘密: 魔术的经典文本
    被破译 (伍德伯里: 卢埃林出版物, 2005).

    leitch, 一个从业者自己, 已经作出了勇敢
    的努力, 提供了一个单一的来源的缩影的 "经典的污垢" 的描述, 表
    , 和摘录清楚和逻辑地呈现通过 400 + 超大的页面。这本书分为两部分: (一)
    "历史与学术", (二) "实际工作", 包括实验和操作说明。
    在第一部分 [奥库塔哲学] 第一章, 莱奇提供了一个有效的, 如果不是
    特别细致入微的历史背景。然后, 他介绍了主要的魔法, 描述了 22个
    文本, 包括下面讨论的索洛蒙文本, 加上皮卡特里克斯, 艾布拉梅林的神圣魔法,
    阿格里帕的德科库利亚哲学和伪阿格里潘第四书, 海普梅龙, 约翰迪的日记,
    巴雷特的马格斯等。不幸的是, 这些描述的序言被一些令人讨厌
    的错误所破坏。例如, 在第9页, 莱奇写道,
    埃塞俄比亚的以诺书, 希伯来书以诺, 皮尔凯海哈洛 (原文), 甚至像
    连接到--梅尔卡瓦传统。merkavah 使用的仪式药物, 它的重点是护身符
    和印章, 召唤天使的守门人, 并获得神秘的愿景, 这些都是
    贯穿整个肮脏的咒语的元素。__ __ __ __ __ __ * 魔术之门的关键: 召唤世界大天使 & 恶魔王子, 由斯蒂芬·斯金纳和大卫·兰金
    (伦敦: 金猪出版社, 2005年) 提供

    陆克文博士的九个天使阶层的转录, 以及他们用九大天键或
    天使入侵的可见外观和恶魔王子 (来自大英图书馆 sloane mss 3628、3821、3821、3821、harley ms 6482 和
    rawlinson d. 1363)。这种材料与下面描述的项目有很大的相似之处。当然可以说明把这些文本
    与我们的教法结合起来的理由。然而, 我们的新增内容, 4 和 5, 包含了对所罗
    门的特定内部引用, 而《魔法之门的钥匙》中的文本并不如此--尽管这本书的副标题是如此。
    liber salomonis [2r
    ]: "dixit salomon et cmulto honore & 见 c/所罗门说荣耀和祈祷
    给所有生物的上帝许多荣誉, 他是唯一的 wth 使所有的事情合二为一
    s & s [第2段]: "以最高的全能造物主的名义, 我, 所罗门国王, 坚持
    解释 (上帝) 半磷的名字......"
    魔术之门的关键是《陶瓷魔法的来源》系列的第2卷, 第1卷是
    约翰·迪博士《伊诺奇表的实用天使》: 斯蒂芬·斯金纳和大卫的《博拉姆·博纳·安杰伦女联》
    rankine (伦敦: 金霍德出版社, 2004);第3卷, 陆克文博士的歌德: 天使和恶魔..。(斯金纳和
    兰金)-下面讨论, §1。b. lemegon;第4卷, 所罗门的可盈利键 (斯金纳和兰金)-
    讨论如下, §1。a. 索伦的关键;第5卷, 《圣塞浦路斯的格里莫尔: 克拉维斯无间道》, 拉丁文译由 peter
    forshaw (skinner 和 Rankine—2009) 翻译;第6卷, sepher raziel (don karr 和 stephen skinner-新加坡
    : 金霍德出版社, 2010年)。
    这个精心准备的系列的前三卷以陆克文博士的作品和扩展为特色, 他是十七世纪
    初的一位学者魔术师, 认识约翰·迪博士。这位陆克文博士也是《天使魔法论文集》
    (ms harley 6482) 的编者, 该论文由 adam mclean (爱丁堡: 磁力自由源
    [# 15] 出版, 1982年, 随后重印; 见参考书目下面: "麦克莱恩")。2009
    作为一个例子的工作 "中心... merkavah 传统," 埃塞俄比亚 (更正确的,
    埃塞俄比亚) 伊诺克书是一个奇怪的选择, 设置在希伯来《以诺和皮尔凯》旁边希哈洛特
    然而, 在 "或连接到" 的情况下, 莱奇允许有足够的懒散空间来包容它以及
    更严重的是莱奇把毒品和梅卡瓦放在一起, 显然是通过阅读-
    -但不是彻底--詹姆斯 r. 达维拉对萨满教技术的描述。在莱奇引用
    的文章 (以及 davila 的书《战车下降者, 莱顿: 布里尔》, 2001年) 中, 药物的使用确实
    被提到是一种萨满教技术, 并对萨满 (非专利) 和
    梅尔卡瓦神秘主义者 (具体)。然而, 达维拉说, "希哈洛特文学中没有任何东西表明
    (《希哈洛特文学与萨满教》) 生物世界中的重要化学数据
    引用的文章)。leitch 确实给出了一个更公平的说法, 美卡瓦神秘主义, 再次
    基于达维拉, 在后面的书 (第二章: shamism, 审判到医疗, 第54-5 页), 其中没有
    提到毒品, 和海卡洛特拼写更多常规。
    莱奇对待魔法的态度最好用第三章 "狂喜的艺术: 预言萨满的道路
    " 开始, 改变
    前面几页 (第71页) 莱奇说,
    一些新材料在污垢中可能已经过时, 事实上,。然而, 我的重点不是咒语
    的内容或意图, 而是
    魔法的运作过程, 并允许从业者尝试获得与各种
    技术问题上的表格和摘录混合在一起: 时间、工具和护身符;净化和祈祷;天使和精神。
    作为第一本或独立的书, 秘密..。leitch 已经超越了
    旧的备用材料 (mathers, 怀特, crowley, 原始和后来的金色黎明材料, e. m. 巴特勒), 并
    利用了一些最近的奖学金 (詹姆斯 r. davila, 克莱尔 fanger, 理查德·基克赫弗, 罗伯特
    马蒂森), 虽然也许还不够 (莱奇没有借鉴 michael d. bailey、
    charles burnett、ioan couliano、valerie flint、david halperin、deborah harnness、gösta hedegegörd、naomi janowitz 的
    作品,弗兰克·克拉森, 克里斯托弗·莱赫里希, 丽贝卡·莱维斯, 马文·迈耶, 或罗伯特·特纳
    , 几个谁直接处理了文本和主题在秘密...;林恩·索恩代克和乔舒亚·特拉切滕贝格的 "经典"
    : 相关的作品)。莱奇提到的几乎所有的文本和学术资料都是
    现成的 (英文), 因此, 除了莱奇的综合和
    组织之外, 这本书几乎没有什么新的东西可以提供, 这使得 "格里米里奇" 的材料以这种形式出现一个统一的系统--它
    尽管所有的时间, 我皱起眉头和愤怒, 而在思考莱奇的书, 因为它的范围,
    可读性, 和精神, 我推荐的秘密, 马格里克斯列, 特别是那些谁打算
    这样做的东西。对于从业者来说, 秘密...... 可以很好地作为一个硬拷贝
    锚, 在互联网网站上提供大量的文本, 如 twilit grotto 在, scred 文本在, 和诺顿的《 > 的《马希克
    经典》在然而, 学者们最好直接去找莱奇的
    关于一位经验丰富的 "索洛蒙魔术师" 的评论, 请参阅卡罗尔 "戳" runyon 对 leitch 的三站审查, "一个很好的调查需要一些重要的纠正" 在亚马逊网站§
    通过 "认为":。04-3689026-282324.

    ·读者应注意斯蒂芬·斯金纳扩大了 c罗利的 liber 777: 完全魔术师
    的桌子 (新加坡:金霍德出版社, 2006年, 和圣保罗: llewellyn 出版物, 2007年)。
    副标题阐述: 最完整的一套魔术, 卡布利教, 天使, 占星术, 炼金术,
    恶魔, 风水, 格里莫伊尔, 格马特里亚, 易经, 塔罗牌, 异教徒万神殿, 植物, 完美和字符对应
    超过777张桌子。(crowley 版本的版本有少于200列的东西,
    而 skinner 的卷有800多个列。§m, "魔法的格里莫尔-天使,
    恶魔和精神," 连接与手头的话题。§ m 提供了
    圣经》中提取的表格, 《霍诺里乌斯之书》--彼得-

    "theurgia goetia" (lem形定律
    book ii) ' "ars pauina (lem形 12月世)
    " armadel "(lemegon book iv)
    " 方法 "-" 所罗门的钥匙--clavicula salomonis "-" Salomonis "abramelin 的 sacamin" 魔法

    实践" 格里米里姆 verum-··

    希伯来语 ms 的经常被引用但令人沮丧的很少的作品叫 sepher magteah shelomoh
    赫尔曼·戈兰茨的 (约 1700) 由泰坦出版社 (约克
    海滩: 2008) 重印
    了一本卷。clavicula salomonis: 新发现的希伯来语手稿, 现在描述
    (伦敦: d. nutt/francford a: j. kauffmann

    : 牛津大学出版社, 1914—of 只印刷了 300份)
    《泰坦版》增加了斯蒂芬·斯金纳七页的前言, 其中指出, "
    毫无疑问, 这份手稿 [即, sepher maphteah shelomoh] 是索洛蒙魔法
    传统的一部分," 和 "在从它们中得出的大措施, 与通常
    的假设完全相反 "(-第8页)。在 "对最新
    内容的部分的确认" 中, skinner (在克劳迪亚·罗巴赫-贴纸的带领下) 提供了 "证明, 这段文字 [即, sepher
    maphteah shelomoh] 是一个来自拉丁语意大利语的译文(第 xii
    遗憾的是, 重印的编辑量有限, 为358份。2009
    1。a. solomon
    的关键: 最流传的介绍的关键的 solomon 国王的 s. l. 麦格雷戈马瑟斯的
    关键 (伦敦: 雷德威, 1888年; rpt。纽约-约克海滩: 塞缪尔·韦瑟
    公司, 1974年及以后)。mathers 汇编了一些 mss 的文本, 在大英
    图书馆的斯隆、哈莱安、兰登和国王 ms 收藏中发现;* 《钥匙》
    的《仪式魔术》47-64 页和 c. j. s. 汤普森的《魔法之谜和秘密》 (伦敦: j. lane bodley
    bodley), 1927年;Rpt。纽约
    : 铜锣湾书, 1973)。
    另一个公平的介绍的关键出现在伊德里斯·沙阿的《魔法的秘密传说》 (纽约
    : 城堡出版社, 1958年; rpt. 1972年; 以下秘密的传说或简单的 "shah") 第9-60 页。亚瑟·爱德华·怀特在《礼仪魔法书》中的处理并不那么
    好 (伦敦: 《骑手》,
    1911年; rpt。纽约: 响铃出版 1969年;以下是礼仪魔术或简单的 "怀特") 58-64
    页 (贝尔版)。(仪式魔术是对怀特早期的《黑魔法书》和
    《契约》的修正, 伦敦: 雷德威, 1898年;纽约-约克海滩: 塞缪尔·韦瑟公司, 1972年, 及
    迄今为止, 关键的最广泛的处理是史蒂芬·斯金纳和
    大卫·兰金的《陶瓷魔法源》第四卷, 所罗门的可靠钥匙 (伦敦
    -新加坡: 金霍德出版社/伍德伯里:llewellyn 出版物 2008), 提出
    三关键 solomon 文本翻译从法语由保罗哈里 barron: 钥匙1。所
    罗门拉比的钥匙 (well项 ms 4670 [1796]), key 2。la clavicule ou la clef de salomon
    (well项 ms 4669 art 第1条 [1796]) 和 key 3。《所罗门克拉维
    考奇环球》 (well项 ms 4669 艺术 2), * * 这些是 "与 s. l.
    macgregor mathers 翻译的文本有三个不同的文本"。这些文本是由一个60页的调查的历史和各种
    "文本组" 的关键补充几个附录列出 key mss

    . ·与 key 相关的材料的组合组装在ebenezer sibley 的 (或明显的)
    clavis 或钥匙解锁的神秘拉比所罗门, 翻译从希伯来语成法语,
    并从法语呈现成英语与补充 (约 1800年)。最近
    出版了两个复制版本: (1) ebenezer 实际, 所罗门的克拉维斯, 或钥匙解锁魔法之谜
    (莱斯特郡: 社会的深奥奋进, 2008), 提供可斯伯蒂的手稿 (c。1800),
    英语翻译主要来自各种法国神奇的来源, 没有装饰, 即 "没有现代介绍
    ," 与明显的序言;(2) ebenezer sibley, 《克拉维斯或
    所罗门魔法的钥匙》...... 来自弗雷德里克·霍克利编写的手稿, 其中附有约瑟夫·彼得森的介绍、说明和
    评论 (lowo:ibsicend成仪, 2009)。

    __ __ __ __ * 马瑟斯版的 key 被包括在机会主义的无装饰 "海盗" 收藏中, 由
    magus tsirk sutej 的 clavicula solomonis (原文如此)--耶稣 krist 向后, 看在上帝的份上--(n.p.: 路西法大使馆, 2005);这个版本有键的
    文本-和莱斯特键;见下面的 1. b, 9—with 页没有介绍, 说明, 或提及来源, mss
    * * 来自 well总裁 ms 4669 的其他材料已被出版为《神奇秘密汇编》, 从彼得·德阿巴诺
    、科尼利厄斯·阿格里帕和其他著名的神秘哲学家 & 混合卡巴拉的论文中拍摄。包括《从希伯来
    语中拍摄的天使艺术》, 由保罗·哈里·巴伦从1796年的法国
    原稿翻译, 由斯蒂芬·斯金纳 & 大卫·兰金进行介绍和评论。伦敦: 阿瓦洛尼亚,
    ·在 "所罗门的钥匙: 走向手稿的类型学" (在《社会》杂志第17期《春季 2007—online 中, 罗伯特·马蒂森
    " 对
    这些 [所罗门钥匙] 文本进行最终类型学研究的一些材料, "从
    使用拉丁字母的语言编写的 122篇 mss 的说明开始, 而不是用希腊语或希伯来语编写的, 然后提供一个临时的部分这些分为 "西方
    文本组", 例如, "最早的 (西方) 文本 [ot]"、"toz graecus 文本组 [tg]"、"天使文本组 [ia] 的召唤" 等。Mathiesen 在题为 "所罗门钥匙的希伯来语版本", 即 maf若德德·希洛莫
    和 "阿拉伯语版本." 上增加了一些评论, 题为 al-mifta al-azam li-suraynan al-Azam, 并提供
    了一些 "初步结论"。
    ·参见 Theosophical godwin, 神学启蒙运动 (奥尔巴尼: 纽约州立大学出版社, 1994): 在明显, 页
    107 ff;霍克利页, 页 170ff.
    2009 4
    1。b. lemegon, 即 loser 关键的 solomon: lem形神经科由
    i. goetia
    ii。theurgia-goetia [§i 和 ii] iii
    诉公证艺术 (或 ars nova)
    goetia 是这些章节中传播最好的, 它已多次出版,
    最著名的版本是 1898年 s. l. macgregor mathers 抄录的版本,
    题为 "魔术的初步定义" 的介绍。几年后, 阿莱斯特· c罗利
    出版了这个版本, 由他自己的介绍、序言、初步引用和
    其他饰品增强 (foyer:s [ocialt 为 p [宗教] r [宗教] t [ruth] ltd, 1904)。1916年
    , 海盗活动开始时, 出版了一个名为 l. w. de laurence 的
    版本, 并命名为 "所罗门的小钥匙--戈蒂亚: 邪恶的精神之书" (芝加哥: de laurence、scott 和
    co.), 这是 mathers/crowley 的作品不承认的; 不被承认的此版本被列为仍在打印中 (!)1970年
    出版了一个更大的版本--大小, 而不是内容--刊登了具有 crowley 名字
    的名字 (纽约: ram 进口商公司; 随后版本的 equinox ltd 于1976年、
    magickal childe 于1989年和第一份印象在1993年出版)。所罗门王的歌德书;这在
    很大程度上是一个装扮版的 "sprt/de laurence" 版本。
    《巴特勒的仪式魔术》 (65-80 页) 描述和引用了戈蒂亚;它出现
    在 shah (179-211 页; 299-304 页) 和 waite (64-66 页; 184-235 页) 中。怀特的 "七十二
    灵魂名单...... 连同他们的 sigils" 转载于克里斯托弗·麦金托什的魔鬼书架
    (威灵堡: 水瓶座出版社, 1985年: 168-189 页)。shah 还在《秘密
    传说》中给予 almadel (169-178 页). * waite 包括 pa利ine art (66-72 页) 和 [《阿尔玛德尔的艺术》) (第72-77
    页)。麦金托什包括萨梅尔的召唤从 ms 的
    paoline 艺术 "复制弗雷德里克霍克利, 不折不扣的十九世纪收藏家的神秘文件" (
    魔鬼的书架, 第190-1 页)。
    《所罗门的阿尔玛德尔艺术》全文来自大英图书馆, ms sloane 2731
    (与 sloane 3648 和3825核对) 作为附录, 作为简·r. veenstra 的文章 "神圣
    的 almandal: 天使和《魔法的变形》中的《魔法从古代晚期到近代早期
    的变形》中, 由 2012年1月 n. bremmer 和 jan r.
    veenstra 编辑 (leuven: peeters, 2002).
    或接近完整, 版的莱梅格蒙。除
    公证艺术之外的所有部分都出现在凯文·威尔比的莱梅伯顿: 独奏魔法的中世纪手册
    [sloane ms 3648] (dyfed: 密封研究系列编号 5, 1985)。在他的文章《
    莱梅格顿被揭露》中 (在《封闭杂志》第29期, ed. adam mclean, 1985年) 中,
    wilby 说, 《公证艺术》 "是零碎的, 远未完成," 将其称为 "腐败
    * lem不然就不应该把 lemeg勤奋 on 的 almadel 和 armadel 混为一谈--这是一部完全不同
    的作品, 可作为《阿尔玛德尔的 grimoire 》, 由 s. l. macgregor mathers 翻译 (约克海滩: samuel weiser, 1980年和 1995)—OR
    见约瑟夫 h. 彼得森的翻译, arbatel: 关于古人的魔力 [天使魔法的原始来源
    书] (湖价值: 宜必思出版社, 2009)—also 在彼得森的 twilitgrotto:> 古典
    伦敦: 阿斯金出版社, 1978年;宜必思出版社, 2005年 (见下面的清单, 第14页)。在互联网上
    , 看到本杰明·罗的 pdf 在诺顿的定期, > 的马吉克经典, 萨迪娜
    * * 神圣的 almandal 是一个实用的仪式魔术手册, "可能有根源延伸到波斯和
    远东, 但它的中世纪版本是彻底的基督教化" [第192页];然而, 阿尔曼达尔和阿尔玛德尔是 "
    不同的传统"。[第209页](引用 veenstra 的《神圣的阿尔玛德尔》)。2009

    8 第五部分。威尔比在《对莱格伯顿的未来》中更加严厉, 他将 "第五
    本也是最后一本书" 称为 "我在这部精干作品中发现的唯一瑕疵", 认为这是 "文学三部曲"。
    英国图书馆 sloane ms 2731 (英文
    ) 的一份普通影印 (少了几页) 和一份非常糟糕的字体,
    包括 nelson 和 anne white 的 lem免疫 mon:clavuba salomonis, 《完全小》所罗门国王的钥匙 (弗里蒙特: 技术集团
    , 1979年;
    第2版, 曾经在www.techgroupbooks.com上提供-一个不幸的
    现已倒闭的网站, 证明一张照片是价值一千字)。
    《国际神秘科学协会》 (下称 "国际神秘科学协会")、《所罗门
    国王的 lem加蒙: 较小的 key 》 (或《莱莫吉蒙: 所罗门国王的小钥匙》) 的
    版本 (棕榈泉: i. g. s., 1997年) 载有白人的影印稍微放大了, 抄写
    整齐, 可读性强。白衣军团和 i g o. s. 版本都没有包括
    公证艺术, 除了几个 "样本页", 他说, 公证艺术 "显然不是一本 ' 书 ', 而是一
    《戈蒂亚》 (《白人》版, 第57页);和 "一个分散的和不发达的插曲下来

    罗宾·库桑 (《伊丽莎白魔法》, 罗伯特·特纳编辑 [longmead: 元素
    书, 1989], 第140页) 指出, 公证艺术实际上被省略在 sloane 2731 中, 即 nelsons 和 i. g. o
    . o. s. 使用的 ms。根据库桑 (伊丽莎白时代魔术, 第141页), 威尔比
    的版本基于手稿 (sloane ms 3648), 其中包含公证艺术, 但-
    如上所述-他认为适合将其排除在他的 "完整" 版本。
    ars notoria: 《所罗门的公证艺术》, 1657年由霍尔肖特的
    罗伯特·特纳翻译成英文 (与上文提到
    的当代权威编辑罗伯特·特纳不混淆) 已在收藏家的编辑 (西雅图: 三叉戟出版社, 1987 和 1997) 与
    一些支持材料: "一个占星术卡特奇梅" 和 "所罗门和 ars 记事本"
    从林恩 thorndike 的魔术和实验科学的历史, 和 "罗斯《手稿》
    中的记事本 ", 亚当·麦克莱恩著。一个低成本的版本, 题为不同的 ars 记事本: 所罗门
    的魔法艺术, 显示了魔法操作或所罗门的魔法艺术的机舱钥匙, 是
    ars 记事本: 一个灰魔 [kabalistgri运系列 iii],没有达西·昆茨编辑
    的各种补充, 于1998年由福尔摩斯出版集团 [埃德蒙兹] 发布, 并
    虽然没有真正与 nelson/i. g. o. s. 评估相矛盾, 但 benjamin rowe 提供了一个
    替代方案, 更积极地接受了 lem不然的 lem注 on 的第五本书。在他的《阿尔斯
    诺瓦--莱格蒙第五书》的导言中 (1999年6月; 在罗的网站上的互联网上
    , 诺顿的帝国: 伊诺奇·马吉克斯特 & 链接 > "魔术经典", 在,
    rowe 说, 在一些手稿中 (例如他抄录的 sloane ms
    . 2731—the 与 nelsons 和 i. g. o. s. 相同), 第五本书是载有关于 goetia 的笔记
    的增编。这本书被错误地称为 "阿斯公证员", 而不是正确的
    名字 "阿尔斯诺瓦"。罗相当令人信服地建议, 最后几页的手稿是
    不正常的, 因此, 阿尔斯诺瓦包括两片叶子, 而不是一片。
    这些最后的莱姆蒙可以在 nelson 和 i. g. o. s. 版的影印本中看到。关于完整
    的抄录, * 另一个最新版本是 lem北京市
    屋 on: 所罗门的完全小钥匙, 由米奇·亨森
    编辑, 由杰夫·威尔曼 (杰克逊维尔: metatron) 修改后的插图书 1999),
    也省略公证性艺术。亨森在他的介绍中说, "阿尔斯·诺托里亚的内容和
    物质的烈酒清单都没有亲和力。这个整理 (也许有点太整洁)、
    价格低廉的版本呈现了 "对大英图书馆斯隆藏书手稿的
    __ __ __ * 阿尔斯·诺瓦, 即使被转录, 也被错误地解读为连续文本, 而不是
    按正确顺序转录的阿尔斯诺瓦唯一的印刷版出现在 skinner & rankine, 《陆克文博士
    的 goetia 》 (伦敦: 金海德, 2007年), 附录 9, 第414-421 页。2009
    与阿尔斯诺瓦的 lesser key 系列--而不是阿尔斯诺多里亚--
    被列入路西法的 clavicula solomonis 大使馆--上文第1. a 节, 第一注中提到
    罗的版本相同, 甚至在文本中包含脚注编号, 没有脚注。
    由约瑟夫·h·彼得森编辑的《所罗门的小钥匙》 (约克海滩: red wheer/weiser,
    2001年) 包括了一个完整的文本--所有五本书
    --以及其他相关材料, 包括《小钥匙》的 ms 版本之一的序言, 来自另外两个人的增编,
    和约翰·威耶的假单胞性。"我已经遵循斯隆3825这个版本, 除了阿尔斯·诺托里亚
    。对于后者, 手稿显然取决于罗伯特·特纳的翻译。因此
    , 我把他的1657印刷版作为我的主要资料来源 "(导言, 第十三页)。
    聪明的准备, 良好的印刷, 合理的价格: 彼得森的是迄今为止最好的版本
    最后, 还有陆克文博士的歌提亚: 天使 & 恶魔的利伯·马洛伦
    螺旋鲁南 seu goetia lemeg域 clavicula salomonis/与学习技术的唤起的背景下
    的天使魔法传统的十七世纪/是陆克文博士的 "liber malorum seu goetia
    " 从哈雷 ms 6483 的转录, 与其他相关的摘录哈雷 ms 6483, sloane ms 3824
    和 well应付 ms 3203, 由斯蒂芬·斯金纳和david rankine (
    伦敦-新加坡: 金霍德出版社, 2007)。"为什么是另一个版本的
    lem不然" 的问题在导言中讨论过 (我已经浓缩过了):
    1. 手稿里有很多其他版本没有的材料。...
    2. 我们想展示在 17世纪, emegegon 中的魔法系统是如何被工作
    3. 这份手稿中的印章比任何其他
    手稿中的印章都漂亮, 画得更仔细。
    4. 这个版本解释了魔术师的准备和保护, 特别是什么精确
    的天使, 他应该使用什么精确的天使来迫使每个单独的恶魔, 并
    5. 我们想追踪 lemegon 的材料来自何处, 并证明它
    的根源至少可以追溯到十三世纪, 以及天使魔术师和那些在魔法中唤起
    的人之间的联系传统, 在这个手稿
    的情况下, 证明是相同的。...
    陆克文博士的《歌德》是《陶瓷魔法源书》第三卷, 均由
    斯金纳和兰金。(请参见上文第3页的注释。它包含了 goetia、theurgia goetia、art
    pa不久和 art almadel--但不是 ars notæ, 因为 "它不是一个可行的系统, 因为
    它出现在这些手稿中", 没有关键的无插图插图。
    此外, 见迈克尔·卡米尔的《两个作品中的视觉艺术》, 《
    《创造精神: 中世纪仪式魔术的文本和传统》, 由克莱尔·范格编辑 (大学
    公园: 宾夕法尼亚州大学出版社, 1998年;以下是塑造神灵);"公证艺术"
    (第4章, 第1节) 在弗兰克·克拉森的宗教, 科学和
    魔法的转变: 魔术的手册 1300年00点, 博士论文: 多伦多: 多伦多大学
    , 1999年 (109-129 页);和克拉森的§ars 《反战手稿》中的 "《魔法英语手稿
    , 300-1500: 初步调查》, 《召唤精神》......, (编辑. fanger), 第14-19 页。
    2. a. grimorium verum:
    我们再次可以转向 waite (96-100、159-183、236-240 页, 以及许多其他
    参考资料) 和 shah (64-68 页; 75-112 页)。
    三叉戟出版社 (西雅图: 1994): 包含最主要的隐藏的秘密波顿自然 & 超天然的最
    适用的关键的 grimoirium
    verum: 包含最适用的键从希伯来语翻译过来,
    由 jjuite dominicaine 从 pl条翻译而成, 在 "图书馆" 中, 布料, 在这种罕见的情况下
    , 还有纸。i. g. o. s. 版本提供法文和英文文本 (棕榈泉: 1996)。2009

    10 现有的最佳版本, 毫不奇怪, 是约瑟夫 h. 彼得森 (史考特谷:
    createspace 出版社, 2007), 它不仅提供英文翻译, 而且提供完整

    2. b. 真实的黑色魔法:
    有相互矛盾的描述, 这段文字。butler 描述了一个包含
    45个护身符的 ms, 其中详细介绍了他们的工作原理和希伯来文原著中的
    "所有已知的魔法人物" (仪式魔术, 第80页)。怀特 (第100页) 将其称为 "简单的关键的改编版本
    ..。[和] 像 grimorium verum 一样, 它是极其混乱的, 并且由于
    然而, 怀特经常引用和转述它:
    第14-148 页·关于油墨

    ·第300-302 页的
    2 的306-307 页。c. grand grimorire:grand grimoire
    , 也称为 "红龙", 由 waite 描述和引用 (第20-103p
    页)。shah 介绍了它, 并从它提供了一个操作
    , 以迷惑 lulufuge (68-74 页)。有一个巧妙的限量版 (500份) 从 trient/ars obscura
    (西雅图: 1996) 翻译从1612意大利版;这已被
    三叉戟重印在一个100美元的 "图书馆版" 与一个可选的 $25 滑盒 (2006)。i. g. o
    . s. 有其典型的昂贵版本, 名为《红龙--大格里莫伊尔》 (由罗伯特·布兰查德
    翻译, 棕榈泉: 1995), 它提供法语和英语。最后, 有一个
    经济版的大格里莫尔编辑达西·昆茨 [kabalistic grimoire
    系列 iv] (埃德蒙兹: 福尔摩斯出版集团, 2001年)。
    3. 《红杉 & 的《红杉》的
    《格林莫尔的《苦行书》: 应立即区分《荣誉
    书》和后来的《格里莫伊尔》, 衍生的--和恶魔般的--格里莫尔, 也称为《荣誉宪法》。
    不幸的是, 这些标题往往是交换的 (如下文所述
    的 i. g. o. s. 版本)。
    grimoire 在我们已经引用的书中得到了处理: butler: 89-97 页, waite:
    103-110 页, shah: 103-110 页。
    施瓦宾农民的无间道图书馆的 [德文] 手稿 ", 由 kineta chien 翻译, 于1999年由
    三叉戟图书 (西雅图) 出版限量版;英语和德语都包括在内。案文与巴特勒
    、怀特和沙阿所处理的文本有些不同, 尽管《教皇的宪法
    》以法语和英语提出, 其英文与
    shah 相同, 255-6 页和和怀特107-9 页很像三叉戟版包括支持
    材料, 如 "书目资料"、"
    审查 grimoire 的编辑" 和另一篇文章《 coniurationes dememum 》 (英文)。
    丹尼尔·德里斯科尔 (《魔术师霍诺鲁斯》的《荣誉书》: 《
    吉吉拉特: 海莉格雷特: 合之角书》, 1977年 & 伯克利
    高地: 赫普塔格图书, 1983年)。印刷为花哨的收藏品, 这项工作现在很难获得和
    昂贵的获得;遗憾的是, 它是不完整的, 并认为有些不准确。i. g. o.
    2009 4 11 出版了一本精装本, 其标题多种多样,
    名为 "霍诺里乌斯的中世纪格里莫尔", 以及《马格斯的霍诺里乌斯手册》 (由 palm blanchard 翻译)春天:
    1993)。尽管这部作品被称为 "grimoire", 但实际上是林恩·索恩代克在《魔法与实验
    科学史》中提到的《荣誉》 (纽约:
    麦克米伦公司, 1923-1958; rpt. columbia) 提到的《荣誉》的 iuratus 或 sworn 图书大学出版社), 第二卷, 第 xlix
    章: "所罗门与 ars nooria"。
    有 liber iuratus honorii: 拉丁文版的拉丁文版
    霍诺里厄德加德 [acta unisitatis stockh活 ensis:studia latina
    stockholmiensa (斯德哥尔摩: almquist& wiksell international, 2002)。案文是拉丁文;然而
    , 46 页的介绍是英文的。赫德加德重建的拉丁文文本 "
    de 复合 sigili divi et veri" (67-71 页) 的§iv 已由 colin
    d. campbell 翻译成英文, 作为《约翰·迪博士的魔法封印: sigillum dei aemeth 》 (约克) 的附录 b
    海滩: 泰坦出版社, 2009)。
    十三世纪仪式》和《魔鬼的沉思: 自由
    的 iuratus 》、《自由的愿景》和《基督徒》由理查德·基克赫弗
    "为犹太神秘主义拨款--两者都在《造灵》中。另请参阅 frank klaassen 的博士论文《
    宗教、科学》和《魔法的转换: 磁力
    的变形金刚》 1300-1600 (多伦多: 多伦多大学, 1999), 129-135 页和克拉森的§liber
    《魔幻英语手稿, 300-1500
    : 初步调查》中的 sacer 或 sworon 荣誉书。
    4. semiphoras & shemhamphoras salomonis (以下简称 s & s):
    s & s 被源自 agrippa、伪 agrippa、犹太魔法 (shimmush tehillim)、
    民间魔法和碎片的泥泥包围从浮士德学校的一个集合题为 "
    摩西的第六和第七本书 (纽约: 韦曼兄弟, n.d. [1880]; 和卡本代尔:
    埃及出版公司, nd.;芝加哥: 德劳伦斯公司, 1919年。
    1982年, 出现了由米格内·冈萨雷斯-维普勒 (布
    朗克斯: 原创出版物) 编辑的深刻令人失望的《摩西新修订的第六本书》和《神奇的诗篇
    使用》。文本, 特别是导言中充斥着错误。
    2008年, 约瑟夫 h. 彼得森制作了一个印刷精美的版本 (湖价值: 宜必思出版社)
    , 提供了认真的处理这种混合的翻译集合: 清晰, 正确的文本
    和图表, 与信息丰富的前言, 笔记, 和九个补充附录-肯定是
    文本 (用希伯来语和魔法文字写的印章) 是约翰·谢贝尔的 das sechste und siebente buch mosis
    (斯图加特: 1849) 的英文译文,这是谢贝尔的《圣经》的第六卷.

    s & s 文本的起源也可追溯到德国藏品, 即 j. c.
    霍斯特的 zauberbiliothek 卷3和4卷 (6 卷, 美因茨: 1821-6);和第3卷的谢贝尔的达斯克洛斯特
    (12 卷, 斯图加特和莱比锡: 西奥多·托马斯, 1846年. *
    有趣的是, "亚当的七个半兽人"
    和 "七个半兽" 在 s & s 紧密匹配《利伯·萨洛莫尼斯: 塞法尔·拉齐尔》第七本书中
    的段落, 讨论如下。关于 s & s, 见韦曼, 埃及人和德劳伦斯-页. 116-140;gonzolezwipppppler-125-164 页。peterson, appenix 3—pp。
    __ * 来自 das kloster 的其他项目 (分别为第2卷和第5卷) 张贴在克利夫兰公共图书馆的网站:
    liblus magicus: 《十九世纪的圣书》和《实践》magica fausti, stephen j. zietz 介绍、注解和
    抄录 (1999年);转到 (未找到: 2008年12月29日
    ), 以显示内容页面。两者都由怀特 (黑魔术, 韦瑟版, 102-4 页;礼仪
    魔术, 贝尔版, 110-112 页) 和第一篇文章以拉丁文和英文在 twilit grotto:
    www.esotericarchives.com黑魔法的标题为 verus Jesuitarum liblus。2009
    5。liber salomonis, 大英图书馆 sloane ms 3826:
    liber salomonis 没有在任何印刷来源详细处理, 虽然它是描述在
    仪式魔术 (第20-21 页), 并在这里和那里提到的沙阿和巴特勒。在《魔法
    史》 (第二卷, 第281页) 中, thorndike 只提到了一次这个 ms。
    利伯·萨洛莫尼斯的第一部分称自己为 "塞法尔·拉齐尔"、"塞法尔·拉齐尔"、
    "拉齐尔的博克" 和 "拉泽卢斯的博克"。所罗门被指出为作者
    的作者, 在介绍文本的叙述中。然而,
    大多数指示开始, "所罗门说......"其他人开始, "爱马仕说......" 亚当
    说...... "纳撒尼尔说......" 莫西斯说...... "," 拉齐尔说...... "叙述段落提到拉齐尔
    是这本书的来源, 亚当是最初的接受者。
    sepher raziel 包含大英图书馆 sloane ms
    3826 的作品集页面 2r-57r

    七篇论文 * (如其本身的3r 描述):
    1. clavis.

    "天文学和星空" (ff 5 诉-11
    2。ala...... "一些草本植物和野兽的石头的 vertues" (ff

    ) 3。. 窒息和对他们和分裂的指控 "
    (ff 27 r-34

    当任何事情都应该由这个布克来做的时候 "(ff 34

    清洁的论文》...... 禁欲 "(ff 46 r-51

    6。"samaim", 它 "命名
    所有的天堂和她的天使和他们的操作或运作" (下一

    51 诉 53 v)
    7。"维图斯的战利品...... 和奇迹...... 魔法师方舟和他
    的身影以及同样的法令的属性" (
    53 诉
    v) sloane ms 的其余部分包括
    1。《非你管》: 圣书的规则, 或工作方式
    (第 57 r-60

    2。orisons (ff 60

    方向 (ff 65 ra-83

    ) * *
    4。liber lunc (ff 84

    ) ·5
    。raphael: oberon 的召唤关于
    phyick & c (ff 98 r-99

    6。bilgal 的召唤, 7 中的一个等 (关于 99

    7。费里实验 (100
    8。beleemus de 拉马露布斯 (ff 100


    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ * 这些部分也出现在 sloane ms 3846, 语中。128r-157v. (参见 的约瑟夫·h·彼得森的转录
    见 sepher raziel 也被称为 liber salomonis, 1564年英语格里莫尔从斯隆 ms 3826, 编辑由唐卡尔和
    斯蒂芬·斯金纳 (新加坡: 金霍德出版社, 2010) 的七篇论文的完整转录斯隆的七篇论文
    3826 "cefar rafier", 连同现代英文版本。
    * * robert mathiesen (在下面列出的文章中, 第13页) 列出了 "sloane 3826. ff. 58-83?"[马蒂森的问号]
    在大英图书馆的 sworn 书稿版本中, 尽管他把它和
    那些 "保存原始拉丁文" 的书放在一起。3826的部分是拉丁文 (见上文), 但大部分文本是英文。
    gösta Hedegård 驳斥了这一说法 (liber iuratus honorii, 第13-14 页, 附注 37), 引用 rachel stockdale 的话说,
    3826 f 58-62 包含 "奉献的规则或工作方式, 有一些说法"。
    他然后提到怀特 (黑魔法之书..., 第35页), 指出这部分的 3826 "提取
    物" 从霍诺里厄斯工作;赫德加德允许这 "可能是正确的" (第14页, 注 13)。
    关于 fo 的两个段落。6 8点开始, "迪克西特·比特彭科拉特......" 和 "钻头说......"。这几乎
    可以肯定的是塔比特本·科拉, 或塔比特本·科拉, 或 qurra (c.836-c.901), 异教徒教派的成员, 萨比亚人
    (主要是塔比特的出生地哈兰市)。他是一位多产、兼收并蓄的作家、哲学家和翻译家 (他将
    希腊哲学家--例如阿基米德、亚里士多德、欧几里得--翻译成阿拉伯语), 他是
    一个关于神秘的权威, 特别是在关于图像。事实上, 他被引用在 picatrix 和阿尔伯图斯·马格纳斯和彼得·德阿巴诺
    的作品。(我感谢莱斯特·内斯, 他善意地提供了有关 thebit pencorat = tabit ibn qurra 的信息.)
    ·见 liber luns–《月亮之书》, 由唐·卡尔编辑和介绍 (即将出版)。2009年
    sloane ms 3826 为英文, 但 (i) liber
    salomonis 和 incipit canon 中段落的开头行除外;(ii) 奥里森人;(iii) 拉斐尔的援引、收缩、结扎及
    牌照;和 (四) 贝莱穆斯·德·想象布斯 (贝勒穆斯关于 [行星] 的图像)。
    作品集 58r-83v

    页已被确定为《霍诺里乌斯之友》 (见
    上文第12页注 * * 和以下 "sloane ms 3826 的印刷通知": mathiesen)。
    sloane ms 3826:
    ·炼金术网站的印刷通知, "由亚当·麦克莱恩组织"。《 sepher razier 手稿》, 在 在线;也是作为史蒂夫·萨维多的
    《塞普勒·雷齐尔·海梅拉赫: 天使的书》, 约克海滩: 塞缪尔的附录weiser, inc., 2000年。
    ·克雷斯维尔, 朱莉娅。《沃特金斯天使词典》, 伦敦: 沃特金斯出版社, 2006年;cresswell
    在编写这份 "天使和天使存有" 的大名单时, 使用 sloane 3826 作为她的 "基本文本"。
    ·卡尔, 唐;斯金纳, 史蒂芬sepher raziel 也被称为 liber salomonis, 1564年
    来自 sloane ms 3826 的英国格里莫尔。[陶瓷魔法源作品, 第6卷]。新加坡:
    金霍德出版社, 2010年。
    ·克拉森, 弗兰克 f. 宗教, 科学和魔法的转换:
    魔法的手册1300-1600。博士论文: 多伦多: 多伦多大学, 1999年:
    第133页 (参考 liber 平方英尺, 即 "honorius 材料"), 第207页 (作为 17世纪
    结合仪式和学术形象魔法的收藏的一个例子), 第259页 (列在 "十七世纪
    [mss]" 下)。
    ·马蒂森, 罗伯特。《从《底比斯荣誉
    书》中获得祝福的《达到幸福愿景的十三世纪仪式》, 在克莱尔·范格编辑的《创造精神: 中世纪仪式魔法的文本和传统》中.
    大学公园: 宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社, 1998号: 第145
    页 (sloane 3826 及. 58-83 被列为《霍诺里厄斯书》的多发性硬化者)。
    · "m. plessner, 《伊斯兰教百科全书》中关于 ' balinus ' 的文章 (新编辑 1959) i, 第995页。(此条目
    出现在英国图书馆的参考表格上, 该表格伴随着已完成当前
    转录的 ms 缩微胶卷版本。
    ·沙阿, 伊德里斯。东方魔术。纽约: e. p. dutton & co., 1956年;rpt 1973年: 第191页
    , bibioogr输给, grimoire 参考, chaldea: "以下的
    ' 黑书 ' 的巫师有可归因于查尔丁起源的查尔丁魔法仪式或过程的痕迹: 塞弗·拉齐尔 (
    《拉齐尔书》)。b. m. sloane 3826. "
    ·沙阿, 伊德里斯。魔法的秘密传说。secauus: citadel press inc., 1958: 第288、289、290和
    310 页;参考缩写 (sr)。
    ·thorndike, lynn。魔术和实验科学的历史, 第二卷: 第一个
    世纪。纽约: 哥伦比亚大学出版社 1923: 第281页。
    ·等待, 亚瑟·爱德华。黑魔法和契约的书。伦敦: 雷德威, 1898年;Rpt。纽约:
    塞缪尔·韦瑟公司, 1972年: 韦瑟版第33-4 页。
    ·等待, 亚瑟·爱德华。《仪式魔法之书》。伦敦: 骑士, 1911年;Rpt。纽约: 贝尔
    出版公司, 1969年: 贝尔版第20-21 页和第22页。(《仪式魔术之书》是《

    4 14
    : 亚伯拉罕冯沃姆斯, 阿卡亚伯拉罕的 wurzburg 和亚伯拉罕的犹太人。
    《亚伯拉美林的神圣魔法之书》 [亚伯梅林] 或《法师的亚伯拉美》。
    由 s. l. macgregor mathers 翻译和编辑, 伦敦: watkins, 1898年;1900年
    版;Rpt。纽约: 铜锣湾图书, 1974年;纽约: 多佛出版物公司, 1975年。
    ·七章中的一个猎人版本, 由 s. l. macgregor mathers 翻译, 由 adrian axworth
    编辑。[卡博利斯特格里姆系列 VI]埃德蒙兹: 福尔摩斯出版
    集团, 2001年;第二
    修订版, sequim: 霍姆斯出版集团, 2008年。
    ·新的翻译, 由格奥尔格·德恩汇编和编辑, 由史蒂芬·古思翻译。
    沃思湖: 宜必思出版社, 2006年。
    阿格里帕, [亨利] 科尼利厄斯。《神秘哲学第四本书》, 由斯蒂芬·斯金纳
    编辑, 并附有评论。伦敦: 阿斯金出版社, 1978年;berwick [me]: ibis press, 2005。
    这是罗伯特·特纳 (伦敦: 1655) 的翻译, 也是唯一一个包含特纳收藏中所有
    物品的版本, 而不仅仅是第四本书和海普米龙 (见下文)。
    ·不稳定的哲学, 或魔法仪式: 第四本书--阿格里帕
    --喜波龙, 或魔法元素--彼得·德阿巴诺
    ·索斯特: 关于
    : 地质的古人的魔法--天文的阿格里帕
    __。《神秘哲学第四本书: 神秘哲学三本书
    的伴侣》, 由唐纳德·泰森编辑和注释。木德伯里: llewellyn publices, 2009年。
    再次, 罗伯特·特纳的翻译六本书集, 继斯蒂芬·斯金纳的版本 (列于
    上面)。泰森的版本包括对每本书的 "分析", 其中包含历史
    __。《神秘哲学》, 第四本书, 罗伯特·特纳编辑和翻译。原著
    为《安特卫普: 1531 》;特纳的翻译, 1655年。吉列: 海王星书1985年。
    包括阿格里帕的第四本书和彼得·德阿巴诺的海帕美龙或魔法元素;在 找到两个.
    __。《神秘哲学的三本书》, 由唐纳德·泰森注解。英文
    译文原件 1651;tyson 的编辑, 圣保禄: llewellyn 出版, 1993年。
    奥克曼, 苏珊娜《克里斯蒂娜女王的拉丁文塞弗-拉齐尔手稿》, 载于《十七世纪犹太-基督教知识
    文化: 水仙沼泽图书馆的庆祝活动》 (1638-1713),
    [国际档案, 163] 编辑艾里逊 p. coudert、sarah hetton、richard h.
    popkin 和 gordon m. weiner。dordrecht:kluwer 学术出版社, 1999年。
    "特别是 sefer-ha-razier 的拉丁文副本显示 (原文如此) 基督教读者对希伯来语天使学
    的兴趣在 1614 rosikruc 作者中的这种关注大开之后继续存在--
    1620 英寸 (第13页)。"《利伯·拉齐尔的天使学说》被一组名为《克拉弗斯·萨洛莫尼斯》的
    文本所接受, 这些魔法文本与马格里蒂的阿拉伯魔法著作 picatrix 一起影响了科尼利厄
    斯·阿格里帕 (第18页)。
    (阿农) 《黑弹: 魔法塔利斯曼的科学》, 翻译自法文: la pule noire。纽约
    : samuel weiser, inc., 1972年;(由达西·昆茨编辑) [kabalistic griimole 系列 ii
    ] edmonds: 霍姆斯出版集团, 1998年。
    在黑枪, 见《怀特》, 《礼仪魔术》, 113-132 页。
    (阿农) 约翰·福斯图斯博士的历史, 展示他如何向魔鬼出售自己, 有二十四年
    的时间做他所享受的任何事情, 由达西·昆茨编辑 [kabalistic griimole 系列edmonds: 霍姆斯出版
    集团, 2001年;第二
    版修订: 福尔摩斯出版集团, 2008。
    贝利, 迈克尔 d. 战斗恶魔: 巫术, 异端, 和改革在中世纪晚期 [魔法在
    历史系列]。大学公园: 宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社, 2003年。
    巴雷特, 弗朗西斯。马格斯。一个完整的神秘哲学体系。伦敦: 1801年;Rpt。新海德公园:
    大学书籍, 1967;约克海滩: 塞缪尔·韦瑟公司, 2000年。
    大部分内容是从 agrippa 和其他来源复制的。见《艾莉森·l·
    巴特勒》中巴雷特的辩护, 《奥库特哲学的恢复: 黄金的建筑魔法与历史秩序》 (m. a. 论文, 圣约翰的纪念大学
    , 2000年):
    两: "超越归因: 巴雷特的马格斯的重要性。
    最好的, 迈克尔;和布莱曼, 弗兰克 h. (编辑) 《阿尔伯图斯·马格纳斯的秘密书》。草本、石头和某些
    野兽的美德, 也是世界奇迹的美德 (13世纪
    )。牛津: 牛津
    大学出版社, 1973年;约克海滩: 塞缪尔·韦瑟公司, 1999年。
    最近的韦瑟版是可取的重印凯辛格 (基拉, 蒙大拿州) 题为埃及
    秘密或白色和黑色艺术的人和野兽的阿尔伯图斯马格纳斯 (复制从埃及出版
    公司. [芝加哥版)。
    betz, hans dieter (ed)。翻译中的希腊魔法纸, 包括恶魔咒语, 第一卷:
    版芝加哥: 芝加哥大学出版社, 1992年。
    布莱克, s. jason;凯悦, 克里斯托弗 s. 与魔鬼的关系。《性》、《亵渎 & 解放》纪事报。
    tempe:new falcon 出版物, 1993年和1997年。
    契约包括《 grimoirum verum 》、"格林摩尔" 和 "honorius" 的版本, 经过
    编辑和改编, 使其 "可行"。我可以建议 "代谢" 吗?
    布奇, 瓦利斯。护身符和护身符。原著为 oxfort·剑桥: 1930年,
    作为美国人和学院;Rpt。纽约: 科利尔书, 1970年。
    特别见第二十三章: "卡巴神的名字和标志, 神奇的人物, 和七星或行星
    伯内特, 查尔斯。中世纪的魔法和占卜。文本和技巧在伊斯兰和基督教
    世界 [收集的研究系列: cs557]。aldershot: variorums:ashgate 出版社, brookfield,
    cauzons, th. de。魔术和巫术在法国, i. [法国原著: la magie et la Sorcery en
    france, 第1卷 (共 4)。巴黎: 多邦因, 1910-12]。棕榈泉: i. g. o. s., 1994。
    基督徒, 保罗。詹姆斯·柯库普和朱利安·肖
    从法语翻译的《魔法的历史与实践》由罗斯·尼科尔斯编辑和修订。(法国原版: 1870)纽约: citadel press,
    inc., 1963年。

    到马格斯: 保罗·克里斯蒂安》 (= 第9章)
    中, 一包邪恶的卡片 (见下文德克下) 对待这位18世纪的作家。
    克雷斯维尔, 茱莉亚《沃特金斯天使词典》: 关于天使 & 天使存有的 2, 000多篇作品。伦敦:
    沃特金斯出版社, 2006。
    克雷斯维尔使用大英图书馆 sloane 3826, liber Salomonis/Cephar razier 作为她的 "基本文本"。
    戴维森古斯塔夫天使词典, 包括堕落天使。纽约: 自由新闻 [麦克米伦
    公司的一个部门], 1967年。
    戴维斯, 欧文魔法书的历史。牛津: 牛津大学出版社, 2009年。
    戴维斯在前几章对魔法书籍的广泛总结可能是有用的, 但它
    --: "格里莫雷斯美国"、"纸浆魔术" 和 "爱情、撒旦和阴影"。2009

    4 16
    decker, ronald;德波利斯, 蒂埃里;还有邓米特, 迈克尔一包邪恶的卡片:
    神秘塔罗牌的起源。纽约: 圣马丁出版社, 1996年。
    西方神秘的核心, 重点是它的假设由法国神秘主义者 j. b。alliette (= etteilla)、
    eliphas levi、gerard encusse (= papus), 在目前情况下很重要的是, paul christian。
    迪伊, 约翰。(各种标题)
    见我在《基督教卡巴拉研究》中的参考, 第1部分, 第10-12 页, 以及givry
    的参考清单,埃米尔·格里洛图片博物馆的巫术, 魔术, 和炼金术, 翻译从法语由 j.
    孔蒂·洛克。(法国原版, 巴黎: 1929: le music des sor, mages et alchemistes)。
    新海德公园: 大学书籍, 1963。
    圣经中的神与恶魔词典 (ddd)。编辑: karel van der toorn、bob becking 和
    pieter w. van der horst。leiden: e. j. brill, 1995年;第二版, 广泛修订, 1999年。
    《幽灵 & 西外风范主义词典》, 由 wouter hanegraaff 与 antoine
    faivre、roelof van den broek 和 jean-pierre brach 合作编辑 (ledens:boston:brill, 2005年)。
    这一出色的合作包括关于 agrippa、albertuus magnus、alchy、amulets、
    astrology、francis barrett、john dee、中国际蜜蜂、
    磁力、磁力、宠物的条目, 萨塔尼姆, 和更多。
    恩诺莫斯特, 约瑟夫。《魔法史》, 威廉·豪伊特从德语翻译过来的2卷, "除此之外
    , 还增加了一个附录...... 玛丽·豪伊特选择了。1854年;Rpt。新海德公园: 大学
    书籍, 1970年。
    方格·克莱尔"维珍领地: 中世纪晚期的纯洁和神圣的知识, 在白羊座
    , 新系列, 第5卷, 第2号。leyd:koninklijke brill, 2005年。
    flint, valerie i. j。魔术在中世纪早期欧洲的兴起。普林斯顿: 普林斯顿大学出版社,
    弗雷泽, 詹姆斯爵士 g。金树枝: 在魔术和宗教的研究。1卷节选版,
    纽约: 麦克米伦, 1922年;1942年, 1951年。
    __ __新的金树枝。《新的过渡》, 根据西奥多·h·
    盖斯特最近的奖学金进行了修订。纽约: 导师书 1959年;1964年。
    gardner, f. l.;霍克利, 弗雷德里克;& redgrove, h. s. 希伯来塔利斯曼尼奇, 由 darcy
    kuntz 编辑 [kabalistic gri地质五系]。埃德蒙兹: 福尔摩斯出版集团, 2001年。
    《保护之书: 叙利亚魔法与魅力》, 是《
    叙利亚魔法手稿》的法典 a。埃德蒙兹–塞基姆: 福尔摩斯出版集团, 2001年;
    古德里克-克拉克, 尼古拉斯。西方深奥传统: 历史介绍。牛津: 牛津
    大学出版社, 2008年。
    特别是见第2章, "意大利文艺复兴时期的魔法和卡巴拉", 第3章, "文艺复兴时期的行星
    和天使" 和第10章, "从1850到现在的仪式魔术"。
    格林, 托马斯 m. "语言, 符号和魔术", 在《想象魔术: 普林斯顿研讨会 &
    研讨会, 由彼得·舍费尔 & 汉斯·g·基彭伯格编辑。莱顿–纽约–科隆: 布里尔, 1997年。
    格林开始讨论, 比较十六世纪 "乡村绅士雷金纳德·斯考特
    " 和他的当代 "英国神学家威廉·帕金斯" 对巫术的态度, 并得出结论认为, "
    对这两位作者的看法总体上是正确的, 巫术--更广泛地说
    , 魔法--确实威胁到了传统的分离语言学。苏格兰人和帕金斯都明白, 相信
    魔法需要另一种语言理论, 这种理论能给这个词提供实质和能量...... "(-
    griffith, f. ll.;还有汤普森莱登纸莎草。一本埃及魔法书。(最初
    出版了1904年作为伦敦和 leyden 的民主魔法纸);Rpt。纽约:
    多佛出版物, 1974年。
    瓜佐, 弗朗切斯科·玛丽亚。米兰汇编: 1608。翻译: e. a. ashwin
    , 由 montague summers 编辑, 伦敦: john rodker, 1929年;Rpt。纽约: 多佛出版物公司,
    "从许多来源收集的3本书...... 显示了女巫
    对人类的不公正和可恨的行动, 以及他们可能会感到沮丧的神圣补救办法" (来自1929年的标题
    哈姆斯, 丹尼尔《召唤传统中的格里莫尔》, 载于《魔法学术研究杂志》,
    第5期, 由苏珊·约翰逊·格拉夫和艾米·海尔编辑 (牛津: 牛津的曼德雷克, 2009年)。
    霍克利弗雷德里克(迪特里希·伯格曼, 埃德。魔法科学的完整书..。由弗雷德里克·霍克利从
    古代手稿《格里莫尔》中抄写。约克海滩: 泰坦出版社, 2008年。
    伯格曼形容《魔法科学全集》是 "一个更长版本的文本, 已
    被出版为 ' 特里尔的秘密格里莫尔 '。见下文 "马尔库斯" 下。完整的书.
    ..... 也包括在约瑟夫·彼得森的克拉维斯或《所罗门魔法的关键》中 (沃思湖: 宜必思出版社, 2009年)。
    __。(银色马努斯, ed.)神秘法术: 由弗雷德里克·霍克利
    汇编的19世纪的《格里莫尔》。约克海滩: 泰坦出版社, 2009年。
    __。(约翰·哈密尔, 已。罗西克鲁西恩·西尔: 弗雷德里克·霍克利的魔法作品。
    wellingborough: 水瓶座出版社, 1986年;修订版, 其中有一章是关于霍克利的手稿和
    一个关于霍克利作为占星家的笔记, 由 r. a. 吉尔伯特。约克海滩: 泰坦出版社, 2009年。
    关于霍克利, 见乔塞林·戈德温, 神学启蒙运动 (奥尔巴尼: 纽约
    州立大学出版社, 1994), 第九章。
    亨森米奇和盖尔《神奇的笔记本: 金色黎明中的格里莫尔的调查》, 载于《金色黎明
    杂志》, 第三册: 赫姆斯的艺术。[莱维林的金丹系列]。
    圣保禄: llewellyn publices, 1995年。
    伊德尔, 莫舍"女性主义与犹太教", 载于《女性主义与文艺复兴: 现代早期欧洲的知识史
    与神秘》, 由英格丽德·默克尔和艾伦·德布斯编辑。华盛顿: folger
    __。《文艺复兴时期卡巴拉的神奇和新柏拉图式的解释》, 载于《十六世纪的犹太思想
    》, 由伯纳德·多夫·库珀曼编辑。伦敦:
    哈佛大学出版社, 1983年。
    伊兹米尔列娃瓦伦蒂娜所有的主的名字: 列表, 神秘主义, 和魔术。芝加哥–伦敦
    : 芝加哥大学出版社, 2008。
    在她的书的第一部分, 伊兹米尔列娃分析了 (伪) 狄奥尼修斯的
    神圣名称 (
    );在第二节中, 她研究了被称为 "上帝的
    72个名字" (13世纪

    ) 的 (斯拉夫) 护身符。伊兹米尔利娃 "示威, 在大量的文本踪影, 那上帝的
    72个名字有它的根在诺斯替卡巴拉并且起源于 kambalo-christian 交换, 很
    可能发生在普罗旺斯在十二世纪 "(-第12页)。
    雅诺维茨娜奥米罗马世界中的魔法: 异教徒、犹太人和基督徒 [基督教世纪中的宗教]
    伦敦/纽约: routledge, 2001年。
    卡哈内、亨利和蕾妮;还有皮特里安吉丽安吉丽娜"picatrix and talismans", in 《浪漫
    语言学》 (1966年), 第5574-593 页。
    基克赫弗, 理查德。禁舞: 《十五世纪亡灵巫师手册》。大学公园:
    宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社, 1998年。

    __。中世纪的魔法 [坎布里奇中的电子书]。剑桥: 剑桥
    大学出版社, 1989年;1995年。
    国王, 弗朗西斯。现代神秘魔法的仪式 [= 英国的瑞特魔法]。纽约:
    麦克米伦公司, 1970年。
    附录 b. "马瑟斯对格里莫雷斯的版本"。
    国王、弗朗西斯和萨瑟兰, 伊莎贝尔。魔法的重生。伦敦: 科尔吉图书, 1982年。
    克拉森, 弗兰克。"中世纪仪式魔术在文艺复兴时期", 在白羊座, 新系列, 第3卷, 第2期。
    leyd:koninklijke brill, 2003年。
    kramer, heinrich;还有斯普伦格·詹姆斯马勒斯·马勒菲卡鲁姆。罗马: 1484年。由蒙塔古·萨默斯
    翻译, 伦敦: 约翰·罗德克, 1928年;Rpt。纽约: 多佛出版物公司, 1971年。
    lng, Benedek。解锁书籍: 中欧
    中世纪图书馆的魔法学手稿 [历史中的魔法系列]。大学公园: 宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社, 2008年。
    不是西班牙、意大利或希腊, 而是波兰、匈牙利和波希米亚。
    运气, 乔治。阿尔卡诺·蒙迪魔法和神秘在希腊和罗马世界, 文本的集合。
    巴尔的摩: 约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社, 1985年;2006年第二届编辑。
    马利诺夫斯基, 布罗尼斯瓦夫魔法、科学和宗教及其他随笔。花园城: 双日
    [锚定书 a23], 1948年;1954年。
    马尔库斯, 马吕斯图里尔的秘密格里莫, 是十六世纪的魔法系统。伦敦:
    水瓶座新闻, 1960;《达西·昆茨编辑》编辑的《网络》 [kaballicic griimole i]
    edmunds: 当然是消防出版社, 1994。
    《人》, 神话 & 魔术: 《超自然的图解百科全书》, 由理查德·卡文迪什编辑。纽约
    : 马歇尔·卡文迪什公司, 1970年。
    在超市可能会买到的书, 但人们必须对投稿人名单和
    社论中出现的名字印象深刻咨询委员会: mircea eliade, r. j. zwi werb布sky, r. c. zaehner, 仅举几例。主题
    包括 aberdeen 证人, abradbra, [h. c.]AGRIPPA, ALPHABET, FRANCIS BARRETT, 黑色
    魔法和女巫, 黑色的物质, 魔法和神话, 相关, 约翰·德, 潜水, 欧洲国际上的
    一幕, 退出, 失败, 发现的女巫, 法国
    女证人, 德国女巫, 格里莫雷, 意大利人, 爱情魔法, 魔法、魔法
    证人、彭塔格拉姆、PICATIX、RITIAL、RIAL MAGIC、ROWAS文学魔法, 阿布拉-梅林的保存
    魔法, 销售证人, 萨塔门主义, 索默斯特证人, 欧元,
    托马斯, 黑魔法, 白色魔法, 和文德。
    马塞洛, 罗伯特地狱: 黑色艺术的简史--以及那些敢于实践的人。
    纽约: perigree books, 1996。
    请特别参见第1章。"黑魔法和巫术", 其中包括关于 "大格里莫尔" 和 "来自真正的
    格里莫尔的阴谋" 的章节。
    马斯蒂科克, 阿蒂略。从犹太魔法到诺斯替 [研究英语 zu antike antike
    基督教 24]。tübinging:mohr siebeck, 2005年。
    麦金托什, 克里斯托弗。魔鬼的书架: 从古
    埃及到今天西方魔法的文字的历史。威灵堡: 水瓶座出版社, 1985年。
    麦金托什就各自的主题写了两本最好的 "流行" 书: 《玫瑰学家: 深奥的
    历史、神话和仪式》 (伦敦: 水瓶座出版社, 1980年; 约克海滩: 塞缪尔)
    魏瑟公司, 1997年) 和魔鬼的书架。这些治疗方法是可读的和可靠的,
    mclean, adam (版)。《天使魔法论文集》, 是
    英国图书馆哈雷6482女士的完整转录 [杂志 opus hermeic 源 #15]。爱丁堡: magnum opus sourceworks
    , 1982年;rpt grand raids: phanes press, 1990年;rpt 约克海滩: 韦瑟图书, 2006年。
    六卷中的第二卷统称为《陆克文博士的论文》 (mss harley 6181-6486)。
    天使魔术收集材料从几个来源, 包括阿格里帕, 迪伊, 雷金纳德·斯科特, 莱姆格蒙, 和
    迈耶, 马文;米雷基, 保罗 (编辑)。古代魔法和仪式的力量 [《大世界》中的宗教, 第129册]。莱顿-纽约–伦敦: e. j. 布里尔, 1995。
    迈耶, 马文;和史密斯, 理查德 (编辑)。古代基督教魔法。仪式权力的科普特文本。旧金山
    : HarperSanFrancisco, 1994年。
    死亡。苏美尔人的高魔法格里莫, 由西蒙编辑和介绍。纽约: 雅芳
    书, 1975;1980.
    在互联网上搜索 necromason 产生了各种有趣和奇怪的东西, 包括
    ·《死亡之书: 死亡之书》, 由科林·威尔逊介绍的《死亡之书》。
    伦敦: neville spearman ltd, 1978年;伦敦: skoob books, 1992年。
    · r ' lyeh 文本: 隐藏的叶子从 necronomics, 编辑乔治海, 研究, 转录
    和注释由罗伯特特纳, 由科林威尔逊介绍。伦敦: skoob books, 1995年。
    ·泰森, 唐纳德。颈部: 阿拉兹的流浪者。圣保禄: llewellyn publices, 2004年。
    ·有关简介, 请参阅欧文·戴维斯的《格里莫雷斯
    : 魔术书籍的历史》 (牛津: 牛津大学出版社, 2009年), 第262-8 页。
    纽斯纳, 雅各;frerichs, ernest s;和 flesher, paul v. mc. (编辑)。宗教、科学和魔法: 在
    音乐会和冲突中。牛津–纽约: 牛津大学出版社, 1989。
    佩德, 苏菲中世纪手稿中的魔法。多伦多: 多伦多大学出版社, 2004年。
    帕拉塞尔苏斯魔法的执著: 大自然的最高奥秘, 或植物
    的精神, 神秘哲学等, 翻译罗伯特·特纳, 1655年, 由斯蒂芬·斯金纳介绍。伦敦: askin
    出版有限公司, 1975年;berwick:ibis press, 2004。出版为《魔法的执事》, kil:kesfinger
    出版社, n. p
    . picatrix or ghalat al-hakim [《威斯之角》--第一版英文版]。
    -卷一, 由 hashem atallah 从阿拉伯文翻译;威廉·基塞尔编辑 (西雅图:
    乌罗博罗斯出版社, 2002)
    -卷二, 翻译为 hashem atallah 和 geylan holmquest;由威廉·基塞尔编辑 (西雅图:
    奥罗博罗斯出版社, 2008)。早先出版的是 "picatrix": das ziel des weisen von Pseudo-Magriti, helmut riter 和 martin plessner (伦敦沃堡研究所) 将其翻译
    成德文 (伦敦沃堡研究所, 1962)—a

    英文摘要出现在 lix-lxxv 页上;和 picatrix: 《 ghayat al-hakim 》的拉丁文版,
    david pingree 编辑 (warburg 研究所, 1986年)。见马丁·普莱斯纳对
    雷德格罗夫 h 斯坦利魔法与神秘主义: 对过去信仰的研究。伦敦: 骑士 1920年;塞考克斯:
    城堡出版社, 1972年。
    罗洛, 大卫。迷人的巫术。中世纪的魔法和读写能力 [中文化,
    第25卷]。明尼阿波利斯-伦敦: 明尼苏达大学出版社, 2000年。
    ryan, w. f。午夜的浴室。俄罗斯魔法与占卜的历史考察。大学
    公园: 宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社, 1999年。
    savedow, steve (ed/tr)。se侵占 er rezial hemelach。《天使的书》。约克海滩: samuel
    weiser, inc., 2000年。2009

    20 这本书的附录 (第280-286 页) 列出了由亚当·麦克莱恩
    汇编的手稿中的 sefer razier 文本。列出的第一个 ms 是大英图书馆 sloane 3826, 在本文件
    中讨论的是 liber salomonis。麦克莱恩的名单在炼金术网站上发布在互联网上: "sepher razier
    手稿" ,
    se参军 rezier hamelach (= Sefer razier) 主要是一个犹太民间魔法的生产。它由
    joshua trachtenberg 在犹太魔术和迷信讨论 (纽约: behrman 的犹太书议院 1939年;
    随后重印), 一个罕见的犹太魔法学术治疗, 被认为是一个经典的东西
    , 虽然痛苦的需要更新。萨维多的作品似乎尝试了两件事: (1) 提供一个可靠
    的英文版本的文本, (2) 提供执业魔术师与另一个骗子。
    schäfer, peter;和 kippenberg, hans g. (编辑)。构想魔术: 普林斯顿研讨会和研讨会
    [研究的历史 (numen 书系列), 卷 lxxv]。莱顿–纽约–科隆:
    布里尔, 1997年。
    苏格兰人, 雷金纳德巫术的发现。1584版出版约翰·罗德克, 1930年;纽约
    rpt.: 多佛出版物公司, 特别
    见 "booke 十五", 可以在 上查看.
    斯科特, 沃尔特爵士演示和巫术: 致 j. g. lockhart 的信件, esq. 1830;Rpt。纽约
    : 贝尔出版公司, 1970年。
    塞利格曼, 库尔特魔术的历史。纽约: 万神殿图书公司, 1948年。
    沙阿, 赛德·伊德里斯。东方魔术。纽约: 哲学图书馆, 1957。
    请参见第2章。"犹太魔法";第3章。"所罗门: 国王和魔术师";和参考书目,
    舒马赫, 韦恩自然魔法与现代科学: 四篇论文, 1590-1657 [中和
    复兴语 & 研究, 容量 63]。纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校, 1989年。
    讨论的论文是 (i) bruno 的 de magia、thes de magia、de magia ma测硕士;(二) martin delrio
    的 magicarum magicarum 性别;(三) campanella ' s de sensu rerum et magia;gaspar schott 的 magia
    万能 __
    __。文艺复兴时期的神秘科学。伯克利: 加州大学出版社,
    《裙子》, 唐·宾词: 中世纪的文本护身符。大学公园: 宾夕法尼亚州立
    大学出版社, 2006年。
    sullivan, lawrence e. (ed)。隐藏的真理: 魔法, 炼金术, 和神秘。[宗教、历史和
    文化: 从宗教环境中选出, 由米尔恰·埃利亚德编辑]。纽约:
    麦克米伦出版公司, 1989年。
    汤玛斯, 基思宗教与魔法的衰落。牛津-纽约: 牛津大学出版社, 1971年;
    汤普森, 坎贝尔闪米特魔法: 它的起源和发展。伦敦: luzac & 公司, 1908年;
    rpt 纽约: ktav 出版社, 1971年;纽约: ams 出版社, 1976年;约克海滩: red
    wiseer/weiseriseer books, 2000年。
    汤姆林森, 盖瑞文艺复兴时期魔术中的音乐。走向他人的史学。芝加哥-伦敦:
    芝加哥大学出版社, 1993。
    泰森, 唐纳德。伊诺奇安魔术初学者。天使魔法的原始系统。圣保禄: llewellyn
    publices, 1997年。
    __。仪式魔术。它是什么和如何做到这一目标. 圣保罗: llewellyn 出版物, 1992年。2009
    沃克, d. p. 精神和恶魔魔术。从菲契诺到坎帕内拉伦敦: 巴黎圣母院
    出版社, 1958年;1975年
    法国和英国的占有和驱魔。费城: 宾夕法尼亚大学出版社, 1981年。
    魏尔, 约翰 (= 让·维尔, 约翰·维尔, ioannes wierus)。文艺复兴
    时期的女巫、魔鬼和医生 (de prestigiis detonum, 1583)。乔治·莫拉的介绍和笔记;由约翰谢
    翻译;序言由约翰·韦伯 [中和复兴语 & 研究, 容量 73]。
    宾汉姆顿: 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校, 1991年;坦佩: 亚利桑那州立
    大学, 1998年。
    特别令人感兴趣的是第二卷的两个部分: 第二章, "婴儿魔术师
    和 geteia 和 theourgia 的描述";第五章, "关于 certain 魔法书"
    , 其中讨论了 "由 raxier 和拉斐尔传下来的书", 《神秘哲学第四本书》归于
    阿格里帕, 但被魏尔评价为 "错误地归因于他的手" 和 "《皮埃特罗·达巴诺
    》的瘟疫小书, 名为 "海普米龙" 或《魔法元素》。第六章接着讨论了特里米修斯和他的书
    温特斯, 丹娜《魔术学术研究杂志》第5期, 由苏珊·约翰逊·格拉夫和艾米·海尔
    编辑 (牛津:
    牛津的 mandrake, 2009年)。2009

    4 22
    增编: 互联网
    上的索洛蒙魔术一些索隆文本似乎无处不在的互联网上, 而其他根本没有
    代表。任何被金色黎明的创始人所触及的东西, 不管
    是好是坏, 都是反复复制、盗版和联系的, 例如, w. w. westcott 的无处
    不在的 seferyezirah 或 s. l. macgregor mathers 的所罗门钥匙和莱梅尼蒙
    下面是我们的大纲重复了一些网站地址 (然后是 >
    1. clavicles
    的钥匙· twilit grotto: www.esotericarchives.com古典格里莫雷斯。这个丰富
    的网站给出了马瑟斯的关键文本;另一个 16世纪

    翻译的关键: "知识的钥匙" (添加。ms 36674), 以及使用的 mss
    mathers 的摘录, "可验证的所罗门克拉维克利斯" (Landsdowne e 12203);
    hermann gollancz 的描述和 mafteah shelomoh 的传真, 一个希伯来语
    版本的 key;和康尼贝雷的《所罗门圣经》的翻译
    ·互联网语篇: www.sacred-texts.com格里莫雷斯 (马瑟斯的文本)

    · alemi 网站和虚拟图书馆:>
    的《索洛蒙: 声门之键》, 英文版本
    挪威的《永久: > 的《马瑞克》 (马瑟斯的文本) b。lemegigon··
    www.esotericarchives.com古典格里莫雷斯 (约瑟夫·h·彼得森的
    版本, 加上 weyer 的伪君主) ·>
    的 solomonic 手稿: lem形 eg炮兵和 ars nobori·gusk
    · > 漫画经 (matherss/crowley)
    2. grimoires
    a. grimorium verum· 黑色魔术 (两个版本: 法语英语和
    b. 真正的黑魔法
    · (未找到)
    · www.esotericarchives.com黑魔法 (只有内容在
    网站上提供; cd 上的全文可以订购)。
    3. 《霍诺里乌斯的 sworn 手册》和《红杉》 (两个不同的文本
    ) ·《皇家 ms 17 a xlii 》 (=
    liber juratis) 的《瑞士书》英文版和《格里莫尔》的三个法文本的内容均在 古典格里莫雷斯和 > 黑魔法

    4 23 4。半书和 shemhamphoras salomonis
    ·《摩西第六和第七本书》 (包括 s & s)
    的全文, 并简要介绍 "但大多数省略的插图" 载于 > > > 第2部分--《摩西的第六本
    格里莫尔 > 找到。
    阴影的领域: (本网站已不复
    存在: 请于2008年12月29日)
    5。liber salomonis 和 sloane ms 3826·大英
    图书馆 sloane ms 3826 的完整抄本出现
    在 hermetic kabbalah: 唐·卡尔的独奏魔术,
    solomonic 手稿: sepher raziel,
    ·一个密切相关的文本 sloane ms 3846: 书天使
    拉齐尔, 也在英语, 可以在 twilit grotto 查看:  

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