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发表于 2008-5-22 00:27:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:27:50 | 只看该作者
P.O. BOX 713

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:29:35 | 只看该作者
It is a matter of common knowledge among mystics that the evolutionary
career of mankind is indissolubly bound up with the divine hierarchies who
rule the planets and the signs of the Zodiac, and that passage of the Sun
and the planets through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, marks man's progress
in time and in space. Therefore it is not to be wondered at, that in the
course of their investigations into the spiritual development of mankind,
the writers have also encountered much that deals with the Zodiac which is
the boundary of our evolutionary sphere at the present time. So much has
been perceived in THE MEMORY OF NATURE that sheds light upon obscure passages
of the Bible, that notes have been made from time to time of different
points, but how to collect and collage these dissociated writings into a
united whole, has been a great problem for a long time. Even now, the writers
know and feel that what they are bringing forth is only a very, very
weak attempt to set before the students that great body of facts which have
come to them through the memory of nature. They feel, however, that this
will give a new and more profound meaning to the old symbols, and that bypassing on what has been found they put themselves in line to receive more
Concerning the future evolution of planets; the Rosicrucian
Cosmo-Conception teaches, on page 256, that "when the beings upon the planet
have evolved to a sufficient degree, the planet becomes a Sun, the fixed
center of the Solar System. When the beings there have evolved to a still
greater degree, and consequently it has reached its maximum of brilliancy,
it breaks up into a Zodiac and becomes, so to speak, the womb of a new Solar
System. Thus the Great hosts of Divine beings who, until then, were confined
upon that Sun gain freedom of actions upon a great number of stars
whence they can affect, in different ways, the system which grows up within
their sphere of influence. The planets or many-bearing worlds within the
Zodiac are constantly being worked upon by these forces but in various ways
according to the stage they have reached in evolution. Our Sun could not
have become a sun until it set out from itself all the beings who were not
sufficiently evolved to endure the high rate of vibration and the great luminosity
of the beings who were qualified for that evolution. All the beings
upon the different planets would have been consumed had they remained
in the Sun. This visible Sun, however, though it is a place of evolution
for beings vastly above man, is not by any means, the Father of other planets,
as material science supposes. On the contrary, it is itself an emana-tion fron THE CENTRAL SUN, which is the invisible source of all that IS in
our solar system."
"Our visible Sun is but the mirror in which are reflected the Rays of energy
from the Spiritual Sun, the real Sun is as invisible as the REAL man."
From this teaching it is apparent that the great spiritual hierarchies
which are now guiding our evolution, have had their training for this path
in previous schemes of manifestation, also that what THEY are now doing, WE
shall some day do FOR OTHERS. Already the foremost among our race are
treading the path of initiation, and have thereby advanced into stages, far
beyond the general status of our present humanity. It has been learned that
those who have gone through the Mercurial School of the lesser Mysteries,
and have graduated from the School of the Greater Mysteries are now preparing
human evolution for the Jupiter Period. They have entered the planet
Jupiter, by way of one of the Moons, which serves as a stepping stone. Others
there are, unfortunately, who have gone the other way. We read in the
Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, that even as the whole population of the earth
was at one time expelled from the present Sun because of their inability to
keep up with the vibrations of the beings thereon, thus hindering them and
being hindered themselves, so also it becomes necessary in the Lemurian Epoch,
to expel a number of the stragglers from earth. Thus the Moon was cast
out into space to revolve as a Satellite around our present planet. Thoseunfortunates are gradually degenerating and the time will come when they
will all go to the planet Saturn, which is the door to Chaos. Thence they
will be expelled to inter-planetary space to await the time when, in a new
system, there will be a favorable condition for their further evolution.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:30:41 | 只看该作者
Thus the Zodiac and the planets are as a book in which we may read the
history of Humanity during past ages, and they also give a key to the future
which is in store for us. In the famous Zodiac in the Temple of Denderah,
Cancer is not pictured as we have it in modern days. There it is a beetle,
a scarab. This was the emblem of the soul, and Cancer has always been known
in ancient times, as well as among modern mystics, to be the sphere of the
soul, THE GATE OF LIFE in the Zodiac whence the spirits coming into rebirth,
enter our sub-lunary conditions. It is therefore aptly ruled by the Moon
which is the planet of fecundation, and it is noteworthy that we find Capricorn,
which is its opposite, ruled by Saturn the PLANET OF DEATH AND CHAOS,
who is mystically depicted as "the reaper with his scythe and hour glass in
hand." These two opposite signs are therefore turning points in the soul's
career. Cancer and Capricorn respectively mark the highest ascent of the
Sun into the Northern Hemisphere, and its lowest descent into the South. We
observe that during the summer when the Sun is in the sphere of Cancer andallied signs, fecundation and growth are the order of the day. But when the
Sun is in the South, in Capricorn, we have winter, when nature is dead. The
fruits of the summer are then consumed and assimilated by us. As a circle
dance of the Sun among the twelve signs determines the seasons of the year
WHEN DIRECT, causing the germination of myriads of seeds cast in the earth,
also the mating of the fauna, which then makes the world alive with the
sights and sounds of manifested life, and at another time leaves the world
dumb, dull and drear in winter's gloom, under the sway of Saturn, so by the
slower backward movement, known as the PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOX, does it
produce the great changes which we know as Evolution. In fact, this precessional
measure of the sun marks the birth and death of races, nations and
their religions, for the pictorial Zodiac is a symbolical presentation of
our past, present and future development.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:31:49 | 只看该作者
Capricorn, the goat, is not a goat at all as we know that animal, but
part fish and part goat. Its Saturnine rulership, and the fact that it receives
the Sun at the dawn of each New Year, naturally by analogy associates
it with the beginning of precessional epochs. It represents the stage in
evolution covering transition from fish, through amphibia to the mammalian
form. The belligerency of the goat is well known, and an apt symbol of thestruggle for existence, in which the weak perish unless able to outdistance
their foes. This phase of the matter is sometimes expressed in the symbol,
when drawn as part fish and part antelope. Jacob, in the forty-ninth chapter
of Genesis, pronounces blessings upon his children, which symbolize the
twelve signs. There he speaks of Naphtali as a "HIND" let loose; thus a
very apt symbol of Capricorn, for when the Sun is there at each winter solstice,
it is starting a race through the circle of twelve signs, which it
must complete in a given time--a year.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:32:21 | 只看该作者
When the Sun leaves Capricorn, by precession, it enters the sign Sagittarius,
and this is pictured in the symbolical Zodiac as a Centaur, part
horse and part man. Thus it shows aptly, the fact that we have evolved
through the animal stage into the human. The centaur is in the act of drawing
his bow, showing that there is something for which the human spirit, on
its pilgrimage through matter, is seeking, that it aspires to something that
lies beyond it, as a lofty ideal, for the bow points upward to the stars.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:32:59 | 只看该作者
The next step in human unfoldment is not so much along the physical lines
as along the mental. Its nature is shown by the Sun's passage through the
sign Scorpio, which is pictorially represented as a SERPENT or SCORPION,emblems of cunning and subtility. It is plain from this symbol that the
faculty of the mind evolved by infant humanity was CUNNING, and we still see
that that is a characteristic trait among the lower races, the lower classes
and the lower natures even among our present-day humanity.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:33:19 | 只看该作者
But, when the Sun enters the sign Libra, 'THE SCALES,' by precession,
the balance of reason gives him a new start upon the evolutionary path. Under
the care of divine instructors man had at that time advanced to the
point where because of this new faculty, reason, he could be made fully responsible
to nature's laws, and thus reap what he had sown, that he might
learn the lesson of life by actual experience, be able to reason out the
connection between cause and effect and in time learn to govern himself so
as to progress further upon the path.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:34:22 | 只看该作者
Thus, under the guidance of the spiritual hierarchies, focused through
the signs of CAPRICORN, SAGITTARIUS, SCORPIO, and LIBRA, were his physical,
moral and mental attributes acquired, and he was equipped and mental attributes
acquired, and he was equipped to commence the spiritual side of his
evolution. The germ of this progress is hidden in the celestial virgin, the
sign VIRGO, which is the vehicle of the immaculate conception, the heavenly
mother of Christ; not of one Christ only, but of many. This is one of the
most sublime signs of the Zodiac and one of the most mystical, so fraughtwith hidden meaning that its full import cannot be fully understood save
when viewed by the internal light of spiritual illumination. Yearly, at the
winter solstice, the immaculate Madonna is ascendant at midnight, when the
new born Sun commences to rise to the task of growing the grain and grape,
to save humanity from the cold and famine, which would inevitably result
were he to remain in the southern declination. The Sun is therefore an apt
symbol of the Savior, born to feed his flock on the spiritual bread of life.But, as we must have eyes attuned to light to see the sun, so must the
Christ be born within before we can perceive spiritual light. As Angelus
Silesius says:
"Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born
And not within thyself, thy soul will be forlorn.
The Cross of Golgotha thou lookest to in vain
Unless within thyself it be set up again."
Therefore, by the precessional passage of the Sun through the sign Virgo,
the germinal impulse was given towards the birth of Christ within man. The
MYSTIC MARRIAGE of the lower self to the higher, the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION,
and the DIVINE MOTHERHOOD, which nourishes deep in its bosom, unseen by a
scoffing world, "THE NEW BORN CHRIST," are actual experiences of a growing
number of people. And without the celestial prototype, fructified by the
solar precession, this would be an impossibility; neither has this idealbeen realized in such fullness during the past ages as today. The reason of
this will appear when we take up the joint consideration of opposite signs
of the Zodiac.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-22 00:35:28 | 只看该作者
A great future is in store for this offspring of the celestial virgin.
Listen to the wonderful prophecy of Isaiah: "For unto us a child is born,
unto us a Son is given, and the <敏感詞> shall be upon his shoulders and
his name shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, the MIGHTY GOD, the EVERLASTING
FATHER, the PRICE OF PEACE. Of the increase of His <敏感詞> and peace
there shall be no end."
Humanity is to rise to a wonderful spiritual height and this is symbolized
by the Sun's precessional passage through the royal sign Leo, pictorially
represented by the king of beasts, the lion. this is an apt allusion
to the King of Creation, who will then embody the three great virtues of the
Master Man, Strength, Wisdom and Beauty.
It is wonderful to trace the various phases of the religions given to the
Great Aryo-Semitic Race from the time they were "called out" in the latter
third of the Atlantean Epoch, to the end of the Aquarian Age, when a new
race will have been definitely born. This aspect of the Zodiac will form
the subject of the following pages. It will shed light on many of the most
obscure passages of the Bible, as only study of this Cosmic Science can.When we consider the Zodiac in its religious as well as its evolutionary
aspects, by means of the six pair of opposite signs into which the twelve
may be divided, we also commence with Cancer and Capricorn, for the reason
given in the previous article, namely: that these are the solstitial points
where the Sun reaches its highest and lowest declination.
Considered in this manner, we find that there are two sets of three pairs
of signs, the first being Cancer and Capricorn, Gemini and Sagittarius, Taurus
and Scorpio. In these pairs of signs we may read the history of human
evolution and religion, in the early, the middle and the latter third of the
Atlantean Epoch. This is also divisible into three distinct periods,
namely: THE ARYAN AGE, from Moses to Christ, which comes under Aries-Libra;
the PISCEAN AGE, which takes in the last two thousand years under
Pisces-Virgo Catholicism; and the two thousand years which are ahead of us,
called the AQUARIAN AGE, where the signs Aquarius and Leo will be illuminated
and vivified by the solar precession, for the upliftment of the Son of
Man (Aquarius), by the Christ within, the Lion of Judah (Leo), to the estate
of Superman.
It must not be thought, however, that the Atlantean Epoch only lasted
while the Sun by precession went through Cancer, Gemini, and Taurus, a period of only six thousand and a few hundred years; far from it; but there
are spirals within spirals and recapitulation takes place in the epochs and
races, so that we may know what is the general destiny by looking at the
Sun's passage through these signs and therewith taking this import and symbolism
into consideration. It may also be said that the further we advance
the smaller do the spirals become, the shorter the time in which a given improvement
is made, because of the proficiency we attained in former ages,
and therefore it is extremely probable that this present is the last lap,
that the coming Aquarian Age is the final preparatory school day which will
fit us for the new age, the Sixth Epoch, and that this will begin when the
Sun by precession enters Capricorn.
This, of course, would mean that the Second Advent must take place just
before that time, and though it seems to us that so many signs point that
way, still it is a mere surmise and may not have any truth in it at all.
Thousands of people have been misled during all the ages that we know of, to
think that Christ would soon be here; it is, however, better that we are
looking forward to it than if we should say with some, that it will never
take place. In that case the Great Day would find us unprepared and we
should find ourselves among the stragglers who are unfit to attend the wedding
feast of the Higher Self to the lower because lacking the "soul-body,"
the "wedding garment," necessary to enfold them.

[ 本帖最后由 朝华 于 2008-5-22 00:37 编辑 ]

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