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发表于 2008-5-8 14:46:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
geomancy (from the Latin geo, "Earth," mancy "prophecy") has always been a method of divination that interprets markings on the ground or how handfuls of dirt land when you toss them.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-8 14:47:23 | 只看该作者
It was explained as divination (in the same sentence with pyromancy and hydromancy) in the best-selling Travels of Sir John Mandeville (1400), as "geomantie that superstitious arte" in a book of alchemy (1477), and defined in a book of Cornelius Agrippa's magic (1569) as a form of divination "which doth divine by certaine conjectures taken of similitudes of the cracking of the Earthe."
In Africa the traditional form of geomancy consists of throwing handfuls of dirt in the air and observing how the dirt falls. In China, the diviner may enter a trance and make markings on the ground that are interpreted by an associate (often a young boy).
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "geomancy" appeared in vernacular English in 1362 (vernacular English at this time was the language of the lowest classes; Latin and French were the common languages of the middle class, gentry, and nobles).
geomancy's first mention in print was Langland's Piers Plowman where it is unfavorably compared to the level of expertise a person needs for astronomy ("gemensye [geomesye] is gynful of speche"). In 1386 Chaucer used the Parson's Tale to poke fun at geomancy in Canterbury Tales: "What say we of them that believe in divynailes as ... geomancie ..." Shakespeare also used geomancy for comic relief.
The English version of geomancy involved groupings of marks on the ground called "constellations" with names like Puella and Rubeus.
In the 19th century CE Christian missionaries in China unfortunately labeled feng shui as geomancy, although there is no comparison.
In recent times the term seems to have become a catch-all for a variety of cultic, fringe, and pseudoscientific pastimes.
Table of contents [showhide]  
1 Western geomancy
2 Astrological geomancy
3 See also
4 Further Reading
Western geomancy
In traditional Western occultism, geomancy is a practice which involves either marking sixteen lines of dashes in sand or soil with a wand, or nowadays on a sheet of paper with pencil. The dashes aren't counted as they are made, as the geomancer is focussing on an issue at hand.
The geomancer counts the number of dashes made in each line and draws either a single dot (for an odd number) or two dots (for an even number) next to the lines. The pattern of dots produced by the first to fourth lines are known as a figure, as are the fifth to eighth lines and so on.
Those four figures are entered into two charts, known as the Shield and House charts, and through binary processes form the seed of the figures that fill the whole charts. The charts are subsequently analysed and interpreted by the geomancer to find solutions, options and responses to the problem quesited, along with general information about the geomancer (unless the geomancer is performing the divination for another, in which case information is shown about the person the charts were cast for) providing an all-round reading into the questioner's life.
This form of geomancy is easy to learn and easy to perform. Once practiced by commoners and rulers alike, it was one of the most popular forms of divination throughout the middle ages, and it was actually suggested to the Pope that it be integrated into Catholic teachings.
The four binary elements of each figure allow for 2x2x2x2, or 16 different combinations. As there are 4 root figures in each chart, the total number of possible charts equals 16x16x16x16, or 65536. The charts are also interpreted differently depending on the nature of the question, making it one of the most thorough kinds of divination available, and with only 16 figures to understand is extremely simple.

Astrological geomancy
An enhanced form of the traditional western style of geomancy, more closely involves Astrological practice and theory into the Geomantic charts. By noting the positions of the planets at the time of the casting, the geomancer can examine his present situation regarding both the question and his life in general, more closely.

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发表于 2008-5-8 17:58:37 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2008-5-10 01:18:36 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2008-10-23 21:41:30 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-6-9 02:49:04 | 只看该作者
有人解释为占卜(在相同的一句pyromancy和hydromancy )的最畅销的游记约翰爵士曼德维尔( 1400年) ,为“ geomantie说,迷信的艺术”一书的炼金术( 1477年) ,并确定了一本书的哥尼流阿格里帕的魔术( 1569年)是一种形式的占卜“的doth神圣的某种猜测采取的similitudes开裂的Earthe 。 ”
在非洲的传统形式的风水包括投掷捧的泥土和空气中的灰尘观测如何跌倒。在中国的预言可能进入恍惚并作出标记,在地面上的解释,准(通常一个小男孩) 。
根据牛津英语词典“风水”出现在1362年白话英语(白话英语在这个时候是最低的语言班;拉丁美洲和法国人的共同语言的中产阶级,贵族,贵族) 。
风水第一提及打印是朗格兰的码头Plowman如果比较不利的专业知识水平的人需要天文学( “ gemensye [ geomesye ]是gynful的speche ” ) 。在1386年使用了帕森斯乔叟的故事来取笑风水在坎特伯雷故事集: “有什么说,我们对他们说,相信在divynailes作为... geomancie ... ”莎士比亚还利用风水的漫画救济。
英文版的风水参与集团的商标在当地被称为“星座”的名字,如Puella和Rubeus 。
最近这个词似乎已成为一个catch - all为各种邪教,条纹和伪科学的消遣。
目录[ showhide ]
计数的风水的人数破折号在每一行,并提请不是一个点(为奇数) ,或者两个点(为偶数)旁边的线。点的模式所产生的第一至第四行被称为一个数字,而第五至第八线等。
这四个数字是进入两个图表,称为盾和众议院的图表,并通过二进制程序形式的种子填写的数字,整个图表。后来图表分析和解释的风水找到解决办法,选择和对策问题quesited ,加上一般信息,风水(除非风水是履行占卜另一方面,在这种情况下,信息显示的人图表共投的) ,提供全方位的阅读到提问的生命。
这四个要素的每一个二进制数字可以2x2x2x2 ,或16种不同的组合。由于有4根数字,每个图表的总数可能图表等于16x16x16x16 ,或65536 。图表也解释各不相同,视问题的性质,使它成为最彻底种占卜,而且只有16个数字与理解非常简单。


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