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Sun Transit :Sun in 12 Houses

发表于 2007-11-24 21:37:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sun in the 1st House

Strong personality   
Valid during several weeks: At this time of year, you will become more concerned with personal matters and less with the world at large. You can project yourself with more forcefulness than usual. It is an excellent time for making an impression on others, but you must be careful because you will not be especially sensitive to their needs. For this reason, you may find it difficult to work with others during this transit. If your efforts to work on projects with others don't seem to get anywhere now, perhaps you should defer them until later. First you should take care of the proper business of this transit, which is to experience yourself in a subjective frame of reference. You have a great need to express yourself now, and it is a valid need. No purpose will be served by denying all your own needs in favor of a misguided concept of duty.

Sun in the 2nd House

To be and to have   
Valid during several weeks: At this time you should reflect upon your values and the things that you value. During this month-long transit you should examine your relationship to the resources of your life. At this time you need to express yourself through your material and nonmaterial resources, using them to define you to yourself and others. Now you want to have greater control of your life through the things that you value. On the material level this may mean that you will acquire possessions in order to gain more control over your own life or over other people. On the psychological level it indicates a need to assert your value system. But remember that others have a right to their own values. You should stand up for your own, but not by obliterating someone else's.

Sun in the 3rd House

Talking and listening   
Valid during several weeks: The Sun in this house turns your attention toward your immediate surroundings and increases your interaction with friends, neighbors, relatives and business associates - the people you deal with every day. It is a good time to look at how you handle these casual relationships that are so important for your life. Often we develop unfortunate little habits in communicating with these people, which undermine our effectiveness and our ability to communicate with them. In fact, clear communication should be one of the goals of this period. With the Sun in this house there is a temptation to pour out energy and take none in. But try to avoid this. Instead of always being the active agent in communication, be the passive one, too - in other words, listen!

Sun in the 4th House

An inward glimpse   
Valid during several weeks: At this time you focus your concerns upon your most intimate personal life and the people who affect it most, your family and parents. You will want to be in familiar surroundings now and feel that you have some kind of center or place where you can build a solid base for your activities. For most people this means a home. Although you should continue to live up to the demands of the outer world, because your personal life is interdependent with it, you should focus most of your attention inward. Not only inward to your personal life, but also inward in a psychological sense. If necessary, go off by yourself and spend time in contemplation or meditation. Events that occurred in the past may come back to you now through memories and through consequences of those events that continue to affect you now.

Sun in the 5th House

Fun and joy   
Valid during several weeks: During this time, you feel most free to express yourself and to be yourself. Your primary drive is to do what you want and as much as possible to set your own priorities. You are not especially interested in dominating others, although you may be capable of it at this time, but you will vigorously oppose anyone who tries to prevent you from doing what you want to do. Your attitude toward your relationships is much lighter at this time, almost as if you saw your relationships as a stage upon which you can perform. At any rate, you favor more than usual the relationships that are fun. This is the time to be yourself, but it also is the time to become conscious of who you are. It is one thing to be yourself; it is another to know yourself. You can use this time for both.

Sun in the 6th House

Tasks and work   
Valid during several weeks: The only problem you may have to contend with at this time is that you will probably not be on top of the heap. That is, you will probably have to work according to someone else's wishes or needs. But because of this, you can find out whether you can lower your ego drives when the situation requires it. If you cannot you are likely to encounter quite a bit of discomfort and conflict at this time. This is the house of service, and you cannot spend all your efforts getting your own way now. Even if you are your own boss, your actions will be dictated by someone else's needs, such as a client's or a customer's. Or your sense of obligation may be internal. Nevertheless, you can derive quite a bit of satisfaction from doing things well, and that will mean more to you now than any other kind of satisfaction.

Sun in the 7th House

Learning from relating   
Valid during several weeks: At this time you should learn more about yourself through intimate one-to-one encounters with others. If you are married or in a close relationship, use this time to examine your relationship with your partner and to discover what needs this relationship does and does not fill in your life. Try to discover how well you fill your partner's needs as well. In any seventh-house relationship, whether it is a marriage, business partnership or other kind of partnership, you and your partner function as a unit, either in a specific area, as with a business partner, or in all areas, as with a spouse. For your own benefit, you must be as good for your partner as she is for you. This is not a time when you should try to go it alone in any type of activity. You should try to work with someone else, or at least seek out the opinion of another person in an advisory capacity.

The partner references are set for a relationship with a woman.  Explanation

Sun in the 8th House

In the background   
Valid during several weeks: Fortunately, with this transit you will have a strong desire to experience life on a feeling level, and this is just what you need. One very real possibility at this time is that an encounter with someone will produce the need for very searching psychological self-inquiry or will force very powerful changes in your life. This person may challenge your value structure, or there may be a powerful intermeshing of your personalities. On the material plane, this transit can be a time of great concern about finances or resources held jointly with another person, such as a spouse or business partner. By itself, this is neither a good nor a bad indication; it simply makes the issue important. You may also be worried about trying to borrow money or get financial backing from a bank.

Sun in the 9th House

New horizons   
Valid during several weeks: During this time you should attempt to broaden your horizons in every way possible - through study, new and unfamiliar experiences, travel or by meeting people from totally different backgrounds. Strive to make even the most trivial encounter a positive learning experience. The same function can be served by doing things that are different from your normal routine. This is not the time to retreat to your home, except for reading or study, as mentioned. If you cannot get interested in a new mental activity, recognize that you are still eager for new understanding and satisfy this need by breaking out of your everyday mold and getting out into the broader world. Travel would be a good way to do this, if you can arrange for it at this time of year. But you should go somewhere where you can also learn something.

Sun in the 10th House

Profession and social standing   
Valid during several weeks: This is a time when you should turn your attention to the most outward aspects of your life - your career, your role in the larger society and your standing and reputation within the community. You should also take this time to examine your life as a whole and see if you are going in the direction you want and making adequate progress in your life. This transit is future oriented rather than past oriented. You may have to deal with elements of your past, but only to make corrections so that you can plan more intelligently for the future. The only real danger of this transit is that if you have done something wrong or in a slipshod fashion it may be exposed now and trip you up in unpleasant ways. It would be a very good idea to look over your life and correct any situations that might give you problems in this way.

Sun in the 11th House

Valid during several weeks: At this time it is usually best to work and cooperate with other people. At other times you have found it necessary to be alone in order to find out who you are and the chief purposes of your life. Now you must ask these same questions in conjunction with others. Engaging in group efforts and projects in your personal and professional life will be the most effective way to accomplish this aim. Socialize extensively and study the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself. What is true of your friends is also true of you, for the most part. Among your friends, strive to establish who you are. Without becoming domineering, you should let them know what kind of person you are, so that you can fit into the group dynamic without violating your integrity.

Sun in the 12th House

Valid during several weeks: At this time you have to get in touch with your own subconscious mind, to find out how it directs your life in ways that you aren't aware of. Try to see how your actions may run counter to your conscious intentions. We all broadcast two kinds of signals to the outer world. One kind is what we think we are trying to do. The other kind, which are unconscious signals, tell people what we are really trying to do. If these two sets of signals do not coincide, it is not because you are intentionally trying to deceive, but you may confuse people or even worse, cause them to lose faith in what you are trying to do. This is not a time to be wrapped up in your ego. You must be prepared to acknowledge your faults and your virtues without fear or self-recrimination.
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