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发表于 2010-7-30 16:35:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Magi, Magic, Myrrh, Frankincense, Star of Bethlehem

A Magus (plural Magi, from Latin, from Old Persian magu; Old English: Mage) was a Zoroastrian astrologer-priest from ancient Persia. The best known Magi are the "Wise Men from the East" in the Bible. In English, the term may refer to a shaman, sorcerer, or wizard; it is the origin of the English words magic and magician.

Greek-Persian roots - The Greek word is attested from the 5th century BC (Ancient Greek) as a direct loan from Old Persian 'magus'. The Persian word is a u-stem adjective from an Indo-Iranian root *magh "powerful, rich" also continued in Sanskrit magha "gift, wealth", magha-vant "generous" (a name of Indra). Avestan has maga, magauuan, probably with the meanings "sacrifice" and "sacrificer". The PIE root (*magh-) appears to have expressed power or ability, continued e.g. in Attic Greek mekhos (cf. mechanics) and in Germanic magan (English may), magts (English might, the expression "might and magic" thus being a figura etymologica). The original significance of the name for the Median priests thus seems to have been "the powerful". Modern Persian Mobed is derived from an Old Persian compound magu-pati "lord priest".
希腊——波斯根源——这个希腊单词经验证是来自公元前五世纪(古代希腊),是由古代波斯语“占星家”借鉴而来。这个波斯语是一个印度——伊朗语形容词“强大的,富饶的”的根源而来,也延伸到梵语的“礼物,财富”,还有“大方,慷慨”(印度因陀罗神的其中一个称呼)。阿维斯陀语也有maga, magauuan,,很可能是“献祭”和“祭品”的意思。PIE(波斯——印度——伊朗)的根源看来似乎拥有特殊的权力或能力,延续等等之意,在古代希腊语是mekhos(技巧,结构),在德语是magan(英语方式),magts(英语可能是用作表达“力量与魔法”,从而成为一个词源学的特征)。这个词的最初意义是作为中央祭司(主祭司)的名字,从而看上去是拥有“力量”。现代波斯语Mobed是源自古代波斯的复合单词magu-pati,“主祭司”。

Greek use of magosWhile in Herodotus, magos refers to either a member of the tribe of the Medes (1.101), or to one of the Zoroastrian Persian priests who could interpret dreams (7.37), it could also be used for any enchanter or wizard, and especially to charlatans or quacks (see also goetia), especially by philosphers such as Heraclitus who took a sceptical view of the art of an enchanter, and in comic literature (Lucian's Lucios or the Ass). In Hellenism, magos started to be used as an adjective, meaning "magical", as in magas techne "ars magica" (e.g. used by Philostratus).
希腊在希罗多德时代就使用magos,magos是代表米提亚人(1,101)部落的任一成员,或者是琐罗亚斯德教的其中一位祭司,能够解梦(7,37),它也可以用来代表巫师或术士,尤其是吹牛者或骗子(也可以参看goetia),尤其是赫拉克利特等哲学家,用怀疑的观点去看巫师的艺术,表现在喜剧特色的文学里(卢西恩的Lucios或者笨人)。在希腊文化,magos开始是用作形容词,意思是“不可思议”, magas的教导是“艺术的魔法”(哲学家所使用)。

English language - The plural Magi entered the English language in ca. 1200, referring to the Magi mentioned in Matthew 2:1, the singular being attested only considerably later, in the late 14th century, when it was borrowed from Old French in the meaning magician together with magic.

History in the Persian Empire

According to Herodotus, the Magi were the sacred caste of the Medes. They organized Persian society after the fall of Assyria and Babylon. Their power was curtailed by Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, and by his son Cambyses II; the Magi revolted against Cambyses and set up a rival claimant to the throne, one of their own, who took the name of Smerdis. Smerdis and his forces were defeated by the Persians under Darius I. The sect of the Magi continued in Persia, though its influence was limited after this political setback.

During the Classical era (555 BC - 300 AD), some Magi migrated westward, settling in Greece, and then Italy. For more than a century, Mithraism, a religion derived from Persia, was the largest single religion in Rome. The Magi were likely involved in its practice.

The Book of Jeremiah (39:3, 39:13) gives a title rab mag "chief magus" to the head of the Magi, Nergal Sharezar (Septuagint, Vulgate and KJV mistranslate Rabmag as a separate character). It's also believed by Christians that the Jewish prophet Daniel was "rab mag" and entrusted a Messianic vision (to be announced in due time by a "star") to a secret sect of the Magi for its eventual fulfillment (Daniel 4:9; 5: 11).
耶利米书(39:3,39:13)给予首席波斯祭司“首席占星家”的称号,Nergal Sharezar(公元前3世纪左右完成的《旧约圣经》的希腊文译本,拉丁文圣经和詹姆士圣经版本错译了Rabmag,变成了一个分开的单词)。基督徒也相信犹太先知但以理是“rab mag”,被委托了一个弥赛亚的幻象(按时地通过一颗“星星”来宣布)给一个祭司的秘密教派,因为它是最后的履行者。(但以理书 4:9;5:11)

The Maga in India

The Zoroastrians form a very small ethnic group in India known as the Parsis. After invading Arabs succeeded in taking Ctesiphon in 637, Islam largely superseded Zoroastrianism, and the power of the Magi faded. Many (but not all) of the mages fled the advent of Islam in Persia, or Iran, by emigrating to India, settling in western principalities which form the modern states of Gujarat and Maharastra. As one can only be Zoroastrian by birth, the number of Parsis and Zoroastrians in the world is shrinking, and the remaining population risks passing down genetic defects as with any small community. Suffice to say Parsis are very rare, and Magi are even rarer.

In India there is a community termed Maga, Bhojaka or Shakadvipi Brahmins. Their major centers are in Rajasthan in Western India and near Gaya in Bihar. According to Bhavishya Purana and other texts, they were invited to settle in Punjab to conduct the worship of Lord Sun (Mitra or Surya in Sanskrit). Bhavishya Purana explicitly identifies them with Zoroastrianism.
在印度,有一个祭司社团,是Bhojaka或者Shakadvipi Brahmins(婆罗门)。他们的主要中心是西印度的拉贾斯坦邦和加雅附近的比哈尔邦。根据《未来往世书》和<敏感詞>文献,他们被邀请迁入到印度西北部地方,管理太阳主神的崇拜(密特拉或梵语的苏尔耶)。未来往世书明确地把他们鉴别为琐罗亚斯德教徒。

The members of the community still worship in Sun temples in India. They are also heriditary priests in several Jain temples in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Bhojakas are mentioned in the the copperplates of of the Kadamba dynasty (4-6th cent) as managers of Jain institutions.Images of Lord Sun in India are shown wearing a central asian dress, complete with boots. The term "Mihir" in India is regarded to represent the Maga influence.

Fictional magi

The archetype mage is popularly used in fantasy settings that involve magic. Mage, rather than magus, is the spelling usually encountered for magic-user characters in role-playing games and fantasy fiction. A particularly well-known fictional tale of a magus is the novel The Magus by British author John Fowles, which was later made into a film with Anthony Quinn in the title role.
mage的原型通俗地被用作白日梦的意思,设置还包括magic. Mage,更胜于magus,拼写形式通常与游戏中魔法使用者所扮演的角色的特征和虚构的白日梦相遇。一个尤其著名的虚构小说《魔法师》是由英国作家约翰所写,后来制成了电影,Anthony Quinn在这个剧名角色里。



Once upon a time ... in the magic kingdom of Earth ... the Storyteller sat/set down and created a great tale about a god who would descend from the light to bring spiritual meaning to this realm where anything is possible. As with all of His stories the event of the birth would be ushered in by a celestial event - to be witnessed by those who lived on the planet - as a symbol of great spiritual evolution. This soul experienced many lifetimes in many stories on the planet. . . as have all souls.

There are those who prophetize the return of this God marked by the merge of two realities and the lowering of the veils that separate him from his soul aspects on the planet.

The Magi saw a celestial marker - a star Isis the Star Sirius - a feminine archetype of creation.
魔法师(占星家)看了天上的记号——伊希斯星或者称为天狼星—— 一种创世的女性原型。

They followed the star traveling from east to west just as the kings of ancient Egypt had moved from east to west when were buried - then ascended to the land of the gods ... just as the sun moves from east to west each day.

Who were these Magi? Why did the storyteller give them this name?

The word Magi comes from an Indo-European root meaning great, exalted, raised up.

Many English words coming from the same root, such as magic, magnificent, majesty, master, megalith, and even magnetics, still retain some of this original sense.

The word 'Magi' is also the plural form of the word magus (from old Persian 'magu') which designates a member of an ancient Near Eastern priestly caste.

These were the priests - Initiates - whose time lines moved from Egypt and the ancient Mystery School teachings,to Mesopotamia, to Persia and Zarathustra / Zoroaster.

These priests held the sacred knowledge of creation, that which humanity has sought for generations and which are presently called sacred geometry.

This is about myth and metaphor that began with Isis (Star - Birth - Creation - Rebirth) linked with Sirius and Osiris linked with Orion and the story of our creation based on male-female union.

This represents the balance in all things - the reunion of our male-female counterparts at this time. This is about the Priesthoods - the Sacred Castes - the Initiates - the Watchers - the Guardians of the Secrets - those of the Light vs. those of the Dark - who try to steal the secrets that would enable them to control the destiny of Man.

This lead to the creation of many Sacred/Secret Orders and Knighthoods which have always existed both in the Public and as Hidden Societies whose names and agendas repeat through recorded history. This is all about the Priests - the Magicians - the Trickster - the Myths and Metaphors.

According to the dialogue 'Alcibiades', ascribed to Plato, the Persian Magi were priests, who practiced a form of spiritual mysticism which was their religion.

In the Orient, tradition favors twelve Magi - 12 being a number linked to Sacred Geometry of creation

12=1+2=3=third dimension - 3D
12 Around 1 12 spiraling cones around 1 source = 13 = 4=4th dimension = time
Forming grid programs of eXperience - matriX - Xmas
'X' - As is above, So is Below - Hermes Trismegistus- Hermes The Magician - Magic – Magi
12围绕1 12个螺旋型圆锥体围绕着1的来源=13=4=四维=时间的栅格形式的体验-矩阵-圣诞节

Alchemy Wheel of Consciousness

There are many metaphors linked to the story of Three Magi who came from the East to adore the newborn Jesus. The truth about the Magi, the Star, and this souls who descended to guide us are only known to the Storyteller who continues to write us each a new story every day as we experience through the matriX of third dimension.

Catholics celebrate the visit of the Magi with the Feast of the Epiphany - January 6th. There is no mention of the number of the Magi who came to pay homage to Christ. The idea that the Magi were three in number may have grown from the number of gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - offered to the infant Christ.
天主教在主显节—— 一月六日,庆祝东方三博士的到来,没有提及到对基督表示敬意的东方三博士的成员。东方三博士的数字“三”是从礼物的数目而来——黄金,乳香和没药——献给初生的婴儿基督。

Gold is found in the blod - which goes to bloodlines. Gold is a metaphor for alchemy - a transition from the physical to the non-physical where life is eternal as we are spirit and Time does nt exist!

The giving of gold, frankincense and myrrh - the Trinity - 3 into 1 metaphor - Pyramid/Cone Reference.

For thousands of years, the aromatic gum resins of East African Frankincense and Myrrh have been harvested to supply the demands of old civilizations, many faiths and for medical uses. They run in the tandem with that of man's evolution. They were once considered life-line to spiritual and physical health and well-being. They continue to excite the imagination and are probably the most famous aromatics of all time. Myrrh was used to prepare the body of Jesus for his tomb.
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