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发表于 2010-7-12 21:31:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In this manner shall ye commence your Oration, and continue thus every
morning during the first two Moons or Months。
But during the
following four Moons ye shall flee sexual intercourse as ye would the Plague。
发表于 2010-7-13 00:02:29 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-13 10:08:37 | 只看该作者
Firstly: Having carefully washed one’s whole body and having put on
fresh clothing: precisely a quarter of an hour before Sunrise ye shall enter into
your Oratory, open the window, and place yourselves upon your knees before
the Altar, turning your faces towards the window; and devoutly and with
boldness ye shall invoke the Name of the Lord, thanking Him for all the grace
which He hath given and granted unto you from your infancy until now; then
with humility shall ye humble yourselves unto Him, and confess unto Hirn
entirely all your sins; supplicating Him to be willing to pardon you and remit
them. Ye shall also supplicate Him that in the time to come He may be willing
and pleased to regard you with pity and grant you His grace and goodness to
send unto you His Holy Angel, who shall serve unto you as a Guide, and lead
you ever in His Holy Way and Will; so that ye fall not into sin through
inadvertence, through ignorance, or through human frailty.
In this manner shall ye commence your Oration, and continue thus every
morning during the first two Moons or Months.
Meseemeth here that now some may say: “Wherefore dost thou not write
down the words or form of prayer the which I should employ, seeing that, as
for me, I am neither sufficiently learned, nor devout, nor wise?”
It is requisite that ye shall have a Bed Chamber near the Oratory or else
your ordinary habitation, which it is necessary first to thoroughly clean out
and perfume, and see that the Bed be both new and clean. Your whole
attention must be given to purity in all things; because the Lord hath in
abomination all that is impure. You shall sleep in this said Chamber, and you
shall continue therein during the day, there transacting the matters which
belong unto your business; and those which you can dispense with, leave
alone. You may sleep with your Wife in the bed when she is pure and clean;
but when she hath her monthly courses you shall not allow her to enter the
bed, nor even the Chamber. Every Sabbatheve it is necessary to change the
sheets of the bed, and all the linen. Every Saturday you shall perfume the
Chamber. And ye shall not allow any dog, cat, or other animal to enter into
nor dwell therein; so that they may in no way be able to render it unclean. As
regardeth the matrimonial obligation, it is chastity, and the duty that of
engendering children; but the whole should be done in the Fear of God, and,
above all things, in such case see that your Wife be not impure. But during the
following four Moons ye shall flee sexual intercourse as ye would the Plague.
Even if ye have children, endeavour to send them away unto another place
before (commencing the Operation), so that they may not be an hindrance
from being about you; except the eldest-born of the family, and infants at the
原文是The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage的第二本书的七章。。。

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