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发表于 2009-12-2 22:16:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最近想知道有关东升点的资料 不知哪位能慷慨贡献
发表于 2009-12-3 00:53:23 | 只看该作者
The Equatorial Ascendant
To the Moon: gives conscious awareness and depth to
the feelings. Is intuitive. Looks for change; thereby has
By Virginia Reyer
an inability to stick with routine tasks for very long.
Sensitive to the personal environment. Can respond to
he Equatorial Ascendant (EA) is sometimes called
the needs of others.
the East Point, but that is the wrong name for it. The
Equatorial Ascendant is an auxiliary Ascendant, a place
To Mercury: can pay attention to details, is capable
of idealism and perfection. It gives the astrologer some
of great changeability, very restless, very analytical in
additional information as to how the native approaches
intellectual conquests, gives great sense impression.
his activities and personal relationships with others and
Anxious, restless, can see both sides of an issue. Can
with the environment.
communicate from a deep, subconscious level, using
words to soothe others.
The EA is the angle which is rising over the eastern
horizon at the Earth’s equator at any given time. It
To Venus: gives depth to the feelings and sense
is a sensitive point defined as 90 degrees east of the
impressions. Emotions gain importance. Is an idealist
interaction with the ecliptic. In a natal chart, it is the
and inclined to be sensuous, romantic and loving.
point that would have been the ascending degree if the
Attracts whatever is valued the most.
native had been born exactly on the equator.
To Mars: feels more confident, courageous, daring and
The EA offers a clue to the native’s identity. It shows
bold. Is able to make good use of inner aims, desires
the way and manner we deal on a personal level with
and convictions. Has the potential to overcome great
others, but its action is more deliberate than that of the
obstacles to assert self.
traditional Ascendant. It is usually in the same sign as
the traditional Ascendant and can be located in the 12th
To Jupiter: brings self-assurance and cooperation.
or 1st house. If in the 12th house, the deep down self
Challenges the personal belief system and uncovers
rises to the surface. It can relate to family members and
new ways to learn. Gives remarkable insights that can
hereditary factors.
also be taken for granted.
One of the ways it functions is to show how we contact
To Saturn: affects consciously planned activities to
people on a long term basis which may be cooperative
gain rewards. Defense predominates. Is an acute judge
or competitive. We can attract others who can help us to
of human nature and not a soft touch by any means.
work out our own karma or complete a specific project.
Tries to overcome obstacles.
It also shows how we turn people off or how we can
manipulate them, how we address others, how we can
To Uranus: has utopian ideas, creative originality, is
make them feel comfortable, or how we can get our
eager to express deep characteristics of the self. Higher
own attitude accepted. Good salespeople or politicians
energy can be channeled to conform to one’s own
use the EA well to get their vibes across.
nature. Craves new adventure, is selfish.
In relocation charts, the EA shows our new lifestyle.
To Neptune: a wandering disposition that is beset with
Also, a chart done at the time when we arrive at the new
dangers, hunches, and intuition. Lacks practicality, may
location is noteworthy. It is also significant in mundane
get lost in dreaming. The native is very sensitive to the
charts. Planets in aspect to the EA give additional
needs of others.
To Pluto: gives a reforming urge, grows inwardly.
EA in aspect to the Sun: the native is power driven and
Realizes the deeper significance of life to change the
can succeed through his own efforts. Can be a severe
self. Gets to the root of a problem in the pursuit of
judge on the self to get out of a rut. Is an adventurous
wholeness, can mend deep hurts.
spirit. Also shows how one can impress others.
To Trans-Pluto: gives sustained power, great magnetism
and unification. Draws others to oneself.

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发表于 2009-12-3 00:55:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-12-3 07:10:16 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-12-3 09:12:46 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-12-3 09:58:28 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-12-3 10:24:14 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 12:45:37 | 只看该作者
谢谢 阿克贴
有无中文版 哪怕日文也好 居然是英文

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