Some authors believe that Lemurians developed their civilisation (also called Lapita and Mu - Motherland) some 70,000 to 80,000 years ago, largely in the South-West Pacific, between Asia and Australia. Other, equally disputed authors, place it as far away as Madagascar. While the existence of this ancient race is still not scientifically proven, there remain a number of intriguing archaeological and geological findings in the region which point at a possibility of existence of such an advanced and lost civilization. $ W; P; W2 B3 L" _
: m) N6 ]: m8 m7 w' c1 b- Sthe word "Mu" which may or may not have originated with Churchward but is associated with him nevertheless. Actually, there was a lost city in Mu'a which was at one time the center of Lapita culture in Tonga.
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+ R: H. k( J z' [Many high headlands and islands of pacific ocean, -- have found their way into Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift’s classic novel from 1726, where they are charted as some islands not far from the Land of the Houyhnhnms where the Yahoos lived. 2 w- k+ G8 {; X, x% Z
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1 m: l% h4 N1 q5 [% K" q: G9 f太平洋小岛上的金字塔遗迹,建造者不明:
+ R4 m; E/ m- w* \: XLapita...Laputa? 太平洋上的岛屿和传说成了小说家斯威夫特的素材。
! Z+ j6 S7 S7 Q% V# I$ @
9 M4 ]. h. x: v! N随着气候变暖,海平面上升,一些小岛低处的遗址可能要在水下继续保持沉默了(如密克罗尼西亚群岛波纳佩岛上的兰玛多尔古迹)。难道失落文明的伟大遗产不得不通过预言中重塑地貌的自然力量来现身吗? - s# U; z' C5 ?2 Z1 W( F, ~
/ e! A5 p1 E" T2 g3 R
太平洋中的许多岛屿上和水下都留有巨大的石头平台、石头城遗址、石头雕像等。学者们猜测:“这一地区曾经存在着一个高度文明的种族,他们在以高度的建筑技巧建成大规模城市、雕像与港口后,因为某种我们迄今尚不知道的原因而集体撤离或是集体灭绝,留下壮观的建筑遗迹。” |