封面: |
簡介: |
In 1931 Dr Bach addressed a group of homoeopaths in Southport, England; shortly after the text of that address was published as a 16-page pamphlet that can be read as a companion-piece to Heal Thyself. 2015 edition with notes and a short introduction.
1931年,巴赫博士在英国绍斯波特向一群顺势疗法医师发表演讲;演讲不久后,其内容收录为一本16页的小册子出版,该小册子可以作为《疗愈你自己》(Heal Thyself)的配套文章阅读。此2015年版,附注释和简短介绍。 |
語言: |
英文 |
格式: |
pdf |
作者: |
Edward Bach |
目錄: |
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爱德华·巴赫(Edward Bach), 1886—1936,英国西医师、细菌学专家、免疫学家、巴赫花精治疗体系创始人、顺势疗法治疗师。