作者: wtp736144808 时间: 2023-3-3 21:20
谢谢分享作者: ya123 时间: 2023-3-8 12:04
感谢分享!作者: 神明降世 时间: 2023-4-27 20:34
感谢分享作者: 卡茶 时间: 2023-5-14 00:01
谢谢分享作者: tianfeng0429 时间: 2023-5-14 00:36
感谢分享 作者: calvun643 时间: 2023-5-14 05:16
感恩楼主分享!!!作者: chenke565665 时间: 2023-5-27 16:55
好久不见作者: 耶丽弥儿 时间: 2023-6-21 23:09
谢谢分享作者: 黑曜石 时间: 2023-8-5 09:11
感谢分享作者: mococofo 时间: 2023-8-6 00:12
感謝分享 作者: 33624896 时间: 2024-3-14 16:08
666666666作者: 灵修弘法 时间: 2024-3-14 22:05
好书 可以下载看看作者: youjianshudian 时间: 2024-3-14 22:19
In the Mumonkan (The Gateless Barrier), compiled by Zen master Wu- men
(Mumon), Mu heads the collection of forty-eight koans. What is the source of Mu’s
power, what has enabled it to hold first rank among koans for over a thousand years?
Whereas such koans as “What is the sound of one hand?” and “What is your Face
before your parents’ birth?” bait the discursive mind and excite the imagination,
Mu holds itself coldly aloof from both the intellect and the imagination. Try as it
might, reasoning cannot gain even a toehold on Mu. In fact, trying to solve Mu
rationally, we are told by the masters, is like “trying to smash one’s fist through an
iron wall.” Because Mu is utterly impervious to logic and reason, and in addition is
easy to voice, it has proven itself an exceptionally wieldy scalpel for extirpating from
the deepest unconscious the malignant growth of “I” and “not-I” which poisons
the Mind’s inherent purity and impairs its fundamental wholeness.作者: baihejushi 时间: 2024-6-4 12:00
阿弥陀佛!!作者: 惠生悟禅1 时间: 2024-6-5 12:15
谢谢分享作者: 三界行者_心流 时间: 2024-6-8 10:18
感谢分享!作者: krmch514 时间: 2024-7-10 00:27
謝謝分享!作者: quietsea 时间: 2024-7-11 09:10
与佛对话与佛对话作者: m8703041 时间: 2024-7-11 09:27
谢谢分享 作者: tosh 时间: 2024-7-11 09:43
据看过佛经的人说,佛陀在一本佛经里提示,他不会以任何形式出现在世人前面渡人,这个就有意思了。个人理解,佛也不会像菩萨那样去渡人的,人本是佛,何须被渡,只有醒悟认识自己。佛本身的意思就是觉悟的意思,现在绝大部分信佛的人,却把佛当成外在的偶像来崇拜。作者: tosh 时间: 2024-7-11 09:45