老人转过身看了看他,风趣地回答道:“呵呵,我的故乡可是没有魔法。我只是个吟游诗人。”说罢他取下腰间的竖琴,坐在柜台前的高脚凳上,拨弄着淙淙作响。他说:“那就讲讲那个故事吧,A Past and Future Secret,过去和未来的秘密。”
Listen crowd I'll tell you everything
Though I have to say I don't know much
Talking about a past and future secret
Most called him once and future king
Far back in the past I saw his ending
Long before it started I knew his name
He's the one who took the sword
Out of the stone
That's how that ancient tale began
My song of the end
My song of the end
I hear it in the cold winds
My song of the end
I had seen it in my dreams
My song of the end
I can't stop the darkening clouds
I feel cold
When I cry out for the bark
Take him back to Avalon
Dwell on for a new age
So long sleep well my friend
Take him back to Avalon
I will wait and guard
The future king's crown
My song of the end
My song of the end