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[转贴]复式星座 Duplicated Signs

发表于 2008-2-4 23:23:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
复式星座 Duplicated Signs

原著:Bob Marks 翻译scf

  星图上一共有 12 个星座和12 个宫位,如果一个星图上有两个星座被劫夺,(没有宫头落入的星座)那么另外两个星座就同时有两个宫头(宫的开始点)落入,这样的星座将会担负起双重责任,会呈现出更强的性质,因为它们比起普通星座来覆盖了星盘中更大面积,会对你生活更多的方面产生影响。劫夺星座反应了你碰到困难的地方,复式星座则反映了你哪些方面更强,事情会进行的更顺利。复式星座还告诉了我们如何处理劫夺星座所带来的困难,这个章节会对劫夺星座做进一步的说明。




  稳定,坚持,实用,与积聚财产能够摆脱你的劫夺星座所带来的麻烦,尤其是在一些由宫头落入金牛座的宫所主宰的生活区域 , 对面的宫头会落在天蝎座,这里是你有力量、权利的地方,是你能够影响你周围人的价值关的地方。这些宫头在天蝎座的宫所代表的生活领域也是你在耗尽所有能量以后能够重生的领域,当然你要检查一下金星与冥王星的位置,是不是有相反的指示。(最好火星也检查一下,它也是天蝎座的主宰星座)











  你的财产和自我价值关是以你的身份来决定的,一个完美的例子就是查而斯王子,英国的王室继承人,另外一个例子就是乔治 W 布什。在星图的另外一边,伴侣合伙人(第七宫)可能会被看作是财产(第八宫)。


  你不能保留自己的价值观(第二宫),它们必须被拿出来交流(第三宫)。在星图另外一边,你所属的群体价值观,也必须被提倡和宣扬(第九宫)。 罗斯·佩罗特 Ross Perot 是个不错的例子,在 1992 年的总统选举中(记得好象他是改革党的)他订下了半个小事的电视广播时间,然后在电视上教选民经济学。


  这对于一个老师,作家或者顾问来说是一个不错的组合,最有名的,令人惊异的占星学家 Bob Marks ( hey !就是我,注意前面的“我”不是指我 scf ,而是指 Bob marks :))出生图上就有这种情况。


  事业(第十宫)常常会与涉及到团体。宫位有这种情况群众是最重要的事情,个人事业是第二的。 Clara Barton 红十字会的创始人,就有这种组合。




  当代表工作与婚姻的宫位产生了联系,你也许会把你的工作当作你的老婆,或者你的老婆是你的工作搭档。第十二宫是涉及神秘与隐藏事务的地方,所以魔术师大卫 科波非尔第一宫第十二宫都在同一个星座就不奇怪了。

Duplicated Signs

There are twelve signs and twelve houses. If a horoscope has two “intercepted” signs (signs that do not appear at the beginning of any house) then two other signs will have to do double duty and be on the cusp (beginning) of two houses. These signs take on increased importance because they cover extra territory, and affect more areas of your life. intercepted signs show places where we have difficulties. Duplicated signs show the departments where we are stronger and things come more easily. In fact, duplicated signs show us some of the ways we can get around the difficulties caused by our intercepted signs. There is more information in the chapter on intercepted signs .

Aries and Libra Duplicated: Taking direct action will tend to come more naturally, especially in the life areas governed by the houses with Aries on the cusp. Of course, you have to check the location and condition of Mars in the horoscope for contrary indicators. On the opposite side of the chart, Libra will be on two houses. In those departments, the ability to socialize and cooperate will be prominent.

Taurus and Scorpio Duplicated: Stability, persistence, practicality, and accumulation of resources and values are the way out of the problems indicated by your intercepted signs . This is especially true in the things governed by the houses with Taurus on the cusp. The opposite houses will have Scorpio on the cusp, and that is where you can have power, where you can influence the values of the people around you. The houses with Scorpio on the cusp also show where and how you can regenerate yourself whenever you feel drained. Be sure to check the location of Venus and Pluto (Mars as well; it’s the secondary ruler of Scorpio) to get further information (and to see if there are contrary indicators).

Gemini and Sagittarius Duplicated: Communications and travel are your way out of the problems caused by your intercepted signs . My own chart is a good example. I have Aries intercepted, which means I tend to daydream for a long time before taking action, and then dive in like I never thought about it before. With duplicated Gemini and Sagittarius, the way out is to read, study, and discuss proposed courses of action first (and then try to talk someone else into taking the action for you!). Don’t forget to check the aspects and the house and sign positions of Mercury and Jupiter for further information on these matters, and to see if there are contrary indicators.

Cancer and Capricorn Duplicated: Cancer shows where we need a sense of security; need to “feel at home.” Capricorn, by contrast, shows the life areas where we have to organize and build, where we can be efficient.

Leo and Aquarius Duplicated: The houses with Leo on the cusp are where we can be “on stage.” The houses with Aquarius on the cusp show where we can destroy the stage and replace it with a bizarre new model.

Virgo and Pisces Duplicated: The houses with Virgo on the cusp are areas where we tend to either keep busy or be extra critical. The houses with Pisces on the cusp show where can use our imagination, instincts, and sympathy.

First and Second Houses, Seventh and Eighth Houses: Your possessions and sense of self-worth are dependant on who you are. A perfect example is Prince Charles, heir to the British throne. Another would be George W. Bush. On the opposite side of the horoscope, the partner (7th house) would tend to be looked upon as an asset (8th house).

Second and Third Houses, Eighth and Ninth Houses: You can’t just sit on your values (2nd house). They have to be communicated (3rd house). On the other side, values of the groups you belong to also have to be taught (9th house). Ross Perot shows this clearly. During the 1992 presidential campaign, he booked half hour segments on TV and used it to try to teach economics to the voters.

Third and Fourth Houses, Ninth and Tenth Houses: This is a perfect combination for a teacher, writer, or advisor. The famous and amazing astrologer Bob Marks (Hey! That’s me!);-) has this in his horoscope.

Fourth and Fifth Houses, Tenth and Eleventh Houses: Career (10th house) is connected with dealing with groups of people. The people are the important thing here. Career is secondary. Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross, had this combination.

Fifth and Sixth Houses, Eleventh and Twelfth Houses: With the house of love and creativity (5th) joined with your house of work (6th), you need work that you can love or through which you can express your creativity.

Sixth and Seventh Houses, Twelfth and First Houses: With the houses of work and marriage linked, you could be married to your work, or you could work with your marriage partner. The 12th house deals with everything hidden and mysterious, so it’s no surprise to find that illusionist David Copperfield has the same sign on both his 12th and 1st houses.
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