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[转贴]Intercepted Signs 截夺星座

发表于 2008-2-4 23:08:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Intercepted Signs 截夺星座
Part VII - Lesson 31.0

All signs are the same size, 30 degrees each. Houses, though, can have different sizes. The further away you get from the Equator, the greater the

differences in house size become. This makes it possible for some signs in a horoscope to be intercepted. In other words, they are totally enclosed in a

house, and, as a result, they do not appear at the beginning of any house. Now what are the effects of intercepted signs?



Much of what follows is based on the groundbreaking work of Joanne Wickenburg. She first reported it in “Intercepted Signs: Environment vs. Destiny”,

published in 1978 (and no longer in print), and expanded on it in “Your Hidden Powers” (published in 1992 by AFA). What is presented here is a brief

summary of her results. I highly recommend you read “Your Hidden Powers” for an in depth view.

以下所有的一切都源于Joanne Wickenburg极富创造性的发现。她最先在1978年出版的“Intercepted Signs: Environment vs. Destiny”中报告了被截夺星座对人的影响,这本书

现在已经不再出版了,不过别担心在1992年出版的Your Hidden Powers一书中详细的进行了说明,以下的内容就是她书中内容的简述。我强烈推荐想深入研究的读一下她的Your

Hidden Powers这本书。

The horoscope is symmetrical. If a sign is intercepted, the opposite sign must be intercepted as well. There are twelve signs and twelve houses. There has to

be one sign at the beginning of every house. If two signs are intercepted, two other signs must do “double duty” and each has to appear on two house cusps.

Wickenburg has two different names for these. In “Intercepted Signs”, she called them “duplicated signs.” In “Your Hidden Powers”, she named them

“intercepted houses” (because the houses are enclosed entirely in those signs). These are important too and will be dealt with in the next chapter.


,另外两个星座就会有两宫的宫头落入,并且担任起双倍的责任。Wickenburg对这个现象有两种命名方法在Intercepted Signs中她把这个现象称作复式星座duplicated signs在

Your Hidden Powers一书中她把这种现象称作截夺宫。

In the horoscope of a person, an intercepted sign shows a blockage. The qualities of that sign have difficulty coming out. It is like a room in your house

that can only be reached by first going through another room. An interception means that your early environment did not give you the ability to deal with the

things ruled by the intercepted signs. The qualities of those signs can get bottled up, repressed. Eventually, the pressure builds to the breaking point and

they burst out…usually in ways that are not appropriate.



It is better to interpret intercepted signs in pairs. Opposite signs normally work as a team. For instance, the aggression of Aries is balanced by the charm

and social skills of Libra. With intercepted signs, the link is broken. The opposite signs cannot balance each other. Take the Virgo-Pisces combination. A

person with an intercepted Pisces may not be able to discriminate or be practical in the area ruled by that house. In the opposite house where Virgo is

intercepted, they could be excessively focused on details and find it difficult to get the big picture. The effects will manifest mostly in the areas of life

that are governed by the houses containing the interceptions.




How do you deal with intercepted signs? Your early environment didn’t give you the support necessary to develop the abilities governed by those signs and

you have to make up for this with your own conscious efforts.
But how do we know specifically what to do? One way is by using our “duplicated signs.”


我们的复式星座duplicated signs

Duplicated signs, as mentioned earlier, are signs that appear on the cusps of two houses. If you have intercepted signs, you must have duplicated signs as

well. These signs and their intercepted houses can show a way out of the difficulties caused by the intercepted signs.

You can also look to the ruling planets of your intercepted signs. The house and sign positions of these planets, as well as the aspects they form, can show

another way to solve the problems caused by your intercepted signs. Sometimes though, one of these planets is also placed in an intercepted sign. That’s

like having your keys locked inside your car. It usually means that this planet cannot be used to overcome the interception.


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