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发表于 2024-6-24 10:06:59
本帖最后由 Aylee 于 2024-6-24 10:09 编辑
Chapter 3
- 这一章讲了如何降低对塔罗的恐惧
- example: Death, The Devil, TheTower
- example: Swords 3, Swords 8, Swords 10, Pentacles 5
- 介绍了三种理论
- Synchronicity 共时性 - 荣格
- Apophenia 空想性错视,Patternicity 模式性 - 将无关的事件联系起来赋予意义
- Forer (Barnum)Effect 巴纳姆效应 - 人们会觉得一些人格描述非常精准地描述了自己的性格特点
- Devination-Fullfilling Prophecy 占卜应验预言
- If the tarot reveals that outcome to be unfortune, then that is an indication to the Seeker that the variables need to be adjusted.
- When people say the cards can predict the future, what they mean is the cards can reveal to you the most likely destination of your current journey, based on which forks you've chosen to take in the road.
- When you make adjustment, you change your future.
- The theory of Qi
- 这个部分没什么意思。塔罗占卜是气的流动,是占卜者和塔罗师借助塔罗牌的气的流动
- Projective Psychological Testing 投射心理测验
- Using the archetypal narratives, numbers, colors, and symbols of tarot, we can compel our consciousness to connect with our unconsious and can better understand our own motivations.
- Tarot helps because it brings to our awareness the otherwise repressed impulses in our unconsious that are having an inexplicable effect on our consciousness. Understanding these drives help us find peace. 塔罗提醒我们,潜意识的冲动如何无法解释地影响我们的意识