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《The Exorcists Handbook 》(驱魔者手册) 约瑟芬·麦卡锡 著

发表于 2022-4-10 11:37:52 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
簡介: This book is a collection of practical knowledge acquired through many years of work in the field of exorcism. There are many esoteric ‘secrets’ or Mysteries contained alongside the practical working techniques in this book as it is my belief that there is no reason to hide the Mysteries—people can only unlock the Mysteries when they are ready to absorb them. The true Mysteries can not be studied intellectually—they are a natural expression of power that must be experienced.

Therefore, putting some of the Mysteries within these texts offers guidance to an exorcist or magical worker who has sufficient knowledge to recognise what he or she is reading and therefore can use the text to fill gaps, confirm intuitions, and expand upon practical individual experience which in turn enables the Initiate to take the next step. The Mysteries can only be understood by someone ready to understand them—it is that simple.

Someone who has little magical/spiritual experience but is searching may feel a connection with the text but not understand parts of it. However, exposure to elements of the Mysteries can in itself trigger deep stirrings and help guide a seeker to find the right path that he is able to walk down. He will remember the text in years to come and will be able to return to it with deeper understanding.

The Mysteries themselves are simply a basic rule book and guide map to navigating the inner worlds, connecting with beings from other realms and, most important of all, learning how to connect and commune with Divinity—the Mysteries are a road map for the soul. It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Pagan, a Wiccan, or an Animist; the labels and surface manifestations of those labels are all just operating systems—they all potentially lead to Divinity and to Gnosis.

Once an Initiate makes a magical commitment to inner service, the Initiate is funnelled down a path of specialisation so that she can train and work in a specific area of magical/spiritual service. This book covers one of those specialised paths—the path of the exorcist.

I have approached this book in a casual, personal way without any specific magical or religious path so that it is accessible to people from a variety of spiritual/magical backgrounds. Once you get past the surfacemanifestations of our spiritual constructs, the inner worlds and the beings that inhabit them are the same—our spiritual constructs/religions are simply Man’s attempt to create an interface with Divinity. So the techniques and information within this book should work just as well for a Catholic exorcist as it should for a Kabbalist, a Pagan priest, or a Wiccan priestess—it’s all a matter of being able to step past dogma and keep walking.

Exorcism is a difficult and somewhat obscure subject matter that does not sit well with theorising or intellectualising. It needs to be approached in a straight-forward matter with a good sprinkling of down-to-earth humour which is one of the greatest necessities for an exorcist. Humour is the one thing that will keep you sane in a crazy and difficult world. This book is littered with bad jokes and personal stories—the subject matter is heavy enough without making it unnecessarily serious too.
I have used a variety of inner visions in this book which is a working method used extensively in a variety of Western Mystery Traditions. The best and easiest way to work with these visions as they are presented in this book is to record them and play them back to yourself and let the recording guide you through the meditation. Once you have worked with a vision, you will be able to find your own way back to the inner realm without the use of a recording.

And finally, although I wrote this book, I have also credited Pete, as he contributed enormously to this book—both as a co-conspirator, advisor, through his practical work with me as an exorcist, and through joining me in exploratory work which helped to develop techniques that later appeared in this book. He is my fellow exorcist, magical partner, and best friend.
語言: 英文
格式: pdf
作者: Josephine McCarthy
目錄: Acknowledgements
Note From Author
Foreword by Dr John Plummer PhD
Chapter One: The Life of an Exorcist: How to Stay in One Piece
Chapter Two: The Tool Kit
Chapter Three: Working with Beings
Chapter Four: Beings You May Encounter
Chapter Five: Assessing a Potential Possession
Chapter Six: Working with Dead People
Chapter Seven: How to Conduct an Exorcism; Removing Demonic Beings Chapter Eight: The Exorcism of Non-Demonic Beings
Chapter Nine: Dealing with Curses
Chapter Ten: How to Deal with Magical Attacks
Chapter Eleven: The Clearing and Reconstruction of a SacredSpace/Temple
Chapter Twelve: Issues of the Land and Beings of Nature Chapter Thirteen: A Tailored Divinatory Deck for Exorcists Chapter Fourteen: Long Term Management of the Exorcist Appendix 1: Understanding and Working with the Abyss Appendix 2: Tarot Layout for Looking at the Health of a Person Bibliography

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