“Hello. I'm Ellen Goldberg and I welcome you to a Tarot moment from the School of Oracles.”
该视频教程系列的标志性开场白,应资料整理需要,在下称之为【Ellen Goldberg-纽约神域学院塔罗公开课】
同是塔罗启蒙教程,主讲人如果是一个博古通今又睿智的教授级老师,入门之初就能带小白一窥神秘学庞大的知识体系和宇宙之书的魅力,Ellen Goldberg女士就是这样的引领者。
Ellen Goldberg, M.A.
Ellen Goldberg是现代神秘学校-纽约神域学院的创始人和校长。她既是心理治疗师又是一名神秘主义者,拥有超过45年的读牌经验。最擅长塔罗和手相。
Ellen Goldberg, M.A. is a wise woman-therapist who combines modern modes of psychotherapeutic theory with the wisdom of the ages and mystic arts. She is the founder of the School of Oracles and has taught Tarot and the Hermetic Tradition for 26 years at the NY Open Center and at their Esoteric Quest Conferences all over Europe. In 2012 she had the pleasure of making a presentation on "Tarot as the Book of Thoth" at the Library in Alexandria, Egypt.
School of Oracles网址:https://schooloforacles.com/
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