目前可获得的最早的,托所罗门之名的魔典是15世纪的Hygromanteia,一些人认为它是欧洲各类《所罗门钥匙》的祖辈(当然也有人持不同意见)。而在这本魔典中,明确包含了天使的召唤,不仅如此,天使在其中是要被首先召唤的,以帮助魔法师进行接下来的招灵。特定的恶魔对应了特定的天使,招请对应的天使就可以强迫恶魔,这叫做“阻抗天使”(thwarting angels),在《所罗门的遗嘱》中也有出现。
在《所罗门的钥匙》中,也有这一类方法的应用,也即是,使用神名、天使名或其他神圣的词,颂念祷文招请其力量,好让其实现对恶魔的召唤和强制。只不过,专门进行天使召唤的部分在其中消失不见了。Stephen Skinner认为,这种事先召唤天使的操作可能并没有消失,而是变为了一种口传的诀窍而被教授。
实际上,虽然天使的召唤在《钥匙》里消失了,但是似乎还是有一些痕迹,比如在谈到金星第三星符时,明确提到Its angel Monachiel should be invoked in the day and hour of Venus, at one o'clock or at eight.
以上,是我做的一些微小的纠正。但是一些人可能会进一步追问,即使是依靠天使,召唤恶魔这种行为又怎么能是正当的呢?它的意义何在呢?这个问题要说起来就可能要花上更多的篇幅了,我在这儿就引用Lon Milo DuQuette在《下位魔法》中的一段论述,来回应这个问题:
However, because most of us have not yet played out our adventures of dreaming we are separate entities, we can abide these exalted states for only fleeting seconds before once again descending to the middle-muddled world of the rational mind, which in turn is supported by the “infernal” world of matter and energy at the lowest end of the consciousness scale. It is a place where the blind forces of nature (if left uncontrolled and undirected) happily discharge their wild energy in explosive flashes that surge through the streets and sewers of our souls along the paths of least resistance. From our narrow, middle-world perspective, these blind forces appear to be destructive and evil. However, when they are harnessed and directed by an intelligence that is in tune with the highest levels of consciousness, they are transformed into organized units of the constructive power—loyal servants dutifully grunting and straining to perform all the heavy lifting in the universe. These are the demons who build the Temple of God—demons Solomon draws up from hell so he might bind them to work under his enlightened and organized direction.
这一段中提到了神的神殿的建造,在魔典立基的神话中,正是恶魔在所罗门的吩咐下,建造了神殿。在《圣经》列王纪上6:7中说:“建造殿宇时,始终是采用凿好了的石头,所以在建殿时,全听不到槌子、斧子及任何铁器的响声。” 这句话并没有表面上那么简单,听不到槌子、斧子及任何铁器的声响而建造的神殿是什么呢?这在哥林多前书3:16中说得更加明白:“你们不知道,你们是天主的宫殿,天主圣神住在你们内吗?”
当然,这些是我个人的理解,就不延伸太多,免得夹带太多私货了。 |