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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:41:38 | 只看该作者


The ascent to 3000 allows the arrogances, seductions and illusions associated with electrical thought-form to begin to be transcended in such an initiate.  Mila has written extensively about such patterning in “Ascension Transmissions II”.  The ascent to Bodhisattva requires addressing group arrogances, group seductions and group illusions.  Mila has written a little about group arrogances in the Great Central Sun Transmissions section.  More will be written about group seduction and group illusions in the year ahead.


It is wise for initiates to become gifted at self-examination and begin to understand one’s own biological and emotional patterning.  All initiates have arrogances that require transcending; generally the arrogances can cause the most difficulties in ascension, as there will be a tendency to schism over and go blind to that which one is arrogant about within oneself.  One will further find that each schism shall have a language of light tone or a series of tones that are missing from the field in the examination.


One can examine not only one’s own nature, but also search for missing tones of creation in the language of light, and then intend to integrate them to assure a complete ascension.  There is a wonderful article “Ascension Redefined” that describes the polarity based thought-form transcended as each note within the language of light is embraced.  One may wish to utilize the polarity chart in one’s own self-examination to assure a complete ascension.  See “Ascension Transmissions III” to download a pdf copy of the Polarity Chart.


Incomplete ascension will lead to disease and early dearth.  Complete ascension will create a balanced field at 3000 strands that will live to witness the coming times and birth of the golden era ahead.  Therefore it is important for initiates to become gifted at examining one’s own field, patterning, thought-form and issues, as well as intending transcendence.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:42:20 | 只看该作者


Those resting at 3000 will more likely than not have only embodied 30% of the biological blueprint to date at this time in history.  The reason for this is simply a lack of photonic energy to cause the genetic material to grow within the field and form.  Therefore although one may anchor 3000 strands, it will be many years and into the decade ahead before one embodies such a blueprint 100% into the physical.  Those resting at 3000 at this time will continue to ascend as more and more photonic energy becomes available surrounding earth with each new star gate entered.  Moving to the country or to an island where there is more photonic energy already present can augment one’s pace of ascension.  Many may choose such a life change for this reason, as a slower ascension may have more complications leading to disease than a more rapid ascension.


Understand that anchoring the blueprint to 3000 is only one part of the ascent; embodying 100% into the physical is the next phase of ascension, and one will continue to ascend for up to a decade into the future as a result.  Therefore one will continually be searching for gaps in the field or schisms, releasing more attachment from the etheric body, burning off more karma with the kundahlini, repairing and expanding the ascending energy field, releasing unnecessary machinery, and building an ever increasingly crystalline biology in the form.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:43:05 | 只看该作者


It is easy to lose information before it has been integrated into the physical.  Therefore one may wish to monitor both the genetic grid work and the ascension grid work for gaps of missing information upon a daily basis.  The genetic grid work sits against the skin of the etheric body, and it is through this grid work that the genetic changes to an ascending form are downloaded and then transferred along the lay lines to the organ, gland, system or structure of the form associated.  Missing genetic grid work translates into a gap within the associated part of the form, which can lead to disease.  If one assesses such a gap, the intent to rectify the gap while releasing the karma associated will allow the gap to be healed, and all of the genetic information then made available for the associated part of the form in one’s ascension.


Ascension grid work sits outside of the genetic grid work and is the template that one constructs a crystalline genetic blueprint within.  Each ascending initiate is continuously retrieving genetic information from ancient ancestors that once held a crystalline biological structure.  Such information is first placed into the ascension grid work, which then is downloaded to the genetic grid work by the angels and divas involved with the weaving of form.


Ascension grid work is more vulnerable than genetic grid work as it is more greatly exposed as one has interactions with others in one’s day-to-day existence.  Therefore crosschecking the ascension grid work and retrieving anything lost each day in meditation is a wise ascension practice that will assure a more greatly complete ascension and a less likely chance of ascending into disease.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:44:11 | 只看该作者


New information that one is integrating in ascension continually pours from one’s oversoul and source down the chakras above one’s head and through the chakra system to one’s akashic records, biological records, ancestral records and lineages.  Through the grounding to the aurora of earth, that which is no longer required as the new information is integrated is released.  Ascension requires that energy move down the field causing the information necessary to continually pour in and that which is not required to be released down one’s grounding cord.  Therefore a grounded state of being is most imperative in the ascent to 3000 and beyond.


Grounding requires that one embrace the gender based tones associated with one’s biology.  In the West in particular, men and women have reverse polarized gender based tones.  Western women tend to run male energy and men tend to run female energy.  Male energy in a female form creates competent women who can handle the stress of the work world.  Female energy in a male form creates a sensitive new age guy that may or may not be able to provide, but makes a good parent.  Many reading our web site may have experienced such types of relationships, in which the women becomes like the mother to the man, and the sexuality dies thereafter because who wishes to make love to their mother?


The problem with reversing gender-based tones in ascension is that the energy moves up the field rather than down leaving one ungrounded.  In an ungrounded state, it is impossible to integrate new information from one’s soul, oversoul and source.  Therefore initiates in the journey to 1800 and again in the journey to 3000 who have reversed polarized in their current life expression will have to face their own hatred of their own biological gender, as it is such hatred that is the underlying cause of why one would run the opposing gender signature.  As the self-hatred is processed and released along with the underlying karma, one will quite naturally embrace one’s own tones of creation based upon gender.


Within the Language of Light, female energy is an octave higher than male energy.  The Language of Light spins faster and has a higher sound or orchestra playing in a female ascending field than in a male ascending field.  Together, a man running male energy and a women running female energy create a new form of divine union or a symphony of sound that is complementary as each masters 3000 strands together.  This allows for a new type of relationship to be born amongst initiates that chose the path of ascension together.


Men and women from South America, Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Egypt, and India, or who are indigenous generally run the frequencies associated with the biological gender.  At 2 strands of DNA, this creates a machismo man and a subordinate woman.  At 1800, the extremes are modified enough that men and women can begin to treat one another more greatly as equals.  By 3000 strands, the transcendence beyond the belief that one gender is better than another is risen above enough to create a loving partnership that is founded upon unity and equality, provided that all of the karma associated with another type of relationship has been addressed and released in full.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:44:58 | 只看该作者


The kundahlini and sexual energy system develops extensively between the ascent from 1800 to 3000 strands.  There are three main channels of energy that moves from the tailbone, up the spine and out the top of the head.  There are also Kundahlini side channels that run through the feet chakras up the legs, up either side of the torso, down the arms and out the hands, and up through the shoulders and past the ears.  Sexual energy is gathered from the aurora through one’s grounding and pulled up throughout the field and form many hours per day.  The kundahlini energizes all grid work of the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies, light body and auric field.  The upper half of the field is energized with the kundahlini of the solar sun.  It is for this reason that a 10 minute sunbath per day is recommended for ascending initiates so that one may draw upon the solar kundahlini to energize one’s larger auric field.


There is also an external kundahlini, which is equivalent to fire jumping off of the skin of the etheric body.  This develops around 2200 strands, and more fully in the ascent to Bodhisattva, with flames leaping upwards of 20 feet from one who has mastered 6000 strands in their ascent.  The external kundahlini is a good form of fire to run when out and about in the world, as the fire will cause the energy of others to remain outside of one’s field and boundaries.


For those at 3000 strands, the kundahlini must run a minimum of 10 hours per day.  Often times it is easier for the kundahlini to run unobstructed at night leading to the experience of night sweats.  One may also find oneself hot and sticky on and off during the day, and this is a sign that the kundahlini is working properly.  If one does not experience night sweats or surges of heat during the day, it is a sign that the kundahlini is not functioning enough to allow for an ascent to 3000 strands.


For the ascent to 6000 or Bodhisattva, the kundahlini must run 18 hours per day, with an increased width within the internal channels such that they touch upon one another, becoming one large channel that touches all grid work and all meridians of the form.  The heat of the Bodhisattva will often be so great that one will drip sweat from one’s forehead or down one’s back as the kundahlini flares while releasing karma, or anchoring space for an event or healing session.


Initiates who are prone to reject the element of fire may have difficulty in the development of the kundahlini, as fire is the main element that is utilized to carve the kundahlini channels in ascension.  Some initiates fear the element of fire due to traumatic ancestral karma, or have been born with other elements prevalent in their natal chart and without the element of fire.  As initiates who tend to reject fire intend to release the karma associated, fire will be embraced enough to allow for the kundahlini channels to be carved, and the form and field charged enough to allow for the mastery of 3000 strands and beyond.


It is out of the fear of fire that initiates may be tempted to plug into the matrixes rather than develop a proper kundahlini required for ascension.  Therefore those who find themselves attached to the matrixes may wish to examine if the kundahlini has developed as much as it should have given one’s level of ascent, and intend to release one’s fear of fire if this is the underlying cause.


Sexual energy is also associated with the kundahlini, and if one has had problems with sex or sexual abuse issues, such trauma will have to be cleared in order to develop the channels enough to allow for ascension beyond a certain level.  Once the kundahlini flows enough, sustaining one’s own vibration in ease can be mastered, for it is the sexual energy that allows one’s field to be energized each day, week, month and year of one’s continued ascent.


The sexual energy buds into a triple lotus that crosses in the pelvis and heart by initiation 3000.  This triple lotus of the sexual energy can be energized and pushed outward as much as 800 feet from the form at 3000 strands, and over a mile at 6000 strands, contributing to the ability to hold one’s boundaries.  In partnership, it is the sexual energy triple lotus patterning that dances around one another, which has the affect of increasing one’s vibration exponentially.  This form of divine union requires two who have come together in an ascending partnership.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:45:51 | 只看该作者


Those choosing to ascend however who enjoy sexual encounters require being very careful if you sincerely wish to ascend in this lifetime.  Mila and Oa have seen many initiates lose all of their ascension records and roll back significantly after casual sexual encounters.  Sexual energy that is shared creates a bond that one can be stripped through if the other party is not also upon the path of ascension.  Therefore casual sex or jumping into a relationship without thorough examination is not recommended for ascending initiates.


Two upon the path of ascension together can choose to ascend together, and all kingdoms will honor such a choice.  With any new relationship however, it takes time to download all of the changes necessary to sustain a dance of divine union and create a “couples” ascension”.  Therefore one must be careful, and assess any new encounter as to whether such a relationship is really in one’s best interest as an ascending human.


Ascending couples have a united field in which the masculine and feminine vibrations dance in divine union together through the sexual energy flow.  This type of united field can often ascend far faster than one who is single; however it also requires the greatest of compatibility between the two, as any great discord only shatters the ascent of the whole.  Ascending partners therefore require a particular make up that is non-polarized or polarized in a manner that is supportive for one another.


In supportive polarity, one party’s strength is the other party’s weakness, and visa versa.  Mila and Oa are an example of this as Mila is the gifted channel and Oa the gifted anchor, and the two together balances out where the other is weak.  So this is so for all ascending couples.  This requires a special type of relationship to create, and is worth waiting for.  Therefore it is recommended that those wishing ascending partnerships intend it so, and then allow such a relationship to manifest, and take it slow allowing all of the energetic changes associated to be brought forth a little at a time.


Some partnerships in the form of long-term marriages may have bonds not suited to a “couple’s ascension”.  Perhaps one party can only ascend to 1800 and the other can move on to 3000.  With such vibrational differences, there is no possibility of creating a divine union dance between the two in the form of shared sexual energy.  Instead, each carves a sovereign journey, and often sexual-exchanges are minimal to none under such a circumstance.  As one masters 3000 and completes with such a partner, one is free to leave and create a new ascending partnership of greater compatibility if one so chooses.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:49:59 | 只看该作者


Magnetic chi is gathered from the lay lines of the earth mother and drawn up into the grid work of the ascending form in a continuous energy movement.  This movement begins in the ascent to 1024 around 800 strands, and becomes more and more present each phase of ascension thereafter.  The chi moves up the right side of the etheric body through all meridians therein, up over the top of the head, and down the left side of the body through all meridians therein in a continuous flow.  Such flow follows the in-breath and out-breath of the form and is connected to “conscious breathing”.


Most humans lost the ability to consciously breathe before the Fall of Atlantis.  Most ascending humans have discovered that the ability to direct chi through the meridians of the form was lost some 18,000 years ago in human history.  The cause?  It appears that the knowledge had been bartered away to the dark forces in some of the last known incomplete ascensions.


As one breathes in deeply, the breath should call the chi up the right side of the form energizing the meridians therein.  As one exhales, the chi is pushed down the left side of the form energizing the meridians therein.  Often symptoms of tiredness in ascension are transcended as one simply retrains the body to consciously breathe again.  This can be done by taking a 15-30 minute walk for seven straight days in which one breathes in every two steps and out every two steps.  One will reprogram one’s own field to collect chi in synchronization with the in-breath and out-breath in so doing.  This reprogramming is required in order to transcend 800 strands of DNA and master 1024.  In Mila and Oa’s experience, many who suffer from deep bouts of tiredness so great that they slept most of the day and were unable to work have transcended such patterning through this simple reprogramming technique.


At 3000 strands, one will require breathing in deeply and exhaling every so many minutes to maintain one’s vibration over the course of the day.  The autonomic nervous system should cause the deep breath without one’s awareness.  However humans are used to shallow breathing; also if one goes into fear, one generally leaves the body (un-grounds) and shallow breathes.  In so doing, one also then fails to collect the chi that one requires to hold one’s vibration, and one begins to sink or fracture.  In such moments, breathe in deeply and exhale many times in a row.  One will rapidly pull oneself out of whatever one has hit in so doing.  The act of breathing aligns one in present time and anchors soul in the form.  It is soul that then proceeds to release the karma and direct the field to transcend whatever patterning one has hit in the act of ascension.

在3000股,你将需要每隔如此多分钟深深吸入呼出,以在整个白天维系自己的振动。自主神经系统(autonomic nervous system,或译作植物性神经系统)将无须你觉察而自动带来深呼吸。然而,人类已习惯于浅呼吸;而且当你进入恐惧时,你也通常会离开身体(不根植)而浅呼吸。这样,你也随之未能收集所需的气来持有振动,从而开始下降或粉碎。在这类时刻,一次性连续深深吸入呼出多次,将使你很快把自身拉离你所遇到的任何情况。呼吸的行为将你与当下结盟,并将灵魂锚定入身体之中。正是灵魂,随后在提升行动中继续释放业力,并引导能量场超越任何所遇到的模式。

One will see the chi energy movement in one’s aura photo.  If the chi energy is moving properly, there will be a band of clear energy that runs up the right and down the left side allowing one’s face to be visible through the colors of one’s auric field.  One can have periodic aura pictures taken to allow one to gage one’s ascent.  If there is a great amount of white energy, this is a sign of electrical chi and potentially one may be creating a matrix-based ascension.  If the field is filled with the language of light pastel tones, this is a sign of a magnetic ascension.

你将在你的辉光照片(aura photo,或译作气场照片)中看到气能量的运动。如果气能量被正确运作,就有一道清晰的能量从右侧上升而到左侧下降,允许你的脸庞透过你金场色彩而可见。你可以定期拍辉光照片以估量自身的提升。如果有大量白色能量,这就是电性气的标志,而你则很有可能正在创造一个基于矩阵的提升。如果能量场充满了光之语的浅粉音调,则那就是磁性提升的标志。

Generally, the chi will continue to move as one sleeps.  One will have a rhythmic in-breath and out-breath that will occur every so many minutes to sustain one’s vibration and the flow of chi throughout the etheric vessel.  Most ascending initiates snore loudly.  The snoring is a sign of the return of conscious breath during one’s dreamtime non-waking hours, and is necessary to sustaining one’s vibration.  Therefore techniques and products to reduce snoring are not recommended for ascending initiates.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:51:26 | 只看该作者


The 12 Chakra System was written about in a “Great Central Sun Transmission” earlier this year.  For the sake of review, we are going to repeat this information with a few additions in this article.  Up through the ascent to 3000, initiates retain a 7 Chakra System.  Beginning at 4200 strands, the 12-chakra system begins to be born with the budding of the diagram chakra between the third or solar plexus and fourth or heart chakra.


Around 5000 strands, the occipital chakra buds along with 24 petals in the heart, pelvic and crown lotuses.  The lotus pattern in the heart passes around the human hologram, and it is at this point that one begins to access holographic knowledge in one’s ascension.  The occipital chakra provides a chakra to govern one’s dream, which sits behind the neck after 3000 strands is mastered in one’s ascent.  The occipital chakra directs the dream and dream weaving for one’s life dance and ascension thereafter.


By initiation 6000, the pituitary, pineal and male and female chakras open.  These new chakras in particular govern the energetic movement of the field to a far more refined state allowing most mechanized moving energy systems to be dismantled.  Mechanization is the result of electrical and radioactive tones of creation in a magnetic system, which creates straight-line movement.  Straight-line movement is similar to the circuit boards humans are familiar with in computer systems.  Magnetic energy in contrast is rotational in nature and requires soul to spin.  Mechanized energy movement requires not soul and will continue to move endlessly at whatever pace the circuitry has been programmed to function at.  Mechanized energy can be equated with non-consciousness as a result.


The field of the Bodhisattva is too delicate to be run with machines and sustain a state of balance.  Furthermore, the very language that is electrical must be transcended and transmuted in full by 6000 strands in order to master Bodhisattva level of evolution.  This requires over 90% of the straight-line movement remaining at 3000 strands to be dismantled in the initiations that follow.  As initiates release the machines and electrical thought-form associated, the new chakras open in their place allowing for soul to spin the field instead of machines.


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:52:47 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 09:53:09 | 只看该作者

1st Chakra - Grounding Chakra 第1脉轮 - 根植脉轮

This chakra begins under the feet and is for purposes of grounding soul into form. This chakra has multiple energy components and moves around the field in a complex system of rotation to keep soul anchored in the center of the form and field or subtle bodies. This chakra includes the feet, knees and hips along with root chakra and seven sets of chakras that extend from the feet to the aurora in the center of earth.


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