一 赛斯口述书籍
1.Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul(1970.1.21-1971.9.27)
《灵魂永生》王季庆译 // 《时空之外》胡英音、王育盛译
2. The Nature of Personal Reality 1972.4.10-1973.7.11
3. The “Unknown” Reality Vol.1&2 1974.2.4-1975.4.23
4. The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression 1975.7.28-1977.4.4
5. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events 1977.4.18-1979.8.15
6. Dreams, “Evaluation,” and Value Fulfillment: A Seth Book Vol. 1 & 2 1979.9.13-1982.2.8
7. The Magical Approach: Seth Speaks about the Art of Creative Living 1980.8.6-1980.10.15
8. The Way Toward Health 1984.1.3-1984.8.30
二 珍·罗伯茨与赛斯相关的著作
Jane Roberts 1929.5.8-1984.9.5 (55岁)
1.The Early Sessions: Book 1 1963.12-1964.4
2.How to develop your ESP power《实习神明手册》 1966
3.The Seth Material 《灵界的讯息》 1970
4.Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness《梦与意识投射》 1971
5.Adventures in?Consciousness《意识的探险》 1975
6.Psychic Politics《心灵政治》1976
7.超灵七号系列之一:漫游前世今生(the Education of Oversoul Seven)
超灵七号系列之二:穿梭幻想实相(the Further Education of Oversoul Seven)
超灵七号系列之三:时间预言(Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time)