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撒旦的教义:The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq Yezidi(有中文翻译)

发表于 2010-4-26 13:13:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
There have been many conflicting articles concerning the Yezidi Devil worshippers of Iraq.有很多关于Yezidi语魔鬼崇拜者伊拉克冲突的文章。 The Yezidi people originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish.最初的Yezidi语的人来自伊拉克南部和北部迁移到山Lalish。 It is believed they are descendants of the Assyrians who sought refuge after the fall of Nineveh in 612 BCE.据信他们是谁亚述人追捧的尼尼微在公元前612下降避难的后裔。 ¹ Eridu also known as “Enkidu” was an ancient city in Southern Iraq. This was Father Satan's (Enki's) city. ¹艾利也被称为“恩基度”是一个在伊拉克南部的古城。这是父亲撒旦(恩基的)城市。 The valley of Baten El Ghoul which is right over the buried ancient city is now known as "The Devil's Hole."萨尔瓦多的巴廷食尸鬼谷地,是对埋在古城现在被称为“魔鬼的洞。” "Belly of the Beast." “肚皮的野兽。” The Jordanians and many others consider it to be haunted.在约旦和<敏感詞>许多认为这是困扰。 Demons have been seen by many who have spent the night there, mostly soldiers in bivouac (camps).恶魔已经被许多人谁花了那里过夜,在野营(大部份是士兵营地)。 Those who have been there for any length of time claim it has a powerful energy which RHP people label as "evil."这些谁已没有时间长短,声称它有一个强大的能源,重型泵车人民“邪恶的标签。”
Those who have spent the night there also claim the entire area is "bathed in a strange bluish grey light."这些谁花了那里过夜还声称,整个地区是“在一个陌生的灰色蓝色光沐浴。” "Apparitions" are also seen. “幻象”也看到。 (The above information was taken from the book "Psychic Warrior" by David Moorehouse). (以上的信息是从书“心灵勇士大卫Moorehouse”)。 The author was a US Army soldier who was hit in the head by a mortar shell while camping with his platoon in that valley and experienced psychic phenomena and abilities he never had before the incident.提交人是美军士兵被击中谁被迫击炮弹的头部,而他在这个山谷和有经验的心理现象和能力,他从未事件已排露营。 He was eventually assigned to the US Army Psychic Warfare Dept.他最后被分配到美国陆军心理作战部

Iraq has many ancient artifacts and evidence of Satan.伊拉克有许多古老的文物和撒旦的证据。 Mount Lalesh is near the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh and along a three hundred mile stretch are the Ziarahs; the Seven Towers of Satan with the center tower on Mount Lalesh.山Lalesh靠近尼尼微古亚述人的城市,沿着300英里拉伸是Ziarahs,撒但的七塔与山上Lalesh中心塔。 The "Seven Towers or Power houses -a high white cone shaped structure with bright rays flashing from its pinnnacle."² “七塔或电源房子,一个高的白色锥形并从pinnnacle明亮的光芒闪烁的结构。”²

Each tower is topped by a brilliant heliographic reflector, and was intended to serve as a power house from where a Satanic/Yezidi Priest could beam his will to influence events in the world.每个塔首位的是辉煌的heliographic反射器,目的是作为从那里一撒旦/ Yezidi语牧师可以束将影响他在世界事件的权力机构。

The Yezidis have often been described as a secretive people who are not permitted to reveal their religion to outsiders, they keep their real beliefs hidden.该行未经常被形容为谁不得透露他们的宗教对外秘密的人,他们保持隐藏的真正的信仰。 Modern Yezidism has changed somewhat from the old ways due to outside interference.现代Yezidism有所改变,由于从旧的方式外来干涉。 The Yezidi people have been severely persecuted and are very suspicious of outsiders. It is obvious their doctrines have been altered to conform to xian beliefs as in the Qu'ret Al Yezid, Satan dictates he is a God and in other places it reads he is an “archangel.”在Yezidi语的人都受到严重迫害,是非常可疑的外人。很明显他们的学说已经改变,以符合如Qu'ret铝耶西德西安信念,撒旦支配他是神,它读取他是在<敏感詞>地方一个“天使”。

Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century.撒旦支配的Al Jilwah直接Yezidi语先知谢赫阿迪在12世纪。 The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings.该基地Jilwah是撒旦最重要的原则,每一个崇拜者应该熟悉它的教义。 I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines.我问撒旦铝Jilwah如果从他和他确认这是,但指出,穆斯林改变了Yezidi语的一些学说。

The Yezidis have been victims of mass murder and genocide at the hands of others, mainly of those of the xian and muslim religions.该行未曾遭受大规模屠杀和种族灭绝在别人的手里,主要是西安和穆斯林宗教人士。 In the year 1415 CE, Muslims desecrated and burned the tomb of Sheik Adi, ransacking his grave and removing his bones and burning them in front of the Yezidis.在1415年行政长官,穆斯林的亵渎和焚烧了谢赫阿迪墓,洗劫他的坟墓,消除他的骨骼和烧毁的行未在他们面前。 “Some of the Yezidi multitude they took as prisoners and made slaves of them, others they murdered. “众多的Yezidi语他们把囚犯,使之成为他们的奴隶,他们杀害<敏感詞>方面的一些。 “Badr al-Din further ordered the execution of two hundred members of the sect and had Sheik Adi's bones disinterred and burned.” ³ “巴德尔al - Din的进一步下令200该教派成员被处决,并谢赫阿迪的骨头挖出并烧毁。”³

In 1892, Farik 'Omar Pasa invited several Yezidi Chiefs to Mosul. 1892年,Farik'奥马尔婆娑邀请了数位Yezidi语酋长摩苏尔。 His agenda was to collect 20 years back taxes and to try to convert them to Islam.他的日程是20年来收集的税款,并努力将其转换为伊斯兰教。 A few xians were present at the meeting.一些xians人出席了会议。 He began to tell them that “if they would give up their Devil-worship, they would be rewarded with high place and rank, and would please the great Allah.” When they refused to answer, Farik threw them into prison, marched on their village and “slew about 500 of them.” 4他开始告诉他们,“如果他们愿意放弃他们的魔鬼崇拜,他们将与高回报的地方和基层,并请伟大的真主。”当他们拒绝回答,Farik全身心地投入到他们关进监狱,他们的游行村和“摆其中约500人。”4

Most Yezidis are illiterate and the few doctrines they have are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.大多数叶日第人是文盲,他们所流传下来世代口耳相传数代的学说。 In order to avoid persecution, the Yezidi people have purposely deceived outsiders concerning their beliefs and doctrines.为了避免迫害,Yezidi语的人故意欺骗外界关于他们的信仰和教义。 This explains why there are so many conflicting accounts of their faith.这就解释了为什么他们有信心,因此有很多矛盾帐户。 The Yezidis have very few scriptures; in the Al-Jilwah, Satan instructs: “I lead to the straight path without a book.”该行未已很少经典,在Al - Jilwah,撒旦的指示:“我没有一本书引起的正路。”
”Melek Ta'us taught “first by oral tradition and secondly by this book Jilwe. ” 5 “梅莱克Ta'us教”先口头传统其次是这本书Jilwe。“5

The Yezidi people are forbidden to say the name “Shaitan.” They refer to Satan as “Melek Ta'us.” Melek means “King.” He is known as the Peacock Angel because of his beauty and pride.该Yezidi语的人被禁止说名称“Shaitan。”他们称为“梅莱克Ta'us撒旦。”梅莱克的意思是“国王。”他是因为他的美丽和骄傲孔雀天使众所周知的。 He is the “Proud One” and “Ruler of the Earth.” He is a God of light rather than of darkness and is concerned with the destinies of the world. 4 The Yezidis represent Satan by both the peacock and the snake.他是“一个自豪”和“地球的统治者。”他是上帝的光,而不是黑暗的,是与世界的命运有关。4行未作是包括孔雀和蛇撒旦。 “The peacock represents the beauty of the worshipped God and the snake represents his wisdom because he is both beautiful and wise.” Their holy relic is the copper sanjak, an image of the peacock. 6 “孔雀开屏代表了崇拜上帝的美丽,蛇代表他的智慧,因为他是既美观又明智的。”他们的神圣文物是铜桑贾克,一个孔雀形象。6

They play the flute and tambourine at their festivals and dance; “a worship which led to every excess of debauchery and lust.” 7他们发挥出了他们的节日和舞蹈的长笛和手鼓,“一个崇拜,导致每一个放荡和欲望过剩。”7

”The Jalwah and the Resh are the authentic holy scriptures of the Yezidis. “在Jalwah和Resh是真正的叶日第圣经。 The Yezidis not only acknowledge the loss of many copies of their scriptures but also Shaikh Hayder's recording of the Book of Resh.该行未作不仅承认其经典许多拷贝损失,而且谢赫Hayder的图书的Resh记录。 The latter no doubt the Resh scripture was set down from memory.” The Yezidis indeed avoid mentioning the very name 'Satan' or any of his attributes; have kept themselves aloof for centuries and their books a mystery.毫无疑问,在经文的Resh从内存中成立了后者。“该行未确实避免提及这个名字'魔鬼'或其任何属性,不断为自己的冷漠世纪,他们的书是一个谜。 They also are forbidden to wear the color blue as this is the sacred color of Satan. 8 The Yezidis sometimes use the name “Ankar” for Satan and the name Angar-Manyu for Ahriman in Zoroastrianism. 9 The Mishaf (Scripture) Resh (Black) the Yezidis believe was written by Shaikh Hasan al-Basri has been called “Black” because the word Satan is covered in it.他们也被禁止穿蓝色,因为这是撒旦神圣的颜色。8行未有时使用名称“Ankar”为撒旦的名字安加尔为阿里曼满玉,祆教。9 Mishaf(圣经)Resh(黑)该行未认为是书面的谢赫哈桑巴斯里被称为“黑色”,因为这个词是撒旦覆盖它。 Some believe it was the Quran with the words for Satan covered by wax.有些人认为这是为撒旦所涵盖的话蜡可兰经。 It measures 28 x 21 cm.它措施28 × 21厘米。 and has a leather cover.并有皮革覆盖。 The Yezidis also have a reputation for being adepts at black magick. 10该行未作也有一个黑magick被行家的声誉。10


¹ The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975 ¹该行未作,他们的生活和信仰的萨米人赛义德艾哈迈德1975年

² Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by WB Seabrook 1927 ²冒险在沙特阿拉伯:在贝都因人,Druses,回旋祭礼和Yezidee拜魔鬼1927年由世界银行西布鲁克

³Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition ³ Yezidism,它的背景,纪念活动和文本传统
by Philip G. Kreyenbroek 1995由1995年阿尔特巴赫Kreyenbroek
4 Ibid. 4同上。

5 The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by JS Guest 1987 5行未:一种生存的JS客户1987年的研究

6 Peacock Angel by ES Drower 1941 6孔雀天使1941年由胚胎干Drower
7 Ibid 7同上

8 The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975 8行未作,他们的生活和信仰的萨米人赛义德艾哈迈德1975年
9 Ibid 9同上

10 Devil Worship 1919: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz 10魔鬼崇拜1919:神圣的书籍和Yezidiz传统
发表于 2010-4-26 19:25:56 | 只看该作者
fungus246f 这样看着很晕……楼主是撒旦教的吗……

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发表于 2010-4-27 13:11:37 | 只看该作者

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