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《Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires by Aaron Leitch》

发表于 2022-6-3 14:49:20 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
簡介: (云汉推荐)
世纪欧洲(公元 476 年至 1453 年)的魔法方法和深奥知识构成了现代仪式魔法的祖传骨干。要了解中世纪的魔法,有必要了解这些知识的主要存储库——咒语、咒语和与天使和魔法精神一起工作的仪式指令的魔典。要了解魔典,您必须深入研究编写它们的魔术师的生活和时代。

学者兼魔术师 Aaron Leitch 在这本综合参考手册中阐明了中世纪法师这个被严重误解的主题。此外,他还对魔典中描述的魔法实践和与精神世界合作的各种萨满教方法进行了有价值的比较
語言: 英文
格式: pdf
作者: 艾伦 利奇
目錄: Part One第一部分Oculta Philosophia哲学之眼CHAPTER ONE:第一章:MEDIEVAL MAGICK ... 3中世纪魔术... 3The Medieval and Renaissance Eras ... 3中世纪和文艺复兴时代..The Classical Grimoires ... 7古典魔法书7The Picatrix (Ghdyat al-Hakim fi\'l-sihr) ... 10Picatrix (Ghdyat al-Hakim fi’l-sihr)10Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis) ... 12 Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton) ... 12 Goetia ... 12国王所罗门的钥匙(锁骨所罗门) ... 所罗门的次钥匙(Lemegeton) ... 12歌蒂亚... 12Theurgia-Goetia ... 13乌尔吉亚-歌蒂亚... 13Pauline Art (Ars Paulina) ... 14Pauline Art (Ars Paulina) ... 14Almadel of Solomon ... 14所罗门圣母像14Ars Nova (The New Art) ... 16《新艺术》 ... 16Notary Arts (Ars Notaria) ... 17公证艺术(Ars Notaria) ... ... 17Three Books of Occult Philosophy ... 19三本神秘哲学著作... 19The Magical Elements (Heptameron) ... 19《魔法元素》(赫普特梅隆)19Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy ... 20神秘哲学第四卷20页The Magus (Celestial Intelligencer) ... 20魔法师(天文学家) ... 20The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage ... 20 Arbatel of Magic (Arbatel de Magia Veterum) ... 21 Sworn Book of Honorius (Liber SacerJuratus) ... 22 The Dee Diaries ... 23Abramelin 法师的神圣魔法之书... 20 Arbatel of Magic (Arbatel de Magia Veterum) ... 21宣誓的荣誉之书(libersacerjuratus) ... 22 Dee 日记... 23Five Books of the Mysteries (Quinti Libri Mysteriorum) ... 24 A True and Faithful Relation ... 24 The Grimoire of Armadel ... 255卷《神秘之书》(Quinti Libri Mysteriorum 出版社出版) ... ... 24一个真实而忠诚的关系... ... 24《武器魔法书》 ... ... 25Grimorium Verum ... 26Grimorium Verum... 26The Grand Grimoire (Red Dragon) ... 27大魔法书(红龙) ... 27Conclusion ... 28结论... 28Medieval-Renaissance Time Line ... 31中世纪-文艺复兴时间线... 31CHAPTER TWO:第二章:SHAMANISM, TRIBAL TO MEDIEVAL ... 35 Shamanism ... 38萨满教,部落到中世纪... 35萨满教... 38The Prophets ... 44先知... 44Merkavah and the Baalim Shem ... 54Merkavah and the Baalim Shem... ... 54Medieval European Urban Shamanism: The Grimoiric Masters ... 57 Three Worlds, Four Pillars ... 61中世纪欧洲城市萨满教: 魔法大师... 57三个世界,四个支柱... 61The Luminous Ones, or the Sons of God ... 65光明之子,或上帝之子A Medieval/ Renaissance Definition of Magick ... 70 Conclusion: Modern Grimoiric Shamanism. .. 71中世纪/文艺复兴时期对魔法的定义... 70结论: 现代魔法萨满教CHAPTER THREE:第三章:THE ART OF ECSTASY: WAY OF THE PROPHET-SHAMAN ... 75 Rising on the Planes, or Mental Circuitry ... 80狂喜的艺术: 先知萨满的方式... 在飞机上升起,或精神回路... 80Circuit One: Oral Bio-Survival ... 83第一回合: 口腔生物生存Circuit Two: Anal Emotional-Territorial ... 83第二回合: 肛门情感-领土... 83Circuit Three: Time-Binding Semantic ... 86第三回合: 时间约束语义... 86Circuit Four: "Moral" Socio-Sexual ... 86第四回合:”道德”社会性... 86Circuit Five: Holistic Neurosomatic ... 87第五回路: 整体神经躯体..Circuit Six: Collective Neurogenetic ... 89第六回路: 集体神经遗传... 89Circuit Seven: Metaprogramming ... 90第七回路: 元编程... 90Circuit Eight: Nonlocal Quantum ... 92第八电路: 非本地量子... 92Psychotropics: Ancient History ... 93精神药物: 古代历史93Psychotropics: In the Grimoires ... 99在魔法书里..Flying Ointment #1 ... 102飞行软膏 # 1... 102Flying Ointment #2 ... 102飞行软膏2号... 102号Sensory and Stimulus Deprivation ... 104感觉和刺激剥夺..Fasting and Vegetarianism ... 109禁食和素食主义..CHAPTER FOUR:第四章:THE ART OF DEVOTION: WAY OF THE TEMPLE PRIEST ... 115 The Rise of the Priesthood ... 118奉献的艺术: 神庙祭司的方式... 祭司的兴起..From Priests to Kings, and From Palaces to Temples ... 119从祭司到国王,从宫殿到寺庙..The Role of the Priest ... 122牧师的角色..Devotional Magick ... 124虔诚的魔法..Spiritual Authority ... 126精神权威... 126Confession ... 128忏悔..Psalmody ... 131Psalmody... 131Division of Psalms between Hebrew and Septuagint-Vulgate Psalters ... 137 Words of Power ... 140希伯来诗篇和七旬节诗篇之间的划分... ... 137个词的权力... ... 140Sacrifice in Grimoiric Magick ... 144用魔法献祭... 144Part Two第二部分Oculta Practique眼魔实践CHAPTER FIVE:第五章:MAGICKAL TIMING . . . 157神奇的时机. . 157Magickal Days ... 158神奇的日子..Sol and Sunday ...160太阳和星期天... 160Luna and Monday ... 160月亮和星期一..Mars and Tuesday ... 160火星和星期二... 160Mercury and Wednesday ... 160水星和星期三..Jupiter and Thursday ... 160木星和星期四... 160Venus and Friday ... 161金星和星期五..Saturn and Saturday ... 161土星和星期六... 161Magickal Hours ... 161神奇的时刻..Hours of the Day (Sunrise to Sunset) ... 162一天中的几小时(从日出到日落) ..Hours of the Night (Sunset to Sunrise) ... 162夜晚的时间(从日落到日出) ..Calculating Magickal Hours ... 163计算魔法时间163小时Daytime ... 164白天..Nighttime ... 164夜间... 164Day and Hours of Saturn ... 165土星的白天和小时..Day and Hours of Jupiter ... 165木星的一天一小时... 165Day and Hours of Mars ... 165火星的一天和一小时Day and Hours of Sol ... 165第165个火星日Day and Hours of Venus ... 165金星的一天和一小时..Day and Hours of Mercury ... 165水星的一天一小时... 165Day and Hours of Luna ... 165月亮的一天和一小时Elective Astrology ... 167选修占星术... 167Chart interpretation ... 170星图解释..The Zodiac ... 173黄道带173号Step One: The Ascendant ... 173第一步: 上升星座..Step Two: The Sun Sign ... 174第二步: 太阳星座... 174Step Three: The Moon Sign ... 174第三步: 月亮星座..Step Four: Planetary Dignities ... 174第四步: 行星的尊严..Step Five: Planetary Aspects ... 175第五步: 行星方面..Step Six: The Houses ... 177第六步: 房子..The Thirty-Six Faces of the Decanates ... 178提卡纳特人的三十六张面孔..CHAPTER SIX:第六章:MAGICKAL TOOLS PART I: BASIC TOOLS AND HOLY IMPLEMENTS (CELESTIAL) ... 183魔法工具第一部分: 基本的工具和神圣的工具Thread Spun by a Virgin?: Finding Obscure Items ... 188由处女纺织的线? : 寻找模糊的项目..The Aspergillum and the Consecration of Water ... 189 Solomonic Holy Water ... 191曲霉菌与圣水... ... 所罗门圣水... ..The Censer and the Consecration of Incense ... 192 A Standard Incense... 194香炉和香的奉献... 标准的香..Exorcism and Consecration of Perfumes ... 194 The Censer, and Using the Perfumes ... 195驱魔和奉献香水... 香炉,使用香水..Holy Anointing Oil ... 196圣膏油... 196The Silk Cloths ... 197丝绸布..Recipe for Kyphi Incense ... 198Kyphi 熏香的配方... 198The Burin, Needle, and Other Iron Instruments ... 198 The White Robe and Other Vestments... 200比林、针和其他铁器... 白袍和其他法衣... 200件Donning the Vestments ... 201穿上法衣... 201The White-Hilted Knife ... 202白柄刀..The Holy Lamp and Candles ... 204圣灯和蜡烛..The Exorcism of the Fire ... 206火的驱魔..The Solomonic Wand ... 206所罗门魔杖... 206CHAPTER SEVEN:第七章:PURIFICATIONS AND PRAYER ... 211净化和祈祷..The Solomonic Nine-Day Purification ... 215所罗门九日净化..Days One Through Six ... 216第一天到第六天... 216天Day Seven ... 217第七天... 217天Days Eight and Nine ... 218第八天和第九天... 218天Confession ... 218忏悔... 218Prayer ...219祈祷... 219Day of Operation ... 220行动日..Creating Prayers and Invocations ... 220创造祈祷和祈祷..Intercession ... 224代祷..Saturn ... 226土星226号Jupiter ... 226木星... 226Mars ... 226火星... 226Sol ... 226第226个火星日Venus ... 227金星... 227Mercury ... 227水星... 227Luna ...227露娜... 227Selection of the Place ... 228地点的选择..The Solomonic Ritual Bath ... 233所罗门仪式浴室..Step One ... 233第一步..Step Two ... 233第二步... 233Step Three ... 234第三步..Step Four ... 234第四步... 234Step Five ... 235第五步... 235Standard Procedure ... 235标准程序... 235The One-Month Purification ... 235一个月的净化..Weeks (or Lunar Phases) One-Three ... 236星期(或月相)1-3... 236Week (or Lunar Phase) Four ... 237周(或月相)4... 237Day of the Operation ... 237行动日237The Twelve-Hour Purification ... 238十二小时净化..CHAPTER EIGHT:第八章:ANGELIC WORK (THEURGY) ... 241天使的工作(神学) ..Angelic Diplomacy ... 244天使外交... 244How to Summon Angels ... 247如何召唤天使..The Calling of Angels into the Shewstone, from The Magus ... 252 The Angelic Book (Sepher Malachim, or Liber Angelos) ... 259 Fashioning the Angelic Book ... 262天使的呼唤进入展示石,从魔法师... 天使之书(塞弗马拉奇姆,或自由天使) ... 259打造天使之书..The Archangels of the Days, Hours, and Heavenly Spheres ... 264 Cassiel ... 264白天、时间和天体的天使天使... ... 264凯西尔... ..Sachiel ... 265Sachiel... 265Camael ... 265卡梅尔... 265Micheal ... 266Micheal... 266Anael ... 266阿内尔... 266Raphael ... 267Raphael... 267Gabriel ... 267加百列... 267The Seven Planetary Intelligences ... 267七个行星智能... 267个Agiel ... 268阿吉尔... 268Iophiel ... 268Iophiel... 268Graphiel ... 268格拉菲尔... 268Nakhiel ... 269Nakhiel... 269Hagiel ... 269哈吉尔..Tiriel ... 269Tiriel... 269Malkah b\'Tarshishim v\'Ad Ruach Shechalim ... 269 The Ruling Angels of the Planets ... 270Malkah b‘ Tarshishim v‘ Ad Ruach Shechalim... 行星的统治天使..Zabathiel ... 270Zabathiel... 270Zedekiel ... 270Zedekiel... 270Madimiel ... 270Madimiel... 270Shameshiel ... 270可耻的希尔... 270Nogahel ... 271Nogahel... 271Kokabel ... 271Kokabel... 271Levanael ... 271Levanael... 271Consecrating the Angelic Book ... 271圣化天使之书..The Altar, Sacred Space, and Tools ... 272祭坛,神圣的空间,和工具..Day One (Saturday) ... 272第一天(星期六) ..Day Two (Sunday) ... 273第二天(星期天) ..Days Three-Seven (Monday-Friday) ... 273第三天-第七天(星期一-星期五) ..Using the Angelic Book ... 274用天使之书... 274Step One (Magickal Timing and Preparations)... 274 Step Two (Establishing Sacred Space) ... 274 Step Three (Day of Operation) ... 275第一步(神奇的时间和准备) ... 第二步(建立神圣的空间) ... 第三步(行动日) ..Experiencing the Angels ... 278体验天使..CHAPTER NINE:第九章:MAGICKAL TOOLS PART II: OF THE TALISMANIC ARTS (NATURAL) ... 285 The Pen, Ink, and Colors ... 285魔法工具第二部分: 护身符艺术(自然) ... 笔,墨水和颜色..The Pen ... 286钢笔..Making and Consecrating Ink ... 286制作和圣化墨水..Colors, Paints, and Modern Implements ... 287 Consecration of Parchment and Paper ... 287 Consecration of Wax and Virgin Earth ... 289色彩、颜料和现代工具... ... 羊皮纸和纸的奉献... ... 蜡和处女地的奉献... ..CHAPTER TEN:第十章:TALISMANS AND IMAGE MAGICK (NATURAL PHILOSOPHY) ... 293 Sigils ... 296护身符和图像魔法(自然哲学) ... ... 293个符咒... ... 296个Talismanic Magick in the Grimoires ... 303魔法书里的护身符魔法... 303Kings-Sol (Gold) ... 309国王索尔(黄金) ..Dukes-Venus (Copper) ... 310杜克斯-维纳斯(铜) ... 310Princes and Prelates Jupiter (Tin) ... 310王子和高级木星(Tin) ..Marquises-Luna (Silver) ... 310侯爵夫人露娜(银色) ... 310Presidents-Mercury (Mercury) ... 310总统-水星(水星) ..Earls or Counts-Mars (Mixture of Copper and Silver) ... 310 Knights-Saturn (Lead) ... 310伯爵或伯爵-火星(铜和银的混合物) ... 310骑士-土星(铅) ... 310The Particular Form of the Lamen, from The Magus ... 320 Consecrating Talismans ... 320拉曼的特殊形式,来自魔法师... 320个神圣护身符... 320个Step One ... 321第一步... 321Step Two ... 321第二步... 321Step Three ... 321第三步... 321Step Four ... 322第四步... 322Image Magick ... 322图像魔术... 322Of the Images of the Zodiac ... 325黄道带的图像..Of the Images of the Faces ... 326这些面孔的图像..Of the Images of Saturn ... 330土星的图像Of the Images of Jupiter ... 330木星的图像..Of the Images of Mars ... 331火星的图像Of the Images of the Sun ... 331太阳的图像..Of the Images of Venus ... 331金星的影像..Of the Images of Mercury ... 332水星的图像... 332Of the Images of the Moon ... 332月球的图像..Of Wax and Earth ... 343蜡和土... 343How to Render Oneself invisible, from the Key of Solomon the King ... 345 To Make Anyone or Any Place Fortunate ... 348如何使自己隐形,从所罗门王的钥匙... 使任何人或任何地方幸运..To Procure Misery ... 348来获得痛苦..For Destroying or Prejudicing Any Person or Place ... 348毁灭或偏见任何人或地方..For the Fitting (to Prepare or Make Acceptable) of Any Place ... 348 To Chase Away Certain Animals from Certain Places ... 348 For Gain ... 348为了适应(准备或接受)任何地方... 驱赶某些动物从某些地方... 为了获得..For Concord and Love ... 349为了和谐与爱..For Success of Petitions and for the Obtaining of Anything Denied, Taken or Possessed by Another为了申请的成功,以及为了得到任何被他人拒绝、夺取或占有的东西... 349... 349For Prophetic Dreams ... 349为了预言的梦想..Consecration of Images ... 350图像的神圣化..CHAPTER ELEVEN:第十一章:MAGICKAL TOOLS PART III: TOOLS OF PROTECTION, WEAPONS OF COMMAND (GOETIC) ... 355魔法工具第三部分: 保护工具,指挥武器The Black-Hilted Knife ... 356黑柄刀... 356The Solomonic Sword ... 357所罗门之剑..The Sickle, Scimitar, Dagger, Lance, or Poniard ... 359 The Pentagram of Solomon ... 360 The Hexagram of Solomon ... 361镰刀,弯刀,匕首,长矛,或波尼亚... 所罗门的五芒星... 所罗门的六芒星..The Ring of Solomon ... 362所罗门之戒..The Secret Seal of Solomon ... 363所罗门的秘密封印..CHAPTER TWELVE:第十二章:CONJURING SPIRITS (GOETY) ... 365召唤灵魂(歌蒂) ..Exorcism ... 373驱魔..Constraints and Curses ... 380约束和诅咒.."Historical Turning-Point": The Testament of Solomon ... 385 Spirit-Taming in the Grimoires ... 391 The Magickal Circle ... 396“历史的转折点”: 所罗门的遗嘱... 385灵魂驯服在魔法书... 391魔法圈..Raising ... Familiar Spirits by a Circle, from The Magus ... 413 The Considerations of Saturday ... 415唤醒... 熟悉的灵魂,从魔法师... 星期六的考虑..The Conjuration of Saturday ... 415星期六的魔法..Their Familiar Shapes ... 416它们熟悉的形状..Their Particular Shapes Are ... 416他们特殊的形状是..The Book of Spirits (Liber Spiritus) ... 418精神之书(自由精神) ..Zazel ... 420撒则..Hismael ... 421Hismael... 421Bartzabel ... 421Bartzabel... 421Sorath ... 421索拉斯... 421Qedemel ... 421Qedemel... 421Taph- Thar- Thar-Ath ... 422Taph-Thar-Thar-Ath..Chashmodai ... 422查什摩达... 422Afterword ... 427后记... 427Bibliography ... 429参考书目..
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