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发表于 2012-9-4 14:27:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
了望台的开启是一个金色黎明的成员名叫 Israel Regardie 所设计来当做是另一个使用这个组织的一个叫做 “至高无上的五芒星召唤仪式”的选择它包含著很多神秘学系统的片段,包括“the Oracles of Zoroaster”和这Enochian 之钥,并且,它大概是现代时代流行的仪式中最神奇的一个了.




2. 面向东方,用右手拿起你在小五芒星仪式里用的短剑并用的他的把手来敲三下你的圣坛。然后走到你魔法圈的东北边 (顺时针走) 并强烈,有自信的念出下面的,Hekas, Hekas Este Bebeloi (hay-kahs, hay-kahs es-stay bee-beh-loy)! 这个咒文命令所有不想要的灵体离开,因为仪式要开始了

3. 以顺时针的方法,回到你仪式开始前站的地方,面对东方。职行小五芒星,六芒星仪式,确定你结束在关键字的分解

注: 不管在什麼时候,除非被叫不要走顺时针的方法,不然在做任何仪式时都以顺时针的方式移动

4. 以顺时针的方法走到圣坛的南方,并拿起火魔杖。面对著在南边的火原素的令牌。把火杖在令牌前的空气中顺时针画三遍,然后把他举起。以顺时针的方式在房间里绕圈子走,并一边说 : And when, after all the phantoms are banished, thou shalt see the Holy and FORMless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear thou the Voice of Fire.

5. 当你到来回到这南方时,再次面对著同样的令牌,并再次用火仗在令牌前的空气中顺时针挥三遍。然后用这个法器来在令牌前的空气中画一个巨大的蓝色的火之召唤五芒星。当在这麼做时,震出OIP TEAA PEDOCE (oh-ee-pay the-ah-ah peh-doe-kay)。然后在这个五芒星里用红色 (视觉化) 画出狮子的图案。用火杖指著它,并震出: ELOHIM (el-oh-heem)。举起火杖并说 : In the names and letters of the Great Southern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the South! 把火杖放回圣台. ]. 以顺时针的方法走到圣坛的西方,并拿起圣杯。面对著在西边的水原素的令牌。把圣杯在令牌前的空气中顺时针画三遍。把圣杯举在你头上, 以顺时针的方式绕著你的魔法圈走,并一边说 : So therefore first, the priest who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud resounding sea.

7. 当你回到西方时,用圣杯在水的令牌前挥三次,然后用这个法器来在令牌前的空气中画一个巨大的蓝色的水之召唤五芒星,一边在画时震出,MPH ARSEL GAIOL (ehm-pay-hay ahr-sell gah-ee-ohl). 然后在五芒星中画出老鹰头的图案. 用圣杯指著五芒星的中心,并震出:ALEPH LAMED AL (ah-lef lah-medahl). 把圣杯举在你头上,并说:In the names and letters of the Great Western Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the West. 把圣杯放回圣坛上

8. 以顺时针的方法走到圣坛的东方,拿起风之短剑,并面向风原素的令牌。把短剑在令牌前挥三次,然后把他举到你头上。以顺时针的方式绕著你的魔法圈走,把风之短剑拿在高空中,并一边说:Such a Fire existeth, extending through the rushing of Air. Or even a Fire FORMless, whence cometh the image of a voice. Or even flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud.

9. 当你回到东边时,在次把这个法器在同样的令牌前挥三次,然后画下一个巨大的蓝色风之召唤五芒星,并一边震出ORO IBAH AOZPI (oh-row ee-bah-hah ah-oh-zohd-pee). 然后在五芒星中间画下一个黄色的水瓶座记号。用风短剑指著五芒星的中间,并震出:YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh). 把风之短剑举在高空并说:In the names and letters of the Great Eastern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the East.风之短剑放回圣坛.

10. 以顺时针的方法走到圣坛的北方并拿起五芒星盘。面对地原素的令牌,并用五芒星盘在令牌前挥三次,然后以顺时针的方式绕著你的魔法圈走,把五芒星盘拿在高空中,并一边说:Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world, wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding; a black ever-rolling abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, FORMless, and void..
11. 当你回到北方时,再用五芒星盘在令牌前挥三次,然后画下一个巨大的蓝色地之召唤五芒星,并一边震出EMOR DIAL HECTEGA (ee-mohrdee-ahl hec-tey-gah). 在五芒星中间,画下一个白色的金牛座记号。用五星盘来指著这个五芒星的中心,并震出:ADONAI (ah-doe-nye). 然后把五芒星盘举在你头上,并说:In the names and letter of the Great Northern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the North.把五芒星盘放回圣坛上。

12. 以顺时针的方式回到你的圣坛的西边,并面向东边在你的圣坛和合并的令牌上,做出打开砂幕的记号;伸出你的左脚,同时,推出你的双臂,手心向前,并且靠在一起。然后把你的双臂分开,像你在打开两个窗帘一般

13. 念出下面的 Enochian 咒文,并震出大写的字母:Ol Sonuf Vaorsagi Goho Iada Balta. ELEXARPEH COMANANU TABITOM. Zodakara Eka Zodakare Od Zodameranu. Odo Kikle Qaa Piap Piamoel Od Vaoan. (Oh-ell soh-noof vay-oh-air-sah-jee goh-hoh ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. El-ex-ar-pay-hay Co-mah-nah-noo Tah-bee-toh-ehm. Zohd-ah-kah-rah eh-kah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ahmehr-ah-noo oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-moh-ehl oh-dah vay-on-ah-noo) 这翻译到:"我统治你,念出指意之神。(三个魔法名)移动,因此,移动并出现。打开创造的秘密:平衡,公正,和事实

14. 念出下面的咒文:I invoke ye, ye angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the universe. Be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep for removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.

15.以顺时针的方式移到你的魔法圈的东北方,并面向那个方向。念出下面的咒文:The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the Earth. Let me therefor FORM a vortex in this chamber that the invisible Sun of the spirit may shine therein from above.

16. 绕著你的魔法圈,以顺时针的方式走三圈。每当你经过东方时,往你在移动的方向做出进入者的记号 (把你的双手带到你头的两边把你的手臂推出,同时,把你的左脚伸前。)这就是你如何做出你之前说过的漩涡。当你第三次经过东边,并做出进入者的记号后,回到你圣坛的西方并面向东方。你应该会感觉到一个如漩涡般的力量在你的魔法圈里
17. 做出进入者的记号,并说:Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe.
再做出进入者的记号,并说:Holy art Thou, Whom Nature hath not FORMed
再一次做出进入者的记号,并说:Holy art Thou, the Vast and Mighty One. Lord of the Light and of the Darkness.现在做出宁静的记号 (把你的食指放在嘴唇上,好像你在叫一个人安静)

18. 在你完成你想要完成的魔法,并想要结束那个仪式后,说下面的咒文:Unto thee, sole wise, sole eternal, and sole merciful One, be the praise and glory forever, who has permitted me who standeth humbly before Thee to enter into this far into the sanctuary of the mysteries. Not unto me but unto Thy nane be the glory. Let the influence of Thy divine ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrifice so that I shrink not in the hour of my trial, but that thus my name may be written on high and my genius stand in the presence of the holy ones.


20. 做出小五芒星,以及六芒星仪式

21. 念出下面的咒语,记得要震出大写的字:I now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ceremony. Depart in peace to your abodes and habitation, and go with the blessings of YEHESHUAH YEHOVASHAH (yeh-hay-shoe-ah yeh-ho-vah-shah).

22. 用右手拿起你在小五芒星仪式里用的短剑并用的他的把手来敲三下你的圣坛,并说:I now declare this temple duly close.

注:这个仪式的步骤 19 到 22 被称为了望台的关闭!
发表于 2012-9-4 21:39:35 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-9-4 22:54:43 | 只看该作者
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