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《女巫之锤》(Malleus Maleficarum)PDF格式233页

发表于 2008-12-23 08:59:01 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

《女巫之锤》 1486年由斯特拉斯堡(strasbourg)的普勒斯(Jean Prüss)出版社出版。是魔鬼文献中最成功的一部著作之一。这部著作是针对宗教裁判官而写。与以前同类书籍的不同之处,在于它专门叙述如何侦察巫师的罪行。作者是宗教裁判官斯蒂道里斯和斯伯伦吉,也就是1484年教皇谕令的受件人。

  作者: 海利奇·克拉马,雅各布·史宾格




Chapter V. Witches commonly perform their Spells through the Sacraments of the Church. And
how they Impair the Powers of Generation, and how they may Cause other Ills to happen to
God's Creatures of all kinds. But herein we except the Question of the Influence of the Stars...........98
Chapter VI. How Witches Impede and Prevent the Power of Procreation.........................................101
Chapter VII. How, as it were, they Deprive Man of his Virile Member............................................102
Chapter VIII. Of the Manner whereby they Change Men into the Shapes of Beasts.........................106
Chapter IX. How Devils may enter the Human Body and the Head without doing any Hurt,
when they cause such Metamorphosis by Means of Prestidigitation.................................................108
Chapter X. Of the Method by which Devils through the Operations of Witches sometimes
actually possess men............................................................................................................................111
Chapter XI. Of the Method by which they can Inflict Every Sort of Infirmity, generally Ills of
the Graver Kind..................................................................................................................................114
Chapter XII. Of the Way how in Particular they Afflict Men with Other Like Infirmities...............117
Chapter XIII. How Witch Midwives commit most Horrid Crimes when they either Kill
Children or Offer them to Devils in most Accursed Wise.................................................................120
Chapter XIV. Here followeth how Witches Injure Cattle in Various Ways......................................123
Chapter XV. How they Raise and Stir up Hailstorms and Tempests, and Cause Lightning to
Blast both Men and Beasts.................................................................................................................125
Chapter XVI. Of Three Ways in which Men and Women may be Discovered to be Addicted to
Witchcraft: Divided into Three Heads: and First of the Witchcraft of Archers.................................128
Question II. Introduction, wherein is Set Forth the Difficulty of this Question.................................130
Chapter I. The Remedies prescribed by the Holy Church against Incubus and Succubus Devils.....134
Chapter II. Remedies prescribed for Those who are Bewitched by the Limitation of the
Generative Power................................................................................................................................137
Chapter III. Remedies prescribed for those who are Bewitched by being Inflamed with
Inordinate Love or Extraordinary Hatred...........................................................................................140
Chapter IV. Remedies presribed for those who by Prestidigitative Art have lost their Virile
Members or have seemingly been Transformed into the Shapes of Beasts.......................................142
Chapter V. Prescribed Remedies for those who are Obsessed owing to some Spell.........................144
Chapter VI. Prescribed Remedies; to wit, the Lawful Exorcisms of the Church, for all Sorts of
Infirmities and Ills due to Witchcraft; and the Method of Exorcising those who are Bewitched.....147
Chapter VII. Remedies prescribed against Hailstorms, and for animals that are Bewitched.............151
Chapter VIII. Certain Remedies prescribed against those Dark and Horrid Harms with which
Devils may Afflict Men......................................................................................................................154
Malleus Maleficarum Part 3..............................................................................................................................156
The Third Head. Which is the last Part of this Work. How the Process is to be Concluded by
the Pronouncement of a Definite and Just Sentence...........................................................................156
General and Introductory. Who are the Fit and Proper Judges in the Trial of Witches?....................156
Question I. The Method of Initiating a Process..................................................................................160
Question II. Of the Number of Witnesses...........................................................................................162
Question III. Of the Solemn Adjuration and Re−examination of Witnesses......................................163
Question IV. Of the Quality and Condition of Witnesses..................................................................163
Question V. Whether Mortal Enemies may be Admitted as Witnesses.............................................164
Question VI. How the Trial is to be Proceeded with and Continued. And how the Witnesses are
to be Examined in the Presence of Four Other Persons, and how the Accused is to be
Questioned in Two Ways....................................................................................................................165
Question VII. In Which Various Doubts are Set Forth with Regard to the Foregoing Questions
and Negative Answers. Whether the Accused is to be Imprisoned, and when she is to be
Malleus Maleficarum
iiTable of Contents
considered Manifestly Taken in the Foul Heresy of Witchcraft. This is the Second Action.............168
Question VIII. Which Follows from the Preceding Question, Whether the Witch is to be
Imprisoned, and of the Method of Taking her. This is the Third Action of the Judge.......................169
Question IX. What is to be done after the Arrest, and whether the Names of the Witnesses
should be made Known to the Accused. This is the Fourth Action....................................................170
Question X. What Kind of Defence may be Allowed, and of the Appointment of an Advocate.
This is the Fifth Action.......................................................................................................................172
Question XI. What Course the Advocate should Adopt when the Names of the Witnesses are
not Revealed to him. Ths Sixth Action...............................................................................................173
Question XII. Of the Same Matter, Declaring more Particularly how the Question of Personal
Enmity is to be Investigated. The Seventh Action..............................................................................175
Question XIII. Of the Points to be Observed by the Judge before the Formal Examination in the
Place of Detention and Torture. This is the Eighth Action.................................................................177
Question XIV. Of the Method of Sentencing the Accused to be Questioned: and How she must
be Questioned on the First Day; and Whether she may be Promised her Life. The Ninth Action....178
Question XV. Of the Continuing of the Torture, and of the Devices and Signs by which the
Judge can Recognize a Witch; and how he ought to Protect himself from their Spells. Also
how they are to be Shaved in Parts where they use to Conceal the Devil's Masks and Tokens;
together with the due Setting Forth of Various Means of Overcoming the Obstinacy in Keeping
Silence and Refusal to Confess. And it is the Tenth Action...............................................................180
Question XVI. Of the fit Time and of the Method of the Second Examination. And it is the
Eleventh Action, concerning the Final Precautions to be Observed by the Judge.............................184
Question XVII. Of Common Purgation, and especially of the Trial of Red−hot Iron, to which
Witches Appeal....................................................................................................................................186
Question XVIII. Of the Manner of Pronouncing a Sentence which is Final and Definitive..............188
Question XIX. Of the Various Degrees of Overt Suspicion which render the Accused liable to
be Sentenced.......................................................................................................................................189
Question XX. Of the Firth Method of Pronouncing Sentence............................................................193
Question XXI. Of the Second Method of Pronouncing Sentence, when the Accused is no more
than Defamed.......................................................................................................................................194
Question XXII. Of the Third Kind of Sentence, to be Pronounced on one who is Defamed, and
who is to be put to the Question.........................................................................................................196
Question XXIII. The Fourth Method of Sentencing, in the Case of one Accused upon a Light
Question XXIV. The Fifth Manner of Sentence, in the Case of one under Strong Suspicion...........199
Question XXV. The Sixth Kind of Sentence, in the Case of one who is Gravely Suspect................201
Question XXVI. The Method of passing Sentence upon one who is both Suspect and Defamed.....203
Question XXVII. The Method of passing Sentence upon one who hath Confessed to Heresy,
but is still not Penitent........................................................................................................................205
Question XXVIII. The Method of passing Sentence upon one who hath Confessed to Heresy
but is Relapsed, Albeir now Penitent..................................................................................................207
Question XXIX. The Method of passing Sentence upon one who hath Confessed to Heresy but
is Impenitent, although not Relapsed..................................................................................................210
Question XXX. Of One who has Confessed to Heresy, is Relapsed, and is also Impenitent.............211
Question XXXI. Of One Taken and Convicted, but Denying Everything.........................................212
Question XXXII. Of One who is Convicted but who hath Fled or who Contumaciously Absents
Question XXXIII. Of the Method of passing Sentence upon one who has been Accused by
Malleus Maleficarum
iiiTable of Contents
another Witch, who has been or is to be Burned at the Stake.............................................................217
Question XXXIV. Of the Method of passing Sentence upon a Witch who Annuls Spells
wrought by Witchcraft; and of Witch Midwives and Archer−Wizards..............................................221
Question XXXV. Finally, of the Method of passing Sentence upon Witches who Enter or
Cause to be Entered an Appeal, whether such be Frivolous or Legitimate and Just..........................224
Malleus Maleficarum




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