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《Runic Book of Days: A Guide to Living the Annual Cycle of Rune Magick》

发表于 2022-3-12 08:53:02 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
簡介: A step-by-step guide to working with the runes throughout the year

• Explains how the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark each rule the calendar for a half-month

• Details the runes most powerful during each runic half-month, what they portend for personal and spiritual wellbeing, and techniques for creating relationships with them

• Includes structured devotionals for each half-month and runic initiation rituals for the 8 pagan Sabbats, or holy days, such as the Summer Solstice (Litha) and Lughnssadh (the first harvest holy day)

The Old Norse runes, known as the Elder Futhark, have long joined forces with the cycles of the seasons to offer powerful initiations, guidance, and wisdom. Aligning the sacred festivals, plantings, and harvests of ancient runic calendars with our modern 12-month calendar, Kelley Harrell reveals how the runes can once again offer initiations as well as instruct us on the holy days and creative rhythms of today.

Drawing on her more than 25 years of shamanic practice and runic study, Harrell offers a step-by-step primer to work with the runes throughout the year. She explains how the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark follow a seasonal progression in which each stave rules the calendar for a half-month. She explores the meaning of each rune in detail and presents structured runic devotionals for each half-month, interwoven with guidance on how to make the best use of the life force available during each season, as well as runic initiation rituals for the 8 pagan Sabbats, or holy days, such as the Summer Solstice (Litha) and Beltane (May Day). She details the runes most powerful during each half-month, what they portend for personal and spiritual wellbeing, techniques for creating relationships with them, and how to work with them as an oracle. The author also explains how the runes leading up to each Sabbat help create the space for properly greeting each calendrical transition and completing its initiation.

By moving through Nature’s cycle with the runes, each year becomes a reliable and trackable process of personalized growth and spiritual connection. Progressing through the teachings of each stave while honoring the seasons, Harrell’s year with the runes becomes an initiation into a direct relationship with powers of Nature.
語言: 英文
格式: pdf
作者: S.Kelley Harrell
目錄: Contents Cover Image Title Page Dedication Foreword by Nigel Pennick Acknowledgments Introduction GROWING WITH THE RUNES WHAT MY WEIRD ROUTE TO THE RUNES MEANS FOR YOU ABOUT THIS BOOK PART 1. Engaging the Runes Chapter 1. History and Origin of the Runes THE NINE WORLDS AND THEIR INHABITANTS Chapter 2. The Runes: Tools and Strategies for Rune Work TOOLS READING RUNES GALDR THE RUNE KEEPER THE ELDER FUTHARK THE ÆTTIR Chapter 3. The Staves: The Symbolism of the Elder Futhark FIRST ÆTT SECOND ÆTT THIRD ÆTT
Chapter 4. The Runic Calendar: Structure and Sacred Rites CALENDAR STRUCTURE THE SABBATS TIMING OF THE SABBATS DEVOTIONALS INITIATIONS AFFIRMATIONS PART 2. Living the Runes Chapter 5. June 29–July 14 ◆ Fehu ◆: Manifesting the Sacred Self Chapter 6. July 14–July 29 ◆ Uruz ◆: Greeting Shadow Chapter 7. July 29–August 13 ◆ Thurisaz and Lammas ◆: Finding Personal Divinity Chapter 8. August 13–August 29 ◆ Ansuz ◆: Speaking Your Personal Truth Chapter 9. August 29–September 13 ◆ Raidho ◆: Telling Your Story Chapter 10. September 13–September 28 ◆ Kenaz and Mabon ◆: Meeting the Personal Metaphor Chapter 11. September 28–October 13 ◆ Gebo ◆: Giving and Growing Chapter 12. October 13–October 28 ◆ Wunjo ◆: Allowing Joy Chapter 13. October 28–November 13 ◆ Hagalaz and Samhain ◆: Facing Fear, Finding Faith Chapter 14. November 13–November 28 ◆ Nauthiz ◆: Embracing Need Chapter 15. November 28–December 13 ◆ Isa ◆: Excavating Hidden Life Force Chapter 16. December 13–December 28 ◆ Jera and Yule ◆: Finding Tools That Work
Chapter 17. December 28–January 13 ◆ Eihwaz ◆: Navigating the Personal Path Chapter 18. January 13–January 28 ◆ Perthro ◆: Confronting Your Wyrd Chapter 19. January 28–February 12 ◆ Algiz and Imbolc ◆: Embodying Power Chapter 20. February 12–February 27 ◆ Sowilo ◆: Remembering Infinite Divinity Chapter 21. February 27–March 14 ◆ Tiwaz ◆: Holding Space Chapter 22. March 14–March 30 ◆ Berkano and Ostara ◆: Healing Dues Chapter 23. March 30–April 14 ◆ Ehwaz ◆: Meeting Allies Chapter 24. April 14–April 29 ◆ Mannaz ◆: Finding Your Tribe Chapter 25. April 29–May 14 ◆ Laguz and Beltane ◆: Staying in Flow Chapter 26. May 14–May 29 ◆ Ingwaz ◆: Feeding New Consciousness Chapter 27. May 29–June 14 ◆ Othala ◆: Being the Present Chapter 28. June 14–June 29 ◆ Dagaz and Midsummer ◆: Befriending the Tension of Change Chapter 29. Continuing the Cycle Suggested Reading and Resources Glossary Footnotes Endnotes About the Author About Inner Traditions • Bear & Company Books of Related Interest
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