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《Companion for the Apprentice Wizard》

发表于 2017-7-8 10:17:23 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
簡介: 《魔法师学徒的伴侣书》英文原版

"I can’t think of a better, more qualified person to write a Handbook for Apprentice Wizards. Oberon is a Wizard!" —Raymond Buckland Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of the companion volume to Oberon Zell-Ravenheart’s Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard—Companion for the Apprentice Wizard. This new work consists not so much of informational lessons and teachings, as with the Grimoire, but rather focuses on practical exercises derived from them to develop psychic skills, plus instructions and templates for many projects to make and do. If you’ve wanted hands-on magickal training this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Chapters are based on the sixteen Departments of Oberon’s Grey School of Wizardry: Wizardry, Magickal Practice, Nature Studies, Metapsychics, Healing, Wortcunning, Divination, Alchemy, Conjury, Lifeways, Beast Mastery, Mathemagicks, Cosmology, Ceremonial Magick, Lore, and Dark Arts Inside you will find Materials and exercises from the vaults of the Grey School, and instruction by many of the faculty as well as from the headmaster himself, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart. Step-by-step instructions are provided for: How to make Fairie Wings How to make a Horned Headband with deer antlers How to make and use a Firebow Tracking animals as a magickal practice How to make and use a solar clock, solar oven, fire clock, a light catcher, a solar stone, a star magnitude gauge, and a cross staff to measure the altitude of the stars How to make a Wizard’s Staff How to make a Wizard’s Cloak of Invisibility How to make your own amulets & talismans Smoke-weaving Potions for all purposes Conjury illusions and special effects How to build basic henges (wood and stone) And many other amazing projects… Companion for the Apprentice Wizard also includes a number of hand drawn full page diagrams of magickal objects drawn using the art style of Leonardo da Vinci to copy, cut out, and assemble, including: A model of Stonehenge A Planetary Hour Calculator A Magick Circle clock A winged Dragon A model of the mystic Pyramid A model of Leonardo da Vinci’s Ornithopter A model of the Milky Way Gala Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is an elder in the worldwide magickal community, and has worked as a grade school teacher and a family and youth counselor. Through his publication of Green Egg magazine over a period of 30 years, Oberon was instrumental in the founding of the modern Pagan movement, which he so named. In 1970, he had a profound Vision of the Living Earth that he published as an early version of "The Gaia Thesis." Oberon is an initiate in several magickal traditions and has been involved in many interfaith projects. He is a theologian and ritualist, creating and conducting rites of passage, seasonal celebrations, Mystery Initiations, Earth-healings, and other large rituals. Oberon has traveled throughout the world, celebrated solar eclipses at ancient stone circles, raised unicorns, and swum with mermaids in the Coral Sea. He is author of the acclaimed Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard, and Headmaster of the online Grey School of Wizardry. Living in Northern California! , Oberon also sculpts altar statues of gods and goddesses, and is lifemate to Morning Glory, his beloved Witchy wife of 32 years.
語言: 英文
格式: pdf
作者: Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
目錄: Foreword by Jesse Wolf Hardin ........................... iv
Prologue: “The 3rd Wish” .................................... v
Acknowledgements .............................................. vi
Preface: “Once Upon a Time…” ........................ viii
Introduction ........................................................... x
1. WIZARDRY (indigo) ....................................... 12
Your Magickal Journal • Awareness for Wizards •
Perception and Illusions • Make a “Watchbird” •
Optical Animations • Make Thaumatropes • Make
Your Own Fantascope • Make a Zoetrope • Magick
in Animated Movies • The Journey
2. NATURE (silver) .............................................. 25
Gaia, the Living Earth • Becoming One with Nature
• The Amateur Naturalist • Journaling and
Collecting • Survival Fire-Making • Outdoor Cookery
• Plant & Animal Guides for the Urban Pagan
3. PRACTICE (gold)
(Part 1—Accoutrements) ...................................... 40
Accoutrements • Regalia • A Portable Altar •
Crafting Magick Wands • Make a Light-Up Magick
Wand • Make a Planetary Hour Calculator • Tables
of Correspondences-5 (chart)
(Part 2—Workings) ............................................... 50
Making Your Own Amulets and Talismans • Light Up
Your Life with Candle Magic • Spells for every
Purpose • The Stone of Power • Unobtrusive Magick
for Public Places
4. METAPSYCHICS (aqua) ................................. 67
The Very First Things You Have to Learn •
Meditation • Practical Metapsychics • Creating Your
Astral Sanctum • Magick for the Dreaming Mind •
How to Do It • Telepathy Tips
5. HEALING (blue) .............................................. 82
History and Symbols of Healing • Physical Healing •
Eastern, Western, and Alternative Medicine •
Psychic Healing: A Review of Various Techniques •
Foot Reflexology • Healing Yourself • Healing
Others • Magickal First-Aid
6. WORTCUNNING (green) ............................... 95
What is Wortcunning? • Wortcunning Glossary •
Using Herbs Safely • A Simple Herb Garden • A simple
Herb Container Garden • Your Edible Garden through
the Seasons • Wild Mushrooms • A Simple Herbology
Work Using Mint • Potions & Lotions
7. DIVINATION (yellow) ...................................108
The Prophet’s Mission • Basic Forms of Divination •
Make a Divination Box • Playing Card Divination •
Reading Tea Leaves • Incense Divination • Dowsing
• Make your own Runes
8. PERFORMANCE MAGICS (orange) ............ 122
Archetypes of the Magician • Bizarre Magik • The
Magician’s Code • Elemental Magics • Jim’s Magic
Box • Hosting a Bardic
Alchemical Imagery • Glossary of Alchemical
Imagery • Kitchen Alchemy • Color-Changing liquid
• Marvelous Inventions • Technomagick • Glossary
10. LIFEWAYS (pink) ....................................... 151
Lifeways 101 • Webweaving for Young Wizards •
Embracing Our Maleness: Pan and the Green Man •
Boy, Man and Elder: Our Rites of Passage • Rites of
Passage for the Woman Wizard • Activism for the
Practicing Wizard • The Rules • Throwing a Wizard-
Themed Party
11. BEAST MASTERY (brown) ........................ 166
Animal Guides and Totems • Wee Spirits •
Observation and Collection • The Magick of
Tracking • Common North American Mammal
Tracks (chart) • Baby Critter Care • More Fabulous
Beastes • Make 4 Nifty Dragon Models
12.COSMOLOGY & METAPHYSICS (violet) .. 181
Naked-Eye Astronomy • Measurement, Direction,
and the Night Sky • Make a Mariner’s Astrolabe •
Seasons, Equinoxes, and Solstices • Make a Pocket
Sundial • The Moon • The Stars • Star Charts and
Planispheres • The Planets • Comets, Meteors, and
Satellites • Special Effects • Galaxies and Beyond •
Make a model of the Milky Way Galaxy • Time and
the Mayans • Mystic Pyramids • Build a Pyramid
13. MATHEMAGICKS(clear) ..........................194
Sacred Arithmetic • History of the Number 13 •
Moebius Strips • Sacred Geometry • Make models of
the 5 Platonic Solids • Sacred Geometry in Nature •
How to Measure the Height of a Tree or Tall
14.CEREMONIAL MAGICK(white) ................ 209
Creating Personal Ceremony • Some Basic Ritual
Procedures • Introduction to Theurgy • Lunar
Calendar • Drawing Down the Moon • Full Moon
Dedication Ritual • Computer Protection spell
15. LORE (grey) ................................................ 222
Atlantis, Lemuria & Mu • This Age of Heroes •
Amazons and Warrior Women • More Myths and
Legends • The Mabinogion • Legendary Artifacts
16. DARK ARTS (black) ...................................237
Wizardry & the Shadow • Monsters • Monsters of
Mystery • Demons • Great Cthulhu & the
Necronomicon • The Evil Eye • Shielding • Mirror
Shield • Shadow-Casting • Weather Magick
Contributors ...............................................250
Notes, Credits & References .......................253
Index ...........................................................259
CUT-OUTS(to copy onto card stock and assemble) . 265
Watchbird Watching You! • Thaumatropes &
Fantascopes • Planetary Hour Calculator •
Telepathy Cards • Psychokinesis Spinners •
Jim’s Magic Box • Leonardo da Vinci
Ornithopter • 4 Nifty Dragons • Mariner’s
Astrolabe • Pocket Sundial • The Milky Way
Galaxy • The Mystic Pyramid • Golden Mean
Calipers • The 5 Platonic Solids • Great
Goddess Paper Dolls
附《魔法师学徒的魔法书》英文原版《Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard》:

发表于 2017-8-15 11:23:45 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-22 02:35:45 | 只看该作者
2422735913 發表於 2017-9-9 14:29
求问楼主,我买了中文版的魔法书,伴侣书以及怪物图签。可是后面的基本在网上完全找不到了,魔法师的圆圈和 ...

英文原版书我会在 Library Genesis 碰碰运气

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