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发表于 2007-11-25 00:05:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Chart Rectification

Nicholas Campion, "The Practical Astrologer", p.p. 125.


The problem of the uncertain birth time has bedevilled astrology for
the past two thousand years. When a birth time is unknown the astrologer
may cast a solar chart, either for midnight, dawn, or noon, depending on
personal prederence.

(* 不知道生时的时候常常用半夜、中午来当作出生时间 *)

However, many astrologers attempt to work out an exact birth time by a
process known as RECTIFICATION. There is no uniformly accepted procedure
but the standard practice is to take major events from the individual's
life and correlate these with the expected transits over the ASCENDANT

(* 生时校正 -- Rectification, 一般常用一些生命中的主要事件, 看这些事件跟
ASC. [东升点, 上升宫位] 还有 Midheaven [中天] 的关连 *)

This is relatively simple if the approximate birth time is known and if
all that is required is to establish the degree of the Ascendant. However,
if there is no record of an approximate birth time, the astrologer has to
cope with many different possibilities.

(* 就试着配合大约的出生时间, 来调整跟 ASC. 的相关角度 *)


A guess at a likely rising sign might be made in the light of the
individual's known behaviour and by looking at characteristics that are
not accounted for by the SUN and MOON.

(* 用上升宫位 [ASC.] 的星座来看看一个人外在显着的特质, 找那些不受太阳跟
月亮影响的特质 *)

Some astrologers take notice of the physical appearance as this is often
partly signified by the ASCENDANT.

(* 有些占星学家则用身体上的特徵来分辨 ASC. 的位置 *)

For example, if a person has red hair this may indicate an ASCENDANT in
one of the fire signs - Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - while dark intense
eyes are often a sign of a Scorpio ASCENDANT.

(* 例如: 一个人有红头发, 可能是因为 ASC. 在火象星座 - 牡羊、狮子、射手,
而黑而深邃的眼睛则通常是来自天蝎在 ASC. 的影响 *)

Once a possible Ascendant has been established the other houses can be
filled in and the distribution of plants in houses correlated with the
person's interests and circumstance.

(* 当一个可能的 ASC. 决定了以後, <敏感詞>的事项宫位也跟着被决定了 ... 因此
可以看看在这些宫位里的星曜对命盘所产生的关连性来推断生时。 比如说在
个人兴趣跟环境的关连性 .... *)


The first events the astrologer considers are those that happen in early
childhood, especially serious illness, accident, or other traumatic events
which should be shown by major transits over the Ascendant or perhaps by
major aspects from the progressed Ascendant.

(* 一般玩占星的常常先拿孩提时期的事件来当作校正的考量, 特别是严重的疾病、
此时考量的是慢速行星所形成的移位对本命 ASC. 所造成的相位影响,
或者是本命盘中主要相位与推进所形成的 ASC. 所造成的影响 *)

For example, if the astrologer has decided on a Virgo Ascendant and
finds that at the age of three, when Mars and Uranus were conjunct at
10 deg. Virgo, the child had a near fatal accident, this would be taken
as evidence in favour of an Ascendant of 10 deg. Virgo.

(* 举个例子来说, 我们先猜这个人应该是以处女座 (Virgo) 当 ASC., 然後发现在
他 3 岁的时候, 火星、天王星聚集在处女座 (Virgo) 10 度形成合相, 刚好发生
了一场差点挂掉的意外事件。 我们通常就会把这个事件拿来决定他的 ASC. 就在
处女座 10 度 *)

Events in later life, such as marriage, can also be used to indicate the
Ascendant and birth time.

(* 在他往後人生所发生的事件, 像结婚这样的大事, 也可以拿来决定 ASC. 跟详细的
出生时间 *)

Princess Diana's engagement to Prince Charles gives us a suitable example.

(* 用戴安娜王妃跟查理斯王子的订婚为例来说 .... *)

Her accepted birth time gives an Ascendant of 18 deg. Sagittarius and a
Midheaven of 23 deg. Libra.

(* 戴安娜的 ASC. 在射手座 18 度, 中天在天秤座 23 度 *)

But at the time of her engagement progressed Venus (indicating love) was at
16 deg. Gemini approaching an opposition to her natal Ascendant.

(* 而定婚的时间刚好金星 [ 主爱情 ] 推进到双子座 16 度, 接近本命 ASC. 的
对冲位置 *)

And transiting Pluto (indicating transformation in life style) was at
21 deg. Libra, approaching a conjunction with her Midheaven.

(* 同时移位中的冥王星 [ 主生活风格的一种转换 ] 刚好在天秤座 21 度, 接近跟
中天重叠形成合相的位置 *)

An astrologer rectifying her chart might decide that at her engagement
progressed Venus and transiting Pluto must have been in exact aspect with
her birth chart, giving her an Ascendant of 16 deg. Sagittarius and a
Midheaven of 21 deg. Libra, and a birth time eight minutes prior to the
record time.

(* 如果利用订婚时间所求出的金星推进跟冥王星的移位, 根据其所形成准确的相位,
则会校正戴安娜的 ASC. 在射手座 16 度, 中天在天秤座 21 度。
比原先记录中的出生时间早 8 分钟, 因为 4 分钟差一度, 共差了两度。 *)


┌—┬—┬—┬—┐ 金星推进
│ │ │ │ o 双子 16 度
中天 ├—┼—┴—┼—┤
天秤 23 度# * 冥王 │ │
├—┤天秤 ├—┤
│ │21 度 │ │
@ │ │ │ │
Asc. └—┴—┴—┴—┘
射手 18 度


Rectification, however, is a subtle job which depends totally on the
impression of the astrologer. There is nothing scientific in it and to
imaging that a rectified time is the objectively "correct" birth time is
nonsense. There is always evidence to suggest a different birth time.

(* 生时校对是个敏感度高的工作, 依赖的是玩占星的人对整张盘的深刻体会。 没有
什麽科学化的方式可以说校对出来的生时就铁定一定是" 正确 "的出生时间。
常常总是有不同的事件, 可以推出不同的出生时间 *)

For example, in Princess Diana's case, transiting Neptune at her engagement
was at 22 deg. Sagittarius, suggesting an Ascendant of 22 deg. Sagittarius
and a birth time 16 minutes later than her recorded time.

(* 比如说就拿刚刚戴安娜为例, 她订婚时海王星在射手座 22 度, 如果假设她的
ASC. 在射手座 22 度, 那麽实际出生时间就比先前记录中的出生时间晚了 16
分钟 *)
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