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《Gems of Wisdom-Words of the great Kabbalists from all generations》

发表于 2016-6-25 11:03:31 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
簡介: (看图片)
語言: 英文
格式: pdf
作者: Compiled by Yaniv C
目錄: foreWord ..................................................... 9
The PurPose of CreaTion ..........................13
The Creator Is the Absolute Goodness................. 13
What Is the Purpose of Creation?..........................14
The Purpose of Creation
Applies to the Entire Human Race........................21
Why Did the Creator Burden Us with Creation? ....24
Why Is the Creator Concealed from Man? ........... 29
The Creator’s Guidance
Is a Purposeful Guidance ...................................... 34
The essenCe of The Wisdom of Kabbalah ... 39
The Question of Life ............................................. 39
What Does the Wisdom Concern? ....................... 40
All the Wisdoms in the World
Are Included in the Wisdom of Kabbalah............ 44
Realism and Practicality
in the Wisdom of Kabbalah .................................. 48
The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy ............51
The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Ethics................... 57
The KabbalisTs.........................................61
Who Is a Kabbalist? ................................................61
Walking in the Path of Kabbalists ......................... 66
The Principal Kabbalah Writings...........................74
The language of Kabbalah ...................... 85
The Wisdom of Kabbalah
Does Not Speak of Our Corporeal World............ 85
The Law of Roots and Branches............................ 89
The Language of the Kabbalists
Is a Language of Branches ..................................... 95
All the Languages Are Included
in the Wisdom of Kabbalah .................................. 98
The ConCealed Torah
and The revealed Torah ......................... 101
Attainment of the Torah Begins with Sod [Secret]
and Ends with Peshat [Literal]..............................101
Studying the Concealed Torah
Is Preferable to the Revealed Torah..................... 104
Who is suiTable for sTudying Kabbalah .. 111
Concerning the Obligation of Each Person
to Study the Wisdom of Kabbalah.......................111
The Opposition to the Study
of the Wisdom of Kabbalah ................................ 129
Engaging in Kabbalah
Requires No Preliminary Excellence ................... 138
The meaning of israel
and The naTions of The World ................ 143
Yasher-El [Straight to the Creator]....................... 143
Why Was the Torah Given to Israel?................... 144
All of Israel Are Responsible for One Another .. 149
Israel’s Role Toward the World ........................... 153
Israel Must Carry Out
Their Role toward the World .............................. 162
Kabbalah noW ....................................... 167
Proof that Our Generation
Has Reached the Days of the Messiah..................167
An Opportunity for Redemption.........................174
The Importance of Disseminating
the Wisdom of Kabbalah......................................178
The booK of Zohar ................................ 185
Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai and His Friends......... 185
The Importance of The Book of Zohar................187
Torah and miTZvoT ................................ 199
Torah.................................................................... 199
Mitzvot ................................................................. 200
The Essence of the Work in Torah and Mitzvot . 202
613 Suggestions and 613 Deposits....................... 207
The Torah Develops
the Recognition of Evil in a Person......................213
What Is a Prayer? ..................................................219
Only the Light in the Torah Reforms the Person...234
Workers of the Creator
Who Make the Torah Arid.................................. 242
The aPProaCh To sTudying
The Wisdom of Kabbalah ........................255
The Remedy in the Engagement
in the Wisdom of Kabbalah ................................ 255
The Importance of the Preparation
for the Study ........................................................ 258
The Importance of the Intention
during the Study ...................................................261
from love of oThers
To love of The CreaTor ..........................269
Love of Others Is the Means
to Attain the Love of the Creator........................ 269
A Prayer of Many ..................................................277
The naTure of man
and The naTure of The CreaTor ............... 283
Man’s Essence Is the Will to Receive .................. 283
Egoism Is Embedded in the Nature
of Every Person .................................................... 286
The Superiority of Man to the Beast................... 290
The Subject of the Purpose of Creation Is Man....298
The Discrepancy between Man’s Nature and
the Nature of the Creator.................................... 301
Remoteness from the Creator
Is the Reason for all Suffering ............................. 303
Two Ways to Discover the Wholeness................. 308
freedom of ChoiCe ................................. 315
Does a Person Have Free Choice? ........................315
The Influence of the Environment on a Person ... 321
The Freedom of the Collective and
the Freedom of the Individual Are One ............. 329
sPiriTual WorK in The grouP .................. 341
The Purpose of Society.........................................341
Obtaining the Greatness of the Creator
through the Environment.................................... 342
Unity of the Friends ............................................ 347
The Power in Bonding......................................... 356
Principles of Spiritual Work in the Group ......... 360
Writers’ Envy Increases Wisdom......................... 366
The Right Conduct at the Assembly of Friends . 368
PerCePTion of realiT y............................. 373
Everything Is Preordained ................................... 373
The Entire Reality Is Contained within Man ......377
We Have Neither Attainment Nor Perception
of any Matter........................................................ 380
All Changes Are in the Desire, Not in the Light...384
A Thought Is an Upshot of the Desire................ 390
Time and Motion ................................................ 392
Incarnation of Souls ............................................ 395
the Greatness of Baal hasulam ............... 399
KaBBalists Cited in this BooK ....................413
researChers and PhilosoPhers
Write aBout KaBBalah .............................. 443
further readinG ....................................... 455
aBout Bnei BaruCh ................................... 463


发表于 2016-7-1 09:04:51 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2016-7-21 19:10:44 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2016-8-5 18:22:53 | 只看该作者
good book

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发表于 2016-10-26 11:02:13 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2016-12-19 00:34:21 | 只看该作者
The Opposition to the Study

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发表于 2018-7-12 18:02:21 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2020-11-9 13:13:34 | 只看该作者

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