本帖最后由 Delilah 于 2018-7-27 08:58 编辑
早些时候Sefer Yetzirah都是翻译做《形成之书》的(最早是tlolaymen前辈的翻译),不知道从什么时候圈内改用《创造之书》这个译名了。个人怀疑是从英译本翻译时导致的偏差,因为Wescott在1887年的英译本把这本书翻译做了Book of Creation。
但实际上,Yetzirath 是 Formation,Beriah 才是对应 Creation。关于这一点wiki上有一段解释:
In Hebrew, Yetzirah can mean either "creation" or "formation," but can also refer to the created or formed object itself. A work of art, for example, is called in Hebrew 'yetzira', as well as the action of creating it. Thus, the name Sefer Yetzirah could refer to the act of creating or forming the cosmos, or to the cosmos itself, or both. Since there is a specific Hebrew word for the creation of the cosmos (briah) it is more likely that the meaning refers to formation, or formed-object, or both.
Atzilut,the World of Emanation,圣光界 (Olam ha-Assiah)
Beriah,the World of Creation,创造界 (Olam ha-briah)
Yetzirath,the World of Formation,形成界 (Olam ha-Yetzirah)
Asyiah,the World of Action 行动界 (Olam ha-Assiah)
所以,若将Sefer Yetzirah翻译做《创造之书》,那么四个世界这里就没办法作出区分了。翻译做《创世之书》就更不恰当了,因为Yetzirah不仅仅指代“这个世界形成的过程”或“形成的世界”,还指代这种“形成”或者说创造力本身。