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翻譯:小五芒星的驅逐儀式 LBRP

发表于 2010-6-11 23:33:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  這個儀式具有相當多種的變化,並且你總是可以在任何有關儀式魔法的書中看到它。關於這個儀式最清楚的描寫是來自於Doland Michael Kraig在他所寫的一本書名為「現代魔法」的魔法書中,書中的描述如下:















  視覺化一個形體站在你面前的山丘。祂穿著黃色的聖袍,並帶著微微的紫光。祂提著莫丘里斯的神杖(一支纏繞著兩隻蛇的權杖,它象徵著生命的力量),祂的聖袍在風中飄揚。你應該可以感覺到自形體吹來的微風。吟誦這個天使長之名:Before me, Raphael. (BEFORE ME , RAH--FAY—EL)

  視覺化一個形體出現在你後面,祂穿著藍色的聖袍,並代著微微的橙光。祂捧著聖杯,並被瀑布所環繞。試著去祂所代來的濕氣。再一次,吟永這個天使長之名:Behind me, Gabriel.(BEHIND ME,GAHBRAY---EL)

  在你的右邊視覺化一個穿著鮮紅色並帶著微微綠光的形體。祂拿著一把燃燒之劍,並且你應該可以感受到祂所帶來的熱浪。吟誦:On my right hand, Michael(ON MY RIGHT HAND, MEE--CHAI--EL)

  在你的左邊視覺化一個穿著綠色與棕色,站在壯麗的山水間的形體。祂捧著一些豐收的麥子。吟誦:and on my left hand Uriel(AND ON MY LEFT HAND,OHR--REE--EL)

  將你的左腳往左移,並且視覺化另一個漂亮的燃燒著的藍色五芒星將你包圍,它的輪廓包圍在你身體之外。吟誦:For about me flames the pentagram...

  視覺化一個金色的六芒星在你體內,在你心臟的右邊(身體的中心)。吟誦:and within me shines the six-rayed star.



  This ritual has a huge amount of variations and can be found in almost any book on ritual magick in one form or another. A lucid description of this ritual is given by Doland Michael Kraig in his book Modern Magick1, it is presented below.

  Stand, facing east. Know that you are in the presence of God, the ritual has begun!

Part One: The Qabalistic Cross

Part Two: The Formation of the Pentagrams:

  Walk forward (to the left if navigating obstructions) to the eastern edge of your area (circle), facing to the east. Describe a large flaming blue pentagram, see the flame follow the tip of your finger as you trace it before you in the manner indicated in the following diagram.

  Inhale through the nose. As you do, feel energy flow from the ends of the universe through your nose and body, and down and out of the bottoms of your feet to the center of the Earth. As you inhale raise both hands to the sides of your head by your ears, index fingers of both hands pointing forwards and rest of your fingers closed into a fist.

  Step forward with the left foot. At the same time thrust your hands forward so that they point at the exact middle of the glowing blue pentagram in front of you. As you do this you should exhale and feel the energy come back up your body, out your arms and hands, through the pentagram and to the ends of the universe. You should use the entire exhalation to vibrate the God Name: YHVH

  Bring your hands back to your ears while bringing your left foot back to its original position. Put your left hand down by your side and point to the center of the pentagram with your right. Now trace a line in the air at the height of the center of the pentagram as you move in a clockwise direction around the edge of your circle's space. You should go 90 degrees so that you end up in the south, facing south. As you trace the line in the air you should visualize a brilliant white light emanating from the tip of your finger. At the south, repeat the previous process of drawing the pentagram but vibrate the God Name: Adonai

  Repeat as above, but move to the west and vibrate: Eheieh

  Repeat as above, but move to the north and vibrate: AGLA

Complete the circle by connecting a white line from the north to the east where you began. Then moving in the same clockwise direction move back to the center of your area as when you started the ritual. You should once again be facing east.

  Now visualize a brilliant white circle expanding up and down to form a sphere above, below and all around you.

  What you have done is create a sphere in brilliant white all around you with electric blue pentagrams at the quarters which have been charged and sealed with names of God.

Part Three: The Evocation of the Archangels:

  Spread your arms straight out to the sides so your body forms a cross. Take a second or two to again feel the energies flowing through you and making you a brilliant cross of light at the center of the universe. The cross also represents the four archetypal elements: Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

  Visualize a figure on a hill in front of you. The figure is dressed in yellow robes which have some purplish highlights. The figure carries a caduceus wand (a wand entwined by serpents, which represents life-force) and the figure's robes wave in the wind. You should "feel" a breeze coming from behind the figure. Say, Before me, Raphael. Vibrate the name of the Archangel.

  Visualize a figure behind you, dressed in blue with some orange highlights. The figure holds a cup and is surrounded by waterfalls. Try to feel the moisture in the air. Say, Behind me, Gabriel. Again, vibrate the name of the Archangel.

  On your right visualize a figure dressed in scarlet with green highlights. The figure holds a flaming sword and you should feel heat coming from this direction. Say, On my right hand, Michael. (vibrate the name)

  To your left visualize a figure dressed in greens and browns on a fertile landscape. The figure holds some sheaves of wheat. Say, and on my left hand Uriel. (vibrate the name)

  Move your left foot out to your left and visualize another beautiful flaming blue pentagram all around you, outlining your body. Say, For about me flames the pentagram...

  Visualize a golden hexagram within you, right where your heart is. Say, and within me shines the six-rayed star.

  Part Four: The Qabalistic Cross:Repeat The Qabalistic Cross from part one.
发表于 2010-6-12 09:12:30 | 只看该作者

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