Other God 显然不同于宗教、神话或其他文学作品中的神明。他们没有明确的司职,也不需要为任何事物负责[注]。相反,他们更多的是一种象征意义,并集中体现了洛夫克 拉夫特笔下宇宙的特点。他们给人们带来的那些陌生、怪诞、神秘、恐怖以及疯狂的感觉,正代表着人类对于这个陌生宇宙的感觉。当洛夫克拉夫特在小说创作中试 着将这些感觉加诸在某一个特定存在身上时,它等同地获得了这个陌生宇宙的某些方面的特征,便有了Other God。所以他们并不是真正意义上的“god”,他们不是创造和支配宇宙万物的主宰,相反他们是整个宇宙的代言人。
“…… as the blind cosmos grinds aimlessly on from nothing to something and from something back to nothing again, neither heeding nor knowing the wishes or existence of the minds that flicker for a second now and then in the darkness.”
“Outside the ordered universe [is] that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.”
“Eventually there had been a hint of vast, leaping shadows, of a monstrous, half-acoustic pulsing, and of the thin, monotonous piping of an unseen flute—but that was all. Gilman decided he had picked up that last conception from what he had read in the Necronomicon about the mindless entity Azathoth, which rules all time and space from a black throne at the centre of Chaos.”
犹格·索托斯是洛夫克拉夫特创造得最晚的一个Other God。他在1927年完成的小说《The Case of Charles Dexter Ward》中首先提到了“Yog-Sothoth”这个名字——当时这个名字出现在一段死者复生的咒语里。随后他在1927年的《敦威治恐怖事件》与 1932年的《The Horror in the Museum》非常简短地介绍了这个存在。
“Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.”
“There was no visual image, yet the sense of entity and the awful concept of combined localism and identity and infinity lent a paralyzing terror beyond anything which any Carter-fragment had hitherto deemed capable of existing.”
“In the face of that awful wonder, the quasi-Carter forgot the horror of destroyed individuality. It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self ……yet in a flash the Carter-facet realized how slight and fractional all these conceptions are.
“And now the Being was addressing the Carter-facet in prodigious waves that smote and burned and thundered - a concentration of energy that blasted its recipient with well-nigh unendurable violence, and that paralleled in an unearthly rhythm the curious swaying of the Ancient Ones, and the flickering of the monstrous lights, in that baffling region beyond the First Gate. It was as though suns and worlds and universes had converged upon one point whose very position in space they had conspired to annihilate with an impact of resistless fury. ”
“The gutless zeal of Carter and all his forebears for forbidden cosmic secrets was a natural result of derivation from the Supreme Archetype. On every world all great wizards, all great thinkers, all great artists, are facets of It.”
在 《Nyarlathotep》并没有提到奈亚拉托提普的目的为何,只是说他“He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet.”[注]。同时他一个城市一个城市的旅行,向人们谈论科学(主要是电学和心理学),并展示那些令人目瞪口呆的力量。
同样牵涉奈亚拉托提普比较多的作品还有1926/27年创作的《The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath》。在这部作品中奈亚拉托提以梦境之地Great Ones的保护者这一身份出现的。同时,这部作品也赋予了奈亚拉托提普许多后来作品很少表现的特征。
首先,这基本是唯一一次洛夫克拉夫特 提到他是Great Ones的保护者——事实上原文是“……(Great Ones)subject to strange protection from the mindless Other Gods from Outside, whose soul and messenger is the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep. ”即,Great Ones受到来自Outside的Other Gods的保护,而Other Gods的 soul 与 messenger 就是奈亚拉托提普。“奈亚拉托提普是外神的使者与心魂”的说法也应该来自于此,只是大多数人对那个soul存在着一定的误解。
需要指出的 是,奈亚拉托提普所提供的保护却完全不是善意的。在《The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath》的结尾,洛夫克拉夫特曾提到,他会粗鲁地奚落Great Ones,并将他们从日落之城的狂欢中抓回来。事实上所谓的保护,更像是一种控制和统治。
其次,在《The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath》中,奈亚拉托提普表现出的力量事实上非常有限——和受后世神话作品影响的读者所想象的完全不同,文中奈亚拉托提普并不能轻而易举地毁掉伦道 夫·卡特;反而希望通过将卡特送到阿撒托斯面前从而来毁掉他——当然这可以认为这是奈亚拉托提普故意为之,但无论如何伦道夫·卡特仍一次次逃脱了他的陷 阱。甚至他还被伦道夫·卡特欺骗过一次,结果徒劳地在月亮山脉的黑暗洞穴中等待。
在《暗夜呢喃》中,他的名字出现在米·戈的仪式里:“To Nyarlathotep, Mighty Messenger, must all things be told.”
在《魔女屋中之梦》里,他是女巫提到Black Man,将吉尔曼带到阿撒托斯的面前。
最后在《夜魔》里,被认为是奈亚拉托提普的化身的夜魔(The Haunter of the Dark)能够向人展现其他的世界与许多奥秘。
很 多人都不知道那个长着山羊蹄子名叫“莎布·尼古拉斯”的触手怪并不是洛夫克拉夫特的创造。洛夫克拉夫特对于这个神明唯一贡献只有一个“I?! Shub-Niggurath!”与一句“I?! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!”
I?! Shub-Niggurath!
“I?! Shub-Niggurath!”这个短语出现得较早,最早应该是出现在1928年的《The Last Test》或者同年的《敦威治恐怖事件》中(我记不清楚了,资料上也有说《The Last Test》是27年的作品)。而1930年的《暗夜呢喃》中洛夫克拉夫特又在这个短语后加上了另一段短语,于是有了那句著名的:
“I?! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!”
“I?! Shub-Niggurath! The Goat with a Thousand Young!”
所有这些情况似乎都反映洛夫克拉夫特并没有刻意想要创造一个叫做“Shub-Niggurath”的神。在他的小说里“I?! Shub-Niggurath!”几乎就是一个语气词,缺乏具体的意思,就像是基督徒说的“阿门”或者“阿弥陀佛”或者“老天在上”。而后面那句“The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!”也是一句典型的符合英语文法却缺乏实际意义的短语。一般认为这句话应该是对“I?! Shub-Niggurath!”的描述或解释——但问题是这句话本身就意义不明——The Goat with a Thousand Young还好解释,但是“The Black Goat of the Woods”就很难说有什么合理的解释了。
PS:鲁道夫·法拉 雷斯(Rodolfo Ferraresi)写过一篇名叫《The Question of Shub-Niggurath》的评论,也讨论了类似的问题——不过他认为洛夫克拉夫特是把Shub-Niggurath当作一个神来看的,这个问题接下 来再谈。
洛夫克拉夫特曾在两篇小说中非常明确提到了存在着一个名叫“Shub- Niggurath”的神。其一是在《The Mound》,在这篇他与比夏普合作的小说中他简略地提到了莎布·尼古拉斯的神殿。另外则是其一他在1935年与黑兹尔·黑尔德合作的《Out of the Aeons》。小说中非常简单地提到了莎布·尼古拉斯的高阶祭司;同时也提到了供奉着孕育千万子孙的山羊的黄铜神殿。但除此之外就没有再多的描述了。由于 这两篇小说是合作的——《The Mound》也有可能是洛夫克拉夫特代笔——所以也很难说清楚这到底是出自洛夫克拉夫特的想法,还是出自另一作者的想法。