
标题: 密特拉教和基督教的关联 [打印本页]

作者: 水印    时间: 2012-7-14 19:12
标题: 密特拉教和基督教的关联
There is much speculation that Christian beliefs were influenced by Mithraic belief. Ernest Renan, in The Origins of Christianity, promoted the idea that Mithraism was the prime competitor to Christianity in the second through the fourth century AD, although most scholars feel the written claims that the emperors Nero, Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, and the Tetrarchs were initiates are dubious at best, and there is no evidence that Mithraic worship was accorded any official status as a Roman cult. Except in its official form as 'Sol Invictus,' the first universal religion of the Greco Roman world.
很有可能基督教信仰是受到密特拉神信仰的影响。在《基督教的起源》里面,东罗马帝国发扬的密特拉教思想最初在二世纪到四世纪是同基督教竞争,尽管大多数学者感觉到书写声称君主尼禄,Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla和一些小王领主的作品最好开始时是不确实的,也没有证据显示出密特拉教的崇拜与任何罗马官方形式的祭礼相一致。除了作为“索尔崇拜”的官方形式之外,格雷哥罗马世界的第一个普世宗教。
Bull and cave themes are found in Christian shrines dedicated to the archangel Michael, who, after the officialization of Christianity, became the patron Saint of soldiers. Many of those shrines were converted Mithraea, for instance the sacred cavern at Monte Gargano in Apulia, refounded in 493. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the Mithras cult was transferred to the previously unvenerated archangel.
献身于天使长米迦勒的公牛和洞穴主题发现在基督教神祠上,是在基督教被官方化的后期,成为了士兵的守护神。很多神祠都更换成太阳式洞穴,比如阿普利亚区的Monte Gargano,于493年建立。这很难消除一个结论,那就是密特拉神的祭礼被转换成以前的天使长崇敬。
Bull and crypt are linked in the Christian saint Saturnin (frequently "Sernin" or "Saturninus") of Toulouse, France. The Mithraeum is retained as a crypt under his earliest church, evocatively named "Notre-Dame du Taur."
公牛和地下室与基督教圣人撒特丁(Saturnin,经常被法国南部城市图卢兹称作“Sernin”或者"Saturninus")相关。太阳式洞穴作为一个早期教堂的地下室而保留着,唤起的名字是“Notre-Dame du Taur”。
It has also been speculated that the ancient Orobouros of Mithraism (the encircling serpent about to bite its own tail) was adapted for a Christian symbol of the limited confines of time and space. The snake around a rock also is reminscent of the Midgard serpent, J鰎mungandr, who was said to surround Midgard (the Earth) according to Norse traditions.
Christians would argue that because the Gospels were written mostly before 100 and that since little is known of Roman Mithraism until after 100 that it is not plausible to say that Christianity borrowed any of its doctrines from Mithraism; some Christians have suggested that Mithraism may have borrowed some elements from Christianity. Other, non-Christian scholars disagree on both the dating of the gospels and with the conclusions made.
A better determinant of borrowing, is to compare core doctrines between Christianity and Mithraism. The adoption of imagery or icons or festivals is fairly peripheral (such as the adoption by christendom of winter solstice or Saturnalia festivals as Christmas) but seldom reflects basic religious tenets. A further example of this is the various gnostic cults (such as Pelagianism) which adopted the personage of Jesus or the concept of a Savior, yet did not adopt the underlying doctrinal elements.

Parallels to Christianity

According to Martin A. Larson, in The Story of Christian Origins(1977), Mithraism and Christianity derived from the same sources, originally from the savior cult of Osiris. However, Larson believes that the Essenes were Jewish Pythagoreans, whose members not only gave birth to Christianity as Essenes, but were directly influenced by Zoroastrian doctrine as Pythagoreans. Mithraism, an established but exclusive sect devoted to social justice, was assimilated by state-sponsored Christianity before being disposed of in name.
根据Martin A. Larson, 在〈基督教故事的起源〉(1977)上,密特拉教和基督教是源自相同的来源,最初是源自于对救世主欧西里斯的祭礼。然而,Larson认为艾赛尼派是犹太人的毕达哥拉斯学派,成员不仅作为艾赛尼派而给予基督教诞生之地,而且还因为毕达哥拉斯而直接受到琐罗亚斯德教义的影响。密特拉教,一个已经确立后但唯我独尊的教派,专心于社会的正义,在处理名相之前就被声称的基督教发起者所吸收。
Though no texts of Mithraism survive, various fragments, inscriptions and critical commentaries show that Mithraism and early Christianity both possess similar religious doctrines. 砊he resemblances between the two churches were so striking as to impress even the minds of antiquity?(Cumont, 193). From their common Zoroastrian sources, Mithraism first held that all souls pre-existed in the ethereal regions, and inhabited a body upon birth. Life then becomes a great struggle between good and evil, spirit and body, the children of light versus the children of darkness (identical to Pythagoreanism). All souls were to be judged by Mithra (represented as a bull) with the Elect going to heaven, and the earthly and evil being annihilated in a great battle. Mithraism divided the human race into three classes: the spiritual Elect, the wicked, and those who try to be good but can't seem to overcome evil. The Elect go straight to heaven, while the good-intentioned wait until judgment to be resurrected, where the wicked will be destroyed.
Both Christianity and Mithraism prided themselves in brotherhood and organized their members as church congregations. Both religions purified themselves through baptism, and each participated in the same type of sacrament, bread and wine. Mithra was born in a cave; a cave is likewise the setting for the nativity of Jesus in the widely-read and influential Gospel of James, which though not canonical is the earliest surviving document attesting the veneration of Mary and claiming her continuing virginity. Both nativities were celebrated on December 25th, and each savior was visited by shepherds with gifts. Both Mithraism and Christianity considered Sunday their holy day, despite early Christianity observing the Jewish Sabbath for centuries. Many have noted that the title of Pope is found in Mithraic doctrine and seemingly prohibited in Christian doctrine. The words Peter (rock) and mass (sacrament) have original significance in Mithraism.
Both Mithraism and early Christianity considered abstinence, celibacy, and self-control to be among their highest virtues. Both had similar beliefs about the world, destiny, heaven and hell, and the immortality of the soul. Their conceptions of the battles between good and evil were almost identical, with Christianity adopting millennial epochs that were integral to Mithraism from Zoroastrianism. "They both admitted to the existence of a heaven inhabited by beautiful ones奱nd a hell peopled by demons situate in the bowels of earth." (Cumont, 191) Both religions placed a flood at the beginning of history, and both believed in revelation as key to their doctrine. Both awaited the last judgment and resurrection of the dead after the final conflagration of the universe. Christ and Mithra were both referred to directly as the "Logos" (Larson 184).
It is probable that Christianity emphasized common features that attracted Mithra followers, perhaps the crucifix appealed to those Mithra followers who had crosses already branded on their foreheads. In art, the halo was a well-known depiction of Mithra, a true sun god, but which also depicts Christ in the same way. However, the similiarities were an embarrassment, and differences such as star gazing were persecuted as heresy. Trypho wrote that 矹ustin Martyr declared that in a certain cave near Bethlehem奙ary brought forth the Christ妕hose who presided over the mysteries of Mithras were stirred up by the devil to say that in a place called among them a cave, they were initiated by them?(LXXVIII). Tertullian seems to have feared the parallels between Mithraism and Christianity the most, demonizing Mithraism as a perverted truth planted by the devil.

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