在你的右邊視覺化一個穿著鮮紅色並帶著微微綠光的形體。祂拿著一把燃燒之劍,並且你應該可以感受到祂所帶來的熱浪。吟誦:On my right hand, Michael(ON MY RIGHT HAND, MEE--CHAI--EL)
在你的左邊視覺化一個穿著綠色與棕色,站在壯麗的山水間的形體。祂捧著一些豐收的麥子。吟誦:and on my left hand Uriel(AND ON MY LEFT HAND,OHR--REE--EL)
將你的左腳往左移,並且視覺化另一個漂亮的燃燒著的藍色五芒星將你包圍,它的輪廓包圍在你身體之外。吟誦:For about me flames the pentagram...
視覺化一個金色的六芒星在你體內,在你心臟的右邊(身體的中心)。吟誦:and within me shines the six-rayed star.
*3:White end of the Outer Wand of Double Power,是一種雙端為白色中央為黑色的權杖,另有一種相反的End end of the Outer Wand of Double Power,則用於驅逐儀式。
Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (LIRP)
The Lesser Rituals of the Pentagram, or commonly called Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, (LBRP/LIRP) were the only actual rituals taught to and used by the Outer Order of the traditional Golden Dawn. This Invoking Pentagram Ritual should be used as a Daily Ritual which will help invoke the energy and call the spiritual forces into ones temple or ritual space.
Perform The Fourfould Breath
Perform The Qabalistic Cross
1. Touching the forehead, say Atah.
2. Touching the breast, say Malkuth.
3. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah.
4. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah.
5. Clasping the hands upon the breast, say le-Olam, AMEN.
Facing East, use the index finger of the right hand, a dagger, or the White end of the Outer Wand of Double Power to trace a large Lesser Invoking Pentagram.
Charge it with Light by piercing either the dagger, wand tip or index finger through the center of the pentagram and vibrate "YHVH" (Yode-Heh-Vav-Heh). Keep the arm extended while tracing a line of white Light as you turn or move to the SOUTH. (Keep the right arm extended throughout; never let it drop.)
Facing South, with the White end of the wand trace another large Lesser Invoking Pentagram .
Charge the pentagram as before by thrusting the wand, through the center of the pentagram and vibrate, "ADNI!" (Ah-doh-nye). Keeping the arm extended, trace a line of white Light as you turn or move to the WEST.
Facing West, with the White end of the wand trace again a large Lesser Invoking Pentagram.
Charge the pentagram as before by thrusting the wand, through the center of the pentagram and vibrate, "EHEIH!" (Eh-hey-yay). Keeping the arm extended, trace a line of white Light as you turn or move to the NORTH.
Facing North, with the White end of the wand trace a large Lesser invoking pentagram.
Charge the pentagram as before by thrusting the wand, through the center of the pentagram and vibrate, "AGLA!" (Ah-gah-la). Keeping the arm extended, trace a line of white Light as you turn or move back to the EAST.
Facing to the East extend both arms out in the form of a cross and say, "Before me RAPHAEL" (Rah-fahy-el). Visualize before you the great Archangel of Air rising out of the clouds in flowing yellow and violet robes, carrying a Caduceus Wand.
Behind you visualize another figure and say "Behind me GABRIEL" (Gah-bree-el). See the Archangel stepping out of the sea like the goddess Venus, dressed in robes of blue and orange, with cup in hand.
See to your right another figure in flaming red and green robes carrying a sword Say "On my right hand MICHAEL" (Mee-chai-el).
See another great Archangel at your left, who rises up from the vegetation of the Earth in robes of citrine, olive, russet, and black, holding stems of ripened wheat.
Say, "On my left hand URIEL" (Ur-ee-el).
(Say:) "For about me flames the pentagram, and in the column shines the Six-rayed Star."
Repeat The Qabalistic Cross.
Note: A few of the benefits that may be obtained from the L.I.R.P.; it will aid in grounding mental and emotional conditions, it will allow the student to call forth the four elements within his circle, and the Zelator will have the ability to commune with the four great Archangels. A few basic rules should be kept in mind when performing the ritual.
While in the learning stage, it is advisable not to perform the L.I.R.P. before going to sleep. The energies invoked may be too potent for a novice and therefore may disturb one's peace of mind, making it hard to get any rest. Keep in mind that the Archangels are to be facing the Zelator in the ritual, and lastly, that it is not necessary to perform the L.B.R.P. after the L.I.R.P. under normal circumstances. What is meant by normal circumstances is to say that other than conditions of using the ritual for balancing, grounding and conversing with the Archangels, it is usually not necessary to banish afterwards.作者: 枫痕 时间: 2010-6-12 13:01
类似内容的帖子已经有人发过了 不过也还是辛苦楼主咯作者: 傑歐卡 时间: 2010-6-12 13:39
LIRP跟LBRP是兩個不同的儀式喔,呵呵。作者: 殿下 时间: 2010-6-12 21:53
感謝樓主作者: 天罚 时间: 2010-6-13 17:15
多谢楼主了。作者: 光辉岁月 时间: 2012-10-29 19:03