与吸血鬼密不可分的三个历史人物 1440年,法国的德·莱斯(Gilles de Rais)男爵在英法百年战争中曾是圣女贞德的战友,当他退隐于马什库勒(Machecoul)后,迷恋上炼金术,希望在血里发现点金石,而把三百个儿童放血折磨至死。
瓦拉几亚公国(Valachie)的督军弗拉德四世(Vlad IV)的绰号是“德考”(Dracula),我们可以发现这名字就是我们所熟悉的吸血鬼伯爵最常用的姓名,德考的本意是魔鬼或龙的别称。他拜血作乐的方法更夺取了千万人的生命。
我们最熟悉的,莫过于17世纪匈牙利巴托里(Erzsebet Bathory)伯爵夫人的血腥事件了。经过证明,这个向仆人学习妖术的美丽女人在自己的塞伊特(Csejthe)城堡里虐待杀害了300多名少女,并快乐地喝她们的血,甚至把血装满浴缸沐浴,用这来保持自己永远的青春美丽。
整个词汇表来自《Children of the Inquisition》一书。
Vitae: 血液。
The First Tradition: The Masquerade
Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.
The Second Tradition: The Domain
Thy domain is thine own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.
The Third Tradition: The Progeny
Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine elder.
If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.
The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting
Those thou create are thine own children. Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure.
The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality
Honor one another's domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.
The Sixth Tradition: Destruction
Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.